670+ Prasutitantra and Striroga Solved MCQs


After separation of placenta it takes about ------ minutes in conventional management for the placenta to separate.

A. 5
B. 30
C. 35
D. 38
Answer» A. 5

Total duration of normal labour in primigravida is about _ _ _ _ _ hours.

A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 18
Answer» B. 12

Total duration of normal labour in multigravida is about _ _ _ _ _ hours.

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 10
Answer» C. 6

With the onset of labor pain,

A. The cervical canal begins to dilate more in the upper part than in the lower, the former being accompanied by corresponding stretching of the lower uterine segment.
B. The cervical canal begins to dilate more in the upper part than in the lower.
C. The cervical canal begins to dilate by corresponding stretching of the lower uterine segment.
D. The cervical canal begins to dilate in the lower.
Answer» A. The cervical canal begins to dilate more in the upper part than in the lower, the former being accompanied by corresponding stretching of the lower uterine segment.

Full dilatation of the cervix means the diameter of the cervical canal at external OS is _ _ _ _ _ cm.

A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
Answer» C. 10

In _ _ _ _ _ cm, dilatation of the OS, cervical lip cannot be felt & the cervix becomes almost continuous with vaginal wall.

A. 8
B. 10
C. 12
D. 14
Answer» B. 10

Vis-a-tergo means

A. Cervical dilatation
B. Uterine rupture
C. Lower segment formation
D. The final phase of dilatation and retraction of the cervix is achieved by downward thrust of the presenting part of the fetus and upward pull of the cervix over the lower segment.
Answer» D. The final phase of dilatation and retraction of the cervix is achieved by downward thrust of the presenting part of the fetus and upward pull of the cervix over the lower segment.

The process of Lower uterine segment formation is

A. The wall of the upper segment becomes progressively thickened with progressive thinning of the lower segment.
B. The wall of the upper segment becomes progressively thin
C. The wall of the upper segment becomes progressively thickened
D. Progressive thickening of the lower segment.
Answer» A. The wall of the upper segment becomes progressively thickened with progressive thinning of the lower segment.

Entire cervical canal merging with lower segment during labour is called as _ _ _ _ _ % effacement.

A. 30
B. 50
C. 80
D. 100
Answer» D. 100

--------- pain is defined as “During second stage of labour woman ‘Urges to Push’ during each painful contraction”

A. Bearing Down
B. Abdominal
C. Vaginal
D. Anal
Answer» A. Bearing Down

Gradual shortening of cervical canal with thinning of cervix is called as _ _ _ _ _.

A. Dilatation
B. Effacement
C. Contraction
D. Retraction
Answer» B. Effacement

The series of movements, adopted by foetus, in its birth passage, during expulsion in normal Labour, called as _ _ _ _ _ of labour.

A. Causes
B. Symptoms
C. Mechanism
D. Signs
Answer» C. Mechanism

In normal Labour _ _ _ _ _ is the presenting part which is either on LOA or ROA position.

A. Breech
B. Brow
C. Face
D. Vertex
Answer» D. Vertex

In ROA engagement of Vertex, occurs in the _ _ _ _ _ diameter of pelvis with occiput lying at right anterior quadrant.

A. Right Oblique
B. Left Oblique
C. Right transverse
D. Left transverse
Answer» B. Left Oblique

After birth of foetal head in LOA position occiput rotates ⅛th of a circle, on the left side, to undo the twist in the neck, called as _ _ _ _ _.

A. Internal Rotation
B. Extension
C. Restitution
D. External Rotation
Answer» C. Restitution

Shoulders & trunk of foetus are born by _ _ _ _ _ movement.

A. Extension
B. Lateral Flexion
C. Restitution
D. External Rotation
Answer» B. Lateral Flexion

When cervix slowly dilates from 2 cm. to 3 cm. is called as _ _ _ _ _.

A. Latent phase
B. Active phase
C. Acceleration
D. Deceleration
Answer» A. Latent phase

The discharge of blood stained cervical mucus, during Labour is called as _ _ _ _ _.

A. Abortion
D. Show
Answer» D. Show

During the time of Labour, Episiotomy of taken just before _ _ _ _ _.

A. Stage of crowing
B. Extenion
C. Restitution
D. Lateral Flexion
Answer» A. Stage of crowing

After expulsion of anterior shoulder, injection _ _ _ _ _ is given.

A. Epidosin
B. Methergin
C. Atropine
D. Compose
Answer» B. Methergin

Normal Foetal Heart Rate is _ _ _ _ _.

A. 80-90/min
B. 90-100/min
C. 160/170/min
D. 120-160/min
Answer» D. 120-160/min

Decrease of Haemologin below 11 gm% is called as _ _ _ _ _ in pregnancy

A. Anaemia
B. Jaundice
C. Heart Disease
D. Diabetes Mellitus
Answer» A. Anaemia

Severe vomiting of pregnancy, causing effect on mother’s health, is called as _ _ _ _

A. Pyrexia
B. Jaundice
C. Hyper Emesis Gravidarum
D. Ectopic pregnancy
Answer» C. Hyper Emesis Gravidarum

In Eclampsia, the head may be drawn to one side & there are twitching of the hands & face with rolling of the eyes, the patient lies unconscious, in _ _ _ _ _ stage.

A. Tonic
B. Pre Monitory
C. Clonic
D. Coma
Answer» B. Pre Monitory

In Eclampsia, the entire body lies in a state of spasm & rigidity with clenching of the hands, the respiration ceases, the tongue protrudes between the teeth, the patient becomes cyanosed in _ _ _ _ _ stage.

A. Pre Monitory
B. Tonic
C. Clonic
D. Coma
Answer» B. Tonic

In Eclampsia, convulsions occurs, the muscles of the body spasmodically contract & relax the biting of tongue occurs, blood-stained secretion come out of the mouth & nose, light respiratory movements occurs & cyanosis passes off in _ _ _ _ _ stage.

A. Clonic
B. Pre monitory
C. Tonic
D. Coma
Answer» A. Clonic

The term eclampsia is derived from a Greek word, meaning

A. “like a flash of cloud”.
B. “like a flash of thunder”.
C. “like a flash of lightening”.
D. “like a flash of rainbow”.
Answer» C. “like a flash of lightening”.

In pregnancy retinal changes may be seen in _ _ _ _ _.

A. Placenta Praevia
B. Abruption Placenta
C. Anemia
D. Pre Eclampsia
Answer» D. Pre Eclampsia

Cervical biopsy is done to exclude cervical _ _ _ _ _.

A. Carcinoma
B. Fibroid
C. Endometriosis
D. Ovarian Cyst
Answer» A. Carcinoma

Endometrial biopsy is done to detect _ _ _ _ _.

A. Ovarian cyst
B. HEELP syndrom
C. Hormonal status, Endometrial carcinoma, Endometrial Tuberculosis
D. Sub mucous Fibroid
Answer» C. Hormonal status, Endometrial carcinoma, Endometrial Tuberculosis

_ _ _ _ _ is used for early detection of cervical malignancy.

A. PAP smear, cervical biopsy, colposcopy
D. CT Scan
Answer» A. PAP smear, cervical biopsy, colposcopy

Marsupilisation operation is done for _ _ _ _ _ cyst.

A. Ovarian
B. Bartholin
C. Broad ligament
D. Pancreatic
Answer» B. Bartholin

In the Mechanism of normal labour, in internal rotation, the occiput rotates through _ _ _ _ _ of a circle, to lie under the pubic arch.

A. ½
B. ¼
C. 1/6
Answer» D. ⅛

The presenting part lies at the level of ischial spine, is called as _ _ _ _ _ station in normal labour.

A. Zero
B. -1
C. -2
D. +1
Answer» A. Zero

According to Harit Samhita………. is the cause of ‘Akal-Prasav’

A. Dosh bala
B. Garbhopadrav
C. Garbhavriddhi
D. Garbhapat
Answer» A. Dosh bala

Expulsion of foetus before Prakrut-prasavkal is termed as………..

A. Kalatit prasav
B. Akal prasav
C. Vikrut prasav
D. Vilambit prasav
Answer» B. Akal prasav

Aggravated Vayu located in Shukra is the cause of ……….

A. Vilambit prasav
B. Akal prasav
C. Kalatit prasav
D. Post maturity
Answer» B. Akal prasav

According to Yogratnakar and Bhavmishra…….. is the cause of Kalatit prasav

A. Kaphadosha
B. Mrutgarbha
C. Mudhgarbha
D. Prasav-marg sankoch
Answer» D. Prasav-marg sankoch

According to Charak Samhita intrauterine stay of foetus after tenth month is

A. Normal
B. Abnormal
C. Common
D. Rare
Answer» B. Abnormal

-----is the cause of Vilambit prasav.

A. Grahishool
B. Vyan vayu
C. Vilambit Aavi
D. Apan vayu
Answer» C. Vilambit Aavi

-------- is mentioned in dhupan chikitsa for the treatment of Garbhsang.

A. Nimb churn
B. Ashok churn
C. Slough of black snake
D. Sarshap
Answer» C. Slough of black snake

------is tied over arms or legs for easy delivery.

A. Balamool
B. Pippali mool
C. Hiranyapushpi mool
D. Shatavari
Answer» C. Hiranyapushpi mool

An ointment of Krishna and vacha pestled with water and mixed with castor oil is for - -------

A. Vedanaharyoga
B. Shothahar lepa
C. Sukhprasav yoga
D. Pachanyoga
Answer» C. Sukhprasav yoga

----------- is one of the important causes of Mudhagarbha

A. Pittaprakop
B. Dushta Kapha
C. Vigun Apan
D. Aavi
Answer» C. Vigun Apan

The etiology of abortions and Mritagarbha should be considered as causative factor for ……….

A. Mudhagarbha
B. Garbhapat
C. Aparsang
D. Prasav
Answer» A. Mudhagarbha

--------- is also the cause of Garbhasang.

A. Yoni samvaran
B. Yonivivrutata
C. Yonikandu
D. Yonidaha
Answer» A. Yoni samvaran

--- has been enlisted under clinical features of bad prognosis of Mudhagarbha.

A. Yoniarsha
B. Yoni bhransha
C. Yonidaha
D. Yonikandu
Answer» B. Yoni bhransha

The foetus getting obstructed in its passage and having absence of further progress is known as ……………

A. Garbhastrav
B. Garbhapat
C. Mudhagarbha
D. Aparsang
Answer» C. Mudhagarbha

Vagbhatachary has described only -------------in relation to treatment of Mudhagarbha.

A. Different positions
B. Different gatis
C. Different factors
D. Apan vayu
Answer» B. Different gatis

Mudhagarbha are of ---------------categories according to Sushrutacharya.

A. Four
B. Six
C. Three
D. Eight
Answer» A. Four

As per doshabheda, Harita describes ---------------types of Mudhagarbha.

A. Two
B. Four
C. Seven
D. Eight
Answer» C. Seven

Harita describes seven types of Mudhagarbha on ------------ basis.

A. Position
B. Gati
C. Dosha pradhanya
D. Kal
Answer» C. Dosha pradhanya

Different gatis are explained in relation to treatment of Mudhagarbha by--------

A. Harit
B. Bhel
C. Charak
D. Vagbhata
Answer» D. Vagbhata

Madhavnidan also described Mudhagarbha in ----------- categories.

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. Six
Answer» C. Four

The foetus obstructs like a wedge having both hands, feet and head upwards is….. .

A. Pratikhur
B. Keel
C. Bijak
D. Parigha
Answer» B. Keel

Foetus gets obstructed by body presenting with head, hands and feet all together is ……. .

A. Keel
B. Pratikhur
C. Prijak
D. Parigha
Answer» B. Pratikhur

Foetus gets obstructed head along with one hand is ……. .

A. Keel
B. Pratikhur
C. Bijak
D. Parigha
Answer» C. Bijak

In this position the foetus obstructs the passage just like rod or beam used for shutting the doors is…… .

A. Keel
B. Pratikhur
C. Bijak
D. Parigha
Answer» D. Parigha

Bastishul, Aadhman are found in ----------type of Mudhagarbha

A. Vatik
B. Paitik
C. Shlaishmik
D. Raktaj
Answer» A. Vatik

Jwar, Daha, Trishna are observed in----------- type of Mudhagarbha.

A. Vatik
B. Paitik
C. Shlaishmik
D. Raktaj
Answer» B. Paitik

Aalasya, Tandra are observed in ------type of Mudhagarbha

A. Vatik
B. Paitik
C. Shlaishmik
D. Raktaj
Answer» C. Shlaishmik

How many “gaita” of maUZgaBa-are explained by Sushrut.

A. Two
B. Three
C. Five
D. Four
Answer» B. Three

----------, Makkal and Yonisamvaran are incurable characteristics of Mudhagarbha.

A. Garbhakosh parasanga
B. Vilambitaavi
C. Shul
D. Daha
Answer» A. Garbhakosh parasanga

--------is mentioned as asadhya Mudhagarbha by Vagbhatachary.

A. Keel
B. Pratikhur
C. Bijak
D. Vishkambha
Answer» D. Vishkambha

Vishkambha is mentioned as asadhya Mudhgarbha by---------------

A. Sushrut
B. Harit
C. Vagbhata
D. Charak
Answer» C. Vagbhata

According to Indutika -------- is required in surgical treatment of Mudhgarbha.

A. Consent
B. Money
C. Medicines
D. Guardian
Answer» A. Consent

Consent of guardian before surgical intervention in the treatment of Mudhagarbha is advised by.----------------------------

A. Indutika
B. Yogratnakar
C. Charak
D. Kashyap
Answer» A. Indutika

Parigha Mudhgarbha can be correlated with ……. malpresentation according to modern science.

A. Longitudinal lie
B. Transverse lie
C. Vertex
D. Breech
Answer» B. Transverse lie

Keel Mudhagarbha is also termed as ……..according to Madhavnidan.

A. Sankilak
B. Pratikhur
C. Bijak
D. Parigh
Answer» A. Sankilak

----------- type of Mudhgarbha can be correlated with compound presentation of foetus according to modern science.

A. Pratikhur
B. Parigha
C. Sankilak
D. Paitik
Answer» A. Pratikhur

‘असम्यक् आगिम्अपत्यपिम्......’ is the characteristic of ……..

A. Leengarbha
B. Mritgarbha
C. Mudhgarbha
D. Nagodara
Answer» C. Mudhgarbha

‘ऊर्धवबव ाहुशशरोपादो.....’ means type of Mudhagarbha

A. Keel
B. Parigh
C. Pratikhur
D. Bijak
Answer» A. Keel

According to Kashyapa samhita, in sutikavastha, ---------sneha is used for snehpana specially after the birth of male baby.

A. Ghrit
B. Tail
C. Vasa
D. Majja
Answer» B. Tail

--------- is one of the hetus of sutikaroga according to Yogratnakar.

A. Apatarpan
B. Yonigat raktastrav
C. Mithyopchar
D. Snehan
Answer» C. Mithyopchar

According to Kashyap samhita sutikarogas are-------- in number.

A. 10
B. 25
C. 64
D. 4
Answer» C. 64

64 sutikarogas are mentioned in -------- samhita.

A. Ashtang sangrah
B. Kashyap
C. Sushrut
D. Bhavmishra
Answer» B. Kashyap

In sutika, stanyaj jwar appears on --------- day after prasav.

A. 5th & 2nd
B. 3rd & 4th
C. 8th & 9th
D. 15th
Answer» B. 3rd & 4th

In ------------desh, Snehpan is contraindicated in sutikavastha.

A. Sadharan desh
B. Jangal
C. Anup
D. Marupradesh
Answer» C. Anup

In Sutikamakkal----------- of the following is responsible.

A. Pitta
B. Kapha
C. Vata and Rakta
D. Pitta and Kapha
Answer» C. Vata and Rakta

The normal puerperium period is --------------------

A. 2 weeks
B. 6 weeks
C. 4 weeks
D. 10 weeks
Answer» B. 6 weeks

Lochia is of ------------- types.

A. 3
B. 2
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 3

When involution of uterus is impaired or retreated, it is called -------

A. Sub involution
B. Hyper involution
C. Retraction
D. Contraction
Answer» A. Sub involution

-----------is the most common site of puerperal infection.

A. Breast
B. Uterus
C. Chest
D. Brain
Answer» B. Uterus

Stanyadushti is of ---------- types.

A. 8
B. 2
C. 4
D. 6
Answer» A. 8

----------type of Kshirdoshas are described in Harit samhita

A. Four
B. Three
C. Five
D. Two
Answer» C. Five

Phenyl type of stanya is observed in ------------- stanyadushti.

A. Vataj
B. Pittaj
C. Kaphaj
D. Raktaj
Answer» A. Vataj

Picchil stanya is observed in--------- type of stanyadushti.

A. Vataj
B. Pittaj
C. Kaphaj
D. Raktaj
Answer» C. Kaphaj

Stanya is of ------------ varna in stanyasampat.

A. Dugdha
B. Madhu
C. Shankha
D. Haridra
Answer» C. Shankha

Shankha varna of stanya is mentioned in -----------------

A. Stanyasampat
B. Stanyadushti
C. Stanyavikruti
D. Stanyavaivarnya
Answer» A. Stanyasampat

Doyen’s retractor is used specially to retract ----------------in LSCS.

A. Abdominal wall
B. Vaginal wall
C. Bladder
D. Cervix
Answer» C. Bladder

Swab/Sponge holder is --------------type of yantra according to Ayurveda.

A. Swastik
B. Nadi
C. Tal
D. Sadansha
Answer» A. Swastik

Yonivranekshan yantra is mentioned by.------------

A. Charak
B. Vagbhat
C. Bhel
D. Bhavmishra
Answer» B. Vagbhat

According to Kashyap Samhita, sutika-kal is of---------------------

A. 6 months
B. 2 months
C. 1 months
D. 12 months
Answer» A. 6 months

According to Kashyap Samhita, ---------snehpan is advised after the birth of female baby.

A. Tail
B. Ghrit
C. Vasa
D. Majja
Answer» B. Ghrit

According to Ashtang sangrah sutika-snan is advised on-------- day.

A. 4th& 5th
B. 10th & 12th
C. 7th& 8th
D. 1st & 2nd
Answer» B. 10th & 12th

Sutikarogas are considered as----------- according to Madhavnidan.

A. Sadhya
B. Sahaj sadhya
C. Darun
D. Asadhya
Answer» C. Darun

The puerperal woman suffers from-------- types of jwaras classified under Nija and Agantuja groups.

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
Answer» B. 6

As per Kashyap Samhita, stanya pravartan in sutika is on------------- day.

A. 3rd& 4th
B. 10th& 12th
C. 2nd
D. 9th
Answer» A. 3rd& 4th

In sutikajwar, Grahaj jwar is of---------------- type.

A. Nija
B. Agantuja
C. Doshaj
D. Stanyaj
Answer» B. Agantuja

Initiation of uterine contractions after the period of viability by any methods (medical/surgical/combined), for the purpose of vaginal delivery is ----------

A. Normal labour
B. Abnormal labour
C. Induction of labour
D. Augmentation of labour
Answer» C. Induction of labour
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