Chapter: Sonnet 116 and Death be not proud

William Shakespeare was born in the year:

A. 1588
B. 1564
C. 1616
D. 1600
Answer» B. 1564

Sonnet 116 shares the poet’s reflections on the nature of:

A. ideal love
B. ideal companionship
C. ideal moments
D. ideal friendship
Answer» A. ideal love

Love is not love/ Which alters when it alterations ______

A. seen
B. sees
C. finds
D. meets
Answer» C. finds

Love alters not with his brief _______ and weeks

A. hours
B. minutes
C. honours
D. times
Answer» A. hours

“Death be not Proud” first appeared as ____________ in Songs and Sonnets in 1633.

A. Holy Sonnet IX
B. Holy Sonnet X
C. Holy Sonnet III
D. Holy Sonnet XI
Answer» B. Holy Sonnet X

From rest and sleep, which but thy _________ be

A. melancholy
B. statements
C. pictures
D. remembrances
Answer» C. pictures

And soonest our best men with thee do go,/ Rest of their ______, and soul’s delivery

A. bones
B. bodies
C. leaps
D. souls
Answer» A. bones

One short sleep past, we wake ___________

A. eternally
B. immortally
C. extraordinarily
D. inevitably
Answer» A. eternally

Let Me Not To The Marriage of True Minds is

A. An allegory
B. An epic
C. A sonnet
D. A metaphysical poem
Answer» C. A sonnet

The remover who comes with his bending sickle is

A. Time
B. Distance
C. Society
D. Hardships
Answer» A. Time

Love is not love if it alters

A. With every season
B. For any reason
C. With time
D. When beauty fades
Answer» B. For any reason

Love does not alter with brief hours and

A. Minutes
B. Weeks
C. Days
D. Seconds
Answer» B. Weeks

John Donne is

A. Afraid of death
B. Challenging death
C. Submitting to death
D. Resisting death
Answer» B. Challenging death

According to Donne, death is a slave to

A. Poison
B. Chance
C. Sleep
D. Fate
Answer» B. Chance

According to Donne, the thing that is better than the stroke of death is

A. Sleep
B. Poison
C. Poppy
D. Dreams
Answer» C. Poppy

Rest of their bones refers to

A. The bones of everyone
B. The bones of poets
C. The bones of our best men
D. The bones of rich men
Answer» C. The bones of our best men

“Sonnet 116” is a record of the poet’s reflections on the nature of

A. classical love
B. friendship love
C. romantic love
D. ideal love
Answer» D. ideal love

“Death, be not proud” first appeared as ‘Holy Sonnet X’ in Songs and Sonnets, a collection of 19 sonnets published in

A. 1632
B. 1633
C. 1639
D. 1640
Answer» B. 1633

Shakespeare’s notion of ideal love in “Sonnet 116” is juxtaposed with the problems of

A. Instability
B. Unsteadiness
C. Unfaithfulness
D. flux and change
Answer» D. flux and change

According to John Donne, when we wake eternally, there shall be no more

A. Pain
B. Hunger
C. Grief
D. Death
Answer» D. Death

Shakespeare compares true love to-

A. a sun
B. the guiding star
C. the moon
D. a compass
Answer» B. the guiding star

What is the theme of Let me not to the Marriage of True Minds by Shakespeare?

A. Even the strongest love is temporary
B. True love remains steady
C. Age and time alter love
D. Love changes as life changes
Answer» B. True love remains steady

Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments; love is not _________.

A. love
B. true
C. alter
D. steady
Answer» A. love

In the poem Death be not Proud, Donne has presented ‘death’ as a –

A. powerless figure
B. powerful figure
C. murderer
D. ruler over his soul
Answer» A. powerless figure

Donne considers death an immense pleasure similar to –

A. sleep and fun
B. fun and game
C. sleep and rest
D. rest and game
Answer» C. sleep and rest

The poet of, ‘Death be not proud,’ is

A. John Keats
B. John Donne
C. John Dryden
D. John Milton
Answer» B. John Donne

‘Death be not proud,’ is a poem of

A. 10 lines
B. 14 lines
C. 12 lines
D. 16 lines
Answer» B. 14 lines

_________ are the pictures of Death

A. War and sickness
B. Rest and sleep
C. Mighty and dreadful
D. Chance and fate
Answer» B. Rest and sleep

And soonest our __________ with thee do go

A. Best kings
B. Best charms
C. Best men
D. Desperate men
Answer» C. Best men

The poem, ‘Death be not proud,’ is

A. An elegy
B. A ballad
C. A sonnet
D. An epic
Answer» C. A sonnet

Love is not love which ______ when it alteration finds.

A. Changes
B. Shifts
C. Moves
D. Alters
Answer» D. Alters

Sonnet 116 is composed by

A. William Shakespeer
B. William Shakespeare
C. William Shakepeare
D. William Shakespear
Answer» B. William Shakespeare

In Sonnet 116, True love is

A. Constant
B. Consistent
C. Continuous
D. Consuming
Answer» A. Constant

According to Shakespeare, love bears it out even to the

A. endpoint
B. edge of doom
C. antemeridian
D. postmeridian
Answer» B. edge of doom

True love does not change with

A. time
B. backward
C. fall
D. conclusion
Answer» A. time

True love is

A. Immortal
B. Mortal
C. Dishonest
D. corrupt
Answer» A. Immortal

In ‘Death be not proud’ the poet argues about the

A. mightiness of death
B. powerlessness of death
C. foulness of death
D. vileness of death
Answer» B. powerlessness of death

Death is a slave to fate, chance, kings and

A. queens
B. luck
C. charms
D. desperate men
Answer» D. desperate men

Love's not Time's

A. Friend
B. Foe
C. Fiend
D. Fool
Answer» D. Fool

Death, according to John Donne, is a slave to Fate, Chance, Kings and _____

A. Poor Men
B. Rich Men
C. Desperate Men
D. Honest Men
Answer» C. Desperate Men
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