Chapter: Shared Memory Programming with OpenMP

Which directive must precede the directive: #pragma omp sections (not necessarily immediately)?

A. #pragma omp section
B. #pragma omp parallel
C. None
D. #pragma omp master
Answer» A. #pragma omp section

When compiling an OpenMP program with gcc, what flag must be included?

A. -fopenmp
B. #pragma omp parallel
C. –o hello
D. ./openmp
Answer» A. -fopenmp

Within a parallel region, declared variables are by default ________ .

A. Private
B. Local
C. Loco
D. Shared
Answer» D. Shared

A ______________ construct by itself creates a “single program multiple data” program, i.e., each thread executes the same code.

A. Parallel
B. Section
C. Single
D. Master
Answer» A. Parallel

_______________ specifies that the iteration of the loop must be executed as they would be in serial program.

A. Nowait
B. Ordered
C. Collapse
D. for loops
Answer» B. Ordered

___________________ initializes each private copy with the corresponding value from the master thread.

A. Firstprivate
B. lastprivate
C. nowait
D. Private (OpenMP) and reduction.
Answer» A. Firstprivate

The __________________ of a parallel region extends the lexical extent by the code of functions that are called (directly or indirectly) from within the parallel region.

A. Lexical extent
B. Static extent
C. Dynamic extent
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Dynamic extent

The ______________ specifies that the iterations of the for loop should be executed in parallel by multiple threads.

A. Sections construct
B. for pragma
C. Single construct
D. Parallel for construct
Answer» B. for pragma

_______________ Function returns the number of threads that are currently active in the parallel section region.

A. omp_get_num_procs ( )
B. omp_get_num_threads ( )
C. omp_get_thread_num ( )
D. omp_set_num_threads ( )
Answer» B. omp_get_num_threads ( )

The size of the initial chunksize _____________.

A. total_no_of_iterations / max_threads
B. total_no_of_remaining_iterations / max_threads
C. total_no_of_iterations / No_threads
D. total_no_of_remaining_iterations / No_threads
Answer» A. total_no_of_iterations / max_threads

A ____________ in OpenMP is just some text that modifies a directive.

A. data environment
B. clause
C. task
D. Master thread
Answer» B. clause

In OpenMP, the collection of threads executing the parallel block the original thread and the new thread is called a ____________

A. team
B. executable code
C. implicit task
D. parallel constructs
Answer» A. team

When a thread reaches a _____________ directive, it creates a team of threads and becomes the master of the team.

A. Synchronization
B. Parallel
C. Critical
D. Single
Answer» B. Parallel

Use the _________ library function to determine if nested parallel regions are enabled.

A. Omp_target()
B. Omp_declare target()
C. Omp_target data()
D. omp_get_nested()
Answer» D. omp_get_nested()

The ____________ directive ensures that a specific memory location is updated atomically, rather than exposing it to the possibility of multiple, simultaneous writing threads.

A. Parallel
B. For
C. atomic
D. Sections
Answer» C. atomic

A ___________ construct must be enclosed within a parallel region in order for the directive to execute in parallel.

A. Parallel sections
B. Critical
C. Single
D. work-sharing
Answer» D. work-sharing

____________ is a form of parallelization across multiple processors in parallel computing environments.

A. Work-Sharing Constructs
B. Data parallelism
C. Functional Parallelism
D. Handling loops
Answer» B. Data parallelism

In OpenMP, assigning iterations to threads is called ________________

A. scheduling
B. Static
C. Dynamic
D. Guided
Answer» A. scheduling

The ____________is implemented more efficiently than a general parallel region containing possibly several loops.

A. Sections
B. Parallel Do/For
C. Parallel sections
D. Critical
Answer» B. Parallel Do/For

_______________ causes no synchronization overhead and can maintain data locality when data fits in cache.

A. Guided
B. Auto
C. Runtime
D. Static
Answer» D. Static

How does the difference between the logical view and the reality of parallel architectures affect parallelization?

A. Performance
B. Latency
C. Bandwidth
D. Accuracy
Answer» A. Performance

How many assembly instructions does the following C instruction take? global_count += 5;

A. 4 instructions
B. 3 instructions
C. 5 instructions
D. 2 instructions
Answer» A. 4 instructions
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