150+ Export Merchandising Solved MCQs


The mediator between the Apparel Manufacture and Buyer.

A. Export House
B. Buying House
C. Retailer
D. Contractor
Answer» B. Buying House

Proto Sample means:

A. 1st Sample
B. Running Sample
C. Production Sample
D. Photo Sample
Answer» A. 1st Sample

Which sector is called as the Sunset Industry?

A. Mill Sector
B. Textile Sector
C. Handloom Sector
D. Power loom Sector
Answer» C. Handloom Sector

HRD stands for

A. Human Re-creative Department
B. Human Resource Development
C. Human Research Department
D. Human Activity Department
Answer» B. Human Resource Development

-------------is the second largest Rural Employment provider next to agriculture.

A. Textile Industry
B. Tourism
C. Agriculture
D. Transport
Answer» A. Textile Industry

Powerloom was invented by ----------------

A. John Key
B. William Horrocks
C. Edmund Cartright
D. All of them
Answer» D. All of them

The sector which comes under Textile Industry

A. Mill Sector
B. Private Sector
C. Finance Sector
D. Transport Sector
Answer» A. Mill Sector

Counter Samples are --------------

A. Fit Sample
B. Reference Sample
C. Reverence Sample
D. Resource Sample
Answer» B. Reference Sample

Sample is the representation of --------------

A. a lot
B. a batch
C. a quantity
D. both a & b
Answer» D. both a & b

Number of Rights of Merchandising

A. 8
B. 6
C. 10
D. 3
Answer» B. 6

In a Corporate buying office how much percentage is owned and operated by the Parent Organization?

A. 70%
B. 80%
C. 75%
D. 90%
Answer» A. 70%

Which among these are eco-friendly fabrics?

A. Alpaca
B. Cotton
C. Hemp
D. Nylon
Answer» D. Nylon

The removal of loose hairy protruding fibres are called

A. Desiging
B. Singeing
C. Scouring
D. Bleaching
Answer» B. Singeing

CMT stands for

A. Consumption of materials and threads
B. Cut make threads
C. Cut make trims
D. Cutting and making of textiles
Answer» C. Cut make trims

The method of removing natural colouring matter from the fabric is called------

A. Singeing
B. Bleaching
C. Scouring
D. Dyeing
Answer» B. Bleaching

7PP Contractors means

A. Full Package Programme
B. Fully Packed Programmes
C. Fully Processed Programme
D. Fully Personified Programmes
Answer» A. Full Package Programme

Sanforization means

A. Fire proof
B. Shrinkage resistant
C. Water proof finish
D. Fire proof
Answer» B. Shrinkage resistant

Speciality Contractors does special works like

A. Stitching
B. Embroidery
C. Pleating
D. Cutting
Answer» C. Pleating

Geo Textiles and Medical Textiles comes under

A. Technical Textiles
B. Practical Textiles
C. Protective Textiles
D. Medical Textiles
Answer» A. Technical Textiles

One strike off of a Roller Print requires ------------

A. 100 yards
B. 1000 yards
C. 2000 yards
D. 500 yards
Answer» A. 100 yards

The handloom sector provides employment to an amount of -------------people.

A. 11.5 million
B. 18.5 million
C. 12.5 million
D. 19.5 million
Answer» C. 12.5 million

The largest rural employment provider ------------

A. Powerloom Sector
B. Handloom Sector
C. Garment Sector
D. Mill Sector
Answer» B. Handloom Sector

Expanded form of CIM

A. Computer Internal Manufacturing
B. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
C. Complete Internal Manufacturing
D. Consumer Integrated Manufacturing
Answer» B. Computer Integrated Manufacturing

Materials used for care labels

A. Satin
B. Taffeta
C. Twill
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Classification of manufacturing plants falls into which category?

A. Continuous Process
B. Repeat Process
C. Non Stop Process
D. Looped Process
Answer» A. Continuous Process

A circle inside a square denotes which fabric care symbol?

A. Machine wash
B. Ironing
C. Tumble dry
D. Dry clean
Answer» C. Tumble dry

Which of the following is a Fashion Magazine?

A. Elle
B. Allure
D. Estilas- De-Vida
Answer» A. Elle

A circle denotes which Fabric Care Symbol?

A. Bleaching
B. Drying
C. Dry clean
D. Washing
Answer» C. Dry clean

MC+ OE+ P =

Answer» B. MP

Manufacturing Cost includes

A. Direct Material Cost
B. Direct Labour
C. Factor Overhead
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Expanded form of GSM

A. Gauge per square metre
B. Gram per square metre
C. Gram per square material
D. Gram per standard metre
Answer» B. Gram per square metre

--------------samples are produced prior to production.

A. Production Sample
B. Fit Sample
C. Pre production Sample
D. Photo Sample
Answer» C. Pre production Sample

Environmental Certification awarded to specific products

A. Eco-Label
B. Green Label
C. Eco-Earth Label
D. None of these
Answer» B. Green Label

The three chasing arrow symbolizes

A. Re cylable materials
B. Re cycled materials
C. Re cycle Life
D. Re cycling symbol
Answer» A. Re cylable materials

----------is an Eco-friendly fabric?

A. Organic Cotton
B. Hemp
C. Bamboo
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

The two primary types of buying offices are

A. Independent & Store Owned
B. Associate & Store Owned
C. Independent & Associate
D. Corporate & Independent
Answer» A. Independent & Store Owned

Hemp an example for

A. Natural Fibre
B. Artificial Fibre
C. Regenerated Fibre
D. Eco-friendly Fibre
Answer» D. Eco-friendly Fibre

AMC stands for

A. Associated Merchandising Corporation
B. American Merchandise Corporation
C. Associate Merchants Corporation
D. Associated Merchandisers Committee
Answer» A. Associated Merchandising Corporation

A line should have a minimum of ------------garments.

A. 6
B. 8
C. 9
D. 12
Answer» B. 8

Eco-friendly Certification

A. EI Eco-Label
B. EC Eco-Label
C. EU Eco- Label
D. EM Eco-Label
Answer» C. EU Eco- Label

Expanded form of FMCG

A. Fast moving clothing & garments
B. Fast moving consumer garments
C. Fast moving computer goods
D. Fast moving consumer goods.
Answer» D. Fast moving consumer goods.

Store owned resident buying offices are divided into-----

A. 2
B. 4
C. 5
D. 1
Answer» A. 2

Handloom sector is an -------------sector.

A. Organized
B. Semi organized
C. Un organized
D. Fully organized
Answer» C. Un organized

Doneger Group represents over -------------

A. 400 stores
B. 200 stores
C. 100 stores
D. 800 stores
Answer» D. 800 stores

Buying office is also called as ---------

A. Importers office
B. Buyers office
C. Exporters office
D. Both a & b
Answer» D. Both a & b

Special print order minimums

A. 6000 yards
B. 3000 yards
C. 1000 yards
D. 8000 yards
Answer» A. 6000 yards

AMC and Frederick Atkins are examples for--------------

A. Corporate Buying Office
B. Independent Buying Office
C. Associated Buying Office
D. Store Owned Buying Office
Answer» B. Independent Buying Office

Special solid colour order minimums

A. 3000 yards
B. 100 yards
C. 1000 yards
D. 5000 yards
Answer» D. 5000 yards

The excess fabric from fashion goods ends up being sold to a ------------

A. Jobber
B. Converter
C. Mills
D. None of these
Answer» A. Jobber

---------------is a semi organized sector.

A. Handloom
B. Powerloom
C. Mill Sector
D. Textile Sector
Answer» B. Powerloom

Vogue is a -----------

A. Beauty Magazine
B. Life Style Magazine
C. Fashion Magazine
D. None of these
Answer» C. Fashion Magazine

Designers present their collection -----------------in a year.

A. Once
B. Thrice
C. Twice
D. Six times
Answer» C. Twice

GDP stands for

A. Gross Domestic Product
B. Government Development Programme
C. Gross Domestic Programme
D. Garment Development Programme
Answer» A. Gross Domestic Product

---------------is a famous Fashion Magazine.

A. Vogue
B. Allure
C. Image
D. All of these
Answer» A. Vogue

The term bio de-gradable stands for

A. Man made fabrics
B. Eco-friendly fabrics
C. Regenerated fabrics
D. Synthetic fabrics
Answer» B. Eco-friendly fabrics

--------------is a famous fashion forecasting agency.

A. Peelers
B. Promostyle
C. Hi-Eddkoort
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Materials used for care labels

A. Satin
B. Taffela
C. Twill ribbon
D. All of these
Answer» B. Taffela

Imported goods require

A. Longer lead time
B. Shorter lead time
C. Minimum lead time
D. No lead time
Answer» A. Longer lead time

------------denotes number of needles per inch in a knitting machine

A. Gange
B. Gauge
C. Greige
D. Crimp
Answer» B. Gauge

Harper’s Bazar is a

A. Fashion Magazine
B. Life Style Magazine
C. Professional and Trade Magazine
D. Trade Magazine
Answer» A. Fashion Magazine

A buying house is authorized as an office of the

A. Exporter
B. Importer
C. Retailer
D. Manufacturer
Answer» B. Importer

A triangle care label indicates which symbol?

A. Bleaching
B. No bleach
C. Non chlorine bleach
D. Any bleach
Answer» D. Any bleach

-------------is an Environmental Certification awarded to specific products.

A. Green Name
B. Green labeling
C. Eco Label
D. Both b & C
Answer» D. Both b & C

------------is an example for eco-friendly fabrics.

A. Cotton
B. Organic wool
C. Nylon
D. Hemp
Answer» D. Hemp

An iron box symbol with 2 dots inside denotes a ----------temperature.

A. Low
B. High
C. Medium
D. No temperature
Answer» C. Medium

HLCC stands for-------------

A. Home Laundry Council Committee
B. Home Laundry Council of Clothes
C. Home Laundry and Consultative Council
D. Home Laundering Cloth Council
Answer» C. Home Laundry and Consultative Council

Ramie when wet is 8 times stronger than -------

A. Hemp
B. Cotton
C. Jute
D. Silk
Answer» B. Cotton

--------------------is the costing done for the future reference of the firm.

A. Forward Costing
B. Direct Costing
C. Backward Costing
D. Absorption Costing
Answer» A. Forward Costing

--------------are samples produced prior to production.

A. Counter Sample
B. Size Set Sample
C. Revised Sample
D. Pre production Sample
Answer» D. Pre production Sample

--------------is a fully organized sector.

A. Mill Sector
B. Sunset Industry
C. Powerloom Sector
D. Handloom Sector
Answer» A. Mill Sector

-------------is the total duration of time from placing an order to the delivery of goods.

A. Led time
B. Leed time
C. Lead time
D. Finish time
Answer» C. Lead time

L/C stand for

A. Letter of Credit
B. Letter against Cancellation
C. Letter for Credit
D. Letter of Communication
Answer» A. Letter of Credit

The modes of transport are broadly divided into ----------categories.

A. 2
B. 4
C. 3
D. 6
Answer» C. 3

--------------means a charge paid for carriage or transportation of good by air, land or sea.

A. 70B
B. Freight
C. Tax
D. Quota
Answer» B. Freight

The --------------is the Agency Distributing and Administering Apparel Quotas.

A. Apparel Promotion Council
B. Export Promotion Council
C. Textile Promotion Council
D. Import Promotion Council
Answer» B. Export Promotion Council

---------------are quotas where the restriction is placed on the imports with no restrictions to source.

A. Bilateral Quota
B. Unilateral Quota
C. Multilateral Quota
D. Tariff Quotas
Answer» C. Multilateral Quota

AEPC stands for

A. All Export Promoters Council
B. Apparel Export Promotion Council
C. Apparel Entitlement Promotion Council
D. Apparel Export Promoters Committee
Answer» B. Apparel Export Promotion Council

---------------is an official document to carry goods to the set destination.

A. Letter of Credit
B. Bill of Lading
C. Certificate of origin
D. Airway Bill
Answer» B. Bill of Lading

---------------is required by the custom authority of the importing country for the purpose of imposing import duty.

A. Certificate of Origin
B. Airway Bill
C. Insurance Policy
D. Inspection Certificate
Answer» A. Certificate of Origin

Item manufacturers are often ---------that make direct copies of other manufacturer’s garments.

A. Item Houses
B. Knockoff Houses
C. Buying Houses
D. Manufacturers
Answer» B. Knockoff Houses

A------------Fabric Board should be about 20 by 30 inches.

A. Sportswear
B. Casual Wear
C. Formal Wear
D. Traditional Wear
Answer» A. Sportswear

-------------total time required to complete one unit of a product or service.

A. Lead Time
B. Processing Time
C. Finishing Time
D. End Time
Answer» A. Lead Time

-----------is the total amount of money required to produce or to make a product.

A. Price
B. Cost
C. Expenditure
D. Both a & b
Answer» B. Cost

Costing can be divided into ---------types.

A. 1
B. 4
C. 6
D. 2
Answer» D. 2

------is the selling cost of a product.

A. Price
B. Cost
C. Tax
D. Quota
Answer» A. Price

RC+ OE+ P =

Answer» B. RP

GEEP stands for

A. Garment Export Entitlement Policy
B. Government Export Entitlement Policy
C. Garment Export Election Policy
D. Government Exporters Export Policy
Answer» A. Garment Export Entitlement Policy

The Government allots the quotas for all the registered exporters on the basis of

A. Garment Export Election policy
B. Garment Export Entitlement Policy
C. Garment Allotment Policy
D. Garment Export Policy
Answer» B. Garment Export Entitlement Policy

-------------are quotas set by a country without previous consultation or negotiation with others.

A. Bilateral Quota
B. Tariff Quota
C. Multilateral Quota
D. Unilateral Quota
Answer» D. Unilateral Quota

---------is the result of an agreement between the buyers’ country and the suppliers’ country.

A. Bilateral Quota
B. Multilateral Quota
C. Unilateral Quota
D. Tariff Quota
Answer» A. Bilateral Quota

---------% of the total allocation is given to exporters as per the non-quota entitlement system.

A. 10%
B. 8%
C. 5%
D. 1%
Answer» C. 5%

NIS was aimed for modernizing the ------

A. Textile Industry
B. Garment Industry
C. Wovens
D. Knits
Answer» B. Garment Industry

NQE stands for

A. New Quota Entitlement
B. Non Quota Entitlement
C. New Investors Quota Entitlement
D. No Quota Exporters
Answer» B. Non Quota Entitlement

Open Stock Fabric is usually available with smaller minimums than

A. Knock-off
B. Custom made Fabric
C. Special Order Fabric
D. Both b&c
Answer» D. Both b&c

Open Stock Fabrics are usually available with ------------than Custom or Special Order Fabric.

A. Minimums
B. Smaller Minimums
C. Order Minimums
D. Quicker delivery
Answer» B. Smaller Minimums

---------------is calculated after the whole process of production is done.

A. Forward Costing
B. Direct Costing
C. Backward Costing
D. Absorption Costing
Answer» C. Backward Costing

The fashion shows are presented -----------a year and one season ahead.

A. Thrice
B. Once
C. Twice
D. Four
Answer» C. Twice

----------costing helps to calculate the amount of profit or loss.

A. Backward Costing
B. Absorption Costing
C. Forward Costing
D. Direct Costing
Answer» A. Backward Costing

-------------is the representation of a lot.

A. Batch
B. Sample
C. Garment
D. Size Set
Answer» B. Sample

----------provide important details to ensure the correct execution of garment patterns into finished garments.

A. Order Sheet
B. Stitch Order Sheet
C. Specification Sheet
D. Garment Detail Sheet
Answer» C. Specification Sheet
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