230+ Indian National Movement Solved MCQs


Who among the following opposed Gandhiji’s Satyagraha against the Rowlett Act?

A. M.A Jinnah
B. Abdulbari
C. Annie Besant
D. none of them
Answer» C. Annie Besant

Which of the following places witnessed the worst scenes of the violence in the wake of Rowlett Satyagraha?

A. Bengal
B. Delhi
C. Punjab
D. Maharashtra. 3. The Indian independence league was formed in 1942 in
Answer» C. Punjab

The president of all India Kisan sabhain1936 was.............

A. N.G. Ranga
B. Swami shahajananda saraswathi
C. Vidyanand
D. Baba Ramachandra.
Answer» C. Vidyanand

Who was the first commander of I.N.A?

A. Rash behari Bose
B. Mohan sing
C. S.C. Bose
D. Niranjan Sing Gill.
Answer» D. Niranjan Sing Gill.

The congress president who conducted negotiations with Cripps in 1942 and Wavell at Simla conference was ..............

A. Abdul Kalam Azad
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. J.B. Kripalani
D. C. Rajagopalachari
Answer» B. Jawaharlal Nehru

In1946 there was a mutiny of Indian ratings in...

A. Calcutta
B. Madras
C. Visakhapattanam
D. Bombay
Answer» B. Madras

What proved to be the chief instrument for spreading the message of nationalism?

A. Railway
B. English education
C. Press
D. Telegraph
Answer» C. Press

Which one of the following organizations was the first organised expression of the Indian national movement?

A. Indian Association
B. East India Association
C. British India Association
D. Indian National Congress.
Answer» D. Indian National Congress.

Lyton was not associated with the -----------

A. Arms Act
B. Vernacular Press Act
C. Ilbert bill
D. Stratchey Commission.
Answer» C. Ilbert bill

The number of resolutions adopted by the first congress session

A. 7
B. 9
C. 11
D. 13
Answer» B. 9

Which of the following sections of the Indian middle class dominated the congress in its early phase?

A. Teacher
B. Journalists
C. Lawyers
D. Big Zamindars.
Answer» C. Lawyers

Who was the first president of I.N.C.?

A. Gokhale
B. W.C. Banerjee.
C. Naoroji.
D. Tilak
Answer» B. W.C. Banerjee.

Amruta pritam was a ............. writer

A. Punjabi
B. Bengali
C. Marathi
D. Hindi
Answer» A. Punjabi

The quit India movement was in the year

A. 1943
B. 1944
C. 1942
D. 1941.
Answer» C. 1942

The famous battle cry chalo Delhi was given by ..............

A. Azad
B. Nehru
C. Bose
D. None of these.
Answer» C. Bose

Tebhaga movement was in the state of ................

A. Bengal
B. Andhra
C. Maharashtra
D. Gujarat.
Answer» A. Bengal

Who was the leader of bardoli Satyagraha?

A. Gandhiji.
B. Patel
C. Rajendra Prasad
D. Sarojini Naidu
Answer» B. Patel

The Lahore Session of Muslim league was in the year

A. 1940
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. 1921
Answer» A. 1940

Quit India resolution was passed on

A. August 6
B. August 9
C. August 8
D. August 11
Answer» C. August 8

Indian independence act was passed on ...............

A. July 14
B. June 14
C. August 15
D. January 26
Answer» A. July 14

R.I.N. Ratings was in .............

A. 1946.
B. 1945
C. 1947
D. 1948
Answer» A. 1946.

C.R. Formula was framed in the year

A. 1944
B. 1942
C. 1943
D. 1940
Answer» A. 1944

Desai –Liaqat pact was concluded after .............

A. Gandhi -jinnah talk
B. Quit India Movement
C. Wavell plan
D. None of these.
Answer» A. Gandhi -jinnah talk

The Wavell plan was announced in ..............

A. June 1945
B. June1944
C. June 1946
D. June 1954
Answer» A. June 1945

The Simla conference was held under the viceroyalty of ..............

A. Lytton
B. Wavell
C. Canning
D. Mount Batten
Answer» B. Wavell

Cabinet mission was sent to India by.............

A. Britain
B. America
C. Pakistan
D. China.
Answer» A. Britain

A.V. Alexander was a member of ...............

A. British Parliament
B. Cripps Mission
C. Cabinet Mission
D. Simon Commission
Answer» C. Cabinet Mission

The direct action day of Muslim league was ..................

A. 16 August 1946
B. 16 August 1940
C. 16 August 1936
D. None of these.
Answer» A. 16 August 1946

The interim cabinet was headed by .................

A. Liaqat
B. Nehru
C. Jinnah
D. Desai.
Answer» B. Nehru

Mount batten plan is also known as ................

A. June 3rd plan
B. July 14th plan
C. August 15th plan
D. contingency plan.
Answer» A. June 3rd plan

Who was the ruler of Kashmir at the time of independence?

A. Hari sing
B. Farook Abdullah
C. Muhammad Abdullah
D. Sainul abidin.
Answer» A. Hari sing

Who was the home minister of free India?

A. Patel
B. Nehru
C. Azad
D. Ambedkar.
Answer» A. Patel

Who was the first deputy prime minister of India?

A. Nehru
B. Patel
C. Banerjee
D. Indira Gandhi
Answer» B. Patel

Who was in charge of the integration of princely states?

A. Patel
B. V.P Menon
C. Syamaprasad
D. None of these
Answer» A. Patel

India wins freedom was written by ...................

A. Azad
B. Patel
C. Sarojini Naidu
D. Bipan Chandra
Answer» A. Azad

Who was the first governor general of Pakistan?

A. Batten
B. Jinnah
C. Liaqat
D. Ayyoob khan
Answer» B. Jinnah

Pinjar was written by ...........

A. Amrita pro-am
B. Amitav ghosh
C. R,K. Narayan
D. Attia Hussein
Answer» A. Amrita pro-am

The dark dancer, a novel authored by ...............

A. Balachandrarajan
B. Faiz ahammed
C. Bapsi Sidhwa
D. None of these
Answer» A. Balachandrarajan

Freedom at midnight was co-authored with Dominique lapierre ...........

A. H.S. Gill
B. Larry Collins
C. Raj Gill
D. none of these.
Answer» B. Larry Collins

What was the role of East India Company in India from 1600 to 1757?

A. Territorial power
B. supplier of bullion
C. supplier of ship
D. trading corporation
Answer» D. trading corporation

When did the drain of wealth from Bengal Begin?

A. 1764
B. 1759
C. 1757
D. 1755
Answer» C. 1757

Who founded the Fort William College at Calcutta?

A. Lord Hasting
B. Cornwallis
C. Lord Wellesley
D. John shore
Answer» C. Lord Wellesley

Wellesley came to India in -----------

A. 1801
B. 1802
C. 1800
D. 1798
Answer» D. 1798

Under the permanent settlement the zamindars could keep -------- of the rental

A. 5/11
B. 4/11
C. 3/11
D. 1/11
Answer» D. 1/11

Who established a madrasa in Calcutta in 1781?

A. Monson
B. John Shore
C. Cornwallis
D. Warren Hastings
Answer» D. Warren Hastings

Who became the Chairman of the Board of Control in 1853?

A. Sullivan
B. Stephenson
C. Charles wood
D. Macaulay
Answer» C. Charles wood

Indian sepoys began to be recruited in the British army from

A. 1746
B. 1749
C. 1740
D. 1742
Answer» D. 1742

Who was the nationalist leader associated with the paper Harijan

A. J.L. Nehru
B. Ambedkar
C. Annie Besant
D. Mahatma Gandhi
Answer» D. Mahatma Gandhi

When was the Sarada Act Passed?

A. 1927
B. 1929
C. 1930
D. 1931
Answer» C. 1930

Where were universities established in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay?

A. 1854
B. 1857
C. 1855
D. 1856
Answer» B. 1857

Who wrote Neel Darpan?

A. Dinabandhu Mitra
B. Warris shah
C. Sukumar Sen
D. Nabin Chandra Sen
Answer» A. Dinabandhu Mitra

Who started the first textile mill in India?

A. K.M. Birla
B. Nanabhai Puliskar
C. J.R
D. Tata d) Cowasjee Nanabhoy
Answer» D. Tata d) Cowasjee Nanabhoy

When did the revolt begin in 1857?

A. 7 may
B. 10 may
C. 12 may
D. 15 may
Answer» B. 10 may

Who brought the Bareilly troops to Delhi?

A. Bakht khan
B. Azimullah
C. Khan Bahadur Khan
D. Dunde Khan
Answer» A. Bakht khan

Who was the Lieutenant governor in 1858?

A. Hugh Rose
B. Collin Campbell
C. Lord Dalhousie
D. Fredrick Halliday
Answer» D. Fredrick Halliday

Who wrote the causes of the Indian Mutiny?

A. V.D. Savarkar
B. T.R. Holmes
C. Sayyid Ahamed Khan
D. B. Disraeli
Answer» C. Sayyid Ahamed Khan

Who was the last Peshwa?

A. Shivaji II
B. Balaji Baji Rao II
C. Baji Rao III
D. Baji Rao II
Answer» D. Baji Rao II

Who wrote the war which began for religion ended up as a war of independence?

A. Ashok Mehta
B. Surendranath sen
C. V
D. Savarkar d) Dayanand Saraswati
Answer» B. Surendranath sen

When did the Indian Reforms Association come in to being?

A. 1865
B. 1875
C. 1872
D. 1870
Answer» D. 1870

When was the widow Remarriage Act passed

A. 1854
B. 1853
C. 1855
D. 1856
Answer» D. 1856

Where did B.R. Ambedkar form his Bahiskirt Hitakarini Sabha in 1924?

A. Bombay
B. Poona
C. Lucknow
D. Bhopal
Answer» A. Bombay

When was English declared as the medium of instruction in India?

A. 1833
B. 1835
C. 1832
D. 1834
Answer» B. 1835

Who was the chairman of the first Law Commission?

A. Metcalfe
B. Napier
C. Lord Macaulay
D. Charles Wood
Answer» C. Lord Macaulay

When was a supreme court established for the first time at Calcutta?

A. 1771
B. 1773
C. 1775
D. 1778
Answer» B. 1773

Which Charter Act made provisions for education in India for the first time?

A. 1813
B. 1805
C. 1834
D. 1830
Answer» A. 1813

Cornwallis code dealt with -------- matters

A. Revenue
B. Religious
C. Judicial
D. cultural
Answer» C. Judicial

What was the strength of Indians in the army of the East India Company in 1857?

A. 100,000
B. 150,765
C. 265,900
D. 255, 879
Answer» C. 265,900

What was the percentage of Drain in India’s national income by the end of 19th century?

A. 8%
B. 5%
C. 4%
D. 6%
Answer» A. 8%

When was the permanent settlement introduced in Bengal and Bihar?

A. 1790
B. 1792
C. 1793
D. 1791
Answer» C. 1793

When was the first railway line opened to traffic in India?

A. 1853
B. 1851
C. 1854
D. 1852
Answer» A. 1853

Who introduced the permanent settlement of Land Revenue?

A. Wellesley
B. John Shore
C. Lord Cornwallis
D. Warren Hastings
Answer» A. Wellesley

When was Mangal Pandey hanged in 1857?

A. 25 March
B. 21 March
C. 29 March
D. 27March
Answer» C. 29 March

The revolt of 1857 started with the mutiny of

A. Sepoy
B. Sanyasis
C. Native princes
D. Taluqdars
Answer» A. Sepoy

The charter Act of -------- ended the monopoly of the East India Company in India

A. 1809
B. 1811
C. 1812
D. 1813
Answer» D. 1813

The governor general council came in to being in the year

A. 1784
B. 1782
C. 1785
D. 1783
Answer» A. 1784

When was the system of dual government ended in Bengal?

A. 1770
B. 1772
C. 1774
D. 1776
Answer» B. 1772

What was the real name of Nana Saheb?

A. P.R.Pant
B. S.G. Pant
C. Dhondu Pant
D. Motu Pant
Answer» C. Dhondu Pant

What was the number of major rebellions from 1763 to 1856?

A. 25
B. more than 30
C. 15
D. more than 40
Answer» C. 15

When did Rani Lakshmibai die in 1858?

A. 15 June
B. 25 June
C. 17 June
D. 30 June
Answer» C. 17 June

Who considered the revolt as a war of the orthodoxy against Christianity?

A. L.E.R. Ree
B. G.B. Malleson
C. T.R. Holmes
D. C. Raikes
Answer» A. L.E.R. Ree

Who has written the book the Great Rebellion?

B. Sen b) S.N. Sen
C. Ashok Mehta
D. B.R. Grover
Answer» C. Ashok Mehta

Who was the first viceroy of India?

A. Dalhousie
B. Charles Woods
C. Lord Canning
D. Lord Curzon
Answer» C. Lord Canning

When was the vernacular press act passed?

A. 1878
B. 1872
C. 1876
D. 1880
Answer» A. 1878

The title viceroy meant crown’s personal

A. Servant
B. Representative
C. Assistant
D. Administrator
Answer» B. Representative

There were ------- medical colleges in the country in 1857

A. 5
B. 3
C. 9
D. 7
Answer» B. 3

Who was the governor general in 1882?

A. Mayo
B. Ripon
C. Lytton
D. Canning
Answer» B. Ripon

When did Queen Victoria assume the title of the Empress of India?

A. 1872
B. 1878
C. 1876
D. 1880
Answer» C. 1876

Who wrote the book, the Discovery of India?

A. Subhash Chandra Bose
B. Gandhi
C. Nehru
D. Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
Answer» C. Nehru

The revolt of 1857 mainly remained confined to ------- India

A. Eastern &Southern
B. Western &Eastern
C. Northern& Central
D. Southern & Coastal
Answer» C. Northern& Central

The Act of 1861 increased the strength of viceroy’s council to

A. 65
B. 9
C. 13
D. 5
Answer» D. 5

With whose help did Lakshmibhai capture Gwalior

A. Dundee Khan
B. Azimullah
C. Tantia Tope
D. Khan Bahadur
Answer» C. Tantia Tope

Who wrote the book Topics for Indian States Man?

A. P.E. Robert
B. J.B.Norton
C. N.A. Smith
D. John Mill
Answer» B. J.B.Norton

When was an Inam commission established?

A. 1855
B. 1856
C. 1852
D. 1854
Answer» C. 1852

Who was the head of the East India Company in 1857?

A. R.D.Mangle
B. Charles Peterson
C. James Duff
D. Thomas Patterson
Answer» A. R.D.Mangle

When was the congress socialist party formed?

A. 1934
B. 1936
C. 1932
D. 1933
Answer» A. 1934

Where was the swaraj party formed in March, 1923?

A. Bombay
B. Lucknow
C. Madrass
D. Allahabad
Answer» D. Allahabad

Siddhu, kanhu, chand, Bhareo were the leaders of --------- uprising

A. gond
B. Koli
C. Kol
D. Santhal
Answer» D. Santhal

Which British officer was given special command to suppress the santhals

A. Capt Best
B. Colonel Gough
C. Colonel Bird
D. Gen. Nicholson
Answer» C. Colonel Bird

When did the armed rebellion of the santhals take place?

A. 1855-56
B. 1854
C. 1864
D. 1852-54
Answer» A. 1855-56

Which kuka leader appointed subedars and Naib Subedars

A. Ram Singh
B. Shyam Behari
C. Dena Ram
D. Har charan singh
Answer» A. Ram Singh
  • Question and answers in Indian National Movement,
  • Indian National Movement multiple choice questions and answers,
  • Indian National Movement Important MCQs,
  • Solved MCQs for Indian National Movement,
  • Indian National Movement MCQs with answers PDF download