520+ An Introduction to Political Science Solved MCQs


Which of the following are the features on the basis of which the parliamentary system of government operates?

A. nominal and real executives
B. executive responsible to lower house
C. prime minister is the real executive
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which is not a feature of Presidential form of government?

A. single executive
B. fixed tenure of executive
C. checks and balances
D. dissolution of lower house.
Answer» D. dissolution of lower house.

The concept of Rights, Property, Liberty, Equality and Justice are related to—

A. dictatorship
B. aristocracy
C. democracy
D. oligarchy
Answer» C. democracy

The legal theory of Rights believes that—

A. the rights are created by the state
B. the rights are created by the nature
C. the rights are created by the society
D. the rights are eternal
Answer» A. the rights are created by the state

Civil rights are given to the individuals by—

A. the state
B. the people
C. nature
D. society
Answer» A. the state

Who said, “Liberty is the opposite of Over Government”

A. locke
B. laski
C. hobbes
D. seeley
Answer» D. seeley

Who first gave the Concept of ‘Distributive Justice’?

A. plato
B. aristotle
C. machiavelli
D. locke
Answer» B. aristotle

In Democracy, source of Authority is vested in—

A. the people
B. the party
C. constitution
D. law
Answer» A. the people

Landsgemeinde is a direct democratic institutions in which country

A. france
B. usa
C. switzerland
D. uk
Answer» C. switzerland

Who is the author of ‘A Grammar of Politics’?

A. mill
B. rousseau
C. lasswell
D. laski
Answer» D. laski

‘ Administrative law ‘is popular in

A. england
B. france
C. u.s.a.
D. italy
Answer» B. france

“State is known by the rights that it maintains” who said?

A. russell
B. woodrow wilson
C. janet
D. laski
Answer» D. laski

Which law is popular in England?

A. administrative law
B. rule of law
C. ordinance
D. statute law
Answer» B. rule of law

What is the maximum term provided for an ordinance?

A. 8 months
B. 6months
C. 9months
D. 12 months
Answer» B. 6months

Which among the following is a Political right?

A. right to hold public office
B. right to freedom
C. right against exploitation
D. right to work
Answer» A. right to hold public office

Negative liberty implies that,

A. freedom should be unlimited
B. freedom should be restricted
C. freedom from wants
D. freedom to rule
Answer» A. freedom should be unlimited

Which law is made by the legislature?

A. international law
B. statutory law
C. common law
D. natural law
Answer» B. statutory law

Rousseau authored the book

A. social contract
B. republic
C. the prince
D. politics
Answer» A. social contract

Which day is observed as International Human Rights Day?

A. december 1
B. december 10
C. june 5
D. april 2
Answer» B. december 10

Referendum means

A. refer to the judiciary
B. refer to the legislature
C. refer to the executive
D. refer to the people
Answer» D. refer to the people

Plebiscite is a word derived from,

A. plebiscitum
B. plebiscite
C. public
D. plebian
Answer» A. plebiscitum

Plebiscite means

A. people’s opinion
B. people’s decree
C. people’s decision
D. people’s vote
Answer» A. people’s opinion

Which of the following country follows a multi party system

A. china
B. england
C. france
D. usa
Answer» C. france

Which is known as the citadel of democracy?

A. athens
B. america
C. india
D. switzerland
Answer» A. athens

Who defined political science is “that part of social science which treats the foundations of the state and principles of government”?

A. paul janet
B. dyke
C. gettell
D. none of it
Answer» A. paul janet

Who introduced ‘intellectual foundations stones’ for behavioural approach?

A. easton
B. merriam
C. lasswell
D. bentley
Answer» A. easton

Which approach is, according to Rober A Dahl, an attempt to make the empirical content of Political Science more scientific

A. institutional approach
B. historical approach
C. philosophical approach
D. behavioural approach
Answer» D. behavioural approach

Who said PoliticalScience is the sharing and shaping up of of power”?

A. merriam
B. lasswell
C. catlin
D. none of them
Answer» B. lasswell

Who is known as the greatest advocate of Post-Behaviouralism?

A. merriam
B. easton
C. lasswell
D. bentley
Answer» B. easton

Which approach demands ‘relevance’ and ‘action’?

A. institutional approach
B. post-behaviouralist approach
C. behaviouralist
D. historical approach
Answer» B. post-behaviouralist approach

Which approach considers “State being an engine of tyranny and exploitation?

A. post-behaviouralism
B. marxian approach
C. behaviouralism
D. institutional approach
Answer» B. marxian approach

The term ‘state’ is derived from which language?

A. latin
B. greek
C. english
D. none of it
Answer» A. latin

Who defined “the state is the politically organised people of a definite territory”?

A. bluntschli
B. wilson
C. machiavelli
D. aristotle
Answer» A. bluntschli

Who said, state is a “territorial society divided into government and subjects whose relationships are determined by the exercise of this supreme coercive power”?

A. laski
B. mao
C. wilson
D. marx
Answer» A. laski

Whose treatise, “the origin of the Family, Private Property and the State”?

A. marx
B. engels
C. lenin
D. mao
Answer» B. engels

Who is the author of the book ‘Ancient Society’?

A. morgan
B. popper
C. maine
D. mao
Answer» A. morgan

Who defined sovereignty as the ‘the supreme power over citizens and subjects unrestrained by laws’?

A. garner
B. jean bodin
C. austin
D. gilchrist
Answer» B. jean bodin

Which one of the following is not an element of the state?

A. government
B. sovereignty
C. associations
D. territory
Answer» C. associations

Who said ‘Kinship creates society and society at length creates the state

A. gettell
B. maine
C. maciver
D. austin
Answer» C. maciver

Who points, because society is federal, authority must also be federal?

A. maine
B. maciver
C. bentham
D. laski
Answer» D. laski

Whose work is ‘ Das Capital ‘

A. karl marx
B. lindsay
C. bodin
D. maciver
Answer» A. karl marx

What is the first virtue of social institution, according to Rawls?

A. wealth
B. strength
C. militarism
D. justice.
Answer» D. justice.

To what domain did Rawls direct his views of justice?

A. political domain
B. medical domain
C. financial domain
D. private domain
Answer» A. political domain

Rawls conceives of the original contract as one to:

A. enter a particular society
B. set up a particular form of government
C. establish the principles of justice for the basic structure of society
D. establish the content of morality
Answer» C. establish the principles of justice for the basic structure of society

‘Theory of Justice’ is a work by:

A. aristotle
B. henry min
C. john rawls
D. m e bayels
Answer» C. john rawls

Which is the work of Montesquieu?

A. ant-duhring
B. state and revolution
C. the spirit of laws
D. the poverty of philosophy
Answer» C. the spirit of laws

Shadow cabinet is a system prevails in which country

A. u k
B. japan
C. india
D. france
Answer» A. u k

Deliberative democracy involves

A. politicians consulting their ministerial colleagues before taking decisions
B. every major political decisions being taken after referendum
C. extensive public debate before taking decisions
D. none of the above
Answer» C. extensive public debate before taking decisions

Which work is written by Dicey?

A. modern states
B. the history of the states
C. introduction to the study of law of the constitution
D. the spirit of laws
Answer» C. introduction to the study of law of the constitution

Who wrote ‘The Process of Government’

A. arthur bentley
B. graham wallas
C. charles merriam
D. david easton
Answer» A. arthur bentley

Whose work is “Human Nature in Politics”

A. dicey
B. wallas
C. laski
D. merriam
Answer» B. wallas

Who wrote “New Aspects of Politis”

A. wallas
B. laski
C. merriam
D. bentley
Answer» C. merriam

Who wrote “The Political System”

A. almond
B. apter
C. lasswell
D. easton
Answer» D. easton

‘It is better to be vague than irrelevant’. This statement explains the following

A. post-behaviouralism
B. behaviouralism
C. positivism
D. empiricism
Answer» A. post-behaviouralism

Who introduced the concept of natural rights?

A. john locke
B. green
C. laski
D. barker
Answer» A. john locke

Legal theory of right was propounded by

A. mac iver
B. laski
C. hegel
D. barker
Answer» B. laski

Which factor is necessary for the development of democratic institutions?

A. strong military forces
B. respect for individual rights
C. a one-party system
D. an agricultural economy
Answer» B. respect for individual rights

Parliamentary form of government first involved in

A. greece
B. the united kingdom
C. the united states
D. rome
Answer» B. the united kingdom

India has adopted Rule of Law on the pattern of

A. france
B. japan
C. britain with certain modifications
D. usa
Answer» C. britain with certain modifications

A direct vote on a law in which the entire electorate can participate is known as ”?

A. referendum
B. public opinion
C. initiative
D. veto
Answer» A. referendum

Participation is an important element of every

A. monarchial system
B. oligarchic system
C. democratic system
D. aristocratic system
Answer» C. democratic system

Which act is considered the watch dog of democracy?

A. the right to property act
B. the right to live act
C. the right to information act
D. none of these
Answer» C. the right to information act

According to Marx 'the Dictatorship of the proletariat' signifies?

A. a transitional state
B. an ideal state
C. an autocratic state
D. a liberal states
Answer» A. a transitional state

Who among the following first developed the concept of General System theory

A. colin cherry
B. ludwig von bertallanffy
C. robert k merton
D. talcott parsons
Answer» B. ludwig von bertallanffy

Structural functionalism as a method was developed to study the politics of

A. modern totalitarianism
B. developing countries
C. developed socialism
D. advanced capitalism
Answer» B. developing countries

Who wrote the book ‘Comparative Politics: A Development Approach

A. almond and powell
B. david easton and robert a dhal
C. andrew haywood
D. weber and lucian pie
Answer» A. almond and powell

Who wrote “Over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign

A. jeremy bentham
B. robert nozick
C. m.k. gandhi
D. j.s. mill
Answer» D. j.s. mill

Gandhi describe himself as a

A. social democrat
B. philosophical anarchist
C. socialist
D. liberal
Answer» B. philosophical anarchist

According to Aristotle, democracy is

A. a genuine form of government
B. same as oligarchy
C. a perverted form of government
D. same as polity
Answer» C. a perverted form of government

The term ‘lag’ denotes

A. something which lies fixed
B. something strong
C. something legal
D. something changeable
Answer» A. something which lies fixed

Power is the capacity to

A. persuade
B. hold sovereignty
C. produce intended effects
D. exercise authority
Answer» C. produce intended effects

Who wrote the work ‘A Preface to Democratic Theory’?

A. dahl
B. marx
C. lenin
D. maciver
Answer» A. dahl

The most essential principle of liberalism is

A. equality
B. social justice
C. democracy
D. freedom
Answer» D. freedom

Socialism is:

A. an economic system that is based on private ownership
B. an economic system for communism
C. an economic system that allows competition in business
D. a government system that communist countries use
Answer» B. an economic system for communism

Who said Politics is about 'who gets what, when and how'?

A. lasswell
B. almond
C. easton
D. verba
Answer» A. lasswell

Who introduced the concept of negative and positive rights?

A. andrew haywood
B. laski
C. john locke
D. barker
Answer» A. andrew haywood

Social justice is primarily concerned with

A. who governs society
B. how society is governed
C. how society is defined
D. who should get what in society?
Answer» D. who should get what in society?

Equality of opportunity means

A. everybody as equal right to complain
B. everybody finishes the same start in life
C. everybody finishes the same regardless of effort
D. everybody is equal
Answer» B. everybody finishes the same start in life

Who among the following described democracy as the ‘tyranny of the majority?

A. james madison
B. john dunning
C. j rousseau
D. de tocqueville
Answer» D. de tocqueville

Who among the following advocated party less democracy in India?

A. acharya vinoba bhave
B. jayprakash narayan
C. mahatma gandhi
D. m.n. roy
Answer» B. jayprakash narayan

What did Gandhiji mean by Swaraj?

A. freedom of the country
B. freedom for the meanest of the countrymen
C. self government
D. complete independence
Answer» D. complete independence

Who among the following theorists advocated participatory democracy?

A. c.b. macpherson
B. michael oakeshoot
C. f. a. hayek
D. gaetano mosca
Answer» A. c.b. macpherson

Which of the following does not lead to the spread of democracy?

A. struggle by the people
B. end of colonialism
C. invasion by foreign countries
D. people’s desire for freedom
Answer» C. invasion by foreign countries

Participatory democracy calls for:

A. increasing the voter turnout in elections
B. greater and active engagement of citizens in government
C. greater involvement of the legislature in the business of legislature
D. active engagement of the representatives in the affairs of their constituencies
Answer» B. greater and active engagement of citizens in government

The advocates of deliberative democracy emphasize

A. executive supremacy
B. parliamentary sovereignty
C. judicial autonomy
D. popular participation
Answer» D. popular participation

The Communist manifesto was first published in

A. russian
B. english
C. german
D. french
Answer» C. german

According to David Easton, the main function of government is to:

A. provide social order, national security, and public goods
B. guarantee constitutional rights
C. levy tax on people to run the political system
D. allocate authoritatively values for a whole society.
Answer» D. allocate authoritatively values for a whole society.

The term ‘politics’ was derived from two words ‘polis’ and ‘polity’ in which language

A. greek
B. latin
C. english
D. french
Answer» A. greek

Who defined politics as “the authoritative allocation of values that are binding on the society?”

A. john lock
B. j.s. mill
C. david easton
D. almond
Answer» C. david easton

Who contributed the work ‘the Politics’?

A. aristotle
B. plato
C. socrates
D. machiavelli
Answer» A. aristotle

The development of Political Science as a discipline can be traced back to

A. 4th century b.c
B. 3rd century b.c
C. 5th century b.c.
D. 6th century b.c.
Answer» A. 4th century b.c

Who was the first proponent of scientific study of Politics?

A. charles merriam
B. harold d lasswell
C. george catlin
D. arthur bentley
Answer» A. charles merriam

Who said this , ‘behavioural approach is a protest movement within politics science and make the empirical component more rigorous’

A. charles merriam
B. robert a dahl
C. george catlin
D. arthur bentley
Answer» B. robert a dahl

Eighth principles of the behavioural approach of political science generally known as

A. verifications
B. pure science
C. intellectual foundations
D. observational study
Answer» C. intellectual foundations

Who wrote the book ‘Four Essays on Liberty’?

A. herbert spencer
B. earnest barker
C. j s mill
D. isaiah berlin
Answer» D. isaiah berlin

Who was the most ardent advocate of Post Behaviouralism?

A. david easton
B. c wright mills
C. robert dahl
D. harold d lasswell
Answer» A. david easton

The strong demands of Post behaviouralists are

A. pure science
B. relevance and action
C. value
D. none of these
Answer» B. relevance and action

Historical materialism is one of the tools in

A. behaviouralism
B. utilitarianism
C. marxism
D. post behaviouralism
Answer» C. marxism

Whose work is Lecturers on Jurisprudence”?

A. gilchrist
B. john austin
C. a.v. dicey
D. garner
Answer» B. john austin

Who wrote the work “Representative Government”?

A. lowell
B. t.h. green
C. j.s. mill
D. laski
Answer» C. j.s. mill
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