230+ Internet of Things (IoT) Solved MCQs


What is the facility Sonos provides?

A. it provides high quality 3d audio
B. canhere only to a restricted area
C. call connectivity
D. choose to play what you want in different rooms
Answer» D. choose to play what you want in different rooms

Smart Fitness clothing mainly has which device?

A. battery
B. bluetooth
C. sensors
D. internet
Answer» C. sensors

There are efficiency gains from                 all sorts of equipment.

A. implementat ion
B. analogous
C. evolution
D. digitization
Answer» D. digitization

SLA stands for

A. service level agreement
B. security level agreement
C. system local area
D. service local area
Answer» A. service level agreement

The availability of                 is the cloud services provider who will host video and data for end users.

A. devices
B. memory
C. security system
D. objects
Answer» C. security system

With physical security, the stakes are incredibly

A. very high
B. low
C. very low
D. high
Answer» D. high

The most likely culprit is

A. things
B. network
C. device
D. internetconnectivity
Answer» D. internetconnectivity

Communication between                 and                 is encrypted for security.

A. cloud and device
B. end user and data center
C. network and device
D. cloud and network
Answer» B. end user and data center

In which phase packets are forwarded hop by hop to get closer to the sink?

A. initialization
B. message relaying
C. selective recovery
D. lost messagedetection
Answer» B. message relaying

What is the last step in algorithm for reliable data transfer?

A. initialization
B. message relaying
C. selective recovery
D. lostmessage detection
Answer» C. selective recovery

Galileo Gen 2 board was developed by which company?

A. atmel
B. intel
C. motorola
D. dallas
Answer» B. intel

Which among the following is more powerful?

A. rasberry pi 2 model
B. rasberry pi 3 model
C. galieo gen 2 board
D. galieo gen 1 board
Answer» B. rasberry pi 3 model

Periferal Component Interconnect (PCI) Express interconnects which modules?

A. serial communicati on
B. wifi, bluetooth, gsm cards
C. micro sd card
D. real time clock
Answer» B. wifi, bluetooth, gsm cards

The 10/100Mbit Ethernet support enables the board to connect to

A. lan
B. man
C. wan
D. wlan
Answer» A. lan

What is the range of microSD card that is connected externally?

A. 16gb
B. 32gb
C. 8gb
D. 64gb
Answer» B. 32gb

Does Raspberry Pi need external hardware?

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

What do we use to connect TV to RPi?

A. male hdmi
B. female hdmi
C. male hdmi and adapter
D. femalehdmi and adapter
Answer» C. male hdmi and adapter

How power supply is done to RPi?

A. usbconnection
B. internal battery
C. charger
D. adapter
Answer» A. usbconnection

What is the Ethernet/LAN cable used in RPi?

A. cat5
B. cat5e
C. cat6
D. rj45
Answer» D. rj45

What are the parameters that are default values?

A. port_name and bits
B. speed and port_names
C. speed and parity
D. top bit and flow control
Answer» B. speed and port_names

What is the command used for easy using of GNU screen?

A. $useradd -g{dialout} your_name
B. screen port_name 115200
C. minicom -b 115200 -o -d port_name
D. prompt> # help
Answer» B. screen port_name 115200

Which instruction set architecture is used in Raspberry Pi?

A. x86
B. msp
C. avr
D. arm
Answer» D. arm

What is the default user in Debain on Raspberry Pi?

A. default
B. user
C. pi
D. root
Answer» C. pi

What are the distributions are supported by raspberry Pi?

A. arch linux
B. debain
C. fedora remix
D. arch linux, debain, andfedora remix
Answer» D. arch linux, debain, andfedora remix

What bit processor is used in Pi 3?

A. 64-bit
B. 32-bit
C. 128-bit
D. both 64 and32 bit
Answer» A. 64-bit

What is the speed of operation in Pi 3?

A. 900mhz
B. 1.2ghz
C. 1ghz
D. 500mhz
Answer» B. 1.2ghz

WiFi is not present in which of the following models?

A. raspberry pi3
B. raspberry pi zero wh
C. raspberry pi zero w
D. raspberry pi zero
Answer» D. raspberry pi zero

How many USB ports are present in Raspberry Pi 3?

A. 5
B. 2
C. 4
D. 3
Answer» C. 4

What is the microcontroller used in Arduino UNO?

A. atmega328p
B. atmega2560
C. atmega32114
D. at91sam3x8e
Answer» A. atmega328p

What does p refer to in ATmega328p?

A. production
B. pico- power
C. power-pico
D. programmable on chip
Answer» B. pico- power

Arduino shields are also called as

A. extra peripherals
B. add on modules
C. connectivity modules
D. another arduinos
Answer» B. add on modules

What is the default bootloader of the Arduino UNO?

A. optibootbootloader
B. air-boot
C. bare box
D. gag
Answer» A. optibootbootloader

Which is the software or a programming language used for controlling of Arduino?

A. assembly language
B. c languages
C. java
D. any language
Answer» D. any language

A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called ...

A. ide source
B. sketch
C. cryptography
D. source code
Answer» B. sketch

Dweet.io is used for

A. sharing data
B. storage
C. publishing data
D. alerting devices
Answer» C. publishing data

What utility of dweet.io allows publishing data?

A. data sharing
B. publishing data
C. storage
D. alerting devices
Answer» A. data sharing

dweet.io is similar as

A. giud
B. insta
C. web api
D. twitter
Answer» D. twitter

GUID full form is

A. globalunique identifier
B. globaluser identifier
C. gradual user identifier
D. gradualunique identifier
Answer» A. globalunique identifier

Dictionary here define what?

A. key-valuepairs
B. jason
C. dweet.io
D. yocto
Answer» A. key-valuepairs

Command is used to retrieve the latest dweet made for our thing

A. http
B. httpie
C. curl
D. restful api
Answer» B. httpie

What is the java extension file in IoT?

A. .jar
B. .c
C. .exe
D. .py
Answer» A. .jar

Do we run our program in the same computer where we have written?

A. true
B. false
C. may or maynot
D. cannot bedetermined
Answer» C. may or maynot

Publish command message is sent from

A. only publisher to broker
B. only broker to publisher
C. publisher to broker and broker topublisher
D. server to client
Answer» C. publisher to broker and broker topublisher

The message is sent to the input queue of a message flow that contains a _

A. subscriber
B. server
C. publication node
D. client
Answer» D. client

ROSTOPIC uses                   at the command line for representing the content of the message.

A. yaml_syntax
B. rostopic bw
C. rostopic delay
D. rostopic echo
Answer» A. yaml_syntax

Which command displays the band width?

A. rostopic hz
B. rostopic delay
C. rostopic echo
D. rostopic bw
Answer» A. rostopic hz

Which command displays messages published to a topic?

A. rostopic bw
B. rostopic delay
C. rostopic echo
D. rostopic hz
Answer» C. rostopic echo

is used to visualize data collected with the sensor.

A. freeboard.io
B. dweet.io
C. dweeting
D. yocto
Answer» A. freeboard.io

Freeboard.io allows us to build

A. application
B. dashboard
C. device
D. output
Answer» B. dashboard

Which application feature is a world of warcraft gadget?

A. leftronic
B. ducksboard
C. klipfolio
D. dashzen
Answer» D. dashzen

Which application supports Google Spreadsheets?

A. dashzen
B. ducksboard
C. klipfolio
D. leftronic
Answer» B. ducksboard

Dash supports static images.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

uses a clean interface to provide data.

A. dashzen
B. ducksboard
C. klipfolio
D. dash
Answer» D. dash

client() class provides to create topics.

A. software
B. classes
C. methods
D. batch
Answer» C. methods

How power supply is done to RPi?

A. usbconnection
B. internalbattery
C. charger
D. adapter
Answer» A. usbconnection

What are the parameters that are default values?

A. port_name and bits
B. speed and port_names
C. speed and parity
D. stop bit and flow control
Answer» B. speed and port_names

What is the command used for easy using of GNU screen?

A. $useradd -g{dialout} your_name
B. screen port_name11 5200
C. minicom -b 115200 -o -d port_name
D. prompt> # help
Answer» B. screen port_name11 5200

What are the distributions are supported by raspberry Pi?

A. arch linux
B. debain
C. fedora remix
D. arch linux, debain, and fedora remix
Answer» D. arch linux, debain, and fedora remix

What does p refer to in ATmega328p?

A. production
B. pico-power
C. power-pico
D. programmabl e on chip
Answer» B. pico-power

Does the level shifter converts the voltage levels between RS-232 and transistor-transistor logic.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

What bit processor is used in Pi 3?

A. 64-bit
B. 32-bit
C. 128-bit
D. both 64and 32 bit
Answer» A. 64-bit

What does p refer to in ATmega328p?

A. production
B. pico-power
C. power-pico
D. programmable on chip
Answer» B. pico-power

Arduino shields are also called as

A. extra peripherals
B. add on modules
C. connectivitymodules
D. another arduinos
Answer» B. add on modules

A program written with the IDE for Arduino is called

A. ide source
B. sketch
C. cryptography
D. source code
Answer» B. sketch

Does RPi have an internal memory?

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

How power supply is done to RPi?

A. usb conne
B. internal bat
C. charger
D. adapter
Answer» A. usb conne

. What is the speed of operation in Pi 3?

A. 900mhz
B. 1.2ghz
C. 1ghz
D. 500mhz
Answer» B. 1.2ghz

How many analog pins are used in Arduino Mega board?

A. 16
B. 14
C. 12
D. 8
Answer» A. 16

device, perhaps in the form of doll or toy.

A. anthropomorphic
B. devil toy
C. chunky
D. teddy
Answer» A. anthropomorphic

The anthropomorphic device may aim its gaze at the source of

A. interpreter
B. media device
C. social cue
D. transmitter
Answer» C. social cue

The anthropomorphic device may transmit the media device command to

A. social cue
B. media device
C. interpreter
D. transmitter
Answer» B. media device

The privacy concerns are                 when devices have the capacity to record conversations and log activity.

A. clear
B. not clear
C. fluctuating
D. constant
Answer» A. clear

When we hear about IoT, we think of our

A. microphone
B. speaker
C. thermostat
D. transmitter
Answer» C. thermostat

With set of sensors and app children can do

A. feed
B. bathe
C. hatch
D. feed, bathe and hatch
Answer» D. feed, bathe and hatch

Using what the time can and should be used for encouraging education and imagination

A. lightbot
B. braindevelopment
C. healthy andactivity
D. privacy
Answer» B. braindevelopment

plays area turn into an interactive game?

A. lightbot
B. development
C. activity
D. privacy
Answer» C. activity

                    layer is the communication layer that connects the IoT devices with WAN.

A. internet layer
B. application layer
C. 3. sensor layer
D. 4. network layer
Answer» D. 4. network layer

Which category is used for business to consumer process?

A. personal iot
B. 2. group iot
C. 3. community iot
D. 4. industrial iot
Answer» D. 4. industrial iot

Which category could be used by citizens to contribute to a smart city?

A. personal iot
B. 2. group iot
C. 3. community iot
D. 4. industrial iot
Answer» C. 3. community iot

Which category is used in the context of connected cars?

A. personal iot
B. 2. group iot
C. 3. community iot
D. 4. industrial iot
Answer» B. 2. group iot

BAN gives          

A. communication
B. 2. storage
C. 3. network connectivity
D. 4. communicati on and storage
Answer» D. 4. communicati on and storage

Thread would allow                   networks.

A. mesh
B. 2. node
C. 3. mesh and node
D. 4. either mesh or node
Answer» A. mesh

is achieved using over hearing mechanism.

A. initialization
B. message relaying
C. selective recovery
D. lost message detection
Answer» D. lost message detection

Global Sensor Network is built for

A. reducing cost and time for developme nt
B. reducing cost and increasing time for development
C. increasing cost and increasing time for development
D. increasing cost and decreasing time for development
Answer» A. reducing cost and time for developme nt

The huge number of devices connected to the Internet of Things has to communicate automatically, not via humans. What is this called ?

A. skynet
B. bot 2 bot
C. machine 2 machine
D. intercloud
Answer» C. machine 2 machine

One of the main characteristics of Linked Stream Data is “Live Streaming”.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false

Internet of Things needs a lot of network connection. What is the proposed “white Space” radio standard called ?

A. bluetooth
B. wimax
C. weightless
D. zigbee
Answer» C. weightless

What is the sensor/protocol used in GSN ?

A. http protocol
B. coap protocol
C. mqtt protocol
D. xmpp protocol
Answer» B. coap protocol

Which is the core wrapper of GSN?

A. serial
B. udp
C. gpstest
D. zeromqwr apper
Answer» D. zeromqwr apper

Open IoT manages the registration, data acquisition, deployment of sensors and interconnected of objects, through which network ?

A. gsn
B. x-gsn
C. lsm
D. http
Answer» B. x-gsn

Which environment does Global Sensor Network work on?

A. c++
B. java
C. html
D. c
Answer» B. java

is a community that is working together to establish an IoT architecture.

A. eclipse iot
B. red hat
C. intercloud
D. bot 2 bot
Answer» A. eclipse iot

provides a middleware and application container for IoT gateway.

A. eclipse kura
B. red hat
C. intercloud
D. bot 2 bot
Answer» A. eclipse kura

is a modular and cloud based platform.

A. eclipsekura
B. red hat
C. tercloud
D. eclipsekapua
Answer» D. eclipsekapua

Kapua also provides a core integration framework.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

an open source stack for gateways and the edge.

A. eclipsekapua
B. red hat
C. intercloud
D. eclipsekura
Answer» D. eclipsekura

Services are the way in

A. cloud
B. bigdata
C. internet
D. network
Answer» A. cloud

IoT solutions are at the heart of IDC’s view of the

A. three
B. two
C. one
D. four
Answer» D. four

Most IoT problems are addressed at layer

A. tcp
B. ip
C. api
D. udp
Answer» C. api

IoT-A stands for

A. internet of things address
B. internet of things architectur e
C. internet of things area
D. industrial of things architecture
Answer» B. internet of things architectur e
Question and answers in Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Things (IoT) multiple choice questions and answers, Internet of Things (IoT) Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Internet of Things (IoT), Internet of Things (IoT) MCQs with answers PDF download