
100+ Administrative Law Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Science in Law (BSL) , Bachelor of Laws (LLB) , Common Law Admission Test (CLAT) , Bachelor of Legal Science (BLS) .


The public corporation can be held liable under which of the following the liability/ies?

A. Liability in contracts
B. Liability in torts
C. Liability for crimes
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following statements are false?
1 The Public Corporation can be sued in the court of law
2 Public Corporation is not 'State' under Art 12
3 The doctrine of ultra vires is applicable to public corporations
4 Servants of the government company are civil servants under article 311 of the constitution?

A. 1, 4 are false
B. 2 and 4 are false
C. 2 and 3 are false.
D. None of the above
Answer» B. 2 and 4 are false

Provision with respect to tribunals were added by ______ amendment Act 6

A. 44th
B. 24th
C. 42nd
D. 25th
Answer» C. 42nd

Doctorine of separation of powers was systematically formulated by___

A. Plato
B. Montesquine
C. Dicey
D. Aristotle
Answer» B. Montesquine

___ are the following statements is true

A. Delegated legislative cannot have retrospective effect
B. Delegated legislative can have retrospective effect, if authorised by the Act or Statute.
C. Delegated legislative can have retrospective effect, if not authorised by the Act or Statute.
D. Delegated legislative can have retrospective effect, when it has reasonable and satisfied justification
Answer» B. Delegated legislative can have retrospective effect, if authorised by the Act or Statute.

The application of doctrine of vicarious liability in crimes seems to have been activated by a necessity rather than desirability ___ the justification is based on

A. Public policy
B. Failure to supervise
C. Treated as unauthorised
D. Strict liability.
Answer» A. Public policy

________ is popularly known as “ Habeas Corpus Case”.

A. M C Mehta v/s Union of India(1992) I SCC 358.
B. Godavarman Thirumulk Pad v/s Union Of India (1007) 2 SCC 267
C. A D M Jabalpur v/s Shivakant Shukla (1976) 2 SCC 521.
D. Chandrakanta v/s S K Habib (1975) 1 SCC 674
Answer» C. A D M Jabalpur v/s Shivakant Shukla (1976) 2 SCC 521.

Which of the following statement is not correct “Rule of law” means

A. Supremacy of law
B. Equality before law
C. Predominance of legal spirit
D. Supremacy of the judiciary
Answer» D. Supremacy of the judiciary

Who selects the Chairman and members of the Union Public Service Commission

A. The Home Minister
B. The President
C. The Parliment
D. The Supreme Court
Answer» B. The President

Doctrine of Locus standi means

A. Writ can be filed by any person
B. Power of courts for judicial review
C. Right of petitioner to file writ petition
D. Discussion of administrative authority
Answer» C. Right of petitioner to file writ petition

In exercise of the power conferred by Article 323A of the Constitution, parliament enacted the Administrative Tribunal Act in

A. 1986
B. 1988
C. 1985
D. 2001
Answer» C. 1985

Tribunals exercising quasi-judicial functions are not courts and that therefore they are ___

A. Bound to follow rules of evidence
B. Bound to follow the procedure prescribed for trial courts
C. Not to bound to follow the procedure prescribed for trial of actions in courts nor they are bound by strict rules of evidence
D. Bound to follow rules of procedure and strict rules of evidence.
Answer» C. Not to bound to follow the procedure prescribed for trial of actions in courts nor they are bound by strict rules of evidence

The Supreme Court or High Court commanding a person or the body to do that which is his or its duty to do it

A. Mandamus
B. Habeas Corpus
C. Prohibition
D. Certiorari
Answer» A. Mandamus

The power of the judicial review means

A. The power of courts to define and interpret the constitution
B. The power of the courts to declare null and void any legislative or executive act which is against the provisions of the constitution
C. The power of the judiciary to define and interpret the law
D. The power of the court to legislate when there is no statutory provision
Answer» B. The power of the courts to declare null and void any legislative or executive act which is against the provisions of the constitution

Which one of the following statement is not correct?

A. The Supreme court can overrule itself
B. A high Court Can overrule itself
C. Judgements of the Supreme Court bind the lower courts.
D. Judgements of a High Court do not bind on the lower courts of the State.
Answer» D. Judgements of a High Court do not bind on the lower courts of the State.

Dicey developed the theory of “Rule of Law” in his classic work in

A. The law and the constitution
B. The sprit of the laws
C. Constitutional law
D. The law and the spirit
Answer» A. The law and the constitution

Delegates non protest delegare means

A. A delegate can further delegate
B. A delegate cannot further delegate
C. Delegation is bad in law
D. Delegation os not provided to delegate
Answer» B. A delegate cannot further delegate

Which function cannot be delegated

A. Essential legislative functioning
B. Exclusion.
C. Suspension
D. Commencements
Answer» A. Essential legislative functioning

The Latin phrase ___ means have the body

A. Mandamus
B. Habeas corpus
C. Prohibition
D. Certiorari
Answer» B. Habeas corpus

“ Quo Warranto” literary means

A. To issue warrant
B. Produce the body
C. What is your authority
D. Can order to execute
Answer» C. What is your authority

“ we are under the Constitution but the constitution is what the judges say it is” besides U S A to which one of the following countries cna this be applicable?

A. Switzerland
B. India
C. U.K
D. Russia
Answer» B. India

_____ is the 1st law officer Government of India

A. Chief Justice of India
B. Law Secretary
C. Solicitor General of India
D. Attorney General of India
Answer» D. Attorney General of India

___ statements implies natural justice

A. The principle of natural justice is followed by the courts
B. Justice delayed is justice denied
C. Natural justice is an inalienable right of a citizen
D. A reasonable opportunity of being heard must be given
Answer» D. A reasonable opportunity of being heard must be given

Public Corporation is ____

A. “hybrid organism” showing some of the feature of a Government department while some of the features of a business company,
B. A Government department only
C. A business company
D. Not an independent corporate personality.
Answer» A. “hybrid organism” showing some of the feature of a Government department while some of the features of a business company,

Ombudsman means

A. An officer of the Court
B. An officer of the executive
C. An officer of the parliament
D. An agent of the judiciary
Answer» C. An officer of the parliament

Under ______ article /articles, the High Court and The Supreme Court can issue Writs

A. Article 44 and 45
B. Article 123 and 213
C. Article 32 and 226
D. Article 53 and 153
Answer» C. Article 32 and 226

Delegated legislation means delegislation of power

A. From executive to judiciary
B. From minister to executive
C. From judiciary to legislature
D. From legislature to executive
Answer» D. From legislature to executive

The theory of natural justice is based upon two principle, one of which is Nemo debet esse judex in propria causa, which means,

A. No one should be condemned unheard
B. King can do no wrong
C. The same person should not form part of more than one of the three organs
D. No man should be made a judge in his own cause
Answer» D. No man should be made a judge in his own cause

“ultra Virus” literally means

A. Excessive delegation
B. Beyond powers
C. Violation of fundamental rights
D. inconsistent
Answer» B. Beyond powers

Ombudsman as an institution, was first set up in

A. England
B. France
C. India
D. Sweden
Answer» D. Sweden

Tick the true statement of Natural justice

A. A public body shall not make a decision which is so absurd that no reasonable authority could ever have made to it.
B. A public body shall not act in good faith
C. A public body shall direct itself properly
D. No man is to be a judge in his own cause and that all the parties to a dispute shall be fairly heard.
Answer» D. No man is to be a judge in his own cause and that all the parties to a dispute shall be fairly heard.

Which of the following statement is the key principle of Ridge v/s Baldwin (1964)

A. The rules of natural justice apply only to the proceedings of courts and tribunals
B. The rules of natural justice apply to all public bodies
C. Proportionality will be applicable whenever a court is deciding whether rules of natural justice have been breached
D. The rules of natural justice are capable of applying in principle where an administrative body acts judicially.
Answer» D. The rules of natural justice are capable of applying in principle where an administrative body acts judicially.

______ defines administrative law as the law relating to administration, it determines the organisation, powers and the duties of Administrative authorities.

A. Dicey
B. Keneth culp davis
C. Sir Ivor Jennings
D. Upendra
Answer» C. Sir Ivor Jennings

Administrative law is a branch of _______

A. Private law
B. Public law
C. Property law
D. Procedural law
Answer» B. Public law

Origin of the concept of Droit Administratiff is

A. U S A
B. U.K
Answer» D. FRANCE

The basic concept of delegated legislation denote the delegation of ___ powers

A. Voting power
B. Rule making power
C. Administrative power
D. Judicial power
Answer» B. Rule making power

_____ is the “Rule of Law” choose 1

A. Everyone but the president must follow the law
B. Government does not have to follow the law
C. All laws must be the same in every state
D. Everyone must follow the law
Answer» D. Everyone must follow the law

_______ stops one branch of government from becoming too powerful (choose one)

A. The president
B. Checks and balances
C. The people
D. Freedom of speech
Answer» B. Checks and balances

______ is incharge of the executive branch

A. Speaker of the house
B. The Prime Minister
C. The President
D. The Chief Justice
Answer» C. The President

“constitutional law is concerned with the organisation and functions of Government at test, which administrative law, is concerned with that organisation and those function” this statement was given by

A. Austin
B. Solmond
C. M P Jain
D. Hood Phillips
Answer» D. Hood Phillips

Writ of quo warranto can be issued against

A. Any person
B. Public office, who wish to assume the office
C. Public officer, who is holding public office
D. Public office, who has ceased to hold the public office
Answer» C. Public officer, who is holding public office

“Corporate personality is a mere procedural form which is used to work out a convenient wy for immediate purpose” It was stated by

A. Hooland
B. Austin
C. Strke
D. Honfield
Answer» D. Honfield

“Common law is essentially a judge made law” this opinion was expressed by

A. Pollock
B. Austin
C. Paton
D. Salmond
Answer» D. Salmond

Tick the incorrect answer

A. Laissez-faire is an economic philosophy of controlled market
B. The theory of laissez-faire was developed by the French Physiocrate during the 18th century
C. Laissez-faire is considered as a path to economic prosperity
D. Laissez-faire is an economic philosophy of free market capitralism
Answer» A. Laissez-faire is an economic philosophy of controlled market

Tick the incorrect answer Delegated legislation may be classified into 4 types

A. Title based classification
B. Discretion based classification
C. Purpose base classification
D. Control based classification
Answer» D. Control based classification

Tick the correct answer

A. Delegated legislation has become inevitable but the question of control has become crucial
B. Delegated legislation can be avoided absolutely
C. Sub-delegation of delegated legislation is always better
D. Conditional legislation can control the delegated legislation
Answer» A. Delegated legislation has become inevitable but the question of control has become crucial

Administrative tribunal exercise

A. Purely administrative function
B. Purely judicial functions
C. Purely legislative functions
D. Quasi judicial functions
Answer» D. Quasi judicial functions

___ is the effect of violation of the rule “Audi Alteram Partem” on an administrative action

A. Mere irregularity
B. Null and void
C. An illegality
D. Voidable
Answer» B. Null and void

The writ of certiorari necessarily implies that;

A. An error of fact, cannot be corrected
B. An error of law apparent on the face of the record can be corrected
C. Violation of natural justice
D. The delegated legislation is violation of provision of parent Act
Answer» B. An error of law apparent on the face of the record can be corrected

Which part of the judgement establishes the precedent that is to be followed by lower courts?

A. The Ratio Decidendi
B. The facts that are identified as binding by the judge
C. The section of the judgement entitled “ precedent”
D. The obiter Dicta
Answer» A. The Ratio Decidendi

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