Chapter: ODE to Autumn and Prayer for my Daughter

Keats enjoys the tranquility and _________ that autumn brings with it.

A. hopefulness
B. serenity
C. calmness
D. conspiracy
Answer» B. serenity

Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find/ Thee sitting careless on a _______ floor

A. marble
B. wooden
C. half-reaped
D. granary
Answer» D. granary

John Keats died of tuberculosis in 1821 at the age of:

A. 26
B. 39
C. 45
D. 23
Answer» A. 26

Yeats wrote “A Prayer for My Daughter” after the birth of his daughter Anne in:

A. 1865
B. 1919
C. 1939
D. 1914
Answer» B. 1919

May she be granted beauty and yet not/ Beauty to make a stranger’s eye _______

A. captivated
B. distracted
C. distraught
D. wander
Answer» C. distraught

Self-appeasing, self-affrighting,/ And that its own sweet will is ________ will

A. God’s
B. Heaven’s
C. her
D. thine
Answer» B. Heaven’s

How but in custom and in ceremony/ Are ____________ and beauty born?

A. innocence
B. truth
C. nature
D. grace
Answer» A. innocence

Autumn is the season of mists and

A. Ripe fruitfulness
B. Mellow fruitfulness
C. Soft fruitfulness
D. Juicy fruitfulness
Answer» B. Mellow fruitfulness

The small gnats mourn in a wailful choir

A. Among the river sallows
B. Among the river bushes
C. Among the river willows
D. Among the river plants
Answer» A. Among the river sallows

Autumn is called the bosom friend of the

A. Blazing sun
B. Bright sun
C. Maturing sun
D. Gigantic sun
Answer» C. Maturing sun

The reaper felt sleepy with the

A. fume of daisies
B. fume of poppies
C. fume of roses
D. fume of hyacinths
Answer» B. fume of poppies

“The Great Queen” that rose out of the spray is

A. Maud Gonne
B. Venus
C. Aphrodite
D. Yeats’ daughter
Answer» C. Aphrodite

Ceremony is a name for

A. A rich horn
B. A spreading laurel tree
C. Innocence and beauty born
D. Wealth and glory
Answer» A. A rich horn

The loveliest woman born according to Yeats is

A. His daughter
B. Lady Gregory
C. Maud Gonne
D. Helen of Troy
Answer» C. Maud Gonne

A Prayer for My Daughter is marked by a strong personal note relating to

A. Maud Gonne
B. Anna Yeats
C. Aphrodite
D. Helen of Troy
Answer» A. Maud Gonne

The poem “A Prayer for My Daughter” was written after the birth of Yeats’ daughter. His daughter’s name is

A. Anne
B. Lily
C. Elizabeth
D. Amy
Answer» A. Anne

Accordingly, Keats’ poems leave the uncertainties and doubts open to the reader’s

A. Interpretation
B. Understanding
C. Imagination
D. perspective
Answer» C. Imagination

The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness is

A. Autumn
B. Winter
C. Summer
D. spring
Answer» A. Autumn

Once more the storm is howling and

A. half hid
B. half buried
C. half revealed
D. half shown
Answer» B. half buried

Keats was a poet of

A. Feelings
B. Senses
C. Perceptions
D. thoughts
Answer» C. Perceptions

William Butler Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in

A. 1923
B. 1927
C. 1928
D. 1929
Answer» A. 1923

What are the two ‘close bosom-friends’ mentioned in Ode to Autumn?

A. The bees and the flowers
B. The sun and the autumn season
C. The autumn season and the bees
D. The trees and the sun
Answer» B. The sun and the autumn season

Where are the ________ of Springs? Ay, where are they?

A. sounds
B. signs
C. songs
D. sorrows
Answer» C. songs

Which personification of autumn appears in Ode to Autumn?

A. A gleaner
B. An old man
C. A gardener
D. An apple picker
Answer» C. A gardener

W.B. Yeats’ A Prayer for my Daughter was written in __________, shortly after Yeats daughter, Anne’s birth.

A. 1918
B. 1919
C. 1920
D. 1922
Answer» B. 1919

May she be granted ___________ and yet not Beauty to make a stranger’s eye distraught.

A. poise
B. virtue
C. beauty
D. fair
Answer» B. virtue

May she become a flourishing hidden -

A. plant
B. flower
C. tree
D. star
Answer» B. flower

The device used by the poet in Ode to Autumn is

A. Rhymes
B. Personification
C. Simile
D. Metaphor
Answer» D. Metaphor

The reaper in Ode to Autumn falls asleep because he

A. Is tired of reaping
B. Is drowsed with the fume of poppies
C. Wants to rest
D. Wants to relax
Answer» B. Is drowsed with the fume of poppies

The red ___________ whistles from a garden croft

A. apples
B. breast
C. flowers
D. grapes
Answer» B. breast

The gleaner walks carefully across

A. Granary
B. Half reaped furrow
C. The winnowing wind
D. A brook
Answer» C. The winnowing wind

Who watched the last oozing hours by hours?

A. Cider- presser
B. Cider- maker
C. Cider-brewer
D. Cider owner
Answer» A. Cider- presser

Who bleated from the hilly bourn?

A. Full grown lambs
B. Full grown sheep
C. Full grown bees
D. Full grown crickets
Answer» D. Full grown crickets

What was howling outside Yeats’ house?

A. Wolves
B. Foxes
C. Storm
D. A woman
Answer» A. Wolves

According to Yeats, what is under the ‘cradle hood and coverlid’?

A. A baby
B. A rabbit
C. Feeding bottle
D. Milk
Answer» A. A baby

For whom is the poet praying in ‘A Prayer for my Daughter’?

A. The people of Ireland
B. The queen
C. Helen
D. For his baby
Answer» A. The people of Ireland

In Yeats’ poem, who rose out of the spray?

A. The great queen
B. Helen
C. A serpent
D. A monster
Answer» B. Helen
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