420+ Micro economics 2 Solved MCQs


Homogenous product means products are:

A. Similar
B. Close substitutes
C. Quite alike
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Monopoly means:

A. Single firm
B. No close substitutes
C. Barriers to entry
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

‘Homogenous products’ is a characteristic of:

A. Perfect competition only
B. Perfect oligopoly only
C. Both (a) and (b)
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both (a) and (b)

There is inverse relation between price and demand for the product of a firm under:

A. Monopoly only
B. Monopolistic competition only
C. Both under monopoly and monopolistic competition
D. Perfect competition only
Answer» C. Both under monopoly and monopolistic competition

A firm is able to sell any quantity of a good at a given price. The firm’s marginal revenue will be:

A. Greater than Average Revenue
B. Less than Average Revenue
C. Equal to Average Revenue
D. Zero
Answer» C. Equal to Average Revenue

Differentiated products is a characteristic of:

A. Monopolistic competition only
B. Oligopoly only
C. Both monopolistic competition and oligopoly
D. Monopoly
Answer» C. Both monopolistic competition and oligopoly

Demand curve of a firm is perfectly elastic under:

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» A. Perfect competition

Marginal revenue of a firm is constant throughout under:

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopolistic competition
C. Oligopoly
D. All the above
Answer» A. Perfect competition

A seller cannot influence the market price under

A. Perfect Competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Perfect Competition

There are only a few sellers under

A. Perfect Competition
B. Monopolistic competition
C. Monopoly
D. Oligopoly
Answer» D. Oligopoly

Under perfect competition, MR curve is:

A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. Falling
D. Rising
Answer» A. Horizontal

When AR is above AC, firm earns:

A. Supernormal profit
B. Loss
C. Breakeven point
D. Minimise losses
Answer» A. Supernormal profit

When AR = AC, firm is at:

A. Supernormal profit point
B. Loss making point
C. Breakeven point
D. Minimise losses point
Answer» C. Breakeven point

When AC is more than AR, what is the firm doing?

A. Making supernormal profit
B. Incurring loss
C. Having breakeven point
D. Minimising losses
Answer» B. Incurring loss

When AR passes through some point between minimum AVC and AC, it is called:

A. Supernormal profit
B. Loss
C. Breakeven point
D. Minimising losses
Answer» D. Minimising losses

When AR passes through minimum point of AVC, it is called:

A. Breakeven point
B. Shutdown point
C. Normal profit point
D. Supernormal profit point
Answer» B. Shutdown point

Breakeven point means:

A. AR = AC
B. TR = TC
C. No profit, no loss
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following industries most closely approximates the perfectly competitive model?

A. Automobile
B. cigarette
C. newspaper
D. wheat farming.
Answer» D. wheat farming.

Given the supply of a commodity in the market period, the price of the commodity is determined by

A. the market demand curve alone
B. the market supply curve alone
C. the market demand curve and the market supply curve
D. none of the above.
Answer» A. the market demand curve alone

Total profits are maximized where

A. TR equals TC
B. the TR curve and the TC curve are parallel
C. the TR curve and the TC curve are parallel and TC exceeds TR
D. the TR curve and the TC curve are parallel and TR exceeds TC.
Answer» D. the TR curve and the TC curve are parallel and TR exceeds TC.

The best, or optimum, level of output for a perfectly competitive firm is given by the point where

A. MR equals AC
B. MR equals MC
C. MR exceeds MC by the greatest amount
D. MR equals MC and MC is rising.
Answer» D. MR equals MC and MC is rising.

At the best, or optimum, short-run level of output, the firm will be

A. maximizing total profits
B. minimizing total losses
C. either maximizing total profits or minimizing total losses
D. maximizing profits per unit.
Answer» C. either maximizing total profits or minimizing total losses

If P exceeds AVC but is smaller than AC at the best level of output, the firm is

A. making a profit
B. incurring a loss but should continue to produce in the short run
C. incurring a loss and should stop producing immediately
D. breaking even.
Answer» B. incurring a loss but should continue to produce in the short run

At the shut-down point,

C. the total losses of the firm equal TFC
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

The short-run supply curve of the perfectly competitive firm is given by

A. the rising portion of its MC curve over and above the shut-down point
B. the rising portion of its MC curve over and above the break-even point
C. the rising portion of its MC curve over and above the AC curve
D. the rising portion of its MC curve.
Answer» A. the rising portion of its MC curve over and above the shut-down point

When the perfectly competitive firm and industry are both in long-run equilibrium

A. P = MR = SMC = LMC
B. P = MR = SAC = LAC \\
C. P = MR = lowest point on the LAC curve
D. all of the above.
Answer» D. all of the above.

When the perfectly competitive firm but not the industry is in long-run equilibrium,

A. P = MR = SMC = SAC
B. P = MR = LMC = LAC
C. P = MR = SMC = LMC = SAC =LAC
D. P = MR = SMC = LMC = SAC = lowest point on the LAC curve.
Answer» C. P = MR = SMC = LMC = SAC =LAC

An increase in output in a perfectly competitive and constant cost industry which is in longrun equilibrium will come

A. entirely from new firms
B. entirely from existing firms
C. either entirely from new firms or entirely from existing firms
D. partly from new firms and partly from existing firms.
Answer» A. entirely from new firms

If factor prices and factor quantities move in the same direction, we have

A. a constant cost industry
B. an increasing cost industry
C. a decreasing cost industry
D. any of the above.
Answer» B. an increasing cost industry

When the D curve is elastic, MR is

A. 1
B. 0
C. positive
D. negative.
Answer» C. positive

If P = Rs.10 at the point on the D curve where e = 0.5, MR is

A. Rs.5
B. Rs.0
C. 2Rs.1
D. 2Rs.10.
Answer» D. 2Rs.10.

The best, or optimum, level of output for the pure monopolist occurs at the point where

A. STC is minimum
C. TR is maximum
D. the TR and STC curves are parallel.
Answer» D. the TR and STC curves are parallel.

At the best, or optimum, level of output for the pure monopolist,

B. P = SMC
C. P = lowest SAC
D. P is highest.
Answer» A. MR = SMC

If the monopolist incurs losses in the short run, then in the long run

A. the monopolist will go out of business
B. the monopolist will stay in business
C. the monopolist will break even
D. any of the above is possible.
Answer» D. any of the above is possible.

The imposition of a maximum price at the point where the monopolist’s SMC curve intersects the D curve causes the monopolist to

A. break even
B. incur losses
C. make profits
D. any of the above.
Answer» D. any of the above.

Price discrimination is an essential feature of

A. Perfect competition
B. Oligopoly
C. Duopoly
D. monopoly
Answer» D. monopoly

Under monopoly the slope of AR curve is:

A. Upward sloping
B. downward sloping
C. horizontal
D. None of these
Answer» B. downward sloping

In a monopsony market there is:

A. Single seller
B. single buyer
C. Two sellers
D. two buyers
Answer» B. single buyer

Third degree price discrimination occurs when the monopolist charges different prices for the same commodity in different

A. Markets
B. places
C. continents
D. countries
Answer» A. Markets

Price discrimination is possible:

A. Under any market form
B. only under monopoly
C. only under monopolistic completion
D. only in perfect competition
Answer» B. only under monopoly

Monopolist maximizes profit at the point where

A. MC = AC
B. MC = MR
C. AC = AR
D. MR = AR
Answer» B. MC = MR

At the point of equilibrium of a monopolist MC cuts MR curve

A. From below
B. from above
C. at point of equality of AC and AR
D. None
Answer» A. From below

A multiplant monopolist maximizes his profit at the point where:

A. MR = MC1
B. MR = MC2
C. MR1 = MR2
D. MR = MC1 = MC2
Answer» D. MR = MC1 = MC2

Lerner Index is a measure of:

A. Elasticity of demand
B. Monopoly power
C. Inequality
D. None
Answer» B. Monopoly power

For a firm with monopoly power

A. Price equals MC
B. Price is less than MC
C. Price exceeds MC
D. None
Answer» C. Price exceeds MC

Railways is an example of :

A. Simple monopoly
B. differentiated monopoly
C. Natural monopoly
D. Monopsony
Answer» C. Natural monopoly

A market with only one buyer and one seller is called

A. Oligopsony
B. monopsony
C. Bilateral monopoly
D. None
Answer» C. Bilateral monopoly

Bilateral monopoly is a market with

A. Single buyer
B. Single seller
C. Single buyer and single seller
D. Few buyers and sellers
Answer» C. Single buyer and single seller

The dual pricing system of charging high price during peak time and low price during of peak time is called

A. Double pricing
B. Dual pricing
C. kinked pricing
D. peak load pricing
Answer» D. peak load pricing

Selling more than one product at a single price

A. Dumping
B. Bundling
C. Discounting
D. Off loading
Answer» B. Bundling

An international price discrimination

A. Dumping
B. Bundling
C. Discounting
D. Off loading
Answer» A. Dumping

The market structure which has large number of sellers selling differentiated product is called

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» A. Perfect competition

The market structure which number of sellers is small with interdependence is called

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» D. Oligopoly

The condition of short run equilibrium under monopolistic competition is

Answer» A. MC=MR

Kinked demand curve explain which of the following features of oligopoly

A. Selling cost
B. Price rigidity
C. Non price competition
D. Product differentiation
Answer» B. Price rigidity

Demand curve of a firm under monopolistic competition is

A. Parallel to X axis
B. Parallel to Y axis
C. Downward slopping
D. Upward slopping
Answer» C. Downward slopping

Which of the following is not a feature of monopolistic competition?

A. Homogenous product
B. Large number of firms
C. Freedom to entry and exit
D. Differentiated product
Answer» A. Homogenous product

In the long run, a monopolistically competitive firm earn

A. Abnormal profit
B. loss
C. Normal profit
D. Differentiated profit
Answer» C. Normal profit

In the short run, a monopolistically competitive firm can have

A. Abnormal profit
B. loss
C. Normal profit
D. Any of the above are possible
Answer» D. Any of the above are possible

Selling cost is a feature of

A. Monopolistic competition
B. Perfect competition
C. Monopoly
D. Bilateral monopoly
Answer» A. Monopolistic competition

The concept of group equilibrium is related to

A. Paul M sweezy
B. Joan robinson
C. E H Chamberline
D. E L Edgeworth
Answer» C. E H Chamberline

The concept of kinked demand curve is related to

A. Paul M sweezy
B. Joan robinson
C. E H Chamberline
D. E L Edgeworth
Answer» A. Paul M sweezy

Refrigerator company is an example of

A. Oligopoly
B. Perfect competition
C. Monopoly
D. Bilateral monopoly
Answer» A. Oligopoly

Cross elasticity of demand under monopolistic competition is?

A. Zero
B. Highly elastic
C. Highly inelastic
D. infinite
Answer» A. Zero

The concept of group equilibrium is related to

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» C. Monopolistic competition

Excess capacity is a feature of equilibrium under

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» C. Monopolistic competition

Which of the following is an important form collusive oligopoly

A. Bilateral monopoly
B. Monopoly
C. cartel
D. Kinked Oligopoly
Answer» C. cartel

OPEC is an example of

A. Bilateral monopoly
B. Monopoly
C. cartel
D. Kinked Oligopoly
Answer» C. cartel

Comparing a monopoly and a competitive firm, the monopolist will

A. produce less at a lower price
B. produce more at a lower price
C. produce less at a higher price
D. produce less at a lower price
Answer» C. produce less at a higher price

A natural monopoly has a declining ________ over a large range of output

A. long run marginal cost
B. short run marginal cost
C. long run average cost
D. long run marginal cost
Answer» C. long run average cost

Which form of monopoly control is most advantageous to consumer?

A. price controls
B. quantity controls
C. lump sum tax
D. all the above
Answer» A. price controls

The market structure Perfect mobility of factors and products is called

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» A. Perfect competition

The market structure with Perfect knowledge is called

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Oligopoly
Answer» A. Perfect competition

The condition of perfect competition is fulfilled when

A. Sellers are large in number
B. Buyers are large in number
C. Commodity produced is homogenous
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

The following are conditions of perfect competition except

A. Sellers are large in number
B. Buyers are large in number
C. Commodity produced is homogenous
D. Commodity produced is differentiated
Answer» D. Commodity produced is differentiated

The following are conditions of perfect competition except

A. Strong barriers to entry
B. Sellers are large in number
C. Commodity produced is Homogenous
D. Buyers are large in number
Answer» A. Strong barriers to entry

The following are conditions of perfect competition except

A. Sellers are large in number
B. Single buyer
C. Commodity produced is homogenous
D. Freedom to Entry and exit
Answer» B. Single buyer

The condition of short run equilibrium under perfect competition is

D. AR=Selling cost
Answer» A. MC=MR

The large number of firms producing the same commodity ensure that the individual firm has no control over

A. Price of the commodity
B. The quantity of the commodity
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Both of the above

Individual firm has no control on the price of the commodity in the market is a condition of

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopoly
C. Monopolistic competition
D. Bilateral monopoly
Answer» A. Perfect competition

In a Perfect competitive market

A. Firm is the price giver and the industry is a price taker
B. Firm is the price taker and the industry is a price giver
C. Both are price makers
D. Both are price takers
Answer» B. Firm is the price taker and the industry is a price giver

One of the essential conditions of perfect competition is

A. Product Differentiation
B. Multiplicity of prices for identical product at any one Time
C. Many sellers and few buyers
D. Only one price for identical goods at any one time
Answer» D. Only one price for identical goods at any one time

Under perfect market conditions the individual firm in the industry has control over the price of the product.

A. Some
B. Full
C. No
D. None of the above
Answer» C. No

The condition of short run equilibrium under perfect competition is

B. MC cuts MR from below
C. MC is rising when it cuts AR
D. All the above
Answer» D. All the above

Under perfect market conditions mobility of resources and products are

A. Ensured
B. Not ensured
C. Not considered
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Ensured

A firm under perfect competitions shall be in equilibrium when marginal cost will be equal to marginal revenue and marginal cost curve is still

A. Declining
B. Rising
C. Constant
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Rising

Cross elasticity of demand under Perfect competition is?

A. Zero
B. Infinitely elastic
C. Highly elastic
D. Highly inelastic
Answer» A. Zero

Which of the following is not a type of market structure?

A. Competitive monopoly
B. Oligopoly
C. Perfect competition
D. All of the above are types of market structures.
Answer» A. Competitive monopoly

If the market demand curve for a commodity has a negative slope then the market structure must be

A. perfect competition
B. monopoly
C. imperfect competition
D. The market structure cannot be determined from the information given
Answer» D. The market structure cannot be determined from the information given

If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by many sellers and buyers, a homogeneous product, unlimited long-run resource mobility, and perfect knowledge, then the firm is a

A. a monopolist
B. an oligopolist
C. a perfect competitor
D. a monopolistic competitor
Answer» C. a perfect competitor

If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by a single seller and many buyers of a homogeneous product for which there are no close substitutes and barriers to long-run resource mobility, then the firm is

A. a monopolist
B. an oligopolist
C. a perfect competitor
D. a monopolistic competitor
Answer» A. a monopolist

If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by many sellers and buyers, a differentiated product, and unlimited long-run resource mobility, then the firm is

A. a monopolist
B. an oligopolist
C. a perfect competitor
D. a monopolistic competitor
Answer» D. a monopolistic competitor

If a firm sells its output on a market that is characterized by few sellers and many buyers and limited long-run resource mobility, then the firm is

A. a monopolist
B. an oligopolist
C. a perfect competitor
D. a monopolistic competitor
Answer» B. an oligopolist

If one perfectly competitive firm increases its level of output, market supply

A. will increase and market price will fall
B. will increase and market price will rise
C. and market price will both remain constant
D. will decrease and market price will rise
Answer» C. and market price will both remain constant

Which of the following markets comes close to satisfying the assumptions of a perfectly competitive market structure?

A. The stock market
B. The market for agricultural commodities such as wheat or corn
C. The market for petroleum and natural gas
D. All of the above come close to satisfying the assumptions of perfect competition
Answer» D. All of the above come close to satisfying the assumptions of perfect competition

A perfectly competitive firm should reduce output or shut down in the short run if market price is equal to marginal cost and price is

A. greater than average total cost
B. less than average total cost
C. greater than average variable cost
D. less than average variable cost
Answer» D. less than average variable cost

The market demand curve for a perfectly competitive industry is QD = 12 - 2P. The market supply curve is QS = 3 + P. The market will be in equilibrium if

A. P = 6 and Q = 9
B. P = 5 and Q = 2
C. P = 4 and Q = 4
D. P = 3 and Q = 6
Answer» D. P = 3 and Q = 6

Which of the following is a barrier to entry that typically results in monopoly?

A. The firm controls the entire supply of a raw material
B. Production of the industry\s product is subject to economies of scale over a broad range of output
C. Production of the industry\s product requires a large initial capital investment
D. The firm holds an exclusive government franchise
Answer» C. Production of the industry\s product requires a large initial capital investment

In the short run, a monopolist will shut down if it is producing a level of output where marginal revenue is equal to short-run marginal cost and price is

A. greater than average total cost
B. less than average total cost
C. greater than average variable cost
D. less than average variable cost
Answer» D. less than average variable cost

A natural monopoly refers to a monopoly that is defended from direct competition by

A. economies of scale over a broad range of output
B. a government franchise
C. control over a vital input
D. a patent or copyright
Answer» A. economies of scale over a broad range of output
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