160+ Indian Constitution And Politics 1 Solved MCQs


The plan of Sir Stafford Cripps envisaged that after the Second World War,

A. india should be granted complete independence
B. india should be partitioned into two before granting independence
C. india should be made a republic
D. india should be given dominion status
Answer» D. india should be given dominion status

Which one of the following recommended a change in the pattern of Dyarchy introduced under the Act of 1919?

A. simon commission
B. sapru commission
C. butler commission
D. muddiman commission
Answer» A. simon commission

The Cabinet Mission Plan envisaged for India

A. federation
B. confederation
C. quasi-federation
D. union of state
Answer» D. union of state

Which of the following Acts had introduced communal electorate system in India

A. indian council act 1909
B. government of india act 1919
C. indian council act 1861
D. indian council act 1862
Answer» A. indian council act 1909

.Who was the head of the committee, known as ‘Nehru Committee’?

A. b k nehru
B. arun nehr
C. motilal nehr
D. jawaharlal nehru
Answer» C. motilal nehr

Who was the first elected chairman of the Constituent Assembly?

A. b r.ambedkar
B. b n. rao
C. dr. rajendra prasad
D. jawaharlal nehru
Answer» C. dr. rajendra prasad

Delhi was declared as the capital of India in the Following year

A. 1909
B. 1911
C. 1913
D. 1915
Answer» B. 1911

Which one of the following is one of the the objects of the Indian National Congress in 1885 ?

A. promotion of friendshi
B. eradication of povert
C. demand for swaraj
D. independence
Answer» A. promotion of friendshi

Which of the Act Introduced Dyarchy in the provinces?

A. government of india act 1909
B. government of india act 1919
C. indian council act 1861
D. indian council act 1862
Answer» B. government of india act 1919

India is a

A. federal, presidential, republiccs’
B. republic, parliamentary, unitary
C. unitary, presidential, republic
D. federal, parliamentary, republics
Answer» D. federal, parliamentary, republics

Who had said that the preamble is the keynote to the Costitution

A. k m. munshi
B. earnest barke
C. d.basu
D. b r. ambedker
Answer» B. earnest barke

Which of the following amendments took away the right to property from the list of the fundamental rights?

A. 42nd
B. 44t
C. 45th
D. 43rd
Answer» B. 44t

Article 30 of the Indian Constitution deals with the

A. freedom of conscienc
B. right to propagate religio
C. rights of minorities to establish and manage educational institution
D. cultural and educational right of the majority community
Answer» C. rights of minorities to establish and manage educational institution

Fundamental rights guaranteed in the Indian Constitution can be suspended only by

A. a proclamation of an emergenc
B. an act passed by the parliamen
C. an amendment of the constitution
D. the judicial decision of the supreme court
Answer» D. the judicial decision of the supreme court

The impeachment of the President of India can be initiated in

A. either house of parliament
B. a joint sitting of both house of parliamen
C. the lok sabha alon
D. the rajya sabha alone
Answer» A. either house of parliament

British educational policy was introduced in India by

A. robert cliv
B. charles metcalfe
C. george cornewalewi
D. lord macaulay
Answer» D. lord macaulay

Which Indian social reformer lived in 18th century fought against social evils in Hinduism

A. swami dayanand saraswath
B. sree ramakrishna parama hams
C. raja ram mohan ro
D. swami vivekananda
Answer» C. raja ram mohan ro

‘Arya Samaj ‘, a social reform movement was founded by

A. swami dayanan
B. sree ramakrishna parama hams
C. rajaram mohan ro
D. swami vivekananda
Answer» A. swami dayanan

Who was the great disciple of Ramakrishna Parama Hamsan

A. swami dayanan
B. sree narayana gur
C. rajaram mohan ro
D. swami vivekananda
Answer» B. sree narayana gur

The ‘philosophical society’ is associated with

A. swami dayanan
B. sree narayana gur
C. rajaram mohan ro
D. annie besant
Answer» D. annie besant

Who was the first President of Indian National Congress

A. a o hum
B. w c banerje
C. dadabai navoraj
D. annie besant
Answer» B. w c banerje

Indian National Congress was established in the year

A. 188
B. 188
C. 1857
D. 1887
Answer» A. 188

Who among the following was a moderate leader of Indian National Congress?

A. bala gangadar tila
B. sarojini naid
C. gopala krishna gokhal
D. subash chandra bose
Answer» C. gopala krishna gokhal

Who among the following was a extremist leader of Indian National Congress?

A. bala gangadar tila
B. sarojini naid
C. gopala krishna gokhal
D. m k gandhi
Answer» A. bala gangadar tila

The trio Lal- Bal- Pal , Lal represents

A. bala gangadar tila
B. bibin chandra pal
C. gopala krishna gokhal
D. lala lajpat rai
Answer» D. lala lajpat rai

The trio Lal- Bal- Pal , Bal represents

A. bala gangadar tila
B. bibin chandra pal
C. gopala krishna gokhal
D. lala lajpat rai
Answer» A. bala gangadar tila

The trio Lal- Bal- Pal , Pal represents

A. bala gangadar tila
B. bibin chandra pal
C. gopala krishna gokhal
D. lala lajpat rai
Answer» B. bibin chandra pal

Who said ,‘Swaraj is my birth right’ ?

A. bala gangadar tila
B. bibin chandra pal
C. gopala krishna gokhal
D. lala lajpat rai
Answer» A. bala gangadar tila

Bengal was partioned in the year

A. 190
B. 191
C. 1857
D. 1947
Answer» A. 190

Where did M.K.Gandhi experiment “sathyagraha’ in India first?

A. chambaran
B. jallian vala bagh
C. bombay
D. porbandher
Answer» A. chambaran

The first mass movement launched by Gandhi in India was

A. non-co-perative movement
B. civil disobedient movement
C. quit- india movement
D. khilafat movement.
Answer» A. non-co-perative movement

The second mass movement launched by Gandhi in India was

A. non-co-perative movement
B. civil disobedient movement
C. quit- india movement
D. khilafat movement.
Answer» B. civil disobedient movement

The last mass movement launched by Gandhi in India was

A. non-co-perative movement
B. civil disobedient movement
C. quit- india movement
D. khilafat movement.
Answer» C. quit- india movement

Who scolded Gandhi as ‘ a half-naked fakkir’?

A. winston churchil.
B. clement attlee
C. mount batten
D. gopalakrishna gokhale.
Answer» A. winston churchil.

Indian councils act 1909 is also called as

A. minto- morely reforms
B. montague- chemsgord reforms
C. cripps proposal
D. mount batten plan
Answer» A. minto- morely reforms

Which Act provided separate representative system for Muslim community?

A. indian councils act 1909
B. government of india act1919
C. government of india act1935
D. indian independence act 1947.
Answer» A. indian councils act 1909

Which act introduced ‘dyarchy’ in the provinces?

A. indian councils act 1909
B. government of india act1919
C. government of india act1935
D. indian independence act 1947.
Answer» B. government of india act1919

Which Indian leader participated in all the three round-table conferences?

A. bala gangadar tila
B. m.k.gandhi
C. dr.b.r.ambedka
D. jawaharlal nehru.
Answer» C. dr.b.r.ambedka

Which act introduced ‘dyarchy’ in the centre?

A. indian councils act 1909
B. government of india act1919
C. government of india act1935
D. indian independence act 1947.
Answer» C. government of india act1935

Which act separated Burma and Aden from India?

A. indian councils act 1909
B. government of india act1919
C. government of india act1935
D. indian independence act 1947.
Answer» C. government of india act1935

Which act was accepted as the provisional constitution of India,after Independence?

A. indian councils act 1909
B. government of india act1919
C. government of india act1935
D. indian independence act 1947.
Answer» C. government of india act1935

Quit –India movement was in the year,

A. 1945
B. 1942
C. 1941
D. 1946.
Answer» B. 1942

Elections to the Constitutent Assembly was held in the year,

A. 1945
B. 1942
C. 1941
D. 1946.
Answer» D. 1946.

.Who saluted Gandhi as’ Mahatma ‘?

A. bala gangadar tilak
B. raveendra nath tagore
C. gopala krishna gokhal
D. lala lajpatrai
Answer» B. raveendra nath tagore

Which was considered as the basis of Indian Independence Act of 1947?

A. mount batten plan
B. cripps proposal
C. simon commission report
D. nehru report.
Answer» A. mount batten plan

Who was the first deputy Prime Minister of India ?

A. sardar vallabhai patel
B. nehru
C. b r ambedkar
D. dr. rajendra prasad.
Answer» A. sardar vallabhai patel

Who was the first Governor General of Independent India ?

A. sardar vallabhai patel
B. mount batten
C. c rajagopal achari
D. dr. rajendra prasad.
Answer» B. mount batten

In which case Supreme Court declared that the Preamble is the integral part of the Constitution?

A. kesavananda bhrati case
B. nenaka gandhi case
C. a k .gopalan case
D. keralaeducation bill case
Answer» A. kesavananda bhrati case

Fundamental Rights are incorporated in which part of the Constitution?

A. part iii
B. part ii
C. part iv
D. part ix
Answer» A. part iii

Directive Principles of State Policy incorporated in which part of the Constitution ?

A. part iii
B. part ii
C. part iv
D. part ix
Answer» C. part iv

Which part is described by Dr.Ambedkar most criticised part of the Constitution ?

A. part iii
B. part ii
C. part iv
D. part ix
Answer» A. part iii

Which Fundamental Right deleted by 44th constitutional amendment?

A. right to equality
B. right to assembly
C. right to property
D. right to expression
Answer» C. right to property

In which amendment the right to property was deleted from Fundamental Rights ?

A. 42nd
B. 44th
C. 73rd
D. 48th
Answer» B. 44th

44th amendment was passed in the year

A. 1975
B. 1976
C. 197
D. 1978
Answer» D. 1978

Which Government pioneered 44th constitutional amendment ?

A. nehru govt.
B. morarji desai govt.
C. v p.singh govt.
D. p v. rao govt.
Answer» B. morarji desai govt.

Article 14- 18 of the Constitution deal with

A. right to equality
B. right to assembly
C. right to property
D. right to expression
Answer» A. right to equality

Righty to Property is now a

A. legal right
B. fundamental right
C. executive law
D. directive principle
Answer» A. legal right

Article 14 deals with

A. equality before law
B. equality of opportunity
C. equality of participation
D. equality of
Answer» A. equality before law

Article 15 deals with

A. equality before law
B. equality of opportunity
C. prohibition of discrimination
D. equality of expression
Answer» C. prohibition of discrimination

Article 16 deals with

A. equality before law
B. equality of opportunity
C. equality of participation
D. equality of expression
Answer» B. equality of opportunity

Article 17deals with

A. abolition of titiles
B. abolition untouchability
C. equality of participation
D. equality of expression
Answer» B. abolition untouchability

Abolition of Untouchability deals with

A. art. 17
B. art. 32
C. art.1
D. art. 18
Answer» A. art. 17

Which is the most decorative award given by govt. of India

A. padmasree
B. padma bhusion
C. bhrath ratna
D. padma vibushion
Answer» C. bhrath ratna

-------------- is the most fundamental of Fundametal Rights

A. personal liberty
B. right to equality
C. minority rights
D. religious rights
Answer» A. personal liberty

Which article was known as ‘seven freedoms’ in our constitution

A. art. 17
B. art. 32
C. art.19
D. art. 18
Answer» C. art.19

Right to education incorporated in

A. art. 17
B. art. 32
C. art.19
D. art. 21a
Answer» D. art. 21a

which amendment incorporated Right to Education to the Constitution?

A. 86th
B. 42nd
C. 44th
D. 74th
Answer» A. 86th

Which article provides protection against arrest and detention

A. art. 22
B. art. 32
C. art.19
D. art. 21a
Answer» A. art. 22

Which article guarantees freedom to manage religious affairs ?

A. art. 26
B. art. 32
C. art.19
D. art. 21a
Answer» A. art. 26

The Supreme Court or High Court commanding a person or a body to do that which is his or its duty to do is

A. mandamus
B. habeas corpus
C. prohibition
D. certiorari
Answer» A. mandamus

’ Prohibiton’ and ‘certiorari’ are writs issued against

A. individuals
B. courts
C. government
D. legislature
Answer» B. courts

Article I of the Constitution says that ‘India, ie, Bharath shall be a--------------‘

A. union of states
B. federation
C. confederation
D. union of federal units
Answer» A. union of states

The objective resolution was moved in the Constituent Assembly on

A. december 13, 1946
B. january 26, 1950
C. november 26, 1946
D. november 26, 1950
Answer» A. december 13, 1946

Who among the following introduced local self-government in India ?

A. lord mountbatten
B. lord rippon
C. lord cunning
D. lord macaulay
Answer» B. lord rippon

Indian National Congress began to work as a political party since

A. 1946
B. 1885
C. 1907
D. 1920
Answer» D. 1920

The Poona Pact (1932) upheld

A. joint electorate
B. separate electorate
C. joint electorate with reserved seats for the scheduled castes
D. joint electorate with reserved seats for the caste hindus
Answer» C. joint electorate with reserved seats for the scheduled castes

who among the following was the Chairman of the State Committee of the Constituent Assembly?

A. b r.ambedkar
B. b n. rao
C. dr. rajendra prasad
D. jawaharlal nehru
Answer» D. jawaharlal nehru

What was the reasonfor the rejection of the Cripps Plan by the Congress?

A. it granted domain status to the indian unio
B. it granted domain status to the provinces
C. it indirectly conceded the demand for partition
D. it was aimed at continuing british rule evenafter the war
Answer» C. it indirectly conceded the demand for partition

which of the following was the basis on which the Government of India Act 1919 was made ?

A. the council act of 190
B. montague’s declaration 1917
C. the victory of england in world war i
D. none of the above
Answer» B. montague’s declaration 1917

Who was the President of India when emergency was declared in 1975 ?

A. v v giri
B. b d jatt
C. dr. rajendra prasad
D. fakhruddin ali ahmmed
Answer» D. fakhruddin ali ahmmed

Who submitted the Objective Resolution in the Constutuent Assembly ?

A. b r.ambedkar
B. b n. rao
C. dr. rajendra prasad
D. jawaharlal nehru
Answer» D. jawaharlal nehru

The Constitution has the following number of articles

A. 315
B. 33
C. 365
D. 395
Answer» D. 395

In the Constitution of India , the term ‘Federal’

A. figures in the preamble
B. figures in part iii of the constitution
C. figures in article 368
D. does not figure anywhere
Answer» D. does not figure anywhere

Indian Federalism is described as

A. a federal structure with centralising feature
B. a unitary structure with federal features
C. more federal and less unitory
D. a federation of states
Answer» A. a federal structure with centralising feature

The reduced number of the Constituent Assembly members after the partition was

A. 299
B. 33
C. 365
D. 305
Answer» A. 299

On which date the ‘objective resolution’ was moved in the Constituent assembly?

A. december 13,1946.
B. december 09,1946
C. december 16,1946
D. december 19,1946
Answer» A. december 13,1946.

Who is the head of a state in India ?

A. prime ministe
B. president
C. governor
D. british monarch
Answer» C. governor

The idea of Rule of Law has been taken by the Indian Constitution from

A. usa
B. france
C. south africa
D. britain
Answer» D. britain

Which of the following groups of schedule deal with the division of powers between Union and the States?

A. ivth
B. vi th
C. vii th
D. ix th
Answer» C. vii th

Which article of the Constitution empowers the Parliament to legislature on any matter of the State List ?

A. 115
B. 183
C. 221
D. 249
Answer» D. 249

An Inter -State Council may be established by

A. prime ministe
B. president
C. parliament
D. the national development council
Answer» B. president

Which of the following declares India to be a federal state ?

A. golak nath case
B. bommai case
C. shankari prasad case
D. minerva mill case
Answer» B. bommai case

Which of the following State has a separate constitution of its own ?

A. andhrapradesh
B. karnataka
C. tamil nadu
D. jammu and kashmir
Answer» D. jammu and kashmir

Under which article of our constitution , the Governor can reserve the bill for the consideration of the president ?

A. 199
B. 200
C. 201
D. 202
Answer» C. 201

Who describes the Indian federation as 'a co-operative federation' ?

A. granville austin
B. sir ivor jennuings
C. k c where
D. alexandrowicz
Answer» A. granville austin

Which part of the Constitution deals with the Fundamental Duties ?

A. iv a
B. ix a
C. xiv a
D. x
Answer» A. iv a

Right to vote and to be elected in India is a

A. fundamental right
B. constitutional right
C. natural right
D. legal right
Answer» B. constitutional right

Under the term "Double Jeoparady" implied in Clause 2 of Article 20 of the Constitution of India, a person

A. convicted by a court of law cannot be punished under departmental proceedings for the same offence
B. punished departmentally cannotbe procecuted in a court of law for the sameoffence
C. shallnot be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once
D. cannot be subjected proceedings in civil courts for disobedence of an injunction along with criminal proceedings
Answer» C. shallnot be prosecuted and punished for the same offence more than once

Which of the following are envisaged by the Right against exploitation in the Constitution of india?

A. prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour
B. abolition of untouchability
C. protection of the interests of the minorities
D. prohibition of free movement
Answer» A. prohibition of traffic in human beings and forced labour

Article 30 of the Indian Constitution deals with

A. right to propagate religion
B. abolition of untouchability
C. right of the minorities to establish and manage educational institutions
D. freedom of conscience
Answer» C. right of the minorities to establish and manage educational institutions
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