
140+ Macro Economics 1 Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Economics (BA Economics) .


The classical economists believed that the demand for labour is a function of:

A. total money wages
B. money wage rate
C. total real wages
D. real wage rate
Answer» D. real wage rate

In classical theory of employment, there isthe possibility of:

A. voluntary unemployment
B. no unemployment
C. involuntary unemployment
D. disguised unemployment
Answer» A. voluntary unemployment

The idea that a general cut in wages will finally lead to a state of full employment was suggested by :

A. keynes
B. marshall
C. j.b.say
D. a.c.pigou
Answer» D. a.c.pigou

Say’s law of market says:

A. supply creates its own demand
B. demand creates supply
C. income generates demand
D. savings create demand
Answer» A. supply creates its own demand

The aggregate production function implied under classical theory is :

A. long run
B. short run
C. no time element
D. none of the above
Answer» A. long run

In the Cambridge equation of M = kPR, the value of kis:

A. m/v
B. 1/v
C. v in fisher’s equation
D. none of these
Answer» B. 1/v

As a result of an increase in capital, ceteris paribus, ------- the marginal productivity of labour:

A. remains constant
B. increase
C. decreases
D. none of these
Answer» B. increase

In the Fisher’s extended equation of exchange MI VI represents:

A. credit money
B. primary money
C. both primary andcredit money
D. general price level
Answer» A. credit money

In Fisher’s transaction velocity model, one of the following is not an assumption:

A. velocity of circulation of money is constant
B. the volume of transactions is constant
C. full employment
D. p is considered as an active factor
Answer» D. p is considered as an active factor

The cash balance equation M = KPO was given by:

A. keynes
B. pigou
C. robertson
D. marshall
Answer» D. marshall

“Supply creates its own demand “is a law of:

A. investment
B. inflation
C. consumption
D. market
Answer» D. market

In the equation MV+ MI VI = PT, ‘M ‘denotes:

A. velocity of money
B. money in circulation
C. bank deposit
D. none of these
Answer» B. money in circulation

I classical demand for money, the relationship between money supply and price level is:

A. proportional
B. non-proportional
C. neither proportional nor non-proportional
D. none of these
Answer» B. non-proportional

As per classical theory saving is:

A. an increasing function of rate of interest
B. decreasing function of rate of interest
C. decreasing function of level of income
D. none of these
Answer» A. an increasing function of rate of interest

The Cambridge version of the quantity theory of money was developed by:

A. fisher
B. alfred marshall
C. pigou
D. keynes
Answer» C. pigou

In classical system which of the following keeps the economy at full employment:

A. level of saving
B. increase in money supply
C. adjustment in investment
D. adjustment in money wages
Answer» D. adjustment in money wages

In Fisher’s equation of exchange MV=PT, the variation of which produces a proportional change in price:

A. m
B. v
C. p
D. t
Answer» A. m

According to classical economists, variationsin savings are due to:

A. level of investment
B. rate ofinterest
C. level of employment
D. none of the above
Answer» B. rate ofinterest

In classical theory which of the following is found in the economy:

A. unemployment
B. involuntary unemployment
C. less than full employment
D. full employment
Answer» D. full employment

In MV=PT, if M doubles and V and T remain constant, then P will:

A. double
B. 1/2
C. 1
D. 4
Answer» A. double

Pigou’s version of Cambridge equation is:

A. m = kp/y
B. p= kr/m
C. mv = pt
D. mv = mivi
Answer» B. p= kr/m

The quantity theory of money was restated by:

A. alfred marshall
B. milton friedman
C. irving fisher
D. j.m. .keynes
Answer» B. milton friedman

The law which states that supply creates its own demand and overproduction is impossible is known as:

A. the law of supply
B. say’s law of market
C. law of demand
D. law of macro economics
Answer» B. say’s law of market

Wages and prices do not adjust quickly to restore general equilibrium is a property of

A. classical economics
B. keynesian economics
C. monetary economics
D. supply side economics
Answer» B. keynesian economics

Classicals treated money as a:

A. medium of exchange
B. store of value
C. both
D. none
Answer» A. medium of exchange

When there is an increase in the autonomous money supply, ceteris paribus, LM shifts:

A. leftward
B. rightward
C. no shift
D. none
Answer» B. rightward

An Economic model is a statement of relationship among economic ------

A. variables
B. phenomena
C. development
D. none of these
Answer» A. variables

LM curve shows the equilibrium condition in ---------- market

A. goods market
B. product market
C. money market
D. none of these
Answer» C. money market

Supply creates its own demand is the Basis of:

A. classical economics
B. keynesian economics
C. monetarism
D. none of these
Answer» A. classical economics

The simplest ISLM model consists of:

A. two markets
B. three markets
C. four markets
D. five markets
Answer» A. two markets

The equilibrium in the product market is represented by which curve?

A. is
B. lm
C. demand
D. supply curve
Answer» A. is

The IS curve has a------slope

A. positive
B. negative
C. zero
D. none of these
Answer» B. negative

The LM curve has a------slope

A. positive
B. negative
C. zero
D. none of these
Answer» A. positive

ISLM model was developed by:

A. hicks
B. keynes
C. friedman
D. none of these
Answer» A. hicks

The perfectly elastic segment of the LM curve is:

A. keynesian range
B. classical range
C. intermediate range
D. none of these
Answer» A. keynesian range

Which policy is effective in the Classical range?

A. monetary policy
B. fiscal policy
C. incomes policy
D. none of these
Answer» A. monetary policy

Which policy is effective in the Keynesian range?

A. monetary policy
B. fiscal policy
C. incomes policy
D. none of these
Answer» B. fiscal policy

Which policy is effective in the intermediate range?

A. monetary policy
B. fiscal policy
C. both policies
D. none of these
Answer» C. both policies

IS-LM model was developed by:

A. keynes
B. walras
C. j.r.hicks
D. don-patinkin
Answer» C. j.r.hicks

Frictional unemployment exists:

A. when there is a decrease in real gdp
B. because it takes time to find a job when one is first entering the labour force
C. as a result of technological change
D. when an individual retires
Answer» B. because it takes time to find a job when one is first entering the labour force

The natural rate of unemployment equals the sum of those who are:

A. frictionally and structurally unemployed
B. frictionallyandcyclicallyunemployed
C. structurallyandcyclicallyunemployed
D. frictionally structurally and cyclically unemployed
Answer» A. frictionally and structurally unemployed

The marginal productivity of labour is:

A. the incremental output due to an increase in capital, ceteris paribus
B. the incremental output due to an increase in labour, ceteris paribus.
C. the incremental output due to a change in technology, ceteris paribus
D. the incremental output due to a change in technology and a change in the
Answer» B. the incremental output due to an increase in labour, ceteris paribus.

The marginal productivity of labour:

A. increases when the price of the good sold increases, ceteris paribus
B. decreases when there is an adverse supply shock, ceteris paribus
C. increase when more workers are hired, ceteris paribus
D. decreases when there is an increase in the quantity of capital, ceteris paribus
Answer» B. decreases when there is an adverse supply shock, ceteris paribus

When saving is greater than investment in a two-sectormodel,

A. outputshould increase
B. output should decrease
C. output should not change
D. none of these
Answer» B. output should decrease

When output exceeds spending:

A. there is unsold output, and level of output will fall
B. there is unsold output, and level of output will rise
C. there is unsold output, and level of spending willrise
D. there is no unsold output since the level of spending will rise
Answer» A. there is unsold output, and level of output will fall

When investment is negatively related to the rate of interest, equilibrium output in the goods market:

A. is unrelated to the rate of interest
B. is inversely related to the rate of interest
C. is positively related to the rate of interest
D. falls as the rate of interest decreases
Answer» B. is inversely related to the rate of interest

Simultaneous equilibrium in the money (LM) and goods (IS) market exists:

A. at an unlimited number of output levels and rates of interest
B. at only one output level and rate ofinterest
C. at an unlimited number of output levels and only one rate of interest
D. at only one output level and an unlimited number of rates of interest
Answer» B. at only one output level and rate ofinterest

In which of the following situations will an increase in the money supply have no effect upon output?

A. lm is steeply sloped and is is steeply sloped
B. lm is vertical and is is steeply sloped
C. lm is steeply sloped and is is vertical
D. lm is relatively flat as is is
Answer» C. lm is steeply sloped and is is vertical

Policy Neutrality is the main proposition of:

A. supply side economics.
B. keynesian economics
C. monetarism
D. rational expectations hypothesis
Answer» D. rational expectations hypothesis

Who invented the General Equilibrium analysis?

A. l. walras.
B. w. leontief
C. j.m.keynes.
D. none of these.
Answer» A. l. walras.

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