70+ Criminal Procedure Code (CRPC) Solved MCQs


Which of the following statements in NOT true regarding the charge sheet made under the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973?

A. In case of offence of a rape of a child the charge sheet must be submitted within three months of the FIR
B. After submission of the charge sheet there cannot be any further investigation into the case by police
C. The right to be released on bail is lost once the charge-sheet is filed
D. Charge sheet against absconding accused can be filed even if the accused is not arrested
Answer» B. After submission of the charge sheet there cannot be any further investigation into the case by police

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 came into force on

A. 01.04.1973
B. 02.04.1973
C. 01.04.1974
D. 02.04.1974
Answer» C. 01.04.1974

Under the provisions of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 classification of offences has given as cognizance and noncognizance offence-

A. under the section 2
B. under the first schedule
C. under the second schedule
D. under the third schedule
Answer» B. under the first schedule

According to which section of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 definition of warrant has been given

A. Section 2(g)
B. Section 2(h)
C. Section 2(w)
D. Section 2(x)
Answer» D. Section 2(x)

Section 204 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deal with -

A. Examination of complainant
B. Examination of Accused
C. Issue of process
D. Cross Examination of Accused
Answer» C. Issue of process

Discharge of the accused under section 249 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973-

A. Is considered to be acquittal for the purpose of section 300 of CrPC
B. Is based on the merits of the case
C. Acts as a bar on filing second complaint
D. Need not be done in case the complainant dies
Answer» D. Need not be done in case the complainant dies

Section 202 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deal with -

A. Examination of complainant
B. Dismissal of complaint
C. Issue of process
D. Postponement of issue of process
Answer» D. Postponement of issue of process

Who amongst the following is not competent under section 92 of Cr PC to order the postal or telegraph authority to deliver the document(s)/thing:

A. District Magistrate
B. Judicial Magistrate
C. Metropolitan Magistrate
D. Special executive Magistrate
Answer» B. Judicial Magistrate

District Magistrate are under control and subordinate to

A. Sessions Court
B. Chief Judicial Magistrate
C. High Court
D. State Government
Answer» D. State Government

Section 19 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deal with provision relating to

A. Executive Magistrate
B. Special Executive Magistrate
C. Metropolitan Magistrate
D. Subordination of Metropolitan Magistrate
Answer» D. Subordination of Metropolitan Magistrate

A declaration of forfeiture under section 95 of Cr PC can be set aside by:

A. Magistrate issuing the search warrant
B. Chief Judicial Magistrate/Chief Metropolitan Magistrate
C. Court of Sessions
D. High Court.
Answer» D. High Court.

According to which section of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 Assistant of Session Court may pass sentence

A. Session 28(1)
B. Session 28(2)
C. Session 28(3)
D. Session 28(4)
Answer» C. Session 28(3)

According to which section of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 an arrest can be made by a private person also?

A. Section 41
B. Section 42
C. Section 43
D. Section 44
Answer» C. Section 43

Joining of two or more independent and respectable inhabitants of the locality in which the place is to be searched is the mandate under:

A. section 100(1) of Cr PC.
B. section 100(2) of Cr PC
C. section 100(3) of Cr PC
D. section 100(4) of Cr PC.
Answer» D. section 100(4) of Cr PC.

Warrant of arrest shall be in such form as prescribed in

A. Form No.1 of the Second Schedule of the Code
B. Form No.2 of the Second Schedule of the Code
C. Form No.3 of the Second Schedule of the Code
D. Form No.4 of the Second Schedule of the Code
Answer» B. Form No.2 of the Second Schedule of the Code

Section 67 of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deal with provision relating to

A. Service of summon on witness by post
B. Proof of Service of summon
C. Service of summon on Government servant
D. Service of summon outside local limit
Answer» D. Service of summon outside local limit

In a non-cognizable case, when a Magistrate orders the police to investigate, in that it will be at par with the cognizable offence case and the police will have all the powers in respect of investigation:

A. including the power to arrest without warrant
B. except the power to arrest without warrant
C. both are correct depending on the circumstances
D. Service of summon on witness by post
Answer» B. except the power to arrest without warrant

The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 came into force on

A. 01.04.1973
B. 01.04.1974
C. 02.04.1973
D. 02.04.1974
Answer» B. 01.04.1974

Which of the following states that no appeal shall lie from any judgment or order of Criminal Court, unless otherwise provided?

A. Section 286 Cr. P.C.
B. Section 287 Cr. P.C.
C. Section 388 Cr. P.C.
D. Section 372 Cr. P.C.
Answer» D. Section 372 Cr. P.C.

Sections 39 & 40 of Cr PC make it mandatory to give information regarding commission of certain offences. Such information can be given to:

A. a Magistrate
B. a police officer
C. either to a Magistrate or to a police officer
D. the Magistrate & the police officer both simultaneously.
Answer» C. either to a Magistrate or to a police officer

When the police register a case regarding commission of a cognizable offence, the registration of the case is under:

A. section 154 of Cr PC
B. section 155 of Cr PC
C. section 156(3) of Cr PC
D. section 190 of Cr PC
Answer» A. section 154 of Cr PC

Usually a copy of F.I.R. is filed with the Magistrate having jurisdiction to take cognizance, by the police officer in compliance to:

A. section 156 of Cr PC
B. section 159 of Cr PC
C. section 158 of Cr PC
D. section 157 of Cr PC.
Answer» D. section 157 of Cr PC.

According o Section 85 (3) of Code of Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 a proclaimed person whose property has been attacted Can claim the property or sale proceeds on appearance:

A. within one years of attachment
B. within two years of attachment
C. within Three years of attachment
D. within six months of attachment
Answer» B. within two years of attachment

Where the FIR discloses, prima facie, commission of a cognizable offence, and there is a delay in sending the FIR to the Magistrate, under section 157 of Cr PC:

A. the investigation must go on
B. the Magistrate can order for stopping of investigation on account of delay in sending the FIR
C. the Magistrate can order for stopping of investigation irrespective of the delay in sending the FIR
D. the Magistrate can order for stopping of investigation generally.
Answer» A. the investigation must go on

The investigating police officer in a case has power to require attendance of a person acquainted with the facts and circumstances of the case, under:

A. section 158 of Cr PC
B. section 159 of Cr PC
C. section 160 of Cr PC
D. section 161 of Cr PC
Answer» C. section 160 of Cr PC

Section 133 to Section 143 of Cr PC deals with:

A. dispute cases as to immovable property
B. unlawful assemblies
C. Public nuisances
D. Private nuisance
Answer» C. Public nuisances

Under section 128 of Cr PC, 1973 deal with:

A. maintenance procedure
B. order of maintenance
C. alteration in allowance
D. Execution of order of maintenance
Answer» D. Execution of order of maintenance

The powers under section 159 of Cr PC can be exercised by the Magistrate:

A. when the police is still investigating the case
B. when the police decides not to investigate the case
C. when the police has filed the report under section 173 of Cr PC
D. to maintain law and order
Answer» D. to maintain law and order

According to sec 156(3) of Cr. P.C. , 1973 the power to direct the investigation can be exercised by:

A. a Magistrate Court
B. Session Court
C. High Court
D. Supreme court
Answer» A. a Magistrate Court

According to which section of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 an arrest can be made by a Magistrate also?

A. Session 41
B. Session 42
C. Session 43
D. Session 44
Answer» D. Session 44

A trial on a police report initiated by the breach of the mandatory provision relating to investigation:

A. is vitiated and liable to be set aside
B. is not vitiated and cannot be set aside unless the illegality in the investigation can be shown to have brought about a miscarriage of justice
C. is not vitiated and cannot be set aside at all
D. is vitiated as per jurisdiction
Answer» D. is vitiated as per jurisdiction

Section 159 of Cr PC empowers the Magistrate:

A. to restrain police investigation and order magisterial inquiry when the investigation of a cognizable offence by the police is already in process
B. to order magisterial inquiry into a cognizable offence only in those cases in which the police decides not to investigate the case
C. to order magisterial inquiry into a cognizable offence where the investigation by the police is already in process
D. to order as per the police summary report
Answer» B. to order magisterial inquiry into a cognizable offence only in those cases in which the police decides not to investigate the case

By virtue of the decision given by supreme court in Maha Singh vs State ( AIR 1976 SC 449 ), arrangement of raids is the part of :

A. direct-investigation by the police
B. depute any Magistrate subordinate to him to hold a preliminary inquiry
C. is a part of search
D. is part of proclamation and attachment
Answer» A. direct-investigation by the police

Section 164 of Cr PC,1973 deal with :

A. no inducement to be offered
B. examination of witnesses by police
C. Recording the confessions and statements
D. police officers power to require attendance of witness
Answer» C. Recording the confessions and statements

a person can be summoned as a witness under section 160 of Cr PC, by:

A. any Police Officer
B. the Station House Officer
C. an Investigating Officer
D. any person other than police
Answer» C. an Investigating Officer

A person who fails to attend on being served with an order under section 160 of Cr PC of an investigating officer, is liable to be prosecuted under:

A. section 173, I.P.C.
B. section 174, I.P.C.
C. section 186, I.P.C.
D. section 187, I.P.C.
Answer» B. section 174, I.P.C.

Laying of trap is a part of:

A. investigation
B. inquiry
C. preliminary inquiry
D. trial.
Answer» A. investigation

Section 161 of Cr PC covers the cases of information received by the police:

A. before the commencement of investigation
B. after the commencement of investigation
C. after the conclusion of trial
D. before the judgment
Answer» B. after the commencement of investigation

Section 164-A of Cr PC, 1973 deal with

A. Police officer power to require attendance of witnewsses
B. Medical examination of the victim of rape
C. Recording the confession statement
D. procedure when investigation not complete within 24 hours
Answer» B. Medical examination of the victim of rape

An unjustified and unexplained long delay on the part of the investigating officer in recording the statement of a material witness would render the evidence of such witness:

A. unreliable
B. inadmissible
C. inadmissible and unreliable
D. admitted
Answer» A. unreliable

Statement made under section 161, Cr. P.C. during investigation of a cross-case is:

A. always admissible in the main case
B. may be admissible in the main case
C. not at all admissible in the main case
D. admissible in the main case with the leave of the Court.
Answer» C. not at all admissible in the main case

as per Section 173(1) of Cr PC, 1973 every investigation shall be completed within :

A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. without unnecessary delay
Answer» D. without unnecessary delay

.Chapter 17 of Cr. P.C. deal with :

A. The charge
B. Preventive action of the police
C. A trial before a Court of Session
D. Trail of warrant cases by Magistrates
Answer» A. The charge

Section 211 Cr. P.C. , 1973 deal with:

A. words in charge taken in sense of under which offense
B. Content of charge
C. particular as the time
D. particular of place and person
Answer» B. Content of charge

Section 216 Cr. P.C. , 1973 deal with:

A. Effect of errors
B. Court may alter the charge
C. Content of charge
D. particular of place and person
Answer» B. Court may alter the charge

According to which section of Cr. P.C.1973 for every distinct offence , of which any person is accused there shall be separate charge which are tried separately ?

A. Section 218 (1) Cr. P.C.
B. Section 219 Cr. P.C.
C. Section 220 Cr. P.C.
D. Section 221 Cr. P.C.
Answer» A. Section 218 (1) Cr. P.C.

According to which section of Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 definition of Non- cognizable offence has been given

A. Section 2(i)
B. Section 2(j)
C. Section 2(k)
D. Section 2(l)
Answer» D. Section 2(l)

Chapter 20 of the Cr. PC. 1973 dal with

A. Arrest
B. Trial before the Session Court
C. Trial of warrant cases by Magistrates
D. Trial of summons cases by Magistrates
Answer» D. Trial of summons cases by Magistrates

Under Section 320(1) Cr. P.C. for assault or use of criminal force, which section of IPC is applicable?

A. 351,356, 342
B. 352, 355, 358
C. 342, 346, 325
D. 355,352,353
Answer» C. 342, 346, 325

The gist of Chapter of “Plea bargaining” is:

A. Settlement
B. Consent of Prosecution
C. Defence
D. Mutual satisfactory disposition
Answer» D. Mutual satisfactory disposition

The maxim “autrfois acquit , autrefois convit” is plea which can be raised by:

A. Complainant to proceed with the trial
B. an Accused person to bar a criminal trial.
C. by Complainant to do settlement
D. by Accused to seek bail
Answer» B. an Accused person to bar a criminal trial.

Section 125 of Cr. P.C. remains applicable as long as there is no divorce. The fact of divorce would have to be strictly proved to invite the application of the 1986 Act. This was held in:

A. Md. Zakir Hussian v. State of Bihar, AIR 2009 NOC (Pat.)
B. Sayeed Khan Faujdar Khan v. Zaheba Begum, AIR 2006 Bom 39: (2006) IIDMC 294
C. Atasi Ray v. Sri DipakRoy, AIR 2009 NOC 2011 (Cal.)
D. Iqbal Bano v. State of UP, AIR 2007 SC 2215: 2007) 6 SCC 785: (2007) 3 Crimes 31.
Answer» A. Md. Zakir Hussian v. State of Bihar, AIR 2009 NOC (Pat.)

Section 306 of Cr. P.C. , 1973 deal with:

A. Legal aid to Accused
B. power to direct tender of pardon
C. Witness of prosecution
D. Tender of pardon to accomplice
Answer» D. Tender of pardon to accomplice

Section 307 of Cr. P.C. , 1973 deal with:

A. Legal aid to Accused
B. power to direct tender of pardon
C. Witness of prosecution
D. Tender of pardon to accomplice
Answer» D. Tender of pardon to accomplice

Which of the following deals with the summary procedure for punishment for non-attendance by a witness in obedience to summons?

A. Section 339 Cr. P.C.
B. Section 287 Cr. P.C.
C. Section 388 Cr. P.C.
D. Section 350 Cr. P.C.
Answer» D. Section 350 Cr. P.C.

Which of the following cases held that there is no conflict between sections 107 and 145 of Cr. P.C. The words in S.145 are mandatory, while the language of S.107 is discretionary.

A. Balajit Singh v. Bhoju Ghose (1907) 35 Cal 117.
B. Shama Charan Chakravarti v. Katu Mundal (1897) 24 Cal 344.
C. Kali Kissen Tagore v. Anund Chunder Roy (1896) 23 Cal557
D. C. Nayak v State of orissa (1992) cr.L.J. 2188 ori
Answer» A. Balajit Singh v. Bhoju Ghose (1907) 35 Cal 117.

Which of the following deals with appeals from convictions under section 344, 345, 349 and 350 Cr. PC.?

A. Section 351 Cr. P.C.
B. Section 287 Cr. P.C.
C. Section 388 Cr. P.C.
D. Section 458 Cr. P.C.
Answer» A. Section 351 Cr. P.C.

Section 362 of Cr. P.C. , 1973 deal with:

A. Court not to alter the judgment
B. order to pay compensation
C. language of the judgment
D. Content of judgment
Answer» A. Court not to alter the judgment

Which of the following provides for the right of person against whom proceedings are instituted to be defended?

A. Section 265 Cr. P.C.
B. Section 387 Cr. P.C.
C. Section 303 Cr. P.C.
D. Section 289 Cr. P.C.
Answer» C. Section 303 Cr. P.C.

Power of High Court to confirm sentence or annul conviction is provisioned under:

A. Section 350 Cr. P.C.
B. Section 368 Cr. P.C.
C. Section 365 Cf. P.C.
D. Section 289 Cr. P.C.
Answer» B. Section 368 Cr. P.C.

With intent to cause injury to B, A institutes a criminal proceeding against him, knowing that there is not just or lawful ground for such proceeding, and also falsely accuses B of having committed an offence, knowing that there is no just or lawful ground for such charge. Applying Section 220 Cr. PC.:

A. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, two offense u/s. 208 of the Indian Penal Code (45 to 1860)
B. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, two offense u/s. 209 of the Indian Penal Code (45 to 1860)
C. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, two offense u/s. 210 of the Indian Penal Code (45 to 1860)
D. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, two offense u/s. 211 of the Indian Penal Code (45 to 1860)
Answer» D. A may be separately charged with, and convicted of, two offense u/s. 211 of the Indian Penal Code (45 to 1860)

Section 363 of Cr. P.C. states that:

A. Court not to alter the judgment
B. order to pay compensation
C. language and content of judgment
D. copy of judgment to be given to the Accused and other person
Answer» D. copy of judgment to be given to the Accused and other person

chapter 30 of Cr. P.C. deal with the provision of:

A. Judgment
B. Appeal
C. provision as to bail and bond
D. Reference and revison
Answer» D. Reference and revison

Section 401 of Cr. PC deal with

A. High Court power to Revision
B. Reference to High Court
C. Session Judge power to Revision
D. Reference to Session Court
Answer» A. High Court power to Revision

Section 377 of Cr. PC deal with

A. no appeal for petty cases
B. Appeal from convictions
C. Appeal by State Government against sentence
D. no appeal for certain cases
Answer» C. Appeal by State Government against sentence

According to section 436 bail can be granted by:

A. by police
B. by the Magistrate
C. by court of session
D. by High court
Answer» B. by the Magistrate

Which of the following deals with appeal from orders under Section 446 Cr. P.C.?

A. Section 286 Cr. P.C.
B. Section 449 Cr. P.C.
C. Section 388 Cr. P.C.
D. Section 500 Cr. P.C.
Answer» B. Section 449 Cr. P.C.

When does Section 97 Cr. P.C. comes into operation?

A. when the person is wrongfully confined
B. when the person is a proclaimed offender
C. when there is obscene publication
D. when the Government person do offence
Answer» A. when the person is wrongfully confined

Section 6 of the code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 deal with the provision relating to

A. Territorial divisions
B. Metropolitan areas
C. Session Court
D. Classes of Criminal Court
Answer» D. Classes of Criminal Court

Which of the following statements in NOT true according to Section 21 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973?

A. Every charge under this code shall state the offence with which the accused is charged
B. the law and the section of the law against which the offence is said to have been committed shall be mentioned in the charge
C. The fact that the charge is made is equivalent to a statement that every legal condition required by law to constitute the offence charged was fulfilled in the particular case.
D. Every Charge shall be written in the language of the Accused
Answer» D. Every Charge shall be written in the language of the Accused
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