
Family Law 2 Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Science in Law (BSL) , Bachelor of Laws (LLB) , Bachelor of Legal Science (BLS) .


According to Hindu Marriage Act marriage is termed as

A. a contract
B. a sacrament
C. agreement
D. settlement.
Answer» B. a sacrament

How to become a Hindu?

A. By conversion
B. By Saptapadi
C. Datta Homam
D. Nupital fire.
Answer» A. By conversion

Section 26 of Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 provides

A. Custody of minor children
B. Adoption
C. inheritance
D. Right in mothers womb.
Answer» A. Custody of minor children

Under which section of Hindu Marriage act included prohibited relationships?

A. Section 3 (e)
B. Section 3 (f)
C. Section 3(d)
D. Section 3(g).
Answer» D. Section 3(g).

The marriage may be solemnized between two Hindus if

A. bride completes the age of 18 years and bridegroom completes the age of 21 years
B. bride completes the age of 21years and bridegroom completes the age of 18 years
C. bride completes the age of 14 years and bridegroom completes the age of 18 years
D. bride completes the age of 18 years and bridegroom completes the age of 18 years .
Answer» A. bride completes the age of 18 years and bridegroom completes the age of 21 years

Bigamy laws are not applicable to

A. Hindus
B. Muslims
C. Sikhs
D. Jains
Answer» B. Muslims

The Hindu Succession Act,2005, abolishes

A. the doctrine of the right survivorship
B. untouchability
C. Sati System
D. caste system.
Answer» A. the doctrine of the right survivorship

Bigamy under the Hindu Marriage act, 1955 includes

A. patriachal and patrilocal
B. matriachal and matrilocal
C. Polygamy and polyandry
D. Polygamy.
Answer» C. Polygamy and polyandry

Desertion is a

A. total repudiation of obligation of marriage.
B. Cruelty
C. Renounced the world by entering religious order.
D. heard of being as alive for a period of seven years.
Answer» A. total repudiation of obligation of marriage.

Which of the following is provided in the section 7 of Hindu Marriage act?

A. Registration
B. ceremonies of a Hindu Marriage
C. Adoption of child
D. Void marriages.
Answer» B. ceremonies of a Hindu Marriage

Presumption that the younger survived the elder under section 21 of Hindu Succestion Act 2005 is

A. Presumption of fact
B. Presumption of fact and law.
C. Rebuttable presumption of law.
D. Irrebuttable presumption of law.
Answer» C. Rebuttable presumption of law.

Which of the following is correct with respect to Section 5(i) of Hindu marriage Act 1955?

A. neither party has a spouse living at the time of marriage
B. neither party has a living children at the time of marriage
C. Husband should not have a spouse at the time of marriage
D. wife should not have a spouse at the time of marriage.
Answer» A. neither party has a spouse living at the time of marriage

Section 14 of the Hindu Succession Act 2005 applies to

A. movable property
B. Immovable property
C. Immovable and movable property
D. Public property.
Answer» C. Immovable and movable property

Section 8 of Hindu Marriage Act 1955 relates to

A. Celebration of marriages
B. Dowry
C. Registration of Hindu marriages
D. Restitution of Conjugal rights.
Answer» C. Registration of Hindu marriages

‘Heir’ has been defined under:

A. Section 3(d) of the Hindu Succession Act
B. Section 3(e) of the Hindu Succession Act
C. Section 3(f) of the Hindu Succession Act
D. Section 3(g) of the Hindu Succession Act.
Answer» C. Section 3(f) of the Hindu Succession Act

A share to which an aliene of an interest of a coparcener is entitled is the share which the alienor is entitled on.

A. date of alienation
B. the date of suit
C. The date of the decree
D. as directed by the court.
Answer» A. date of alienation

A coparcener has

A. a right to renounce his interest in the coparcenary property but subject to the consent to all other coparceners.
B. a right to renounce his interest in the coparcenary property generally
C. no right to renounce his interest in the coparcenary property
D. A coparcener can renounce his interest in the coparcenary property in favouur of any one coparcener
Answer» A. a right to renounce his interest in the coparcenary property but subject to the consent to all other coparceners.

Who amongst the following has a right to challenge the alienation of joint hindu property

A. a coparcener in the womb at the time of alienation
B. a coparcener conceived and born after the alienation
C. an adopted son , adopted after the alienation
D. a stranger on behalf of adopted son
Answer» A. a coparcener in the womb at the time of alienation

Alienation by the karta without legal necessity or the benefit of estate is

A. Valid
B. Voidable at the ‘instance of any coparcener
C. Voidable at the instance of the alienee
D. Void abinitio.
Answer» B. Voidable at the ‘instance of any coparcener

An alienee-purchaser of an undivided share or a coparcener is

A. entitled to the mesne profits from the date of is purchase , till the date of decree
B. entitled to the mesne profits from the date of his purchase , till the date of the suit
C. not entitled to the mesne profits from the date of his purchase, till the date of the decree
D. not entitled to the mesne profits from the date of his purchase , till the date of the suit
Answer» C. not entitled to the mesne profits from the date of his purchase, till the date of the decree

Each son acquires at his birth an equal interest with his father in all ancestral property held by the father under

A. Mitakshara law
B. Dayabhaga law
C. Mitakshara law and dayabhaga law
D. Hindu Succession law.
Answer» A. Mitakshara law

Father under the Dayabhaga law,can dispose of the ancestral property by

A. sale
B. gift
C. will
D. Sale, gift and will.
Answer» D. Sale, gift and will.

on the death of father, the sons under the Dayabhaga law, take the ancestral property as

A. joint tenants
B. tenants in common
C. as per the law of primo geniture
D. joint tenants or tenants in common as per the consent of all.
Answer» B. tenants in common

kartas power of alienation of ancestral property are

A. wider than that of karta under the Mitakshara law
B. restricted then that of karta under Mitakshara law
C. same as that of karta under Mitakshara law
D. wider in certain respects and restricted in certain others, than that of karta under the Mitakshara law.
Answer» C. same as that of karta under Mitakshara law

A hindu male is under a pious obligation to pay the private debts of his

A. father
B. grand father
C. great grand father
D. Father, grandfather and great grand father
Answer» D. Father, grandfather and great grand father

partition under the Mitakashara law means

A. division of status
B. division of property
C. division of status and property
D. division of trust
Answer» C. division of status and property

While determining as to what property is available for partition, the provision has to be made for

A. Joint family debts
B. individual debts of the coparceners
C. tainted debts of the father
D. tainted debts of the grandfather.
Answer» A. Joint family debts

Provision for which of the following is not to be made, while determining the property available for partition

A. Joint family debts
B. marriage expenses of unmarried daughter
C. marriage expenses of male members of the family
D. performance of certain ceremonies.
Answer» C. marriage expenses of male members of the family

Under the Mitakshara law, partition can be claimed by

A. a coparcener
B. a female
C. a person claiming through a female
D. coparcener and a female.
Answer» A. a coparcener

under the Dayabhaga law, partition can be asked by

A. a female
B. a person claiming through a female
C. person in mothers womb.
D. A Coparcener.
Answer» D. A Coparcener.

A wife is entitled to a share on partition taking place between her husband and

A. his father
B. his brother
C. his sons
D. other collaterals
Answer» C. his sons

Severance of joint family status takes place, from the date when the communication

A. is received by the first coparcener
B. is received by the last coparcener
C. is received by the karta
D. is sent
Answer» D. is sent

A partition can be

A. total
B. partial
C. total or partial
D. No partial
Answer» C. total or partial

Seeds of the institution of marriage lie in

A. mans quest to know the maternity of children
B. mans quest to know the paternity of children
C. quest to know maternity and paternity of children.
D. quest to make a family.
Answer» B. mans quest to know the paternity of children

Overriding effect to the provision of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 have been given, by virtue of

A. Section 3 of Hindu Marriage Act
B. Section 4 of Hindu Marriage Act
C. Section 6 of Hindu Marriage Act
D. Section 29 of Hindu Marriage Act
Answer» B. Section 4 of Hindu Marriage Act

A marriage solemnised between two persons who are related to each other within the degrees of prohibited relationship shall be

A. void
B. Valid
C. illegal
D. voidable
Answer» A. void

Doctrine of ‘factum Valet’ in the context of ceremonies of marriage cures

A. non observance of necessary ceremonies
B. non observance of essential ceremonies
C. non observance of nuptial fires
D. non observance of Sapthapadi.
Answer» A. non observance of necessary ceremonies

In a case of bigamous marriage, the second wife

A. has a status of wife
B. has no status of wife
C. may have or may not have a status of wife
D. has a status of concubine.
Answer» B. has no status of wife

A petition under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 can be presented before

A. District court
B. High Court
C. Supreme Court
D. District Court and the High Court
Answer» A. District court

Section 9 of Hindu Marriages Act, 1955 provides for

A. Ceremonies Of marriage
B. restitution of Conjugal rights
C. judiacial separation
D. Jurisdiction of court
Answer» B. restitution of Conjugal rights

A decree of judicial separation

A. dissolves the marriage
B. does not dissolve the marriage & the marriage subsists
C. marriage is null and void
D. Marriage is Voidable
Answer» B. does not dissolve the marriage & the marriage subsists

Remedy of restitution of conjugal rights is aimed

A. dissolving the marriage
B. preserving the marriage
C. To declare marriage as illegal
D. to declare marriage as immoral.
Answer» B. preserving the marriage

Adultery is a ground for

A. Judicial separation
B. Divorce
C. Judicial separation and divorce both
D. Only divorce and not judicial separation.
Answer» C. Judicial separation and divorce both

To mature as a ground of divorce, the desertion must continue for a minimum period of

A. One year
B. Two years
C. Three years
D. Five years
Answer» B. Two years

A son begotten as well as born after partition, is entitled to have the partition re-opened, where

A. father has reserved a share to himself
B. father has not reserved a share to himself
C. father has or has not reserved a share to himself
D. father is of unsound mind.
Answer» B. father has not reserved a share to himself

When a minor coparcener files a suit for partition through the guardian or the next friend and the court finds the partition being for the welfare of the minor, the partition/ severance of status place from the date.

A. of the institution of the suit
B. of the courts order
C. fixed by the court.
D. agreed upon by the parties.
Answer» A. of the institution of the suit

If a minor dies during the pendency of the suit

A. Suit cannot be continued by the legal representatives of the minor
B. Suit can be continued by the legal representative of the minor
C. Suit can be continued by the legal representatives of the minor only with the consent of other coparceners.
D. Suit can be continued by next friend.
Answer» B. Suit can be continued by the legal representative of the minor

A Widow- mother on partition between the sons, is entitled to a share in the coparcenary property

A. equal to that of a son
B. 1/3 of that of a son
C. ½ of that of a son
D. 1/4 of that of a son
Answer» A. equal to that of a son

A wife on partition between her husband and his sons, is entitled to a share in the coparcenary property.

A. ½ of that of a son
B. 1/3 of that of a Son
C. ¼ of that of a son
D. equal to that of a son
Answer» D. equal to that of a son

Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 recognises

A. Physical cruelty
B. Mental cruelty
C. Physical and mental cruelty
D. No cruelty.
Answer» C. Physical and mental cruelty

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