
250+ Theory of Machines Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Mechanical Engineering .


The advantages of involute profile over cycloidal are given below. Identify if there is any incorrect statement

A. In the involute system, the pressure angle is constant, from commencement to end of engagement
B. The vriation in the centre distance with in limits does not affect the two mating gears in the involute system
C. The straight teeth of the basic rank for the involute profile admits of simple tools
D. The interference is inherently absent in this system
E. The profile for the flank and face is a single curve in the involute system
Answer» D. The interference is inherently absent in this system

A reverted gear train is one is which

A. The direction of rotation of first and last gear is the same
B. The firection of rotation of first and the last gear is opposite
C. The first and last gear are on the same shaft
D. The first and last gear are essentially on separate but parallel shafts
E. None of the above
Answer» C. The first and last gear are on the same shaft

Slip in turning belt is

A. Always restricted to 1 percent
B. Less than 5%
C. Zero
D. Depends on the belt material
E. Maximum permissible
Answer» C. Zero

The effect of creep in case of cross-belt drive is

A. To increase the power transmitted
B. To increase the speed of driven pulley
C. (A) and (B) above together
D. To reduce the speed of the driven pulley and consequently reduce the power output
E. None of the above
Answer» D. To reduce the speed of the driven pulley and consequently reduce the power output

A cylindrical type cam is one

A. With circular type motion of follower
B. With cylindrical shape of follower
C. With disc type cam in which the position of the follower is determined by the radial distance from the cam axis.
D. With cricumferential contour cut in the surface of the cylinder which rotates about its axis
E. With cylindrical roller follower
Answer» D. With cricumferential contour cut in the surface of the cylinder which rotates about its axis

A pulley in a belt-drive acts as a

A. sliding pair
B. Cylindrical pair
C. wrapping pair
D. rolling pair
E. Bevel grars
Answer» C. wrapping pair

In case of cross-helical worm the axes of two shafts are

A. Non-intersecting
B. Parallel
C. Non-parallel-non intersecting
D. Intersecting
E. Non-parallel
Answer» C. Non-parallel-non intersecting

Ackermann steering gear consists of

A. Turning pair
B. Rolling and sliding pairs
C. Sliding pairs
D. Rolling pairs
E. Sliding and rotary pairs
Answer» A. Turning pair

Identify the incorrect statement if any

A. In case of free vibrations the external force is applied at the ends only
B. Damping is resistance to the oscillartion
C. When the frequency of the external exciting force coincides with the natural frequency of the system, state of resonance is reached
D. Forced vibrations are independent of natural frequency of vibration
E. None of the above
Answer» A. In case of free vibrations the external force is applied at the ends only

V-belts with E type cross-section are generally used in

A. Automobiles
B. Small engines
C. When driver and driven units are far off
D. Heavy duty machines
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Heavy duty machines

In a cam and follower mechanism, for the uniform velocity of the followers the displacement curve will have

A. No slope
B. Constant slope
C. Slope in positive direction only
D. Slope in both positive and negative direction
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Constant slope

Pitch of gears is expressed by

A. Circular pitch
B. Diametral pitch
C. Module
D. Any of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Any of the above

Coriolis component is encountered in

A. Slider crank mechanism
B. Four bar chain mechanism
C. Quich return mechanism
D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A) and (C) above
Answer» C. Quich return mechanism

The mass moment of inertia is

A. The resistance to angular acceleration
B. The mass of every element of a body multiplied by its distance from the axis
C. Any of the above
D. None of the above
E. Cross-head
Answer» A. The resistance to angular acceleration

The number of forks provided in a Hooke's joint is

A. Three
B. Six
C. Two
D. One
E. Four
Answer» C. Two

Which of the following gears is free from axial thrust

A. Worm gears
B. Bevel grars
C. Herringbone gears
D. Helical gears
E. Spiral gears
Answer» C. Herringbone gears

In case of hypoid gears the mutual position of shafts will be

A. Non-intersecting
B. Parallel
C. Non-parallel
D. Non-parallel, non-intersecting
E. Intersecting
Answer» D. Non-parallel, non-intersecting

Coriorli's component of acceleration exists whenever a point moves along a path that has

A. Gravitational acceleration
B. Rotational motion
C. Linear displacement
D. Tangential acceleration
E. Centripetal acceleration
Answer» B. Rotational motion

The spring constant k of a coil-spring is

A. inversely proportional to the square of the number of coils in the spring
B. Sperm
C. directly proportional to the number of coils in the spring
D. inversely proportional to the number of coils in the spring
E. directly proportional to the square of the number of coils in the spring
Answer» E. directly proportional to the square of the number of coils in the spring

In case of spur gears the profile is

A. Radius that connects the root circle to the profile of the tooth
B. The curve forming face and flank
C. The part of the tooth surface lying below the pitch surface
D. The surface of the top of tooth
E. The width of the gear tooth measured axially along the pitch surface
Answer» B. The curve forming face and flank

Dynamic of machines deals with

A. The relative motion between the parts, neglecting the consideration of forces
B. The forces acting on the parts of the machine
C. The apparatus for applying mechanical power
D. The number of inter-related parts, each having a definite motion
E. None of the above
Answer» B. The forces acting on the parts of the machine

Klein's construction can be used when

A. Crank has a uniform angular velocity
B. Crank has a uniform angular acceleration
C. Crank has a non-uniform angular velocity
D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A) and (C) above
Answer» E. (A) and (C) above

In the elliptical trammel mechanism, the mid-point of the link connecting the two sliders traverses

A. an elliptical path
B. a parobolic path
C. a circular path
D. none of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» C. a circular path

A dadial follower is

A. One that reciprocates in the guides
B. One that oscillates
C. One in which the follower translates along an axis passing through the cam centre of rotation
D. One in which the axis of the following movement is displaced from the cam centre
E. None of the above
Answer» C. One in which the follower translates along an axis passing through the cam centre of rotation

The pulley in a belt drive acts as

A. Sliding pair
B. Cylindrical pair
C. Turning pair
D. Rolling pair
E. Spherical pair
Answer» D. Rolling pair

A shaft having one end fixed has a disc oscillating freely at the other end. If the shaft stiffness, increases the natural frequency of vibrations will

A. Increase
B. Decrease
C. There will be no effect
D. Will depend on the stiffness of the disc
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Increase

If a machine uses four V belts, while purchasing care should be taken to ensure that

A. All belts are same section
B. All above
C. All belts are of same batch number
D. All belts are of same size
E. All belts are of same manufacturers
Answer» B. All above

In case of balancing problems pertaining to locomotives, the resultant unbalanced force is minimum when

A. Half of the reciprocating masses are balanced by rotating masses
B. 1/2 of the reciprocating mass are balanced by equivalent rotating mass
C. More than half of the reciprocating masses are balanced by rotating masses
D. Reciprocating masses are balanced half by equivalent opposite reciprocating masses and the balance by rotating masses
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Half of the reciprocating masses are balanced by rotating masses

Which of the following is a higher pair?

A. A shaft revolving in a bearing
B. Piston reciprocating inside the cylinder
C. Automobile steering gear
D. Ball and socket
E. None of the above
Answer» E. None of the above

The vibrations in which the restoring forces are not proportional to the displacements and the first power of velocity are known as

A. Bearing vibrations
B. Over damped vibrations
C. Torsional vibrations
D. Non-linear vibrations
E. Under damped vibrations
Answer» A. Bearing vibrations

If a particle of a link has a velocity when changes both in magnitude and direction at any instant, then

A. It must have three components of acceleration e.g. centripetal, centrifugal and gravitational
B. It must have two components of acceleration e.g. centripetal, and tangential
C. It must have three components of acceleration e.g. centripetal centrifugal and tangential
D. It must have four components of acceleration e.g. centripetal, centrifugal gravitational and tangential
E. It must have only unidirectional acceleration
Answer» B. It must have two components of acceleration e.g. centripetal, and tangential

Which of the following oil has highest specific gravity?

A. Turpentine
B. Diesel
C. Castor oil
D. Petrol
E. Sperm
Answer» C. Castor oil

In case of involute gears

A. Interference is inherently absent
B. A convex flank is always in contact with concave flank
C. Variation in centre distance of shafts increases radial force
D. Pressure angle is constant throughout the teeth engagement
E. None of the above
Answer» D. Pressure angle is constant throughout the teeth engagement

The rotor of a ship rotates in anticlock wise direction when viewed from the bow end and the ship takes a left turn. The effect of gyroscopic couple on the ship is

A. to lower the bow and raise the stern
B. to raise the bow and lower then stern
C. to roll the ship slightly clockwise when viewed fro bow end
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. to raise the bow and lower then stern

In case of gears, the module is

A. The length of the pitch circule diameter per tooth
B. The number of teeth per unit length on pitch circle diameter
C. The pistance measured along the pitch circle from a point on one tooth to a corresponding point on the adjacent point
D. Any of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. The length of the pitch circule diameter per tooth

Hammer blow in locomotives results in

A. Variable horizontal force
B. Tendency to lift wheel from rails
C. Uniform torque
D. Pulsating torque
E. Uneven speed
Answer» B. Tendency to lift wheel from rails

In Iocomotive operation, the swaying couple results due to

A. Primary disturbing force
B. Use of double acting cylinders
C. Hammer blow
D. Use of two cylinders
E. High speeds
Answer» A. Primary disturbing force

Which of the following is a centrifugal type governor?

A. Watt governor
B. Hartnell governor
C. Porter governor
D. All of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Hartnell governor

The maximum efficiency of a screw jack provided with square threads and angle of friction 30? will be

A. 47.50%
B. 60%
C. 25%
D. 33%
E. 50%
Answer» D. 33%

A governor is said to be stable when

A. There is one radius of the governor weights for each equilibrium speed
B. There is minimum change of the radius of the governor weights at a operating speed
C. The position of balls does not change within the operating speed
D. The position of balls changes within permissible limits within the working range of a governor
E. None of the above
Answer» A. There is one radius of the governor weights for each equilibrium speed

Klien's construction gives graphical construction for

A. Both of above
B. Acceleration polygon
C. Slider-crank mechanism
D. Velocity polygon
E. Four bar chain mechanism
Answer» A. Both of above

Can simple band brake be made self-energising type

A. No
B. Yes, but with require several modifications
C. Will not be economical
D. Yes
E. Yes, but with few limitations
Answer» A. No

For speed reduction in the ratio of 100 the type of gear preferred is

A. Spur gear
B. Worm and worm wheel
C. Bevel gear
D. Hypoid gear
E. Helical gear
Answer» B. Worm and worm wheel

The moment of friction with the assumption of uniform wear to uniform pressure is

A. Same
B. Greater
C. Lower
D. (A) and (B) above
E. (A) and (C) above
Answer» C. Lower

The type of governor used in record players for adjusting the speed of turn table generally is

A. Porter governor
B. Proell governor
C. Hartung governor
D. Simple Watt's governor
E. Pickering governor
Answer» E. Pickering governor

A belt drive is

A. A positive drive
B. Not a positive drive
C. Meant for small torque transmission only
D. Used only when the two pulleys have parallel axis
E. None of the above
Answer» B. Not a positive drive

The engine of an aeroplane rotates in a clockwise direction when seen from the tail end and the aeroplane takes a turn torwards left. The effect of gyroscopic couple on aeroplane is

A. to raise the nose and dip the tail
B. to dip the nose and raise the tail
C. to roll the aeroplane slightly in the clockwise direction when viewed from tail end
D. None of the above
E. None of the above
Answer» A. to raise the nose and dip the tail

A V belt designated as C 3048/120 will have

A. Approximately 120 inch inside length
B. Approximately 120 cm inside length
C. C section, length unspecified
D. Width 120 mm
E. None of the above
Answer» A. Approximately 120 inch inside length

A cycle chain is a kinematic chain

A. Yes
B. No
C. Yes, provided the links are limited in number
D. Yes provided the distance is limited
E. None of the above
Answer» B. No

A kinematic chain must have at least

A. Four links and two turning pairs
B. Four links and four turning pairs
C. Four links and five turning pairs
D. Two links and two turning pairs
E. Three links and two turning pairs
Answer» B. Four links and four turning pairs

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