
130+ Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Master of Commerce (M.com) , Bachelor of Banking and Insurance (BBI) .


Liquidity risk is :

A. is risk investment bankers face.
B. is lower for small OTC
C. increases whenever interest rates increases
D. is risk associated with secondary market transactions
Answer» C. increases whenever interest rates increases

Bond holders usually accept interest payment each.

A. 1 year
B. six months
C. 2 months
D. 2 years
Answer» B. six months

Passive management is also referred to as.......?

A. index fund management
B. index folio management
C. interest free management
D. none of these
Answer» A. index fund management

Multifactor asset pricing model that can be used to estimate the ......rate for the valuation of financial asset.

A. discount
B. interest
C. expense
D. risk
Answer» A. discount

Arbitrate pricing theory is an ................. model.

A. asset pricing
B. risk evaluation
C. bond pricing
D. none of these
Answer» A. asset pricing

CAMP stands for .

A. capital asset pricing model
B. capital assessment pricing model
C. capital asset placement model
D. none of these
Answer» A. capital asset pricing model

An asset risk premium is given by :

A. the asset standard deviation
B. the assets expected returns
C. expected return per unit of standard deviation
D. the excess of the assets expected return over the riskless rates
Answer» A. the asset standard deviation

Which of the following is an example of a depreciable asset?

A. land
B. cash
C. account receivable
D. equipment
Answer» D. equipment

While bond prices fluctuate ,

A. yeilds are constant
B. coupon are constant
C. the spread between yeilds is constant
D. short term bond prices fluctuate even more
Answer» A. yeilds are constant

To calculate historical (realised) risk and return, use;

A. ex-post data
B. mean and variance of expected return
C. probability distribution of possible states
D. ex- ante data
Answer» A. ex-post data

A price weighted index is an arithmetic mean of

A. future prices
B. current prices
C. quarter prices
D. none of these
Answer» B. current prices

A firm that fails to pay dividends on its preferred stock is said to be ………

A. insolvent
B. in arrears
C. in sufferable
D. delinquent
Answer» B. in arrears

............... is not a money market instrument.

A. cerftificates of deposit
B. a treasury bill
C. a treasury bond
D. commercial paper
Answer» C. a treasury bond

A bond that has no collateral is called ...................... .?

A. collable bond
B. a debenture
C. a junk bond
D. a mortgage
Answer» B. a debenture

The process of addition of more assets in an existing portfolio is called.....?

A. portfolio revision
B. portfolio addition
C. portfolio exchanging
D. none of these
Answer» A. portfolio revision

------is the amount left over after individual consumption.

A. Investment
B. Savings
C. Surplus
D. Money.
Answer» B. Savings

--- include “expensive stocks” that offer big rewards but have big risk.

A. The patient portfolio
B. Conservative portfolio
C. Aggressive portfolio
D. Efficient portfolio
Answer» B. Conservative portfolio

Find the odd one.

A. Risk
B. Return
C. Safety
D. Tax evasion
Answer» D. Tax evasion

An investor committed money for very short period expect….

A. Return from price fluctuation
B. Dividend
C. Benefit from both price variation and dividend
D. None of these
Answer» A. Return from price fluctuation

Investment in precious metals are included in ……… asset class.

A. Liquid assets
B. Financial assets
C. Real assets
D. Monetary assets
Answer» C. Real assets

The investment process begins with ------

A. Investment policy
B. Security analysis
C. Portfolio construction
D. Fundamental analysis
Answer» A. Investment policy

Total risk includes---------

A. Systematic risk only
B. Unsystematic risk only
C. Both a and b above
D. Only diversifiable risks
Answer» C. Both a and b above

Systematic risk includes------

A. Market risk
B. Interest rate risk
C. Purchasing power risk
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which among the following statements are true about unsystematic risk?

A. It is diversifiable
B. It is company specific
C. Both a and b
D. a only
Answer» C. Both a and b

Which among the following is true about systematic risk?

A. It is not diversifiable
B. a only
C. Its measure is Beta
D. Both a and c
Answer» D. Both a and c

According to Graham, a stock should have a current ratio of at least---

A. One
B. Two
C. Three
D. Four
Answer» B. Two

--------is the process of combining together various investment assets to obtain optimum returns with minimum risk.

A. Portfolio construction
B. Portfolio analysis
C. Portfolio evaluation
D. Portfolio revision
Answer» A. Portfolio construction

Modern portfolio theory is a contribution by………

A. William sharp
B. Benchamin Graham
C. Stephen Rose
D. Harry Markowitz
Answer» D. Harry Markowitz

MACD stands for -----

A. Managing asset classes for dividend
B. Multiple asset class deposit
C. Moving average convergence divergence
D. Main asset class deposit
Answer» C. Moving average convergence divergence

The concept ’never putting all your eggs in one basket’ is explained in ---

A. Markowitz Model
B. Sharp single index Model
C. Multi Index Model
Answer» A. Markowitz Model

Who introduced mean variance analysis in portfolio theory?

A. William Sharp
B. Harry Markowitz
C. F.Amling
D. Kritzman
Answer» B. Harry Markowitz

Unsystematic risk may arise due to the following reason.

A. Change in interest rate
B. Increase in population
C. Employee strike in the company
D. Exchange rate fluctuations
Answer» C. Employee strike in the company

A higher standard deviation is an indicator of----

A. Greater risk and higher potential returns
B. Moderate risk and higher potential returns
C. Lower risk and higher potential returns
D. Greater risk and lower potential returns
Answer» A. Greater risk and higher potential returns

If the returns of two securities are unrelated, the covariance will be---

A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Zero
D. One
Answer» C. Zero

Portfolios included in the risk return space is called------

A. Feasible set
B. Efficient portfolio
C. High return portfolio
D. Risky portfolio
Answer» A. Feasible set

The concept efficient frontier is a contribution by----.

A. Robert Rhea
B. E.GeorgeSchaefer
C. Charles H.Dow
D. Harry Markowitz
Answer» D. Harry Markowitz

A fully diversified portfoliocontains securities which have---

A. Only unsystematic risk
B. Both systematic and unsystematic risk
C. Only systematic risk
D. No risk
Answer» C. Only systematic risk

----- is the measure of risk in the case portfolio with two securities.

A. Correlation
B. Covariance
C. Standard deviation
D. Beta
Answer» C. Standard deviation

Value of Beta above 1 implies---

A. Higher risk than the market average
B. Less risk than market average
C. Less risk than risk free investment
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Higher risk than the market average

CML stands for.

A. Convergence Market Line
B. Critical Market Line
C. Critical Maturity Line
D. Capital Market Line
Answer» D. Capital Market Line

------- is also called characteristic Lines.

C. Efficient Frontier
Answer» B. SML

Efficient frontier is situated at -------- boundary of opportunity set.

A. North west
B. North east
C. South west
D. South east
Answer» A. North west

Arbitrage Pricing Theory was introduced by---

A. Charles Dow
B. Benchamin Graham
C. William sharp
D. Stephen S.Rose
Answer» D. Stephen S.Rose

Which pricing model provides no guidance on the determination of the risk premium factor?

A. The Multifactor APT
C. Both CAPM &Multifactor APT
D. Neither the CAPM nor Multifactor APT
Answer» A. The Multifactor APT

. -------- is an example for oscillators.

D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The APT differs from CAPM because the APT.

A. Places more emphasis on market risk
B. Recognizes multiple systematic risk factors
C. Recognizes multiple unsystematic risk factors
D. Minimizes the importance of diversification
Answer» B. Recognizes multiple systematic risk factors

----------- focus more on past price movement of a firm’s stock than on the underlying determinants of future profitability.

A. Credit Analysis
B. Fundamental Analysis
C. Systems Analysis
D. Technical Analysis
Answer» D. Technical Analysis

RAPM stands for -----

A. Risk Adjustment Performance Matrix
B. Risk Adjusted Performance Measure
C. Risk return Analysis of portfolio management
D. Risk Adjusted portfolio Measure
Answer» A. Risk Adjustment Performance Matrix

Reward to variability Ratio is----

A. Traynor Ratio
B. Sharp Ratio
C. Jenson Ratio
D. Book Market Ratio
Answer» B. Sharp Ratio

Reward to volatility Ratio is also called as----

A. Treynor Ratio
B. Sharp Ratio
C. Jenson Ratio
D. Book market Ratio
Answer» A. Treynor Ratio

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