410+ Agadtantra Solved MCQs


Mc Ewans sign is seen .......poisoning.

A. Organophosphate
B. Alcohol
C. Barbiturates
D. Opium
Answer» B. Alcohol

Optic atrophy is seen in ............poisoning.

A. Lead
B. Phosphorus
C. Methyl alcohol
D. Ethyl alcohol
Answer» C. Methyl alcohol

Maximum ethyl alcohol content is seen in.........

A. Rum
B. Brandy
C. Whisky
D. Gin
Answer» A. Rum

. ...............is an ultra short acting barbiturate.

A. Pentobarbitol
B. Amylobarbitone
C. Phenobarbitone
D. Thiopentone
Answer» D. Thiopentone

..........breathing is seen in barbiturate poisoning.

A. Rapid and deep
B. Slow and shallow
C. Normal
D. Rapid and shallow
Answer» D. Rapid and shallow

Skin blisters are not seen in case of...

A. Barbiturate poisoning
B. Electric shock
C. CO poisoning
D. Decomposition
Answer» B. Electric shock

Organophosphorus compounds inhibit......

A. Acetylcholine
B. Acetylcholine esterase
C. Cytochrome oxidase
D. Sulphydryl enzymes
Answer» B. Acetylcholine esterase

.......is not seen in organophosphate poisoning.

A. Lacrimation
B. Salivation
C. Mydriasis
D. Diarrhoea
Answer» C. Mydriasis

The drug of choice in organophosphate poisoning is....

A. Atropine
D. Copper sulphate
Answer» A. Atropine

Pralidoxime is antidote of...........

A. Mercury
B. Lead
C. Organophosphorus
D. Phosphorus
Answer» C. Organophosphorus

Most common death due to suicide is by

A. Phenobarbitone
B. Insecticides
C. Hanging
D. Suicidal cut throat
Answer» B. Insecticides

Which one of the following insecticide is an organophosphorus compound?

A. Endrin
D. Malathion
Answer» D. Malathion

Kerosene like smell from mouth is present in......poisoning.

A. Mercury
B. Arsenic
C. Organophosphorus
D. Phosphorus
Answer» C. Organophosphorus

The fatal dose of methyl alcohol is......

A. 20-40ml
B. 40-50ml
C. 60-200ml
D. 200-300ml
Answer» C. 60-200ml

.............is a blistering war gas.

A. Chlorine gas
B. Mustard gas
C. HCN gas
D. Tabun
Answer» B. Mustard gas

A person after ingesting a toxic agent is in a state of Narcosis. The pupils are constricted. However, on pinching the neck the pupils dilate initially and slowly return to their original size. The toxic agent is:

A. Barbiturate
B. Alcohol
C. Strychnine Organophosphate
D. Carbolic acid
Answer» B. Alcohol

Blackout is due to:

A. Alcohol intoxication
B. Cocaine toxicity
C. LSD toxicity
D. Cyanide poisoning
Answer» A. Alcohol intoxication

Korsakoff's psychosis is seen in:

B. Chronic alcoholism
C. Marasmus
D. Cirrhosis
Answer» B. Chronic alcoholism

CAGE questionnaire is used in:

A. Alcohol dependence
B. Opiate poisoning
C. Dhatura poisoning
D. Barbiturate poisoning
Answer» A. Alcohol dependence

In India, driving under influence is considered at blood alcohol level of:

A. ≥20 mg%
B. ≥30 mg%
C. ≥50 mg%
D. ≥100 mg%
Answer» B. ≥30 mg%

The dead body is lying on autopsy table. There is leathery, fine, tenacious, froth at mouth and nostrils. The death is due to:

A. Opium poisoning
B. Barbiturate poisoning
C. Throttling
D. Drowning
Answer» D. Drowning

Widmark's formula is used for measurement of blood levels of:

A. Benzodiazepines
B. Barbiturates
C. Alcohol
D. Cocaine
Answer» C. Alcohol

Alkalization of urine is done in which poisoning:

A. Barbiturates
B. Amphetamine
C. Alcohol
D. Cocaine
Answer» A. Barbiturates

Which of the following is not a phase of organophosphorus poisoning:

A. Acute cholinergic phase
B. Intermediate syndrome
C. OPC induced delayed polyneuropathy
D. Late onset proximal myopathy
Answer» D. Late onset proximal myopathy

A 5-year-old child presents with confusion, increased salivation, fasiculations, miosis, tachycardia and hypertension. Poison that can cause these manifestations:

A. Opium
C. Dhatura
D. Arsenic
Answer» B. OPC

Privileged communication is between:

A. Doctor-patient
B. Doctor-medical council
C. Doctor-court
D. Doctor-police
Answer» C. Doctor-court

Dichotomy means:

A. Fee splitting
B. Summons
C. Civil wrong
D. Employing touts to get patients
Answer» A. Fee splitting

Declaration of Helsinki is about:

A. Organ transplantation
B. Human experimentation
C. Torture
D. Physician’s oath
Answer» B. Human experimentation

Burden to prove defense lies with the doctor in case of:

A. Mens rea
B. Res ipsa loquitor
C. Res judicata
D. Respondent superior
Answer» B. Res ipsa loquitor

A doctor has to do an urgent operation on an unconscious patient to save his life. But there are no relatives to take consent. He goes ahead without obtaining consent from anyone; he is using the principle of:

A. Therapeutic privilege
B. Doctrine of implied consent
C. Therapeutic waiver
D. Doctrine of informed consent
Answer» B. Doctrine of implied consent

Chief Judicial Magistrate can give sentence a guilty for imprisonment upto:

A. 3 years
B. 5 years
C. 7 years
D. Life imprisonment
Answer» C. 7 years

Juvenile court deals with cases of children upto the age of:

A. 15 years
B. 16 years
C. 18 years
D. 21 years
Answer» C. 18 years

A lady died due to unnatural death within seven years of her marriage. The inquest in this case will be done by:

A. Forensic medicine expert
B. Deputy superintendent of police
C. Sub-divisional magistrate
D. Coroner
Answer» C. Sub-divisional magistrate

When a doctor issues a false medical certificate, then he is liable under:

A. Sec. 197 IPC
B. Sec. 87 IPC
C. Sec. 304A IPC
D. Sec. 338 IPC
Answer» A. Sec. 197 IPC

A married woman died in unnatural conditions within 5 years of her marriage. Her parents complained of frequent demand of dowry. Her autopsy will be conducted under which section:

A. Sec. 174 CrPC
B. Sec. 176 CrPC
C. Sec. 302 IPC
D. Sec. 304B IPC
Answer» B. Sec. 176 CrPC

Color of urine in phenol poisoning:

A. Red
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Blue
Answer» B. Green

Maximum damage to esophagus is with:

A. H2SO4
B. Sodium hydroxide
C. Acetic acid
D. Nitric acid
Answer» B. Sodium hydroxide

In postmortem findings, leathery stomach is seen in poisoning with:

A. HCl
B. H2SO4
C. Carbolic acid
D. Oxalic acid
Answer» C. Carbolic acid

Antidote for mineral acid poisoning is:

A. MgSO4
B. CuSO4
D. MgO
Answer» D. MgO

Color that can be observed in nitric acid toxicity is

A. White
B. Black
C. Yellow
D. Red
Answer» C. Yellow

In acute cyanide poisoning, amyl nitrate is given by one of the following route:

A. Oral
B. intravenous
C. Inhalation
D. Intramuscular
Answer» C. Inhalation

All the following are characteristic of alkaline ingestion except:

A. Liquefactive necrosis
B. Coagulative necrosis
C. Denaturation
D. Saponification of fats
Answer» B. Coagulative necrosis

Which one of the following is the systemic action of Oxalic acid poisoning?

A. Hepatic failure
B. Hypoglycemia
C. Hypercalcaemia
D. Renal failure
Answer» D. Renal failure

Which one of the following is the antidote for oxalic acid poisoning?

A. Animal charcoal
B. Aluminum oxide
C. Calcium lactate
D. Magnesium oxide
Answer» C. Calcium lactate

Postal envelop shaped crystals in the urine are the features of poisoning from

A. Carbolic acid
B. Oxalic acid
C. Nitric acid
D. Sulphuric acid
Answer» B. Oxalic acid

Xanthoproteic reaction is a feature of poisoning from

A. Sulphuric acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Hydrochloric acid
D. Carbolic acid
Answer» B. Nitric acid

Vitriolage is

A. Consuming alcohol mixed with acids
B. Committing suicide by consuming acids
C. Throwing of acid on a person
D. Gastric lavage done with Ryle's tube
Answer» C. Throwing of acid on a person

Which one of the following is the feature of Sulphuric acid poisoning?

A. Dark tongue with yellowish teeth
B. Blackish tongue with chalky white teeth
C. Bluish line at the junction of the teeth and the gums
D. Sequestration and necrosis of the jaw
Answer» B. Blackish tongue with chalky white teeth

Putrefaction is retarded by

A. Organophosphorus poison
B. Oxalic acid
C. Carbolic acid
D. Hydrochloric acid
Answer» C. Carbolic acid

Trousseau’s sign may be seen in…….poisoning.

A. Carbolic acid
B. Oxalic acid
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Hydrochloric acid
Answer» B. Oxalic acid

Histotoxic anoxia produced by all except

A. Drowning
B. Fire accidents
C. Cyanide poisoning
D. Strangulation
Answer» C. Cyanide poisoning

In poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, nitrates are given in order to:

A. Reduce cyanide
B. Induce vasodilatation
C. Produce methaemoglobin
D. Oxidize cyanide
Answer» C. Produce methaemoglobin

After skin contamination, the patient passed into coma with miosis and finally acute nephritis, the poison is:

A. Oxalic acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Hydrocyanic acid
D. Carbolic acid
Answer» C. Hydrocyanic acid

During post mortem exam odour of bitter almond is found in case of …….poisoning.

A. Hydrocyanic acid
B. Nitric acid
C. Acetic acid
D. Carbolic acid
Answer» A. Hydrocyanic acid

Gastric lavage with 5% Sodium thiosulfate can be done in…….poisoning.

A. H2SO4
Answer» D. HCN

Ophotoxemia refers to

A. Organophosphorous poisoning
B. Heavy metal poisoning
C. Scorpion venom poisoning
D. Snake venom poisoning
Answer» D. Snake venom poisoning

Elapidaes are

A. Vasculotoxic
B. Neurotoxic
C. Musculotoxic
D. Nontoxic
Answer» B. Neurotoxic

The most useful bedside test to suggest snake bite envenomation is

A. Prothrombin time
B. 20 min whole blood clotting time
C. International normalized ratio
D. Platelet count
Answer» B. 20 min whole blood clotting time

Viper venom causes

A. Acute renal failure
B. Dysphagia
C. Nerve paralysis
D. Polycythemia
Answer» A. Acute renal failure

Haematuria may occur in bite of

A. Krait
B. Cobra
C. Viper
D. Sea snake
Answer» C. Viper

Lethal dose of krait venom:

A. 3 mg
B. 6 mg
C. 12 mg
D. 15 mg
Answer» B. 6 mg

Most characteristic feature of elapidae snake envenomation:

A. Bleeding manifestation
B. Rhabdomyolysis
C. Cardiotoxicity
D. Neuro-paralytic symptoms
Answer» D. Neuro-paralytic symptoms

A girl, otherwise healthy, sleeping on the floor suddenly develops nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, quadriplegia at night. Diagnosis is:

A. Guillain Barre syndrome
B. Krait bite
C. Poliomyelitis
D. Periodic paralysis
Answer» B. Krait bite

True of poisonous snakes are all, except:

A. Fangs present
B. Belly scales are small
C. Small head scales
D. Grooved teeth
Answer» B. Belly scales are small

Cholinesterase is seen in venom of:

A. Elapids
B. Vipers
C. Sea snakes
D. All
Answer» A. Elapids

……...is responsible for spread of snake venom in body.

A. Serine proteases
B. Hyaluronidase
C. Phospholipase A2
D. Fibrinolysin
Answer» B. Hyaluronidase

1 ml of anti snake venom neutralizes ……..cobra venom.

A. 0.6mg
B. 0.45mg
C. 0.5mg
D. 0.4mg
Answer» A. 0.6mg

Neostigmine – Atropine therapy can be given in case of ………bite

A. Elapid
B. Rusells viper
C. Saw scaled viper
D. Sea snake
Answer» A. Elapid

Muscle paralysis is caused by bite of:

A. Sea snake
B. Krait
C. Mamba
D. Python
Answer» A. Sea snake

Polyvalent snake vaccines contains immunoglobins against all, except:

A. Ophiophagus hannah
B. Naja naja
C. Daboia rusellii
D. Bungarus caeruleus
Answer» A. Ophiophagus hannah

False but firm belief about something which is not a fact:

A. Illusion
B. Delusion
C. Hallucination
D. Obsession
Answer» B. Delusion

False perception without any external stimulus is:

A. Hallucination
B. Delirium
C. Illusion
D. Delusion
Answer» A. Hallucination

Visual hallucinations are most commonly seen in:

A. Delusional syndrome
B. Mania
C. Delirium
Answer» C. Delirium

McNaughten rule is concerned with:

A. Civil responsibility in drunken person
B. Criminal responsibility in insane person
C. Professional misconduct by doctors
D. Capacity of a person to make a valid will 205 To plead for insanity in a court of law, the IPC is:
Answer» B. Criminal responsibility in insane person

Punishment for culpable homicide not amounting to murder is dealt under:

A. Sec. 299 IPC
B. Sec. 300 IPC
C. Sec.302 IPC
D. Sec. 304 IPC
Answer» D. Sec. 304 IPC

IPC section dealing with dowry death:

A. 307 IPC
B. 304 IPC
C. 304 A IPC
D. 304 B IPC
Answer» D. 304 B IPC

IPC for grievous injury:

A. Sec. 420
B. Sec. 320
C. Sec. 299
D. Sec. 351
Answer» B. Sec. 320

Grievous injury includes all, except:

A. Emasculation
B. Loss of 15 days work
C. Permanent disfigurement
D. Fracture of bones
Answer» B. Loss of 15 days work

Scab or crust of abrasion appears brown in:

A. 12-24 hr
B. 2-3 days
C. 4-5 days
D. 5-7 days
Answer» B. 2-3 days

Brush burn is injury due:

A. Friction
B. Electrocution
C. Steam
D. Burns
Answer» A. Friction

Blue color of contusion is due to:

A. Bilirubin
B. Haemosiderin
C. Haematoidin
D. De-oxyhemoglobin
Answer» D. De-oxyhemoglobin

No color change is seen in sub-conjunctival hemorrhage due to:

A. Continuous CO2 supply
B. Little amount of blood is present
C. Continuous O2 supply
D. Color change occurs but not visible to naked eye
Answer» C. Continuous O2 supply

Split laceration resembles:

A. Incised wound
B. Abrasion
C. Gunshot wound
D. Contusion
Answer» A. Incised wound

Hesitation cuts are seen in a case of:

A. Homicide
B. Suicide
C. Accident
D. Fall from height
Answer» B. Suicide

Split lacerations are due to:

A. Blunt object
B. Sharp object
C. Sharp heavy object
D. Pointed object
Answer» A. Blunt object

In an incised wound, all of the following are true, except:

A. It has clean-cut margins
B. Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations
C. Tailing is often present
D. Length of injury does not correspond with length of blade
Answer» B. Bleeding is generally less than in lacerations

Incised wounds on genitalia:

A. Homicidal
B. Suicidal
C. Accidental
D. Self-inflicted
Answer» A. Homicidal

Black gunpowder contains all of the following, except:

A. Potassium nitrate
B. Lead peroxide
C. Charcoal
D. Sulphur
Answer» B. Lead peroxide

In a firearm injury, blackening seen around the entry wound is due to:

A. Flame
B. Smoke
C. Unburnt powder
D. Hot gases
Answer» B. Smoke

In a firearm injury, there is burning, blackening, tattooing around the wound, and is circular in shape, the injury is:

A. Close shot entry
B. Close contact exit
C. Contact shot entry
D. Distant shot entry
Answer» A. Close shot entry

Parkland formula for burns is for:

A. Ringer lactate
B. Glucose saline
C. Normal saline
D. 25% dextrose
Answer» A. Ringer lactate

Paradoxical undressing is seen in:

A. Hyperthermia
B. Hypothermia
C. Transvestism
D. Immersion syndrome
Answer» B. Hypothermia

Pugilistic attitude is due to:

A. Lipolysis
B. Protein coagulation
C. Carbohydrate coagulation
D. Lipogenesis
Answer» B. Protein coagulation

Curling’s ulcer in burns is seen in:

A. Esophagus
B. Stomach
C. Colon
D. Duodenum
Answer» D. Duodenum

Percentage of surface area of palm of a burn patient:

A. 1%
B. 9%
C. 18%
D. 27%
Answer» A. 1%

Blister formation in burn is classified as:

A. First degree
B. Second degree superficial
C. Second degree deep
D. Third degree
Answer» B. Second degree superficial

A dead body is found to have marks like branching of a tree on front of the chest. Most likely cause of death could be:

A. Firearm injury
B. Lightning injury
C. Road traffic accident
D. Bomb blast injury
Answer» B. Lightning injury

Joule burn is seen in:

A. Blast injuries
B. Electrocution
C. Firearm wounds
D. Lightning stroke
Answer» B. Electrocution

दंष्ट्रिणो येष्ट्रिषं तेष ं दंिोत्थं…….. मतम्

A. जङ्गमं
B. गरष्ट्रिषं
C. स्थ िरं
D. दूषीष्ट्रिषं
Answer» A. जङ्गमं

……….फणी ज्ञेयो

A. मण्डली
B. िैकरंज
C. दिीकरः
D. र ष्ट्रजम न्
Answer» C. दिीकरः
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