160+ Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis 2 Solved MCQs


A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as a sample mean, is known as a

A. population parameter
B. sample parameter
C. sample statistic
D. population mean
Answer» C. sample statistic

Statistics branches include

A. applied statistics
B. mathematical statistics
C. industry statistics
D. both a and b
Answer» D. both a and b

To enhance a procedure the control charts and procedures of descriptive statistics are classified into

A. behavioural tools
B. serial tools
C. industry statistics
D. statistical tools
Answer» A. behavioural tools

Sample statistics are also represented as

A. lower case greek letter
B. roman letters
C. associated roman alphabets
D. upper case greek letter
Answer» B. roman letters

Individual respondents, focus groups, and panels of respondents are categorised as

A. primary data sources
B. secondary data sources
C. itemised data sources
D. pointed data sources
Answer» A. primary data sources

The variables whose calculation is done according to the weight, height and length and weight are known as:

A. flowchart variables
B. discrete variables
C. continuous variables
D. measuring variables
Answer» C. continuous variables

A method used to examine inflation rate anticipation, unemployment rate and capacity utilisation to produce products is classified as

A. data exporting technique
B. data importing technique
C. forecasting technique
D. data supplying technique
Answer» C. forecasting technique

Graphical and numerical methods are specialized processes utilised in

A. education statistics
B. descriptive statistics
C. business statistics
D. social statistics
Answer» B. descriptive statistics

The scale applied in statistics which imparts a difference of magnitude and proportions is considered as

A. exponential scale
B. goodness scale
C. ratio scale
D. satisfactory scale
Answer» C. ratio scale

Review of performance appraisal, labour turnover rates, planning of incentives and training programs and are examples of

A. statistics in production
B. statistics in marketing
C. statistics in finance
D. statistics in personnel management
Answer» D. statistics in personnel management

Which one is correct for a binomial distribution?

A. mean = variance
B. mean > variance
C. mean < variance
D. mean ≤ variance
Answer» B. mean > variance

In a binomial distribution, n =5 mean equals 2, what is the value of q?

A. .40
B. .50
C. .60
D. .70
Answer» C. .60

Three fair coins tossed simultaneously what is the probability to get exact 2 head?

A. 3/8
B. 2/8
C. 1/8
D. 1
Answer» A. 3/8

In a binomial distribution variance found to be 1 and q=1/2, what is the value of n?

A. 10
B. 5
C. 6
D. 4
Answer» D. 4

In a basket there are 5 red balls and 3 black balls, what is the probability to select 2 balls from that in which one is black and one is red?

A. 2/8
B. 5/8
C. 8/28
D. 15/28
Answer» D. 15/28

What is true for a poison Distribution?

A. mean = variance
B. mean > variance
C. mean < variance
D. mean ≤ variance
Answer» A. mean = variance

A statement about a population developed for testing is called

A. hypothesis
B. hypothesis testing
C. level of significance
D. test-statistic
Answer» A. hypothesis

Any hypothesis, which are tested for the purpose of rejection under the assumption that it is true, is called

A. null hypothesis
B. alternative hypothesis
C. statistical hypothesis
D. composite hypothesis
Answer» A. null hypothesis

The alternative hypothesis is also called

A. null hypothesis
B. statistical hypothesis
C. research hypothesis
D. simple hypothesis
Answer» C. research hypothesis

A rule or formula that provides a basis for testing a null hypothesis is called

A. test-statistic
B. population statistic
C. both of these
D. none of the above
Answer» A. test-statistic

The range of test statistic-t is

A. 0 to ∞
B. 0 to 1
C. -∞ to +∞
D. -1 to +1
Answer» C. -∞ to +∞

If Ho is true and we reject it is called

A. type-i error
B. type-ii error
C. standard error
D. sampling error
Answer» A. type-i error

A passing student is failed by an examiner, it is an example of

A. type-i error
B. type-ii error
C. best decision
D. all of the above
Answer» A. type-i error

1 – α is also called

A. confidence coefficient
B. power of the test
C. size of the test
D. level of significance
Answer» A. confidence coefficient

1 – α is the probability associated with

A. type-i error
B. type-ii error
C. level of confidence
D. level of significance
Answer» A. type-i error

Area of the rejection region depends on

A. size of α
B. size of β
C. test-statistic
D. number of values
Answer» A. size of α

Level of significance is also called

A. power of the test
B. size of the test
C. level of confidence
D. confidence coefficient
Answer» B. size of the test

Critical region is also called

A. acceptance region
B. rejection region
C. confidence region
D. statistical region
Answer» B. rejection region

The weighted average of price relations using basic values as weights is same as the ………………

A. laspeyres quantity index
B. paasches’ price index
C. laspeyres price index
D. kelly’s price index
Answer» A. laspeyres quantity index

Which one of the following indices satisfies both time reversal and factor reversal list ?

A. lasperyres index number
B. fischer’s index number
C. paasches index number
D. bowley’s index number
Answer» B. fischer’s index number

Which one of the following index numbers is based on Geometric Mean ?

A. lasperyres index number
B. fischer’s index number
C. paasches index number
D. bowley’s index number
Answer» B. fischer’s index number

If the Paasches’ index is 196 and Fishers index is 210, What is the value of the Laspeyres’ index?

A. 220
B. 215
C. 225
D. 230
Answer» C. 225

The major purpose of price index is to measure change in the …………

A. standard of living
B. gold content of money
C. buying power of money
D. capacity to produce
Answer» C. buying power of money

Which of the following statement is not correct ? Fishers’ index :

A. lies between laspeyres’ (l) & paasches’ index
B. is the arithmetic mean of l & p
C. is the geometric mean of l & p
D. is equal to l or p if l = p
Answer» B. is the arithmetic mean of l & p

In consumer price index number weights are determing on the basis of ………..

A. actual price of the index
B. the consumption pattern of the class of population
C. actual consumption expenditure
D. both price & consumption expenditure
Answer» B. the consumption pattern of the class of population

Consumer price index number indicates

A. the general price level
B. the wholesale price level
C. export price
D. all of these
Answer» A. the general price level

Index Numbers measure

A. the change in base year prices
B. the change in current year prices
C. real changes
D. none of the above
Answer» A. the change in base year prices

Simple fixed quantity relative

A. × 100
B. × 100
C. × 100
D. × 100
Answer» C. × 100

The day to day irregularities in business activity are the example of

A. secular trend
B. seasonal fluctuations
C. cyclical fluctuations
D. random or erratic fluctuations
Answer» D. random or erratic fluctuations

Fisher’s ideal index Number satisfies

A. time reversal & factor reversal list
B. only time reversal list
C. only factor reversal list
D. circular list
Answer» A. time reversal & factor reversal list

Fishers ideal index is obtained as :

A. the sum of laspeyre’s & paasche’s indices
B. the geometric mean of laspeyer’s & paasche’s indices
C. the arithemetic mean of laspeyer’s & paasche’s indices
D. the harmonic mean of laspeyre’s & paasche’s indices
Answer» B. the geometric mean of laspeyer’s & paasche’s indices

∑ ∑ × 100 is the formula for calculating ……..

A. bowley’s index
B. fisher’s index
C. laspeyer’s index
D. paasche’s index
Answer» C. laspeyer’s index

Laspeyres index measures change in

A. fixed market basket
B. current consumption
C. both fixed and current market basket
D. none
Answer» A. fixed market basket

is the formula for calculating

A. fishers index
B. bowley’s method
C. laspeyre’s index
D. paasche’s index
Answer» B. bowley’s method

Recurrent variations in time series that usually last longer than a year is known as ……………

A. seasonal variation
B. secular trend
C. irregular variation
D. cyclical variation
Answer» D. cyclical variation

Paasche’s index measures change in

A. fixed market basket
B. current consumption
C. both fixed and current market
D. none
Answer» B. current consumption

A lock-out in a factory for a month is associated with the component of time series

A. trend
B. seasonal variation
C. cyclic variation
D. irregular variation
Answer» D. irregular variation

Consumer price index number is constructed for

A. a well defined section of people
B. workers only
C. all people
D. all the above
Answer» A. a well defined section of people

Which one is not the test of index Number

A. unit test
B. time reversal test
C. triangular test
D. factor reversal test
Answer» C. triangular test

The average of Laspeyre’s and Paasche’s index number which gives Fisher’s index number is

A. am
B. gm
C. hm
D. weighted average
Answer» B. gm

Purchasing power of money

A. price index × 100
B. 100
C. 100/
D. real wage
Answer» C. 100/

Factor reversal list permits the interchange of

A. base periods
B. price & quantity
C. weights
D. none of the above
Answer» B. price & quantity

The method which is not used for estimating seasonal components of a time series

A. ratio to trend method
B. link relative method
C. method of simple average
D. method of least squares
Answer» D. method of least squares

Cost of living index is known as

A. consumer price index
B. whole sale price index
C. quantity index
D. none
Answer» A. consumer price index

Paasches index number is based on

A. base year quantity
B. current year quantity
C. day year quantity
D. none
Answer» B. current year quantity

Measures of change in the level of phenomenon is called

A. correlation
B. dispersion
C. mean
D. index numbers
Answer» D. index numbers

Which of the following is described as ‘barometers of economic activity’?

A. index number
B. correlation
C. regression
D. time series
Answer» A. index number

Test to determine whether a given method will work both forward & backward

A. unit test
B. factor reversal test
C. time reversal test
D. none
Answer» C. time reversal test

Data which are collected, observed or recorded at successive intervals of time is known as ……

A. index numbers
B. time series
C. regression
D. correlation
Answer» B. time series

Earthquake is an example of

A. secular trend
B. seasonal variation
C. cyclical variation
D. irregular variation
Answer» D. irregular variation

All methods of index numbers except simple (unweighted) aggregative index satisfies

A. unit test
B. time reversal list
C. factor reversal test
D. circular test
Answer» A. unit test

The word statistics was used in…………..

A. 1749
B. 1849
C. 1790
D. 1801
Answer» A. 1749

Statistics is ………………

A. science only
B. art only
C. science and art
D. neither science nor art
Answer» C. science and art

Statistics can……………

A. prove anything
B. disprove any thing
C. neither prove nor disprove anything is just a tool
D. none of these
Answer» C. neither prove nor disprove anything is just a tool

Bar diagrams are ……………………..dimensional diagrams

A. one
B. two
C. three
D. none of these
Answer» A. one

The number of observations corresponding to a class is known as ………………..of that class.

A. population
B. frequency
C. class interval
D. none of these
Answer» B. frequency

Diagrams and graphs are the tools of…………………

A. collection of data
B. analysis of data
C. summarisation of data
D. presentation of data
Answer» D. presentation of data

Circle diagram is also called

A. pie diagram
B. pictogram
C. sectors
D. none of these
Answer» A. pie diagram

Histogram is a ………………

A. graph
B. curve
C. diagram
D. pictogram
Answer» A. graph

In a Histogram bars……………….

A. touch each other
B. do not touch
C. either way
D. neither way
Answer» A. touch each other

With the help of histogram we can prepare

A. frequency polygon
B. frequency cure
C. both
D. done
Answer» C. both

Media is same as ………………..guartile

A. first
B. second
C. third
D. fourth
Answer» B. second

Median is the average suited for ……………classes

A. open-end
B. closed-end
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. open-end

Which average is affected most by extreme observations

A. mode
B. medium
C. geometric mean
D. arithmetic mean
Answer» C. geometric mean

Which of the following is the most unstable average ?

A. mode
B. median
C. arithmetic mean
D. geometric mean
Answer» A. mode

For dealing with qualitative data, the best average is …………..

A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. harmonic mean
D. median
Answer» D. median

The sum of deviations taken from arithmetic Mean is

A. maximum
B. minimum
C. zero
D. one
Answer» C. zero

The sum of squares of deviations from arithmetic mean is ………

A. maximum
B. minimum
C. zero
D. one
Answer» B. minimum

The best measure of central tendency is …………….

A. arithmetic mean
B. geometric mean
C. median
D. harmonic mean
Answer» A. arithmetic mean

The 75th percentile is

A. greater than d6
B. less than d6
C. equal to d6
D. equal to d6
Answer» A. greater than d6

Average is a measure of ………….

A. central tendancy
B. dispersion
C. symmetry
D. concentration
Answer» A. central tendancy

Histogram can be used to estimate……………

A. median
B. mode
C. mean
D. quartile
Answer» B. mode

Deciles divide the data in to ……………….equal parts.

A. 100
B. 10
C. 2
D. 4
Answer» B. 10

The positionl value which divide the data into 100 equal parts are

A. decile
B. percentile
C. quartiles
D. octiles
Answer» B. percentile

Which of the following represents median ?

A. fiftieth percentile
B. first quartile
C. sixth decile
D. 20th percentile
Answer» A. fiftieth percentile

When Mean = 20 Median = 30, Mode = ?

A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70
Answer» B. 50

Harmonic Mean is the ………………of arithmetic Mean

A. reciprocal
B. substitute
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. reciprocal

Square of standard deviation of a distribution is the

A. median
B. variance
C. mode
D. none of these
Answer» B. variance

The best measure of dispersion is …………….

A. range
B. variance
C. quartile deviations
D. standard deviation
Answer» D. standard deviation

The measure of dispersion based on all the observations of the series is …………….

A. range
B. quartile deviation
C. standard deviation
D. inter quartile range
Answer» C. standard deviation

The Mean is 1000 and standard deviation is 50 then coefficient of variation is

A. 15
B. 5
C. 8
D. 10
Answer» B. 5

Mean deviation is minimum when deviations are taken from

A. mean
B. median
C. mode
D. zero
Answer» B. median

Meaures of dispersion which ignores the sign is……………

A. mean deviation
B. range
C. quartile deviation
D. standard deviation
Answer» A. mean deviation

When 5 is added to all the values of a series then standard deviation

A. does not change
B. becomes 5 times
C. increased by 5
D. decreased by 5
Answer» A. does not change

In a normal distribution Q.D = …………..

A. sd
B. sd
C. (sd)
D. √sd
Answer» A. sd

For the open-end class frequency distribution the appropriate measure of dispersion is………….

A. range
B. quartile deviation
C. mean deviation
D. standard deviation
Answer» B. quartile deviation

For a symmetrical distribution the coefficient of skewness is

A. +1
B. -1
C. +3
D. -3
Answer» C. +3

The relationship between x and y is y = 2x + 1. The correlation between x and y is:

A. 1
B. -1
C. 0
D. 4
Answer» A. 1

When there is perfect correlation, the value of the correlation coefficient is:

A. -1
B. +1
C. ±1
D. 0
Answer» C. ±1

When the correlation coefficient r = ±1, the two regression lines:

A. are perpendicular to each other
B. are parallel to each other
C. coincide
D. do not exist
Answer» C. coincide
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