190+ Material Handling Solved MCQs


Ammonium nitrate is hygroscopic as well as an explosive. Which of the following conveyor can be used for this material?

A. Flight conveyor
B. Continuous flow conveyor
C. Screw conveyor
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

Chains for material handling equipment are generally made of

A. carbon steel
C. wrought iron
D. mild steel
E. cast iron
Answer» A. carbon steel

Which of the following types of rail is not used on broad gauge?

A. 90 m
B. 60 R
D. 75 R
E. 115 R
Answer» B. 60 R

Drag line excavators are used for digging

A. drainage ditches
B. canals
C. gravel pits
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

In material handling plants, automatic scales are used for

A. dressing the material
C. weighing the material
D. batching the material
E. sizing the material
Answer» C. weighing the material

In case of bridge girders

A. I-sections are used
B. box-girders are used
C. any of the above can be used
Answer» C. any of the above can be used

Which one of the following does not fall under the category of hoisting equipment?

A. Drag line
C. Pull lift
D. Jack
E. Chain hoist
Answer» A. Drag line

In case of lifting magnets, for releasing the material lifted

A. direction of dc current is reversed
C. ac current is passed through the coil
E. hooks are used
Answer» A. direction of dc current is reversed

In case of diesel-electric locomotives

A. power output of diesel engine is taken by dc generator
B. electric motors serve as prime source of power
C. electric motors as well diesel engine provide the propulsive power
D. None of the above
Answer» A. power output of diesel engine is taken by dc generator

In screw conveyors, ribbon screws are used for

A. molasses
B. hot tar
C. asphalt
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

In case of belt conveyors, while conveying earth, as excavated, the maximum permissible slope is around

A. 10?
B. 30?
C. 40?
D. 20?
Answer» D. 20?

In case of a belt conveyor, the driving motor

A. always runs at slow speed
B. always starts on load
C. always starts on no load
E. always starts at high speed
Answer» B. always starts on load

Lift trucks may be

A. manually operated
B. battery operated
C. diesel engine powered
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

Pillar cranes are generally used for

A. light work
B. infrequent service
C. either of (A) or (B) above
Answer» C. either of (A) or (B) above

Hammer blow occurs in

A. all engines
B. steam engines
C. electric engines
D. diesel engines
Answer» B. steam engines

Which of the following has tendency to adhere to metal?

A. Mica dust
B. Talc
D. Silica flow
E. Gypsum
Answer» B. Talc

All of the following are granular materials EXCEPT

A. Alum
B. Hog fuel
C. Bran
D. Coffee beans
Answer» B. Hog fuel

Rubber belts in case of belt conveyors are reinforced with

A. rayon
B. nylon
C. polyster
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

Which of the following crane is self-propelled?

A. Locomotive crane
B. Column jib crane
C. Derricks
D. all of the above
Answer» A. Locomotive crane

Ash is abrasive as well as dusty. Which conveyor will be preferred for its handling?

A. Drag chain conveyor
B. Belt conveyor
D. Flight conveyor
E. Screw conveyor
Answer» A. Drag chain conveyor

Which of the following is the least preferred conveyor for handling glue?

A. Continuous flow conveyor
B. Screw conveyor
C. Belt conveyor
E. Pneumatic conveyor
Answer» E. Pneumatic conveyor

The normal speed on escalator is around

B. 9.8 m/s
C. 1 m/s
D. 0.45 m/s
E. 2.5 m/s
Answer» D. 0.45 m/s

All of the following are fragile except

A. Glass tubes
C. Borax
D. Coffee beans
E. Carbon black (pellets)
Answer» C. Borax

The advantage of electric braking is

A. it is instantaneous
C. motor continues to remain loaded during braking
D. it avoids wear to track
E. More heat is generated during braking
Answer» D. it avoids wear to track

The handling capacity of a drag line having buckets of one cubic metre capacity is expected to be highest in case of

B. light moist clay
C. clay, wet sticky
D. clay, hard tough
E. sand or gravel
Answer» B. light moist clay

The expected life of a wheeled tractor is nearly

A. 2 to 3 years
B. 8 to 10 years
D. 1 year
E. 5 to 6 years
Answer» B. 8 to 10 years

Lifting magnets are used as material handling devices for

A. pig iron
B. billets
C. tubes
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The horse power to weight ratio of a diesel engine may be expected to be of the order of

A. 45 to 50 kg/HP
B. 85 to 100 kg/HP
D. 10 to 15 kg/HP
E. 25 to 35 kg/HP
Answer» A. 45 to 50 kg/HP

The horse power required to move a belt conveyor increases as

A. conveyor speed
B. load increases
C. angle of inclination increases
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

In case of pneumatic conveyors the minimum diameter of bend should be at least

A. six
B. three
C. two
E. ten
Answer» B. three

Which one of the following does not form a part of the specification for steel wire rope?

A. Length
B. Material of core
D. Surface finish
E. Lay
Answer» D. Surface finish

On metre gauge, the maximum horse power of engine, on Indian Railways is around

A. 1400
B. 150
C. 2400
E. 750
Answer» A. 1400

Which of the following bearing is not used in earth moving equipment?

A. Jewel bearing
B. Needle bearing
C. Bush bearing
D. Ball bearing
Answer» A. Jewel bearing

Which of the following is sticky material?

A. Sand (dam)
B. Sewage sludge (wet)
C. Malt
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

A cylinder and a piston is invariably a part of

A. screw type jacks
B. rack-and-lever type jacks
C. hydraulic jacks
D. all of the above
Answer» C. hydraulic jacks

Bearings used on railway wagons are

A. plumber blocks
B. needle bearings
C. ball bearings
D. roller bearings
Answer» D. roller bearings

Roller conveyors are used for the movement of

A. corrosive materials
B. granular materials
C. package goods
E. fine dusts
Answer» C. package goods

Which locomotives are preferred for tunnel construction work?

A. Steam locomotives
B. Electric locomotives
C. Storage battery locomotives
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Storage battery locomotives

Which motor is preferred for belt conveyors?

A. synchronous motor
B. wound rotor induction motor
C. double squirrel cage induction motor
D. None of the above
Answer» C. double squirrel cage induction motor

In case of belt conveyors, the permissible slope will be maximum while conveying

A. Earth, dry
C. Anthracite coal
D. Dry sand
E. Wood chips
Answer» E. Wood chips

A diesel engine cannot be

A. more efficient than a petrol engine
C. used as prime-mover on locomotives
D. run on variable speed
E. started on load
Answer» E. started on load

The number of driving wheels in case of a 4 - 10 - 2 locomotive will be

A. 4
B. 6
C. 10
D. 2
Answer» C. 10

Flight conveyors are used for the trans-portation of

A. granular materials
B. lumpy materials
C. pulverized materials
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Hydraulic dredges are used in

A. mining of platinum
C. river and harbour work
D. mining of tin
E. mining of gold
Answer» C. river and harbour work

In case of skip hoists, the band-type brake is generally used for

B. small hoists for light duty
C. large hoists for light duty
D. large hoists for heavy duty
E. small hoists for heavy duty
Answer» B. small hoists for light duty

The motions of crane-hoisting, trolley traversing and bridging may be powered by

A. electric motors
B. air motors
C. hydraulic units
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

Which of the following conveyor can be used for handling saw dust?

A. Belt conveyor
B. Flight conveyor
C. Pneumatic conveyor
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

While dragging, the coefficient of friction (using steel plate) will be least in case of

A. Hydrated lime
B. Grains
C. Cement
E. Clays
Answer» B. Grains

Hopper bottom type wagon are used on Indian Railways for transportation of

A. grains
B. fertilisers
C. coal
D. all of the above
Answer» C. coal

The horse power to weight ratio of a steam engine is generally of the order of

B. 20 - 30 kg/HP
C. 30 - 50 kg/HP
D. 60 - 80 kg/HP
E. 10 - 15 kg/HP
Answer» D. 60 - 80 kg/HP

The sinuous path taken by an engine as against the alignment of the track is known as

A. Hunting motion
B. Lurching motion
D. Rolling motion
E. Nosing motion
Answer» E. Nosing motion

Pneumatic tyres are not used for providing

A. speed
B. traction
C. friction
D. comfort
Answer» C. friction

Escalators have the advantage of

A. continuity of motion
B. greater capacity
C. small space requirement
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

On railways a dynamometer car is used for

A. recording the condition of track
C. dinning facilities
D. tourists
E. military purpose
Answer» A. recording the condition of track

Dragline is generally used for

A. excavation
B. pushing
C. dragging
D. Any of the above
Answer» A. excavation

For railway track, the sleepers are made of

A. wood
B. cast iron
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

Which of the following cannot be handled using lifting magnets?

A. High manganese steel
B. Mild steel plates
C. Castings of cast iron
E. Scrap iron
Answer» A. High manganese steel

The handling capacity of a drag line having bucket of one cubic metre capacity is expected to be least while handling

A. Sand
B. Clay, wet sticky
C. Gravel.
D. Clay, hard tough
Answer» B. Clay, wet sticky

In which wire rope application, the highest factor of safety is necessary?

A. Tow ropes
B. Drag lines
C. Slings
D. Struck guys
Answer» C. Slings

Small chain hooks are generally

A. cast
C. cast and machined
D. cold headed
E. drop forged
Answer» E. drop forged

The thickness of belt is usually specified in terms of

A. merit number
B. thickness in mm
C. number of plies
D. index number
Answer» C. number of plies

All of the following are free flowing materials EXCEPT

A. Soda ash
C. Mica, pulverized
D. Wheat
E. Lead salts
Answer» E. Lead salts

A type size is specified as 8.25 - 20 in. In this 20 indicates

A. outer diameter in inches
B. cross-section of tyre in sq. inches
C. mean diameter of the tyre in inches
E. rim diameter in inches
Answer» E. rim diameter in inches

In case direct current motors are used for electric overhead cranes, the motors used are generally

A. shunt wound
C. series wound
D. differentially compound wound
E. cumulatively compound wound
Answer» C. series wound

Which of the following characteristic can be assigned to metallic dusts?

A. Abrasive
B. Corrosive
D. Sticky
E. Hygroscopic
Answer» A. Abrasive

Which railway sleeper provides the best rigidity?

A. Cast iron
C. Wooden
E. Cast steel
Answer» B. RCC

The expected life of aerial transport system (rope way or cable way) is usually

A. 20 years
C. 1 year
D. 5 years
E. 2 to 3 years
Answer» A. 20 years

In which case, the permissible incline in belt conveyor will be minimum?

A. Clay, dry fine
C. Dry silica sand
D. Coal, slack
E. Powdered lime
Answer» C. Dry silica sand

In case of belt conveyors, the bearings used for return idlers are

A. anti-friction bearings
B. cast iron bearings
D. bush bearings
E. split bush bearings
Answer» A. anti-friction bearings

In case of belt conveyors, the permissible slope will be least while conveying

A. Gravel pebbles
B. Sand
C. Wood chips
E. Lignite
Answer» A. Gravel pebbles

In case of belt conveyors, while conveying anthracite, the maximum permissible slope is

B. 20?
C. 28?
D. 30?
E. 16?
Answer» E. 16?

An ideal traction system should have

A. high starting tractive effort
B. easy speed control
C. equipment capable of withstanding large temporary overloads
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Inflation pressure for truck tyres is generally

B. 6 kg/cm2
C. 3 kg/cm2
D. 2.2 kg/cm2
E. 1 kg/cm2
Answer» B. 6 kg/cm2

Wrought iron

A. is brittle
B. has shock absorbing properties
C. can be easily welded using electric arc
D. all of the above
Answer» B. has shock absorbing properties

In case of locomotion, the coefficient of adhesion is highest when

A. the rails are wet
B. the rails are oiled
C. the rails are dusty
E. the rails are dry
Answer» A. the rails are wet

The size of electric motor depends on

A. hoisting speed
B. weight of load
C. period of acceleration and retardation
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Transportation by locomotives is known as

B. Hauling
C. Pushing
D. Lifting
E. Dragging
Answer» B. Hauling

Dozers are used for handling material by

A. dragging
B. pulling
C. pushing
D. Any of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

The power requirement in case of a screw conveyor depends on

A. material to be handled
B. rate of transportation
C. length of conveyor
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Discoloration should be avoided while handing

A. Silica flour
B. Starch
C. Tobacco
E. Zinc oxide
Answer» E. Zinc oxide

The pressure of steam in a steam locomotive system is

B. 115 to 125 kg/cm2
C. 20 to 30 kg/cm2
D. 70 to 90 kg/cm2
E. 10 to 15 kg/cm2
Answer» E. 10 to 15 kg/cm2

In case the clutch of a tractor slips, the probable cause cannot be

A. worn out clutch plates
B. misalignment of plates
C. weak or broken pressure springs
E. high engine speed
Answer» E. high engine speed

If a pump is operating at 100 rpm, it should be a

B. rotory pump
C. centrifugal pump
D. sliding vane type pump
E. reciprocating pump
Answer» E. reciprocating pump

Which one of the following does not form a part of Derrick crane?

B. Bull wheel
C. Jack
D. Must
E. Boom
Answer» C. Jack

Regenerative braking is

A. more
B. less
C. less
D. more
Answer» D. more

In which case of permissible incline in belt conveyor will be maximum?

A. Stone, crushed
C. Coal, run of mine
D. Foundry sand
E. Wet clay
Answer» D. Foundry sand

Electric overhead travelling cranes operate on

B. ac only
D. either ac or dc
E. dc only
Answer» D. either ac or dc

In Kando system for electric locomotion

B. dc supply is used to run series motors
C. three phase ac is converted into dc
D. single phase ac is converted into dc
E. single phase supply is converted into three phase system
Answer» E. single phase supply is converted into three phase system

In case clutch is to be introduced in the drive for belt conveyor, which clutch will be preferred?

A. Dog clutch
B. Spring loaded clutch
C. Hydraulic clutch
D. Any of the above
Answer» C. Hydraulic clutch

All of the following materials have abrasive action on the belt conveyors except?

A. Alum
B. Borax
D. Wet ash
E. Arsenic salts
Answer» E. Arsenic salts

While dragging, the coefficient to friction (using steel plate) will be maximum in case of

A. wet saw dust
B. cement
C. dry, hog fuel
D. soda ash
Answer» B. cement

Rails for railway track are made of

A. mild steel
B. cast iron
C. high speed steel
D. chrome steel
Answer» D. chrome steel

Which of the following locomotive has the best acceleration characteristics?

A. Diesel engine
B. Steam engine
C. Electric engine
E. Shunting engine
Answer» C. Electric engine

Which of the following characteristic can be assigned to soda ash?

A. Free flowing
B. Explosive
C. Fragile
D. Caustic
Answer» D. Caustic

In case of Indian Railway diesel engines which type of diesel engine is used?

A. Radial type engine
B. V-type engine
D. Multi-cylinder in line engine
E. Wankel engine
Answer» D. Multi-cylinder in line engine
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