140+ Western Costume Solved MCQs


------------------------ stops the process of decay by changing the nature of the protein through a chemical raction.

A. Tanning
B. smocking
C. heating
D. None of these
Answer» A. Tanning

When fastening was required the wearer closed with ---------------------or by sewing

A. Pin
B. Clasps
C. brooch
D. clips
Answer» A. Pin

_______________tanning using tannin extracts from plants.

A. vegitable
B. smocking
C. Oil tanning
D. None of these
Answer» A. vegitable

Beginning of dressing in human form of____________________

A. decoration
B. protection
C. Functional
D. Clothing
Answer» A. decoration

_______________is a large piece of fabric tie or pinned at the neck.

A. veils
B. cape
C. cloaks
D. tunic
Answer» C. cloaks

Hair is worn in simple natural style and kept in place by a_________________

A. veils
B. fillet
C. hat
D. chingnon
Answer» B. fillet

Dog coller necklace is also typical of the women’s dress in ____________period.

A. aboriginals
B. Assyrian
C. Babylonian
D. Sumerian
Answer» C. Babylonian

___________________ with opening for head and arms

A. cloaks
B. tunics
C. Cape
D. corselect
Answer» B. tunics

Close fitting troucers called________________

A. braceae
B. Trebea
C. locerna
D. sayias
Answer» A. braceae

___________________ is a slneless,without or with straps suspended from the shoulder, adecorative form of armour

A. corselet
B. armour
C. waist coat
D. surcote
Answer» A. corselet

They wear tunics made of linen with frings hanging about legs called

A. kalasiris
B. sayias
C. schenty
D. schent
Answer» A. kalasiris

Womens skirt is otherwise called_________________

A. schenty
B. schent
C. kalaris
D. sayias
Answer» A. schenty

_____________is the stste head dress of Egyptian king.

A. Pschent
B. diadems
C. helmet
D. peplos
Answer» A. Pschent

____________was considered to be distinguishing mark of a free married woman.

A. Veil
B. belt
C. tablion
D. budge
Answer» A. Veil

Close fitting gmt also called a_____________________

A. sheath dress
B. kalasiris
C. tunic
D. dalmatica
Answer» A. sheath dress

Loin cloths were the sole garment worn by_______________

A. laborers
B. kings
C. Royal peoples
D. Upper class
Answer» A. laborers

________________ consisting of squares or rectangles of fabric that wrapped around the upper part of the body and did not extend below thw waist.

A. Shawls
B. cloaks
C. himation
D. Cape
Answer» A. Shawls

Most common garment for women of all classes as a ____________________dress

A. Sheath
B. Tunic
C. chemise
D. petticote
Answer» A. Sheath

____________placed on the head, some held flowers.

A. diadems
B. fillet
C. brooch
D. clasps
Answer» A. diadems

The garment called the tunic here to force was called a_______________

A. chitton
B. stola
C. himation
D. toga
Answer» A. chitton

The _______________ is a Greek for loincloth

A. perizona
B. foustanella
C. chlanydon
D. vraka
Answer» A. perizona

The ________ was a more complicated for of the women’s diplex in which fabric was pleated into ric ba

A. chlamydon
B. perizoma
C. vraka
D. foustarella
Answer» A. chlamydon

______________ is a narrow brimed or brinless hat with a pointed crown was worn by both men & women

A. pilos
B. peplos
C. crown hat
D. turban
Answer» A. pilos

_____________is a modern term for a close fitting shaped body armor.

A. cuirass
B. trabea
C. locern
D. kalaris
Answer» A. cuirass

Many garment consisted simply of a recatangular pieces of cloth draped around the body and held together by a

A. belt
B. sash
C. obi
D. code
Answer» A. belt

______________is considered as the national costume of mens in Greece

A. foustanella
B. perizoma
C. vrak
D. chlamydon
Answer» A. foustanella

Foustanella costume derives its name from the pleted white skirt made by triangular shaped piece of cloth called

A. Langolia
B. Mangolia
C. tangolia
D. Angolia
Answer» A. Langolia

___________ costume consist of an under mt which is a white with a thick balck fring edge

A. Karagouna
B. vraka
C. perizoma
D. foustanella
Answer» A. Karagouna

A while sleevless coat called ---------------with decorated trim.

A. sayias
B. braccea
C. tribea
D. cuirass
Answer» A. sayias

In Rome both men & women were a simple wrapped loin cloth called_____________

A. subliqar
B. schenty
C. shent
D. langolia
Answer» A. subliqar

______________ was the national garment Rome

A. Toga
B. Stola
C. tunic
D. chiton
Answer» A. Toga

Large over fold in the front of the body was called a---------------------

A. sinus
B. umbo
C. cuiras
D. palla
Answer» A. sinus

Toga virils also called

A. toga pura
B. toga picta
C. toga candida
D. None of these
Answer» A. toga pura

_______________ is a purple toga embroidered with gold thread worn by a victorious

A. toga picta
B. toga pura
C. Toga virils
D. toga candida
Answer» A. toga picta

_________________were well ventilated strong leather sandals leather straps

A. caligae
B. bracae
C. high boots
D. zori
Answer» A. caligae

A militaru cape at first called_______________

A. trabea
B. caligae
C. calice
D. curiras
Answer» A. trabea

The womwn of ancient rom wear a long tunic called

A. stola
B. toga
C. chiton
D. himation
Answer» A. stola

The stola which went down to the feet of the wearess often had a woolen mantle over it called a_______________

A. palla
B. paludamentum
C. pallium
D. sagum
Answer» A. palla

The roman women weared the __________ a large sleevless tunic, frequently if not always suspended at the shoulder

A. stola
B. toga
C. chiton
D. tunic
Answer» A. stola

____________was rectangular in shape and was typically draped over the left shoulder under the right arm

A. palla
B. stola
C. himation
D. cloak
Answer» A. palla

A long design that was presecured throughout the roman history was known as the_____________

A. fibula
B. fillet
C. bulla
D. claspr
Answer» A. fibula

The__________________ serued as a top garment. The front edge of the circular cut, closed robe was often lifted up & placed over the shoulder

A. paenula
B. nebula
C. pensubila
D. clavi
Answer» A. paenula

Members of the ruling were a ________________which was secure on the right shoulder by a decorated clasp.

A. Shoulder cloak
B. shawl
C. toga
D. himation
Answer» A. Shoulder cloak

_________________is a long unbelted robe with wide sleeves was reserved as an outer garment for rulers and high ranking dignitaries

A. dalmatica
B. tunica
C. sheath
D. calasiris
Answer» A. dalmatica

Colorful lengthways stripes called ______________ decorated the front and back as well as the hin of the sleeve

A. clavi
B. code
C. baran dai
D. sok dai
Answer» A. clavi

A fabric appliqué the______________ was sewn on at chest height to show rank

A. tablion
B. badge
C. code
D. triangular patch
Answer» A. tablion

The robe which was put on over the head, the___________was adopted by the church and become the chasuble

A. Paenula
B. palla
C. cloak
D. nebula
Answer» A. Paenula

Wone combed their hair into a sort of rolled style and adorned it with a _______________________---onto which a veil was secured.

A. tiara
B. brooch
C. clasp
D. kanzashi
Answer» A. tiara

Byzantire mens usuallu wear nothing on their heads.Members of the ruling class occasionally wear a flat ________________.

A. cap
B. hat
C. helmet
D. trimless cap
Answer» A. cap

Upper class men and the empress wore the ____________- which fastened over the right shoulder with a jewelry brooch

A. paludamentu
B. palla
C. sayias
D. None of these
Answer» A. paludamentu

____________,in contrasting colours and fabric that was located at the open edge over the brest

A. tablion
B. brais
C. tiara
D. badge
Answer» A. tablion

_______________ is a narrow band of white wool was worn by popes and archhishops.

A. pallium
B. robe
C. code
D. baan
Answer» A. pallium

Underdrawers called ___________were loose fining linen breeches fastened at the waist with a belt.

A. braies
B. bracceae
C. clavi
D. tunic
Answer» A. braies

____________ were made from 1 piece of fabric that fastened on one shoulder

A. open mantles
B. close mantle
C. cloaks
D. cope
Answer» A. open mantles

_____________were a lenghth of fabric with a slit through which the head could be slipped

A. open mantles
B. close mantle
C. cloaks
D. cope
Answer» A. open mantles

Womem were both open and closed styles. Some were made as ________laired in contrasting colors.

A. open mantles
B. close mantle
C. double mantle
D. cope
Answer» A. open mantles

_____________these tied into place around the knee.

A. wooden clogs
B. hose
C. tabi
D. greaves
Answer» B. hose

Clothing in the Byzantine Empire was characterized as semicircular shape is called___________

A. paenula
B. pallium
C. sagam
D. pulla
Answer» A. paenula

Byzantine empire they used the ____________as a basic clothing templates.

A. roman chiton
B. roman peplose
C. roman toga
D. roman toga picta
Answer» C. roman toga

One particular use of silk was to create the large rectangular __________that were noble womens

A. veils
B. cloaks
C. shawls
D. cope
Answer» A. veils

Byzantine cloth makers types of strong thick silk called ____________for garments.

A. sateen
B. sanite
C. ramie
D. satin
Answer» B. sanite

In Byzantine court dress __________was the dominat and most important colour followed by purple.

A. gold
B. blue
C. red
D. purple
Answer» A. gold

The __________ was a long sleeved undergarment worn by both sexes.

A. chiton
B. tunica
C. chemise
D. dalmatica
Answer» C. chemise

______________is a garment with long sleeved and cut in one with the garment or sewien and attached at the shoulders

A. talaris
B. tunicamanicata
C. chemise
D. petticote
Answer» A. talaris

Byzantine historians believe that underneath the tunic nearly all Byzantine men wore________

A. greaves
B. calci
C. hose
D. tabi
Answer» C. hose

A______________or squre path sometimes used as an ornaments

A. tablion
B. clasps
C. clavi
D. badge
Answer» A. tablion

Byzantine consuls also carried the ____________is a large handikerchif

A. scopter
B. tablion
C. mappa
D. septa
Answer» C. mappa

Byzantine women wore their hair in elaborate _______________ &sometimes wear large tectangular veils.

A. cucculas
B. updos
C. circlets
D. kanzashi
Answer» B. updos

___________ is a robe tied at the waist with tassels is worn by scholars

A. hoy ching
B. mong
C. yoon nung
D. siv kow
Answer» A. hoy ching

__________ is worn by Chinese officials in court & it is a symbol of rank

A. Mong
B. yoon Nang
C. sie koco
D. hoy ching
Answer» A. Mong

__________is worn by lower raned officials & it has less embroidery with just a round or squre patch on the chest.

A. Mong
B. Beizi
C. Yoon Nang
D. Siv kow
Answer» C. Yoon Nang

___________ costume consist of a lot of different pieces & layers and is tied at the waist

A. bambi
B. Siv kow
C. Beizi
D. yoon Nang
Answer» B. Siv kow

___________is a waist band that hangs down to the ankles

A. Gok dai
B. kwon sok
C. baan dai
D. clavi
Answer» C. baan dai

__________is a thin rpoe with very long tassels that is tied across the chest in different ways to form different patterns.

A. kwon Sok
B. baan dai
C. Gok dai
D. clavi
Answer» A. kwon Sok

Banbi also known as____________

A. banxice
B. beizi
C. bracei
D. boxcei
Answer» A. banxice

_____________is a form of waist coat or outer wearer and had half length sleeves.

A. beizi
B. Diyi
C. Bambi
D. Ruquin
Answer» C. Bambi

_____________is an important item of traditional chines attire common to both men & women similer to cloak.

A. Bambi
B. changao
C. beizi
D. Ruquin
Answer» C. beizi

____________is a formal wear and is often perceived as a longer version of requan and is worn over a skirt

A. Daxiushan
B. Digi
C. Changao
D. yoon nung
Answer» C. Changao

_______________translated as large sleev gown and it is traditional chines attire for women

A. beizi
B. Daxiushan
C. payfung
D. Ruqun
Answer» B. Daxiushan

______________is a formal wear meant only for ceremoxial purposes,it is embroided with long pheasants &circular flowers

A. Diyi
B. ruquan
C. Siv Gu Jong
D. Yuanlinyshan
Answer» A. Diyi

______________is an item of traditional Chinese attire for men.It consist of a blouse &wrap round skirt.

A. yuanlingshan
B. cheongsum
C. requan
D. Sui gu Jong
Answer» C. requan

____________was the most common form of attire for both male & female officials and nobles .Sleeves are mostly covered with pipa sleeves

A. yuanlingshan
B. Mong
C. cheongsan
D. requqn
Answer» A. yuanlingshan

_________________is worn by family who is high in social status will have more embroidery on her outfit.

A. pay fung
B. Siv Gu Jong
C. Mong
D. ruquan
Answer» A. pay fung

_____________is worn by unmarried girls & maidsis a shirt & Blouse set that is tied the waist

A. pay fung
B. Siv Gu Jong
C. ruquan
D. Beizi
Answer» C. ruquan

___________-is abody hugging one piece Chinese dress for women.

A. Mong
B. cheongsam
C. bambi
D. sui kow
Answer» B. cheongsam

Chinese civil & military officials used a variety of ____________to show their rank & position

A. codes
B. tablion
C. sash
D. obi
Answer» A. codes

__________is a hairpins with pendants and gold flowers.

A. coiled bun
B. chingnon
C. buyaos
D. bun
Answer» C. buyaos

__________is a Chinese traditional headgear for women worn by noble women

A. phoenix crown
B. buyaos
C. clasps
D. crown hat
Answer» A. phoenix crown

The _______________shoes made to look like boots. They are usually made of cloth &worn by men.

A. Lotus shoes
B. zori
C. Go hur
D. flips
Answer» C. Go hur

__________is worn by women and some designs had heels or wedge shaped soles

A. go hur
B. zori
C. lotus shoes
D. flips
Answer» C. lotus shoes

The Japanese kimano and the ___________are two of the most commonly worn garments in the country.

A. yukata
B. Nagajuban
C. hakama
D. haori
Answer» A. yukata

__________is a full length robe made of silk,worn by both men & women

A. yukata
B. Nagajuban
C. hakama
D. kimano
Answer» D. kimano

______________are t shaped straight lined robes worn so that the hem fulls to the ankle with attached collars and long wide sleeves

A. kimono
B. tunic
C. chiton
D. tunica dalmatica
Answer» A. kimono

The kimono are wraped around the body and is secured by a sash is called ___________which is tied at the back.

A. Diyi
B. tabi
C. obi
D. obiage c.obijime
Answer» C. obi

The _____________is also a part of Japanese traditional clothing and can be considered as acasual version of the kimono

A. Kimono
B. hakama
C. yukata
D. haori himo
Answer» C. yukata

___________is a robe that takes the shape of a kimono and is worn underneath it.

A. yukata
B. haori
C. hakama
D. nagajuhan
Answer» D. nagajuhan

Collar of the nagajuhan is covered or wrapped with a _________for decorative and cleanliness purpose

A. Haori
B. haori himo
C. haneri
D. hazori
Answer» C. haneri

The_____________ is a loose fitting ,coat like kneelength garment

A. Haori himo
B. haori himo
C. hakama
D. yukata
Answer» B. haori himo

________is a kind of tie-up usually awomen string which holds the haori together

A. Gok Dai
B. baan blai
C. knun sok
D. haoxi himo
Answer» D. haoxi himo

________is a wide pleated ankle length skirt .It has 7 pleats in all, 5 on the front & 2 at the back

A. Haori
B. Hakama
C. yukata
D. Nagajuban
Answer» B. Hakama
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