180+ Fashion Marketing Solved MCQs


Marketing concept address the four P’s: Product,Price,Promotion & -------------

A. Place
B. Prestige
C. Presentation
D. Progress
Answer» A. Place

A group of garments designed for a specific season.

A. Classic
B. Collection
C. Buying
D. Apparels
Answer» B. Collection

Any paid message in the media used to increase sales.

A. Advertising
B. Shopping
C. Buying
D. Interview
Answer» A. Advertising

The business of buying fashion merchandise from a variety of resources and reselling it to ultimate consumers-----------------

A. Wholesalers
B. Fashion retailing
C. Marketing
D. Merchandising
Answer» B. Fashion retailing

Prediction of fashion trend.---------------

A. Fashion forecasting
B. Marketing
C. Advertisement
D. Sale test
Answer» A. Fashion forecasting

The difference between the cost price and selling price.

B. Markup
D. Profit price
Answer» B. Markup

A price lower than the original wholesale price--------------.

B. Price
C. Off-price
D. Low-price
Answer» C. Off-price

------------------- is the process of market & trend research, merchandising, design and development of the final product.

A. Product development
B. Forecasting
C. Marketing
D. Research
Answer» A. Product development

Work on a new line begins approximately----------------month before the selling season.

A. 9
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
Answer» B. 8

------------------has the responsibility for merchandise content and assortment.

A. Store line
B. Market line
C. Buying line
D. Shopping line
Answer» C. Buying line

Expand DMMs.-----------------

A. Divisional Merchandise Managers
B. Department of Merchandise Management
C. Division of Market Management
D. Department of Market Management
Answer» A. Divisional Merchandise Managers

Expand MIS.------------------

A. Merchandising Information System
B. Market Information System
C. Management Information System
D. Merchandise Introducing System
Answer» A. Merchandising Information System

A merchandise------------------is a collection of various styles, quantities and prices related merchandise, usually grouped under one classification within a department.

A. Parts
B. Assortment
C. Segmentation
D. Market
Answer» B. Assortment

The difference between actual stock and planned stock equals -------------- the value of planned purchases

A. open to buy
B. sales to stogle
C. end of each month balance
D. open stock
Answer» A. open to buy

Expand OTB---------------

A. Open-to –buy
B. Open- to – balance
C. Off- balance
D. Out of table budget
Answer» A. Open-to –buy

------------------------------ analysis shows the relationship between fixed costs variable or marginal costs, total cost, sales revenue and output or volume.

A. Cost plus
B. Break even
C. Break down
Answer» B. Break even

--------------- is any particular characteristic as look in apparel as accessories.

A. Style
B. Change
C. Tosle
D. acceptance
Answer» A. Style

----------- is defined as “generally one or more letters worked into some distinctive typographic designs”.

A. Symbol
B. Logo
C. Sign
D. Desig
Answer» B. Logo

--------------------included bags, books, gift wraps, tissue papers and another form of material used to hold the target markets purchases.

A. Polypacks
B. Gifts
C. Packaging
D. Holders
Answer» C. Packaging

A ----------------------- is an information log generated by the onamfactures and attached to the product

A. Hangers
B. Loopers
C. Hangtags
D. Posters
Answer» C. Hangtags

A ----------------- store operators on a low price margin

A. Dealers
B. Supermarkets
C. Discount
D. Speciality
Answer» B. Supermarkets

Set a low price to stimulate customer traffic

A. Discount pricing
B. Low rate
C. High price
D. Price range
Answer» A. Discount pricing

Design prices to encourage customers to purchase a newly introduced product

A. Discount pricing
B. Product pricing
C. Promotional pricing
D. Market pricing
Answer» C. Promotional pricing

------------------------- is a classification of consumers based on activites, interst and opinions.

A. Psychographics
B. Demographic
C. Sociological
D. Anthropological
Answer» A. Psychographics

----------------------- is where profit is expressed as a percentage of the sale price.

A. Break-down
B. Break-up
C. Markdown
D. Markup
Answer» C. Markdown

Crabrielle coco chanel, is internationally known as------------

A. Coco
B. Chanel
D. Charel coco
Answer» A. Coco

The customer perceives the value of the product to the worth the price.

A. Cost oriented pricing
B. Volume-based pricing
C. Promotional price
D. Discount pricing
Answer» B. Volume-based pricing

Market----------pricing occurs when the products initial price is set low.

A. Penetrating pricing
B. Skimming price
C. Psychological price
D. Discount price
Answer» A. Penetrating pricing

The types of discount pricing strategies are popular in the fashion industry 1)------------- -------- 2) Seasonal discount

A. Value discount
B. High discount
C. Quantity discount
D. Discount sale
Answer» C. Quantity discount

----------------------- discount is provided when merchandise is purchased in bundles or multiple units

A. Quantity
B. Quality
C. Rate
D. Cost price
Answer» A. Quantity

A ---------------------- discount is used to sell merchandise that is out of season

A. Seasonal
B. Quantity
C. Style
D. Time
Answer» A. Seasonal

------------------------ occurs when pricing is used as the basis to make consumers “feel more favourable” about a product

A. Value based pricing
B. Discount pricing
C. Membership pricing
D. Psychological pricing
Answer» D. Psychological pricing

------------------- is an assessment of market segment option, the competition, the marketing environment and major trends

A. Marketing analysis
B. Market rating
C. Facasting
D. Valuations
Answer» A. Marketing analysis

-------------------- will slowly rise in popularity only to suffer an abrupt decline as they become adopted

A. Classic
B. Style
C. Trend
D. Fad
Answer» D. Fad

-------------------- is the study of changes in the rose and make up of the population

A. Demographic
B. Psychographic
C. Population
D. Statistics
Answer» A. Demographic

-------------------- involves ses of detailed question that are asked to determeine the status of a firm in relation to its objectives, sustomers, competition and marketing environment

A. Marketing segment
B. Marketing audits
C. Market research
D. Market survey
Answer» B. Marketing audits

Describes the specific combination of marketing variables, the four P’s----------------

A. Marketing rise
B. Market study
C. Market variables
D. Marketing
Answer» A. Marketing rise

-------------------- are places for buying and selling

A. Markets
B. Shop
C. Store
D. Margin free
Answer» A. Markets

--------------- is where profit is expressed as a percentage of costs.

A. Mark-up
B. Break up
C. Break down
D. Break even
Answer» A. Mark-up

Expand MFA ------------------------

A. Multiple fabric agents
B. Multi fibre Agreement
C. Mass Fibre Arrangement
D. Multi Fabric Allotment
Answer» B. Multi fibre Agreement

-------------------- is anything that can be offered in the market place that might satisfy a need

A. Product
B. Prize
C. Offer
D. Discount
Answer» A. Product

------------------ is the assortment of fashion products that a company offers for sale at any point in time.

A. Fashion
B. Collection
C. Product range
D. Gevels
Answer» C. Product range

Media coverage that is not paid for and has a mass audience and a high level of credibility

A. Publicity
B. Promotion
C. Poster
D. Catalog
Answer» A. Publicity

SWOT ------------ strengths, weatness, opportunities and -----------------------

A. Taste
B. Threats
C. Trade
D. Trend
Answer» B. Threats

------------- stores that sell manufactures aversuns directly to the customer

A. Factory outlet
B. Retail outlet
C. Superstore
D. Department
Answer» A. Factory outlet

An industry buzz word signifying electronic retailing

A. c – tailing
B. B – tailing
C. E- tailing
D. Catalog
Answer» C. E- tailing

Visual presentation of merchandise ----------------

A. Display
B. Presentation
C. Show
D. Event
Answer» A. Display

Income left after the basic necessities have been paid for

A. Disparable income
B. Discretionary income
C. Personal income
D. Sales income
Answer» B. Discretionary income

Report and ideas available by subscription to manufactures and retailers predictives----- -------------

A. Reports
B. Design services
C. Publications
D. New reports
Answer» B. Design services

Any resource from which a designer obtains ideas

A. Design resource
B. Ethnic level
C. Research
D. Evaluation of collection
Answer» A. Design resource

Expand CIM

A. Company Integrated Manufacturing
B. Computer integrated manufacturing
C. Computerised industry machine
D. Computer integrated mechanism
Answer» B. Computer integrated manufacturing

-------------------- is the difference in value between a country’s exports and emports

A. Duties
B. Balance of trade
C. Tariff
D. Quota allocation
Answer» B. Balance of trade

---------------- is the trade name that identifies a certain product made by a particular producer

A. Branle
B. Buyer
C. Shop
D. Trade amark
Answer» A. Branle

French word for a small shop with unusual clothing and atmosphere--------------------

A. Tailoring
B. Atelien
C. Boutique
D. Prêt-a-porter
Answer» C. Boutique

French word for designer workship

A. Couture
B. Atelien
C. Prêt – a porter
D. Tailleur
Answer» B. Atelien

Alta moda ------------

A. Italian coutue
B. french coutine
C. American couline
D. European coutiue
Answer» A. Italian coutue

A fashion that long lasts

A. Classic
B. Fad
C. Trend
D. Interrupted fashion
Answer» A. Classic

English term for made- to- measusre men’s suits

A. Bespoke
B. Couline
C. Folk costume
D. Custom made
Answer» A. Bespoke

------------------- is tha trend for manufactures and retailers to expand throughout the world

A. Globalization
B. Naturalization
C. General agreement
D. Expansion
Answer» A. Globalization

--------------------- is the group of consumers to whom a producer, manufactures or retailer aims products, services and advertising

A. Stylist
B. Target market
C. Buyer
D. Audience
Answer» B. Target market

------------------------ name identify products made by a particular manufactures

A. Brand
B. Franchis
C. Unique
D. Store
Answer» A. Brand

Under -------------------- agreement, popular designers and brand name manufactures give other manufactures permission to use their names.

A. Royalty
B. Bilateral
C. Licensing
D. Mutual
Answer» C. Licensing

------------------ is a percentage of wholesale sales paid to the designer brand name.

A. Royalty
B. Profit
C. Commission
D. Margin
Answer» A. Royalty

Certain manufactures avoid retailers altogether by mailing their own catalogs directly to the public, called ------------------------

A. Direct marketing
B. Indirect promotion
C. Promotion
D. Marketing
Answer» A. Direct marketing

In --------------------- agreement, a manufactures sells the rights to retail its merchandise as product time.

A. Licensing
B. Franchising
C. Royalty
D. Direct
Answer» B. Franchising

-------------------- is information given to the public regarding products, policies, personnel, activities or services.

A. Publicity
B. Editor
C. Report
D. Hangtag
Answer» A. Publicity

Advertising is the planning, ueriting, producing and scheduling of ---------------- designed to attract customers.

A. Event
B. Show
C. Paid announcement
D. Video
Answer» C. Paid announcement

The price paid by the retailer to the manufacturer for a garment is known as the --------- ---

A. Cost price
B. Market price
C. Selling price
D. Discount price
Answer» A. Cost price

Margin ------------

A. Break up
B. Mark- up
C. Mark-down
D. Break down
Answer» B. Mark- up

Expand VAT

A. Value added tax
B. Variable agreement trade
C. Visual arrangement of trend
D. Value agreed on trade
Answer» A. Value added tax

----------------- is calculated at the range selection stage before order qualities are finalisect.

A. Average selling price
B. Market price
C. Cost price
D. Margin price
Answer» A. Average selling price

New ranges are launched for -------------- main reasons per year.

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 1
Answer» C. 2

--------------- general merchandise store, including apparel, household goods and furniture.

A. Wholesale
B. Department store
C. Regional store
D. Speciality store
Answer» B. Department store

------------------- is the term offer used by the industry to describe online retailing vis the internet.

A. Whole sale
B. E- Commerce
C. Catalog
D. Tele- Shopping
Answer» B. E- Commerce

-------------------- retailing offers merchandises to consumers in a catalog as directional format

A. Mail order
B. E- Commerce
C. E-retailing
D. Chain store
Answer» A. Mail order

-------------------- stores owners hires more employee and increases space

A. Large
B. Small
C. Partnership
D. Franchise
Answer» B. Small

A successful unit store may open additional locations, to grow into a -------------- unit operation,

A. Single
B. Branch
C. Chain
D. Multiple
Answer» D. Multiple

------------------------ store is often managed by one person usually the owner.

A. Small
B. Large
C. Corporate
D. Single
Answer» A. Small

Any store that is price- directed is a ----------------- store

A. Small
B. Department
C. Corporate
D. Promotional
Answer» D. Promotional

The retailers charge a small membership fee, offer consumers deep discounts on general merchandise -------------------------

A. Warehouse club
B. Mass- merchants
C. Retail store
D. Outlets
Answer» A. Warehouse club

------------------- is the group of consumers to whom a producer, manufactures or retailer aims products, services and advertising

A. Stylist
B. Target market
C. Buyer
D. Customer
Answer» B. Target market

-------------------- is a designer or fashion leader who sets a fashion directton

A. Trend setter
B. Stylist
C. Trend buyer
D. Buyer
Answer» A. Trend setter

----------- stores cater to a particular target customer by providing a narrow fours of merchandise

A. Department store
B. Speciality
C. Regional
D. Departmental
Answer» B. Speciality

-------------- is the means of communication, newspapers, magazines, radio, TV, and direct mail.

A. Current
B. Reports
C. Media
D. Service
Answer» C. Media

---------------- retailer carry a wider variety of categories, such s women’s and men’s apparel accessories

A. Limited line
B. Multiple line
C. Department
D. Mass merchant
Answer» B. Multiple line

A single unit store may open additional locations, a----------------- operation

A. Multiple unit
B. Chain store
C. Malls
D. Liaised store
Answer» A. Multiple unit

Store owned by a single person -------------------

A. Partnership
B. Mass merchants
C. Sole proprietorship
D. Corporation
Answer» C. Sole proprietorship

Business owned by two or more persons under a centretual agreement

A. Mass merchants
B. Merchants
C. Partnerships
D. Corporate
Answer» C. Partnerships

The means to communicate a store’s fashion, value and quality message to prospective customers.

A. Visual merchandising
B. Buying merchant
C. Buying house
D. Presentation
Answer» A. Visual merchandising

The timing of seasonal markets analies up a ------------------------

A. Calender
B. Market list
C. Marketing calendar
D. Activity calendar
Answer» C. Marketing calendar

Involves the presentation of the product or line to the sales staff by the merchandising and marketing division

A. Line preview
B. Line release
C. Displau
D. Launching
Answer» A. Line preview

--------------------- indicates when retail orders are completely filled

A. Purchase order
B. Start to ship
C. Ship complete
D. Selling
Answer» C. Ship complete

-------------------- involves the assembling of a commercially acceptable collection of garments within the planned limitation finance and design.

A. Range planning
B. Line
C. Sampling
D. Market meeting
Answer» A. Range planning

Low price margin store ---------------------

A. Dealers
B. Supermarkets
C. Discount
D. Specialty
Answer» B. Supermarkets

System design to plan, price, premol and want satisfying product to the target customers to achieve organisational goal.

A. Marketing
B. Sourcing
C. Market calendar
D. Bevdgeting
Answer» A. Marketing

--------------- is generally communicating with the public in an attempt to influence them towards buying your products or service.

A. Advertising
B. Promotions
C. Reports
D. Magazines
Answer» B. Promotions

Interior displays may take the form of ---------------------------------- presentations

A. Image
B. Visual
C. Attract
D. Trend
Answer» A. Image

------------------------ is the character or personality that a store presents to the public

A. Store image
B. Publicity
C. Product advertisement
D. Posters
Answer» A. Store image

Vitrines -------------------------

A. Glass cases
B. Fixtures
C. Stunels
D. Wooden case
Answer» A. Glass cases

Star fixtures --------------

A. Two arms
B. Three arms
C. Four arms
D. Five arms
Answer» C. Four arms
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