90+ Modern Banking and Insurance Solved MCQs


The first chartered bank was established at---------------------

A. japan
B. philadelphia
C. india
D. france.
Answer» B. philadelphia

The first chartered bank was established in the year --------------------

A. 1781
B. 1775
C. 1870
D. 1881.
Answer» A. 1781

Bank is an institution which deals with --------------

A. money
B. treatment
C. education
D. communication.
Answer» A. money

The word meaning of Banco is ---------------

A. heap
B. gold
C. deposit
D. loan.
Answer» A. heap

Bank of Hindustan was established at -------------------------

A. bombay
B. chennai
C. kolkatta
D. bengal.
Answer» A. bombay

General Bank of India was established in -----------------------

A. 1771
B. 1775
C. 1786
D. 1780.
Answer» C. 1786

Upper bank of India was established in -----------

A. 1860
B. 1870
C. 1863
D. 1865.
Answer» C. 1863

Second phase of Indian banks were nationalized in

A. 1960
B. 1969
C. 1970
D. 1869.
Answer» B. 1969

The third phase of development banking in India started in early

A. 1980
B. 1990
C. 1960
D. 1965.
Answer» B. 1990

The apex institution in the financial system of a country is

A. central bank
B. state bank
C. national bank
D. federal bank.
Answer» A. central bank

Industrial bank also known as

A. investment bank
B. state bank
C. commercial bank
D. unit bank.
Answer» A. investment bank

SIDBI was established in the year: [a]1990 [b]1995 [c]1985 [d]1969. 16. RRBs are coming under

A. private sector
B. public sector
C. co-operative sector
D. domestic sector.
Answer» A. private sector

Initially central bank was established at

A. mumbai
B. chennai
C. new delhi
D. calcutta.
Answer» D. calcutta.

The central office of RBI is at ----------------------------

A. mumbai
B. chennai
C. new delhi
D. calcutta.
Answer» A. mumbai

Central bank was nationalised in: [a]1949 [b] 1934 [c] 1935 [d] 1940. 20. RBI was established in the year-------------------------

A. 1935
B. 1949
C. 1934
D. 1940.
Answer» A. 1935

Which one is the banker’s bank?

A. rbi
B. federal bank
C. union bank
D. bank of india.
Answer» A. rbi

Which one is the custodian of foreign balances of country?

A. rbi
B. federal bank
C. union bank
D. bank of india.
Answer» A. rbi

Which one is the controller of credit?

A. rbi
B. federal bank
C. union bank
D. bank of india.
Answer» A. rbi

IFCI was established in the year................

A. 1948
B. 1956
C. 1935
D. 1934.
Answer» A. 1948

Money market is a part of

A. capital market
B. rbi
C. sbt
D. financial market.
Answer» D. financial market.

Money market is a market for-------------------fund

A. short term fund
B. long term fund
C. secular fund
D. mid term fund.
Answer» A. short term fund

CDs was introduced in:

A. 1989
B. 1982
C. 1985
D. 1990
Answer» A. 1989

Commercial papers were introduced in:

A. 1989
B. 1982
C. 1985
D. 1990
Answer» D. 1990

Treasury bills are issued by

A. rbi
B. imf
C. ibrd
D. ifci.
Answer» A. rbi

Treasury bills are available for minimum amount of Rs.-------------------

A. 20000
B. 25000
C. 10000
D. 30000.
Answer» B. 25000

The government of India passed the SFC Act in ---------------------

A. 1951
B. 1960
C. 1945
D. 1950.
Answer» A. 1951

Maturity period of CDs ranges from

A. above 1 year
B. 3 months to 1 year
C. 5 month
D. 1 month.
Answer» B. 3 months to 1 year

MMMFs was introduced by

A. rbi
B. commercial bank
C. adb
D. idbi.
Answer» A. rbi

MMMFs was introduced in

A. 1990
B. 1991
C. 1992
D. 1993
Answer» C. 1992

The goal of MMMFs was to provide short term avenue to:

A. farmers
B. businessmen
C. investors
D. unemployed
Answer» C. investors

DFHI was set up in

A. 1988
B. 1982
C. 1956
D. 1948.
Answer» A. 1988

REPO rate was introduced in

A. 1990
B. 1992
C. 1982
D. 1980.
Answer» B. 1992

On 29th September 2015 repo rate is

A. 6.75
B. 6.25
C. 6
D. 6.5
Answer» A. 6.75

Reverse repo is introduced in

A. january 1996
B. april1996
C. november 1996
D. december 1996.
Answer» C. november 1996

On 29th September 2015 reverse repo rate is

A. 5.75
B. 6.25
C. 5
D. 6.5
Answer» A. 5.75

Find odd one

A. e-banking
B. virtual banking
C. online banking
D. m-banking.
Answer» D. m-banking.

Find odd one

A. chit funds
B. nidhis
C. finance companies
D. indigeneous bankers.
Answer» D. indigeneous bankers.

On 29th September 2015 bank rate is

A. 5.75
B. 6.25
C. 7.75
D. 6.5
Answer» C. 7.75

On 29th September 2015 the percentage of CRR is

A. 4.75
B. 4
C. 4.5
D. 6.5
Answer» B. 4

On 29th September 2015 the SLR is

A. 20
B. 21.5
C. 21
D. 20.5.
Answer» C. 21

The method of banking in which customers conduct transaction through internet

A. mobile bank
B. e-bank
C. e-commerce.
D. tele banking.
Answer» B. e-bank

Voice recognition capability can be through

A. e-banking
B. tele banking
C. m-banking
D. sms banking.
Answer» C. m-banking

Consortium means -------------------------

A. partnership
B. owner
C. manager
D. individual.
Answer» A. partnership

Banking with a conscience is --------------------

A. tele banking
B. social banking
C. sms banking
D. m-banking.
Answer» B. social banking

Ethical Banking is --------------------

A. tele banking
B. social banking
C. sms banking
D. m-banking.
Answer» B. social banking

Alternative Banking is --------------------

A. tele banking
B. social banking
C. sms banking
D. m-banking.
Answer» B. social banking

Civic Banking is --------------------

A. tele banking
B. social banking
C. sms banking
D. m-banking.
Answer» B. social banking

Sustainable Banking is --------------------

A. tele banking
B. social banking
C. sms banking
D. m-banking.
Answer» B. social banking

Which one serves as a form of revolving credit?

A. social bank
B. debit card
C. credit card
D. e-purse.
Answer» C. credit card

ATM and debit cards are combined in to a single card called

A. bank card
B. atm
C. credit card
D. e-purse.
Answer» C. credit card

NEFT is ---------------------- payment system facilitating one to one fund transfer.

A. nationwide
B. state wide
C. region wise
D. district wise.
Answer» A. nationwide

The minimum amount to be remitted through RTGS is R.S

A. 2 lakh
B. 5 lakh
C. 10 lakh
D. 1 lakh.
Answer» A. 2 lakh

NEFT operates in ---------------- batches

A. hourly
B. daily
C. weekly
D. monthly.
Answer» A. hourly

CTS in India is a project undertaken by -------------------

A. sbt
B. pnb
C. sib
D. rbi.
Answer» D. rbi.

CTS in INDIA is undertaken during

A. 2000
B. 2005
C. 2008
D. 2010.
Answer» C. 2008

RBI first implemented CTS at [a] Delhi [b] Kolkata [c] Mumbai [d] Bangalore. 63. CTS operation started across the country in

A. 2000
B. 2008
C. 2014
D. 2010
Answer» A. 2000

The banking ombudsman scheme is introduced under ----------------- section of banking regulation Act

A. 35 a
B. 35
C. 25
D. 73.
Answer» A. 35 a

The banking ombudsman scheme is introduced by

A. rbi
B. prime minister
C. finance minister
D. president.
Answer» A. rbi

The banking ombudsman scheme working is effect from

A. 1990
B. 1995
C. 2000
D. 2005.
Answer» B. 1995

Narasimham committee submitted its report in------------------

A. january 1991
B. march 1991
C. september 1991
D. november 1991.
Answer» D. november 1991.

Narasimham committee II submitted its report in------------------

A. 1998
B. 1992
C. 1995
D. 1990
Answer» A. 1998

Insurance is a-----------------------------------------

A. charity
B. gambling
C. a contract
D. discount .
Answer» A. charity

The Indian Marine Insurance Act was passed in

A. 1963
B. 1774
C. 1779
D. 1781.
Answer» A. 1963

Marine insurance was first started in

A. italy
B. germany
C. france
D. india.
Answer» A. italy

Lloyd’s Association formed policy in the year

A. 1779
B. 1970
C. 1875
D. 1995.
Answer» A. 1779

Fire insurance was firstly used at-----------------------------

A. italy
B. germany
C. india
D. france
Answer» B. germany

Fire Insurance Company opened in London by

A. nicholas borban
B. crowther
C. shyer
D. kevin
Answer» A. nicholas borban

First fire insurance company opened at

A. london
B. italy
C. germany
D. france
Answer» A. london

In India first fire insurance company was established in

A. 1850
B. 1870
C. 1860
D. 1890
Answer» A. 1850

The first life insurance policy was issued in the year

A. 1653
B. 1675
C. 1850
D. 1665.
Answer» A. 1653

As an institution life insurance was established in

A. 1653
B. 1679
C. i1769
D. 1980.
Answer» B. 1679

LIC was established on September

A. 1952
B. 1956
C. 1948
D. 1964.
Answer» B. 1956

In India Insurance Act was passed in

A. 1912
B. 1990
C. 1969
D. 1964.
Answer» A. 1912

The first Indian Insurance company started in the year

A. 1882
B. 1956
C. 1850
D. 1982.
Answer» C. 1850

Life insurance business was nationalized in the year

A. 1956
B. 1948
C. 1850
D. 1912.
Answer» A. 1956

General insurance business Act was passed in

A. 1972
B. 1856
C. 1850
D. 1948.
Answer» A. 1972

Indian fire insurance was started in the year

A. 1805
B. 1810
C. 1825
D. 1850.
Answer» C. 1825

In India , fire insurance was started at -----------------

A. madras
B. kolkata
C. cochin
D. mumbai.
Answer» A. madras

General insurance business act was came in to force from the year

A. 1973 `
B. 1970
C. 1972
D. 1980.
Answer» A. 1973 `

Find odd one; On the basis of risk insurance can be

A. personal
B. property
C. social insurance
D. guarantee
Answer» C. social insurance

Burglary insurance firstly developed at-------------------

A. u.k
B. u.s
C. japan
D. france.
Answer» A. u.k

Burglary insurance firstly developed in ------------------

A. 1887
B. 1857
C. 1882
D. 1779.
Answer» A. 1887

General insurance were nationalised in the year

A. 1972
B. 1872
C. 1782
D. 1852.
Answer» A. 1972

When an insurer transfers a part of risks on particular policy by insuring it with some others. Then it is called---------------

A. insurance
B. association
C. re –insurance
D. mutual companies.
Answer» C. re –insurance

IRDA was passed in the year

A. 1990
B. 1992
C. 1995
D. 1999.
Answer» D. 1999.

IRDA permitted co-operative insurance organisation in the year

A. 2000
B. 2002
C. 2004
D. 2005.
Answer» D. 2005.

The institution which promote international trade

A. sfc
B. icici
C. idbi
D. exim bank.
Answer» D. exim bank.

Those banking have large scale operations and geographical spreading of risks

A. mixed banking
B. unit banking
C. branch banking
D. chain banking.
Answer» C. branch banking

The number of banks nationalised in 1969

A. 10
B. 14
C. 16
D. 20.
Answer» B. 14

Unit banking is referred to as

A. local banking
B. branch banking
C. mixed banking
D. central bank.
Answer» A. local banking

The number of banks nationalised in 1980

A. 10
B. 14
C. 6
D. 20.
Answer» C. 6

The institution which promote agriculture and rural development

A. nabard
B. rrb
C. sidbi
D. ifci.
Answer» A. nabard

Imperial bank was nationalised in the year

A. 1950
B. 1955
C. 1956
D. 1958.
Answer» B. 1955

The rate at which Central Bank grant loans to the commercial banks against the security is :

A. repo rate
B. reverse repo
C. bank rate
D. discounting bills.
Answer» C. bank rate

The national housing bank was established in the year

A. 1980
B. 1982
C. 1988
D. 1990.
Answer» C. 1988
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