Chapter: LALI

The name of Lali’s mother is:

A. Thani
B. Zovi
C. Mani
D. Biaki
Answer» B. Zovi

Lali received a marriage proposal from

A. Rozika
B. Mana
C. Manga
D. Thana
Answer» A. Rozika

Taia went to the plains to sell:

A. blanket
B. canvas shoes
C. hand pounded rice
D. cloth
Answer» C. hand pounded rice

The full name of Lali is:

A. Lalnunpuii
B. Lalawmpuii
C. Lalrempuii
D. Lalrinawmi
Answer» B. Lalawmpuii

The wedding day set for Lali and Biakmawia was:

A. 15 January
B. 14 February
C. 9 March
D. 12 April
Answer» A. 15 January

Manga is

A. A friend of Zovi
B. The uncle of Lali
C. The father of Rozika
D. The husband of Thani
Answer» B. The uncle of Lali

Rozika and Zami were suspended by the church for

A. Disobeying the church rules
B. Not attending sevices regularly
C. Drinking recklessly
D. Their immoral conduct
Answer» D. Their immoral conduct

Lali’s father discovered the true nature of Mawia

A. After the death of Zuala
B. During the boy’s sickness
C. When Taia went away
D. When Zovi ran away
Answer» B. During the boy’s sickness

Mana bunked Sunday School with his friends to

A. Hang around aimlessly
B. To swim in the river
C. To drink
D. To meet his girl friend
Answer» C. To drink

“All my friends have those shoes”, This is said by

A. Vani
B. Taia
C. Zuala
D. Mana
Answer» B. Taia

There was a gap of many years between Zuala and his other siblings. While Lali was in her mid twenties, Zuala was not yet

A. Ten
B. Eight
C. Seven
D. Nine
Answer» A. Ten

Mana bunked the Sunday School with his friends to :

A. Hang around aimlessly
B. Go to the river and swim
C. Drink
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Drink

Lali wanted to weave a ________ for herself

A. Puan
B. Blanket
C. Ngotekherh
D. Puanchei
Answer» D. Puanchei

“God’s will shall prevail”. Biakmawia told this to

A. Himself
B. Lali
C. Thani
D. Liana, his boarder companion
Answer» A. Himself

Lali’s father kept silent when his son asks him the questions because

A. He was drunk
B. He does not know his destiny after life as he is not a believer
C. He was sad
D. He is angry because he has run away and has not come home yet.
Answer» B. He does not know his destiny after life as he is not a believer

“How dare you disobey my orders!” These angry words were spoken by Lali’s father to

A. Lali
B. Zovi
C. Taia, his elder son
D. Zuala, his younger son
Answer» D. Zuala, his younger son

Thani is Lali’s close friend and neighbour. Her younger sister’s name is

A. Vani
B. Kimi
C. Mawii
D. Zovi
Answer» A. Vani

_______________ was a boarder in Lali’s house.

A. Mana
B. Mawia
C. Taia
D. Zualtea
Answer» B. Mawia

Rozika was-

A. an orphan
B. the brother of Lali
C. a friend of Vani
D. the son of a wealthy family
Answer» D. the son of a wealthy family

Lali’s mother’s name was-

A. Zovi
B. Vani
C. Thani
D. Liani
Answer» A. Zovi

Lali does not want to marry Rozika because –

A. he is having an affair
B. he is too wealthy
C. he is a scoundrel and a womanizer
D. she thinks that they are not made for each other
Answer» C. he is a scoundrel and a womanizer

Lali was a Sunday School Teacher at______________ department.

A. beginner
B. junior
C. primary
D. intermediate
Answer» B. junior

Zuala was lying unconscious for _________ days.

A. four
B. five
C. three
D. six
Answer» A. four

“Women had very little say in many matters.” This indicates that Mizo society is a predominantly ____________ society

A. conservative
B. liberal
C. matriarchal
D. patriarchal
Answer» D. patriarchal

When the whole Mizo family went out of the house they fastened their door with a

A. huge lock
B. bamboo pole
C. piece of split wood
D. cord of rope
Answer» C. piece of split wood

In the story “Lali”, the sermon delivered by the guest speaker was on God’s

A. love
B. judgement
C. Grace
D. deliverance
Answer» A. love

“Women and fences are but disposables!” This adage indicates that women in Mizo society are

A. irreplaceable
B. useful
C. valuable
D. dispensable
Answer» D. dispensable

Lali’s father accepted Rozika’s marriage proposal for Lali because of his

A. Christian upbringing
B. family background
C. good education
D. good looks
Answer» B. family background

Rozika was handsome and virile but

A. shrewd and cunning
B. a thief and liar
C. stupid and clumsy
D. arrogant and conceited
Answer» D. arrogant and conceited

Lali was of marriageable age. She was

A. nineteen years old
B. twenty years old
C. twenty one years old
D. twenty two years old
Answer» C. twenty one years old

Zuala was unconscious for _______

A. Two days
B. Three days
C. Four days
D. Five days
Answer» C. Four days

Rozika was the son of ______________

A. The village chief
B. A doctor
C. A pastor
D. An influential man
Answer» D. An influential man

Lali was angry at Mana because

A. He bunked Sunday School and was drinking
B. He was too proud
C. He made fun of Lali
D. He was disobedient
Answer» A. He bunked Sunday School and was drinking

At the end of the story, Rozika

A. Was murdered
B. Died from a disease
C. Driven away from the village
D. Suspended by the church
Answer» D. Suspended by the church

Taia did not get much profit in the plains because

A. He was robbed on the way
B. The grain prices had fallen
C. He was cheated
D. He had used his money to buy liquor
Answer» B. The grain prices had fallen

“How mean! You knew I desperately needed a Puan! “ This is said by

A. Vani to Thani
B. Lali to Taia
C. Vani to Taia
D. Zovi to Taia
Answer» B. Lali to Taia

“I will not marry him ever”. Who is the person Lali will not marry?

A. Biakmawia
B. Rozika
C. Taia
D. Thanga
Answer» B. Rozika

There was a guest speaker in Lali's church and he had spoken about

A. God’s timing
B. Resurrection of Christ
C. Eternal Damnation
D. The Love of God
Answer» D. The Love of God

Lali’s father was

A. A preacher
B. An alcoholic
C. A weaver
D. A womanizer
Answer» B. An alcoholic

Who said that ‘beggars cannot be choosers’ in the matter of Lali’s proposal from Rozika?

A. Her mother
B. Her uncle
C. Her brother
D. Her father
Answer» D. Her father
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