100+ Data Compression and Data Retrieval Solved MCQs


Makes the file smaller by deleting parts of the file permanently (forever)

A. Lossy Compression
B. Lossless Compression
Answer» A. Lossy Compression

Which of these is an advantage for Lossy compression?

A. The file size becomes significantly (much) smaller
B. The file size does not become much smaller than 50%
Answer» A. The file size becomes significantly (much) smaller

Which of the following would not be suitable for Lossy Compression?

A. Images
B. Sounds
C. Videos
D. Text
Answer» D. Text

Lossy or lossless? This type of compression does not get rid of any data

A. Lossy
B. Lossless
C. Both
Answer» B. Lossless

Lossy or lossless? Used for web images as it gives the smallest file size - this makes images easier to upload/download/share.

A. Lossy
B. Lossless
C. Both
Answer» A. Lossy

What type of compression allows you to reconstruct the original data?

A. Lossless compression
B. Lossy compression
Answer» A. Lossless compression

What are the key reasons for compressing data?

A. Less space needed for storage
B. Less time to transmit
C. Reduced amount of processing power
D. A and b
Answer» D. A and b

Lossless compression...

A. Is used when not all the information is needed
B. Would be a sensible choice for a music download site
C. Can fully regenerate the original file
D. a and c
Answer» D. a and c

Lossy compression...

A. Permanently removes data from a file
B. Aims to remove redundant data
C. Would be a sensible choice for a music download site.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Dictionary based compression...

A. Is a lossless compression format
B. Doesn't need to send the dictionary with the data
C. Is a lossless compression format
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Run-length encoding..

A. Is Lossless
B. Records the number of repeats of an individual element
C. Can be used for a wide variety of file types
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Hashing gives each item

A. A sequential address
B. A logarithmic address
C. No address
D. A unique address
Answer» D. A unique address

When is Run Length Encoding used?

A. When we want to compress patterns of data
B. When we want to decompress patterns of data
C. When we want to encode running videos
D. Option.
Answer» A. When we want to compress patterns of data

What is the correct Run-length encoding for the data: cccmmmmmsssssdcccccc

A. 3c5m5s1d6c
B. C3m5s5d1c6
C. Cmsdc35516
D. Cccmmmmmsssssdcccccc
Answer» A. 3c5m5s1d6c

Which of the following are not in a compressed format?

B. Bitmap
D. MP3
Answer» B. Bitmap

Identify types of lossless compression

A. Run length encoding
B. Dictionary encoding
C. Transform Coding
D. a and b
Answer» D. a and b

Digitizing the image intensity amplitude is called

A. Sampling
B. Quantization
C. Framing
D. Both A And B
Answer» B. Quantization

Compressed image can be recovered back by

A. Image Enhancement
B. Image Decompression
C. Image Contrast
D. Image Equalization
Answer» B. Image Decompression

Digital video is sequence of

A. Pixels
B. Matrix
C. Frames
D. Coordinates
Answer» C. Frames

Coding redundancy works on

A. Pixels
B. Matrix
C. Intensity
D. Coordinates
Answer» C. Intensity

An Alphabet Consist Of The Letters A, B, C And D. The probability of occurrence is
p(a) = 0.4,
p(b) = 0.1,
p(c) = 0.2
and p(d) = 0.3.
The huffman code is

A. A = 0 , B = 11 , C = 10 , D = 111
B. A = 0 , B = 111 , C = 110 , D = 10
C. A = 01 , B = 111 , C = 110 , D = 10
D. A = 0 , B = 111 , C = 11 , D = 101
Answer» B. A = 0 , B = 111 , C = 110 , D = 10

The basic idea behind huffman coding is to

A. Compress data by using more bits to encode more frequently occurring characters
B. Compress data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently occurring characters
C. Expand data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently occurring characters
D. Compress data by using fewer bits to encode fewer frequently occurring characters
Answer» B. Compress data by using fewer bits to encode more frequently occurring characters

Huffman coding is an encoding algorithm used for

A. Lossy Data Compression
B. Broadband Systems
C. Lossless Data Compression
D. Files Greater Than 1 Mbit
Answer» C. Lossless Data Compression

A huffman encoder takes a set of characters with fixed length and produces a set of characters of

A. Constant Length
B. Random Length
C. Fixed Length
D. Variable Length
Answer» D. Variable Length

A Huffman Code: A = 1, B = 000, C = 001, D = 01, P(A) = 0.4, P(B) = 0.1, P(C) = 0.2, P(D) = 0.3 The Average Number Of Bits Per Letter Is

A. 8.0 Bit
B. 2.0 Bit
C. 2.1 Bit
D. 1.9 Bit
Answer» D. 1.9 Bit

The idea with wavelets is to represent a complicated function by

A. Sinus Functions
B. Simple Basic Functions
C. Lines
D. Square Functions
Answer» B. Simple Basic Functions

Down sampling is to make a digital image file smaller by

A. Removing noise
B. Adding noise
C. Removing pixels
D. Adding pixels
Answer» C. Removing pixels

In a typical picture, most pixels will be

A. Very similar to their neighbors
B. Very different to their neighbors
C. Bright
D. Equal
Answer» A. Very similar to their neighbors

Without losing quality, JPEG-2000 can achieve compression ratios of

A. 2000:1
B. 20:1
C. 200:1
D. 2:1
Answer» C. 200:1

The best visual compression quality is achieved using

A. Dolby
B. Wavelets
C. Fourier transform
Answer» B. Wavelets

Sequence of code assigned is called

A. Code Word
B. Word
C. Byte
D. Nibble
Answer» A. Code Word

Every run length pair introduce new

A. Pixels
B. Matrix
C. Frames
D. Intensity
Answer» D. Intensity

In the coding redundancy technique we use

A. Fixed Length Code
B. Variable Length Code
C. Byte
D. Both A And B
Answer» D. Both A And B

Compression is done for saving

A. Storage
B. Bandwidth
C. Money
D. Both A And B
Answer» D. Both A And B

System of symbols to represent event is called

A. Storage
B. Word
C. Code
D. Nibble
Answer» C. Code

Information lost when expressed mathematically is called

A. Markov
B. Finite Memory Source
C. Fidelity Criteria
D. Noiseless Theorem
Answer» C. Fidelity Criteria

What does xml stand for?

A. Extra Modern Link
B. Extensible Markup Language
C. Example Markup Language
D. X-Markup Language
Answer» B. Extensible Markup Language

What is the correct syntax of the declaration which defines the xml version?

A. <Xml Version="A.0" />
B. <?Xml Version="A.0"?>
C. <?Xml Version="A.0" />
D. None Of The Above
Answer» B. <?Xml Version="A.0"?>

Which of the following programs support xml or xml applications?

A. Internet Explorer 5.5
B. Netscape D.7
C. Realplayer.
D. Both A And B
Answer» D. Both A And B

Well formed xml document means

A. It Contains A Root Element
B. It Contain An Element
C. It Contains One Or More Elements
D. Must Contain One Or More Elements And Root Element Must Contain All Other Elements
Answer» D. Must Contain One Or More Elements And Root Element Must Contain All Other Elements

Comment in xml document is given by

A. <?-- -->
B. <!-- --!>
C. <!-- -->
D. </-- -- >
Answer» C. <!-- -->

Xml document can be viewed in

A. IE C.0
B. IE B.0
C. IE 6.0
D. IE X.0
Answer» C. IE 6.0

How can we make attributes have multiple values

A. <Myelement myattribute="value1 value2"/>
B. <Myelement myattribute="value1" myattribute="value2"/>
C. <Myelement myattribute="value1, value2"/>
D. Attributes cannot have multiple values
Answer» D. Attributes cannot have multiple values

Attribute standalone="no" should be included in xml declaration if a document

A. Is linked to an external xsl stylesheet
B. Has external general references
C. Has processing instructions
D. Has an external dtd
Answer» D. Has an external dtd

The xml dom object is

A. Entity
B. Entity Reference
C. Comment Reference
D. Comment Data
Answer» B. Entity Reference

Whats so great about xml?

A. Easy data exchange
B. High speed on network
C. Only b.is correct
D. Both A. & B.
Answer» D. Both A. & B.

The Attribute Used To Define A New Namespace Is

B. Xmlnamespace
C. Xmlns
D. Xmlns
Answer» C. Xmlns

With XML:

A. Views are not limited to one multi-valued path only.
B. Documents can automatically be generated from database data only.
C. Database data can automatically be extracted from xml documents only.
D. With xml, all of the above are true.
Answer» D. With xml, all of the above are true.

An xml component that defines the structure of a document is known as a(n):

D. HTML Stylesheet.
Answer» B. DTD

What is not true about xml?

A. Web Page Display Is The Most Important Application Of XML.
B. With XML, There Is A Clear Separation Between Document Structure, Content And Materialization.
C. XML Is More Powerful Than HTML.
D. XML Documents Have Two Sections.
Answer» A. Web Page Display Is The Most Important Application Of XML.

Data compression consists of taking a stream of symbols and transforming them into_______.

A. Bits
B. Codes
C. Error
D. Image
Answer» B. Codes

In Huffman coding, the actual output of the encoder is determined by a set of

A. Probabilities
B. Function
C. Codes
D. Model
Answer» A. Probabilities

A compression technique consists of two basic components such as

A. Coding, Decoding
B. Encoding , Coding
C. Encoding , Decoding
D. None of Above.
Answer» C. Encoding , Decoding

Advantages of data compression

A. The user can experience rich quality signals for data representation
B. Reliability of the records gets reduced by Data compression.
C. Disorder of data properties of a compressed data will result in compressed data different from the original data.
Answer» A. The user can experience rich quality signals for data representation

Disadvantages of data compression

A. The rate of input – output operations in a computing device can be greatly increased due to shorter presentation of data.
B. Compressed, sensitive data transmitted through a noisy communication channel is risky because the burst errors introduced by the noisy channel can destroy the transmitted data.
Answer» B. Compressed, sensitive data transmitted through a noisy communication channel is risky because the burst errors introduced by the noisy channel can destroy the transmitted data.

Lossy compression algorithm is applied to..

A. Images And Sound
B. Sound And Text
C. Image And Text
Answer» A. Images And Sound

Lossless compression algorithm is applied to..

A. Image
B. Sound
C. Scientific Data
Answer» C. Scientific Data

Example of entropy based compression is

A. RLE , Arithmetic , Huffman
B. Lempel-Ziv , Arithmetic
Answer» A. RLE , Arithmetic , Huffman

Example of dictionary based compression is

A. RLE , Arithmetic , Huffman
B. Lempel-Ziv
Answer» B. Lempel-Ziv

Entropy coding can be used for

A. Sequence of digital data values
B. Random of digital data values
C. Regular of digital data values
Answer» A. Sequence of digital data values

Entropy coding can be used for compression of any type of data in a

A. Media system
B. File system.
C. Bit system
Answer» B. File system.

RLE Is Designed Especially For Data With

A. Image of repeated symbols
B. Sound of repeated symbols
C. Strings of repeated symbols
Answer» C. Strings of repeated symbols

Huffman coding is to find a way to compress the storage of data using

A. Data Length Codes.
B. Variable Length Codes.
Answer» B. Variable Length Codes.

Huffman coding is constructed in such a way that no ___constructed code are prefixes to each other.

A. Three
B. One
C. Two
Answer» C. Two

Limitations of huffman coding is

A. Each symbol is encoded with integer number of bits
B. Each symbol is encoded with integer number of value
C. Each symbol is encoded with integer number of level
Answer» A. Each symbol is encoded with integer number of bits

Arithmetic coding completely bypass the idea of replacing every input symbol with a

A. Bits
B. String
C. Codeword
Answer» C. Codeword

The main aim of arithmetic coding is to assign the _____to each symbol.

A. Interval
B. Image
C. Symbol
Answer» A. Interval

Limitations of arithmetic coding

A. The precision required to represent the intervals grows with length of the message.
B. The precision required to represent the intervals grows with bit of the message.
C. The precision required to represent the random grows with length of the message.
Answer» A. The precision required to represent the intervals grows with length of the message.

Arithmetic algorithms as well as huffman algorithms are based on

A. Statistical model
B. String model
C. Probability model
Answer» A. Statistical model

The lempel ziv algorithm is an algorithm for

A. Lossless data compression
B. Lossy data compression
Answer» A. Lossless data compression

Variations on lz77 scheme, like

Answer» C. LZSS, LZH And LZB

Lz77 exploits the fact that words and phrases within a ____would be repeated.

A. Video File
B. Text File
C. Image File
Answer» B. Text File

In LZ77 encoding process one reference (a triple) is transmitted for several input symbols and hence it is

A. Less Quick.
B. Quick.
C. Very Quick.
Answer» C. Very Quick.

LZH is performed in ___ phases

A. Two
B. Four
C. One
Answer» A. Two

Regardless of the length of the phrase, every LZSS pointer is of

A. Different Size
B. Same Size
Answer» B. Same Size

LZB achieves a better compression than

Answer» C. LZSS

The decompression in LZ78 Is __compared to the process of compression.

A. Slower
B. Faster
Answer» B. Faster

LZW would only send the _____to the dictionary

A. Image
B. Index
C. File
Answer» B. Index

In arithmetic coding a ___identifier or tag is generated for the sequence to be encoded.

A. Unique
B. Different
Answer» A. Unique

The use of the cumulative distribution function to generate a binary code for _____has a rather interesting history.

A. A Sequence
B. A Bit
C. A Image
Answer» A. A Sequence

Once we have started decoding, all we have to do is ___the encoder algorithm.

A. Mimic
B. Long
C. Static
Answer» A. Mimic

Advantage of arithmetic coding is that

A. It is easy to implement a system with multiple arithmetic codes
B. It is hard to implement a system with multiple arithmetic codes
C. It is easy to implement a system with single arithmetic codes
Answer» A. It is easy to implement a system with multiple arithmetic codes

In file compression—unix once the dictionary has filled up, the size of the dictionary is ____to 1024 entries.

A. Single
B. Doubled
Answer» B. Doubled

GIF is another implementation of the ___ algorithm

Answer» A. LZW

GIF has become quite popular for encoding all kinds of images, both computergenerated and “___” images.

A. Distorted
B. Natural
Answer» B. Natural

The PNG standard is one of the first standards to be collaboratively developed over the

A. Image
B. Internet
C. File
Answer» B. Internet

PNG is based on

C. LZ77
Answer» C. LZ77

The ITU-T recommendation V.42 bis is a compression standard devised for use over a

A. Telephone Network
B. Image Network
C. Text File Network
Answer» A. Telephone Network

Bwt algorithm requires that the entire sequence to be coded be available to the ____before the coding takes place

A. Decoder.
B. Encoder
Answer» B. Encoder

Shannon Defined A Quantity Called

A. Self-Information
B. Information
Answer» A. Self-Information

Models for certain telemetry data can also be obtained through ____of the underlying process.

A. Knowledge
B. Text
C. Data
Answer» A. Knowledge

Probability Models Know As..

A. Knowledge model
B. Statistical model
C. Ignorance model
Answer» C. Ignorance model

Markov process called

A. Discrete time markov chain
B. Random time markov chain
Answer» A. Discrete time markov chain

Markov models are more widely known

A. Finite context models
B. Text context models
Answer» A. Finite context models

The ppm algorithms first attempt to find if the symbol to be encoded has a _____probability with respect to the maximum context length.

A. Zero
B. Nonzero
Answer» B. Nonzero

Composite source model, which can be viewed as a

A. Single Model To Describe The Source
B. Combination Or Composition Of Several Sources
Answer» B. Combination Or Composition Of Several Sources

The set of binary sequences is called a

A. Code
B. Unit
C. Digit
Answer» A. Code

The set of binary sequences is called a code, and the individual members of the set are called

A. Sequence Model
B. Unit Model
C. Codewords.
Answer» C. Codewords.

The ASCII code uses the same number of bits to represent each symbol. Such a code is called

A. Random Length Code.
B. Fixed-Length Code.
Answer» B. Fixed-Length Code.

Unique decodability from the code; that is, any given sequence of codewords can be decoded in

A. One, And Two, Way.
B. One, And Only One, Way.
Answer» B. One, And Only One, Way.
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