100+ Management Theory and Organizational Behaviour Solved MCQs


Scientific Management approach is developed by

A. Elton Mayo
B. Henry Fayol
C. F.W. Taylor
D. A. Maslow
Answer» C. F.W. Taylor

“------------ are social inventions for accomplishing goals through group efforts”

A. Management
B. Organization
C. Leadership
D. Behavior
Answer» B. Organization

“Hawthrone experiment” which was a real beginning of applied research in OB was conducted by

A. Elton Mayo
B. Henry Fayol
C. F.W. Taylor
D. Max Weber
Answer» A. Elton Mayo

Whose concept states that interpersonal and human relations may lead to productivity

A. Elton Mayo
B. Henry Fayol
C. F.W. Taylor
D. Max Weber
Answer» A. Elton Mayo

Organization Behavior is

A. An interdisciplinary approach
B. A humanistic approach
C. Total system approach
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Extension of behavior modification into organization is called

A. Enrichment
B. Enlargement
C. OB Mod
D. OB Ext
Answer» C. OB Mod

Which of the following is/are not job related source of stress?

A. Role ambiguity
B. Role overload
C. Ethical dilemmas
D. Career concerns
Answer» D. Career concerns

-------------- refers to the negotiation or an agreement between two groups

A. Contracting
B. Co-opting
C. Pressure tactics
D. None of these
Answer» A. Contracting

Which of the following is/are not organizational f actors causing stress?

A. Task demand
B. Role demand
C. Role conflict
D. Satisfaction
Answer» C. Role conflict

Which of the following is/are OD intervention techniques

A. Sensitivity training
C. Quality of work life
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following is not one of the four primary management functions?

A. Decision making
B. Planning
C. Staffing
D. organizing
Answer» A. Decision making

. If everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way, attribution theory states that the behaviour shows _____.

A. Consensus
B. Similarity
C. Reliability
D. Consistency
Answer» A. Consensus

The cognitive process through which an individual selects, organizes but misinterprets environmental stimuli is known as_________

A. Perception
B. Projection
C. Selective Perception
D. Mis-Perception
Answer» D. Mis-Perception

Which dimension of Big 5 personality traits represents artistically sensitive, refined etc.

A. Culture
B. Emotional stability
C. Conscientiousness
D. Extroversion
Answer» A. Culture

A study of human behavior in organizational settings is

A. Individual behavior
B. Group behavior
C. Organizational behavior
D. None of these
Answer» C. Organizational behavior

Which of the following is NOT an important issue relating to goal-setting theory?

A. Goal specificity
B. Equity among workers
C. Feedback
D. Defining the goal
Answer» B. Equity among workers

According to Robert Katz, when managers have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations, they possess _____________ skills.

A. Technical
B. Leadership
C. Problem-solving
D. Conceptual
Answer» D. Conceptual

Concept of MBO was introduced by:

A. Peter. F.Drucker
B. Mary Parker
C. Henry Fayol
D. Philip Kotler
Answer» A. Peter. F.Drucker

. People with which type of personality trait commonly make poor decisions because they make them too fast?

A. Type A
B. Type B
C. Self-monitors
D. Extroverts
Answer» A. Type A

____________ refers to the network of personal and social relations that is developed spontaneously between people associated with each other.

A. Formal organization
B. Informal organization
C. Business organization
D. Government organization
Answer» B. Informal organization

The concept of Work- Week is related with

A. Quality of Work life
B. Quality Circle
C. Alternative Work schedule
D. Job Redesign
Answer» C. Alternative Work schedule

. --------is an attempt through a formal program to integrate employees’ needs and wellbeing with the intention of improved productivity, better involvement and satisfaction

A. Quality of Work life
B. Quality Circle
C. Alternative Work schedule
D. Job Redesign
Answer» A. Quality of Work life

------------is a set of values that states what an organisation stands for

A. Organization behavior
B. Organizational culture
C. Organizational spirit
D. Organizational effectiveness
Answer» B. Organizational culture

Which one of the following is/are leadership theories?

A. Trait theory
B. Behavior theory
C. Contingency theory
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

. In --------------leadership, there is a complete centralization of authority in the leader

A. Democratic
B. Autocratic
C. Free rein
D. Bureaucratic
Answer» B. Autocratic

-----------leadership emphasize on rules and regulation in an organization

A. Democratic
B. Autocratic
C. Laissez-faire
D. Bureaucratic
Answer» D. Bureaucratic

----------is the attractiveness of the members towards the group or resistance to leave it

A. Group norms
B. Group behavior
C. Group cohesiveness
D. Group structure
Answer» C. Group cohesiveness

Goal setting theory is pioneered by

A. Stacy Adams
B. Charms
C. Edwin Locke
D. F W
Answer» C. Edwin Locke

Which one is not a Need Based Theory of motivation?

A. Maslow’s Theory
B. F. Herzberg’s theory
C. Alderfer’s theory
D. Vroom’s theory
Answer» D. Vroom’s theory

Porter Lawler Model is an extension of

A. Maslow’s theory
B. Mc Clelland’s theory
C. Stacy Adams theory
D. Vroom’s theory
Answer» D. Vroom’s theory

Which one of the following need is not coming under Mc Clelland theory of motivation?

A. Need for power
B. Need for achievement
C. Need for affiliation
D. Need for actualization
Answer» C. Need for affiliation

Which of the following researchers thought that reinforcement was the central factor involed in behavioural change?

A. Pavlov
B. Fayol
C. Skinner
D. Deming
Answer» C. Skinner

What do we call the view that we can learn both through observation and direct experience?

A. situational learning theory
B. classical learning
C. social learning theory
D. the Pavlov principle
Answer» C. social learning theory

Individual-level independent variables include all of the following except.

A. Leadership
B. Learning
C. Perception
D. motivation
Answer» A. Leadership

What term is used to describe voluntary and involuntary permanent withdrawal from an organization?

A. Absenteeism
B. Turnover
C. Downsizing
D. truancy
Answer» B. Turnover

According to Katz, when managers have the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations, they possess skills.

A. Technical
B. Leadership
C. problem-solving
D. conceptual
Answer» D. conceptual

According to Mintzberg, one of management’s interpersonal roles is .

A. spokesperson
B. leader
C. Negotiator
D. monitor
Answer» B. leader

Determining how tasks are to be grouped is part of which management function?

A. Planning
B. Leading
C. Controlling
D. organizing
Answer» D. organizing

Today’s organization are

A. Open system
B. Closed system
C. Open as well as closed
D. None of these
Answer» A. Open system

Organization Behavior is not a /an

A. A separate field of study
B. Applied science
C. Normative science
D. Pessimistic approach
Answer» D. Pessimistic approach

------------represent noblest thoughts, ideals etc.

A. Ego
B. Super ego
C. Negative ego
D. Id
Answer» B. Super ego

Which of the following is / are method of managing stress

A. Job relocation
B. Career counseling
C. Recreational facility
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Which of the following is / are not direct method to solve intergroup conflicts

A. Problem solving
B. Domination by the management
C. Removing key figures in conflict
D. Persuasion
Answer» D. Persuasion

Behaviour, power, and conflict are central areas of study for _____________.

A. sociologist
B. Anthropologists
C. Social psychologists
D. Operations analysts
Answer» A. sociologist

What sort of goals does Management By Objectives (MBO) emphasize?

A. Tangible, verifiable and measurable
B. Achievable, controllable and profitable
C. Challenging, emotional and constructive
D. Hierarchical, attainable and effective
Answer» A. Tangible, verifiable and measurable

Which of the following is a reason that the study of organizational behaviour is useful?

A. Human behavior does not vary a great deal between individuals and situations.
B. Human behavior is not random.
C. Human behavior is not consistent.
D. Human behavior is rarely predictable
Answer» B. Human behavior is not random.

The science that seeks to measure, explain, and sometimes change the behaviour of humans and other animals is known as.

A. Psychiatry
B. Psychology
C. Sociology
D. organizational behavior
Answer» B. Psychology

Science that focuses on the influence people have on one another is.

A. Psychology
B. Anthropology
C. political science
D. social psychology
Answer» D. social psychology

Which of the following OB topics is not central to managing employees’ fears about terrorism?

A. Emotion
B. Motivation
C. Communication
D. work design
Answer» D. work design

______ is discretionary behaviour that is not part of an employee’s formal job requirement, but that promotes the effective functioning of the organization.

A. Productivity
B. Motivation
C. Organizational citizenship
D. Organizational behavior
Answer» C. Organizational citizenship

Who proposed “ bureaucratic structure” is suitable for all organization

A. Elton Mayo
B. Henry Fayol
C. F.W. Taylor
D. Max Weber
Answer» D. Max Weber

Believes, attitudes, traditions and expectations which are shared by group members is called

A. Group norms
B. Group communication
C. Group cohesiveness
D. Group structure
Answer» A. Group norms

In---------- in fact “No leadership at all”

A. Democratic
B. Autocratic
C. Free rein
D. Bureaucratic
Answer» C. Free rein

----------leader is self confident and can attract followers by his great influence

A. Charismatic
B. Autocratic
C. Laissez-faire
D. Bureaucratic
Answer» A. Charismatic

Grid Organisation Development was developed by

A. Blake and Mounton
B. Elton Mayo
C. F W Taylor
D. Max weber
Answer» A. Blake and Mounton

An extent to which an organisation achieves its predetermined objectives within given resources and without undue strain to its members

A. Organization behavior
B. Organizational culture
C. Organizational spirit
D. Organizational effectiveness
Answer» D. Organizational effectiveness

When a group gives some of its leadership positions to the members of other group, it is

A. Contracting
B. Co-opting
C. Co-alition
D. Competition
Answer» B. Co-opting

Which of the following is not a contingency theory of leadership

A. LPC theory
B. Path Goal theory
C. Vroom-Yetton-Jago theory
D. Job centered Leadership
Answer» D. Job centered Leadership

Path-goal model of Leadership was introduced by

A. Martin Evans & Robert House
B. Fred Fielder
C. Whetton
D. Cameron
Answer» A. Martin Evans & Robert House

Under ERG theory, “R” stands for---------

A. Rationality
B. Responsibility
C. Remuneration
D. Relatedness
Answer» D. Relatedness

Dual structure approach of motivation is developed by

A. Maslow
B. F. Herzberg
C. Alderfer
D. Mc Gregor
Answer» B. F. Herzberg

--------------persons are easy going people and do not feel time urgency

A. Authoritarianism
B. Dogmatism
C. Type A
D. Type B
Answer» B. Dogmatism

Maslow’s “basic needs” are also known as

A. Social needs
B. Esteem needs
C. Safety needs
D. Physiological needs
Answer» D. Physiological needs

ERG theory of motivation was proposed by

A. Maslow
B. F. Herzberg
C. Alderfer
D. Mc Gregor
Answer» C. Alderfer

. -------------is manipulating and influencing others as a primary way of achieving one’s goal

A. Authoritarianism
B. Dogmatism
C. Risk propensity
D. Machiavellianism
Answer» D. Machiavellianism

. ……..is the tendency of individual, which directs them to be inward and process ideas and thought within themselves

A. extroversion
B. Introversion
C. internal locus of control
D. external locus of control
Answer» B. Introversion

Some people strongly believe that each person have control of his own life. This is

A. extroversion
B. conscientiousness
C. internal locus of control
D. external locus of control
Answer» C. internal locus of control

Imaginative, artistically sensitive etc. are features of

A. Openness
B. agreeableness
C. extroversion
D. conscientiousness
Answer» A. Openness

An enduring attribute of a person that appears constantly in a variety of situation is

A. behavior
B. trait
C. attitude
D. culture
Answer» B. trait

As per Stimulus-Response Model, input for behaviour process is

A. Drive
B. Organism
C. Stimuli
D. Response
Answer» C. Stimuli

Which organization theory can be understood by IF and THEN relationship

A. System approach
B. Contingency approach
C. Process approach
D. Scientific approach
Answer» B. Contingency approach

Which of the following is / are not a method of managing stress

A. Time management
B. Supervisor training
C. Role Analysis techniques (RAT)
D. Rorschach test
Answer» D. Rorschach test

According to operant conditioning, when behaviour is not reinforced, what happens to the probability of that behaviour occurring again?

A. It increases.
B. It declines.
C. It remains unchang
D. It becomes zero
Answer» B. It declines.

Which of the following processes deals with how well an individual remembers a model’s action after it is no longer readily available?

A. Attitudinal
B. Retention
C. motor reproduction
D. reinforcement
Answer» B. Retention

If everyone who is faced with a similar situation responds in the same way, attribution theory states that the behaviour shows.

A. consensus
B. similarity
C. reliability
D. consistency
Answer» A. consensus

When a bank robber points a gun at bank manager, his base of power is:

A. Coercive
B. Punitive
C. Positional
D. Authoritative
Answer» A. Coercive

Which of the following is an environmental force that shapes personality?

A. Gender
B. Height
C. Experience
D. Brain size
Answer» C. Experience

In Maslow’s hierarchy needs which of the following pair of needs is ranked as” lower order needs”?

A. Physiological and safety needs
B. Physiological and social need
C. Self actualization and safety needs
D. Social and esteem needs
Answer» B. Physiological and social need

Which one is not a Process Based Theory of motivation?

A. Porter Lawler theory
B. Mc Clelland’s theory
C. Stacy Adams theory
D. Vroom’s theory
Answer» B. Mc Clelland’s theory

Cognitive Evaluation Theory of motivation is introduced by

A. Stacy Adams
B. Charms
C. Ouchy
D. F W Taylor
Answer» B. Charms

Suspending an employee for dishonest behaviour is an example of which method of shaping behaviour?

A. Extinction
B. negative reinforcement
C. punishment
D. reaction
Answer» C. punishment

What is the most relevant application of perception concepts to OB?

A. the perceptions people form about each other
B. the perceptions people form about their employer
C. the perceptions people form about their culture
D. the perceptions people form about society
Answer» A. the perceptions people form about each other

What is the name of the theory that deals with how we explain behaviour differently depending on the meaning we assign to the actor?

A. behavioral theory
B. judgment theory
C. selective perception theory
D. attribution theory
Answer» D. attribution theory

………………..is once view of reality

A. Attitude
B. Perception
C. Outlook
D. Personality
Answer» B. Perception

…………is the dynamic organization within the individual that determine his unique adjustment to the environment

A. Perception
B. Attitude
C. Behavior
D. personality
Answer» D. personality

Most of the learning that takes place in the Class room is

A. Classical conditioning
B. Operant conditioning
C. Cognitive learning
D. Social learning
Answer» C. Cognitive learning

…………..is the process of screening out information that we are uncomfortable with or that contradict to our beliefs

A. Perceptual context
B. Selective perception
C. Halo effect
D. Stereotyping
Answer» B. Selective perception

…………..are those factors that exists in the environment as perceived by the individual

A. Physiological drive
B. Psychological drive
C. Cue stimuli
D. Reinforcement
Answer» C. Cue stimuli

extent to which individuals consistently regard themselves as capable, worthy, successful etc. is

A. Self esteem
B. Authoritarianism
C. Tolerance for ambiguity
D. Workhollism
Answer» A. Self esteem

. “I don’t like that company”- is ………components of attitude.

A. Affective component
B. Cognitive component
C. Intentional component
D. None of these
Answer» A. Affective component

A learned pre-disposition to respond in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to a given object

A. Perception
B. Attitude
C. Behavior
D. personality
Answer» B. Attitude

Which of the following is a method of measuring attitude?

A. Opinion survey
B. Interview
C. Scaling techniques
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Basis of “Autocratic Model of OB is

A. Economic resources
B. Power
C. Leadership
D. Partnership
Answer» B. Power

Basis of “Supportive Model of OB is

A. Economic resources
B. Power
C. Leadership
D. Partnership
Answer» C. Leadership

Basis of “Custodial Model of OB is

A. Economic resources
B. Power
C. Leadership
D. Partnership
Answer» A. Economic resources

. Managerial orientation of “Autocratic Model” of OB is

A. Authority
B. Money
C. Support
D. Teamwork
Answer» A. Authority

Basis of “Collegial Model of OB is

A. Economic resources
B. Power
C. Leadership
D. Partnership
Answer» D. Partnership

Employees needs met by Custodial Model is

A. Subsistence
B. Security
C. Status and Recognition
D. Self-actualization
Answer» B. Security

Managerial orientation of “Collegial Model” of OB is

A. Authority
B. Money
C. Support
D. Teamwor
Answer» D. Teamwor

Employees needs met by Collegial Model is

A. Subsistence
B. Security
C. Status and Recognition
D. Self-actualization
Answer» D. Self-actualization
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