620+ Operating System Architecture Solved MCQs


What is an internal command in Unix ?

A. commands that are executed directly by the kernel
B. commands that are executred directly by the shell
C. commands that are executed directly by shell and kernel
D. commands will have a process id running for it
Answer» B. commands that are executred directly by the shell

What is major device number ?

A. it is an index to the kernel table that contains the address of all device driver functions known to the system
B. it is an index to theuser process table that contains the address of all device driver functions known to the system
C. it is an index to the kernel table that contains the address of all files
D. it is an index to the kernel table that contains the address of all directories
Answer» A. it is an index to the kernel table that contains the address of all device driver functions known to the system

The game program,"space travel"for GECOS system was written in

A. basic
B. cobol
C. fortran
D. vb
Answer» C. fortran

What does OSS stand for

A. open system software
B. original source software
C. open source software
D. original system server
Answer» C. open source software

Which of the following is used to write disk block images from memory to disk

A. stty
B. cmd
C. sync
D. clri
Answer» C. sync

How many line are there are in the result of date command

A. three
B. one
C. two
D. five
Answer» B. one

While providing a text processing system for the patent department at bell labs,the unix system was moved to in 1971

A. pdp-6
B. pdp-7
C. pdp-9
D. pdp-11
Answer» D. pdp-11

What is minor device number           

A. it tells the device driver function what actual physical device it is talking
B. it tells the device driver functionwhat actual physiacl device it is talking to and i/0 buffernig scheme to be used for reading
C. it tells the device driver functionwhat actual physical device it is talking to and i/0 buffernig scheme to be used for writing
D. it tells the device driver functionwhat actual physiacl device it is talking to and i/0 buffernig scheme to be used for data transfer
Answer» D. it tells the device driver functionwhat actual physiacl device it is talking to and i/0 buffernig scheme to be used for data transfer

What is directory hierarchy ?

A. it is an organizational structure in which directories can contain files and other sub directories
B. it is an organizational structure in which directories can contain only files
C. it is an organizational structure in which directories can contain only sub directories
D. it is an organizational structure in which directory contains only one level
Answer» A. it is an organizational structure in which directories can contain files and other sub directories

what is the relationship of a filename to its inode

A. one to one
B. one to many
C. many to one
D. many to many
Answer» C. many to one

Unix os was first rewritten in C in

A. 1971
B. 1972
C. 1973
D. 1974
Answer» C. 1973

Among the directory entries inode and file contents which will be changed when a file is updated

A. only inode
B. only inode and file contents
C. only directory entry and file contents
D. none of the above
Answer» B. only inode and file contents

what is the use of exec command

A. command that can be used to write files in shell scripts
B. command that can be used to read files in shell scripts
C. command that can be used to open files in shell scripts
D. all of the above
Answer» C. command that can be used to open files in shell scripts

Which of the following sections of an executable binary file has all un initialized data items

A. bss
B. data
C. header
D. symbol table
Answer» A. bss

The previous system administartor has put useless messages at login . What file do you edit to change the system message

A. /etc/motd
B. /etc/str
C. /etc/strtms
D. /etc/.conf
Answer» A. /etc/motd

Suppose that a process is in BLOCKED state waiting for some i/o service. When a service is completed, it goes to the

A. running state
B. ready state
C. suspended state
D. terminated state
Answer» B. ready state

Buffering mechanisms regulated the data between

A. secondary storage device and memory
B. system call interface and device driver
C. kernel and secondary storage device
D. buffer cache and file system
Answer» D. buffer cache and file system

A thread is a ---- process

A. light weight
B. interface
C. heavy weight
D. inter thread
Answer» A. light weight

A RAID system is useful because --

A. it increases interface performance
B. it increases speed of the processor
C. increases disk storage capacity
D. increase processor speed
Answer» C. increases disk storage capacity

NFS stands for

A. normal file system
B. network file system
C. network format system
D. normal format system
Answer» B. network file system

How many fields are there in /etc/passwd file

A. 3
B. 7
C. 10
D. 8
Answer» B. 7

Thomson and Ritchie published a paper describing unix system in

A. ieee xsactions on computers
B. international jouranal of computer
C. communicatio-ns of the acm
D. internal " "os
Answer» C. communicatio-ns of the acm

Command to reboot the system

A. shutdown -k now
B. shutdown -l now
C. shutdown -r now
D. shutdown -s now
Answer» C. shutdown -r now

grep means

A. global regular expression print
B. global revearse expression print
C. global random expression print
D. global relative expression rpint
Answer» A. global regular expression print

A history file

A. contains list of files used during a session
B. contains list of directories used during a session
C. contains list of directories and sub directories used during a session
D. contains list of commands used during a session
Answer» D. contains list of commands used during a session

Programs like shell and editors (ed and vi) interact with the kernal by invoking

A. system calls
B. systems hardware
C. n/w program
D. interfacing hardware
Answer» A. system calls

Internal or external command is checked using

A. ls
B. tty
C. etc
D. type
Answer» D. type

The standard name for executable files produced by c compiler is

A. b.out
B. c.out
C. a.out
D. d.out
Answer» C. a.out

       script is run for successful login

A. /etc/profile
B. /etc/str
C. /etc/strtms
D. /etc/.conf
Answer» A. /etc/profile

The root node in the file system is write as

A. /
B. \\
C. /..
D. ../
Answer» A. /

       interacts with inner part of kernel

A. interface
B. shell
C. terminal
D. compiler
Answer» B. shell

       is used to stop a process

A. kill
B. remove
C. clear
D. overt
Answer» A. kill

directory attributes are displayed by

A. ls-l-a
B. ls-l-b
C. ls-l-c
D. ls-l-d
Answer» D. ls-l-d

The x in the cat x command is

A. binary file
B. data file
C. text file
D. source file
Answer» A. binary file

what is the run level for shut down and reboot respectively

A. 0 and 6
B. 1 and 6
C. 0 and 4
D. 1 and 4
Answer» A. 0 and 6

The text formatting program traff

A. expects to find new line character at the end of each line of text
B. expects to find last character at the end of each line of text
C. expects to find each line of text
D. expects to neglect each line of text
Answer» A. expects to find new line character at the end of each line of text

The system acctcom accounting program

A. expects to find variable length records
B. expects to find fixed length record
C. expects to sort the records
D. expects to merge the records
Answer» B. expects to find fixed length record

permission to access the file is controlled by

A. n/w structure
B. directory structure
C. access permissions
D. file structure
Answer» C. access permissions

To the user,the unix system treats devices as if they are

A. devices
B. interfaces
C. hardware
D. files
Answer» D. files

Two invocations copy copy.c newcopy.c copy copy newcopy

A. 1st is carrect
B. 2nd is carrect
C. both carrect
D. both wrong
Answer» C. both carrect

In processing environment of unix

A. a program is an executable file and process is an instance of the program in execution
B. a process is an executable file and program is a instance of the process in execution
C. a process and program are both same
D. all above are carrect
Answer» A. a program is an executable file and process is an instance of the program in execution

The fork system call

A. creates a new program
B. creates a new interface
C. creates a new hardware
D. creates a new process
Answer» D. creates a new process

What command do you have to use to go to parent directory

A. cd-,
B. cd -
C. cd/up
D. cd..
Answer» D. cd..

The command used to display a specified file

A. mkdir
B. chmod
C. cat
D. compress
Answer» C. cat

root in unix system is represented by

A. %
B. \\
C. $
D. /
Answer» D. /

what does cd.. Do ?

A. not a valid unix command
B. logs out of the computer
C. changes the working directory to login directory
D. " " " " " " the parent of current working directory
Answer» D. " " " " " " the parent of current working directory

What does command LS do

A. opening a file
B. display contents of a file
C. display of file & folders, present in the folder where you are
D. shows a calender
Answer» C. display of file & folders, present in the folder where you are

Why is PWD used

A. show current user
B. show present working directory
C. to display error messages
D. to copy files
Answer» B. show present working directory

Which is the carrect command to list files & folders in unix

A. list
B. ls
C. dir
D. list files
Answer» B. ls

How can you display a list of files including hidden files

A. find all
B. ls-a
C. ls-b
D. all answers a,b,c
Answer» B. ls-a

Which command makes an empty directory

A. mkdirectory
B. makedirectory
C. mkdir
D. newdir
Answer» C. mkdir

Why is man command used

A. to shut down
B. search all files
C. deleting files
D. getting help command on format
Answer» D. getting help command on format

Which of the following features of unix may be used for interprocess communication

A. signals
B. pipes
C. semaphores
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

In a system,if 5 people are currently using the vi editor,then the number of corresponding processes will be

A. 1
B. 5
C. 2
D. 0
Answer» B. 5

The command echo welcome >/dev/tty

A. echoes welcome in all the terminals that are switched on
B. echoes welcome in all the " that are logged on
C. echoes welcome only in the terminal in which it is run
D. both (a) and ( c)
Answer» D. both (a) and ( c)


A. is a file
B. has write permission for all
C. is the unix builtin dustbin
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The advantage of binary files over text files is that

A. it is compact
B. it can be accessed faster
C. they are more reliable
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The permission bits of a filenoname,can be set to - rws - - * - - * by the command

A. chmod 711 noname
B. chmod go -rw noname
C. chmod 2711 noname
D. none of above
Answer» D. none of above

/bin/passwork has the user execution permission set to 's' because

A. this facility assigns to the user, permissions of the program owner temporarily
B. it should allow users who don\t have write permission to /etc/passwd to write to it
C. /etc/passwd is write protected
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

If are does not want anyone else to read or write to a file named datfile,except through a program in a file filex,then he may use

A. chmod u+s filex; chmod go -rw datfile
B. chmod 4711 filex; chmod go -rw datfile
C. chmod 4711 datfile; chmod go - rw filex
D. both a & b
Answer» D. both a & b

Writing a c program that accepts input from keyboard,rather than from a file is advantageous because

A. keyboard is a file that is already open
B. it can be used in a pipe,if it writes to stdout
C. both a & b
D. non of above
Answer» C. both a & b

Consider the following program main ( )
{ printf ("Aayush won a football match on
\n"); system ("date");
printf("In Berlin"); } if a.out is the executable code corresponding to the above source code,then the command a.out >out f

A. redirects the output of date to a file out f
B. displays the output of date on the screen
C. prints everything on screen
D. prints the two messages on the screen
Answer» A. redirects the output of date to a file out f

The Hardware at centre of UNIX system provides………….

A. basic services
B. operating system with basic services
C. kernel service
D. none of these
Answer» B. operating system with basic services

Operating System is also called as ……….

A. system kernel
B. kernel
C. both a and b
D. none of these
Answer» C. both a and b

Program such as Shell and editors interact with kernel by invoking ……….

A. process
B. thread
C. system calls
D. none of these
Answer» C. system calls

…………responsible for exchanging data between kernel and programs

A. system calls
B. thread
C. process
D. none of these
Answer» A. system calls

what is a.out ?

A. system user program
B. private user program
C. local program
D. none of these
Answer» B. private user program

How many system calls in system V

A. 32
B. 64
C. 128
D. 16
Answer» B. 64

Out of 64 system calls in system V how many are frequently used…

A. 64
B. 32
C. 16
D. 128
Answer» B. 32

Non leaf node of the file system structure is …………..

A. leaf node of file
B. directory of file
C. regular file
D. path name
Answer» B. directory of file

Full path name starts with …..

A. dot
B. slash
C. double slash
D. non of these
Answer» B. slash

Text formatting program troff find …………. character at the end of each line

A. newline
B. slash
C. dot
D. none of these
Answer» A. newline

System accounting program acctcom find ……….

A. variable length record
B. fixed length record
C. no record
D. none of these
Answer» B. fixed length record

Directories are …….

A. fixed files
B. regular files
C. variable files
D. none of these
Answer» B. regular files

System treats the data in a directory as a ……………..

A. byte stream
B. bit stream
C. stream
D. none of these
Answer» A. byte stream

what is use of ls command ?

A. to list names and attribute of files
B. to list size of files
C. to list length of files
D. none of these
Answer» A. to list names and attribute of files

Access permission can be set to …………

A. the file owner
B. a file group
C. everyone else
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The Newly created files are ………….. of the file system directory structure.

A. main nodes
B. root nodes
C. leaf nodes
D. middle nodes
Answer» C. leaf nodes

Unix system treats devices as a ……..

A. hardware
B. file
C. byte
D. none of these
Answer» B. file

Permission mode on newly created file will be……

A. 0666(octal)
B. 0666(hexadecimal)
C. 0999(octal)
D. 0798(hex)
Answer» A. 0666(octal)

Permission mode 0666(octal) means…………

A. allowing all users acess to file for writing
B. allowing all users acess to file for reading
C. restrict to read and write
D. allowing all users access to file for reading writing
Answer» D. allowing all users access to file for reading writing

All system calls return ……..if open or create call fails

A. -2
B. 0
C. 1
D. -1
Answer» D. -1

The open and create system calls returns an integer called a ……….

A. file number
B. file discriptor
C. file variable
D. none of these
Answer» B. file discriptor

File discriptor programs uses………………...

A. to delete file
B. to save file
C. for subsequent references for file
D. none of these
Answer» C. for subsequent references for file

The read system calls return 0 when ………..

A. it reaches middle of file
B. it reaches end of the file
C. file is empty
D. none of these
Answer» B. it reaches end of the file

When a process makes a system call ,its mode changes from………

A. user to kernel
B. kernel to user
C. restricted to unrestricted
D. unrestricted to restricted
Answer» A. user to kernel

The new process called, child process gets a ………... return value from fork.

A. -1
B. 0
C. 2
D. 1
Answer» B. 0

The child process invoke …….to execute program copy .

A. fork
B. execl
C. wait
D. printf
Answer» B. execl

Which of the following system calls transforms an executable binary file into a process?

A. fork
B. exec
C. ioct1
D. longjmp
Answer» B. exec

Which of the following file names can be found in more than one directory?

A. passwd
B. bin
C. date
D. none of the above
Answer» A. passwd

The command that can be used to restrict incoming messages to a user is………..

A. mesg
B. halt
C. grep
D. sleep
Answer» A. mesg

The sort command in UNIX ….

A. used to sort a file
B. used to sort the list of files in a directory
C. both a and b
D. none of the above
Answer» A. used to sort a file

Which command is used to remove a directory?

A. rd
B. rmdir
C. dldir
D. rdir
Answer» B. rmdir

The tail command in UNIX……

A. can be used to look at the tail or bottom of the file
B. can be used to display the list of last 10 files in the current directory
C. can be used to display the list of last 15 in the current directory
D. none of the above
Answer» A. can be used to look at the tail or bottom of the file

Which command is used to remove a file ……

A. rename
B. mv
C. rm
D. del
Answer» C. rm

Which command will be used with vi editor to append text at end of line?

A. a
B. i
C. a
D. l
Answer» A. a

Which of the following command the file names in multiple columns?

A. is–x
B. is
C. is–1
D. is–f–x
Answer» B. is

Which command is used to display the device name of the terminal you are using?

A. who
B. ls
C. tty
D. stty
Answer» C. tty

Which command allows you to view your file 24 lines at a time ?

A. more
B. cat
C. pg
D. none of the above
Answer» A. more

Which of the following is not a communication command?

A. write
B. mail
C. mesg
D. grep
Answer» D. grep
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