Jurisprudence Solved MCQs


Antoyodaya jurisprudence also means

A. Anti-poor jurisprudence
B. Anti-government jurisprudence
C. Pro-poor jurisprudence
D. D. Pro- government Jurisprudence
Answer» C. Pro-poor jurisprudence

Corporations are of two kinds

A. Corporate Aggregate and Corporate Binding
B. Corporate Dual and Corporate individual
C. Corporate aggregate and Corporate Sole
D. Corporate Solicitor and Corporate Sovereign
Answer» C. Corporate aggregate and Corporate Sole

As per Analytical Jurisprudence, Sanction means

A. acquiescence
B. punishment
C. agreement
D. permission
Answer» B. punishment

Who introduced the concept of Pure theory of Law?

A. Holland
B. Salmond
C. Austin
D. Hans Kelson
Answer» D. Hans Kelson

“Prudentia”, means_____.

A. Skill
B. Knowledge
C. Skill or knowledge
D. Wise
Answer» C. Skill or knowledge

____defined jurisprudence as ‘the formal science of positive law’

A. Holland
B. Austin
C. Salmond
D. Allen
Answer» A. Holland

______rights are recognised and enforced at law.

A. Legal
B. Moral
C. Natural
D. Ethical
Answer» A. Legal

The judicature Act of 1873 did not abolish_____, but abolish rules of its conflict.

A. Law
B. Equity
C. Law or equity
D. Law and equity
Answer» D. Law and equity

Personal rights are______.

A. Inheritable
B. Uninheritable
C. Inheritable or uninheritable
D. Neither inheritable or uninheritable
Answer» B. Uninheritable
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