620+ Roganidan Evam Vikriti Vigyana Solved MCQs


------------- Pains are experienced in Aamavat Vyadhi.

A. Vruschikadanshawat
B. Aakhuwiashawat
C. Manthanwat
D. All of these
Answer» A. Vruschikadanshawat

Dwadashashrayitwa is observed in ------- Jwar

A. Satat
B. Santat
C. Trutiyaka
D. None of these
Answer» B. Santat

Excessive yawning is Purvarupa of------

A. Amlapitta
B. Atisar
C. Vrana
D. Vataj Jwara
Answer» D. Vataj Jwara

Causative organism of Syphilis is ---------

A. Ducrey’s Bacilli
B. Treponima Palidum
C. HIV virus
D. H1N1 virus
Answer» B. Treponima Palidum

Incubation period of Syphilis is ---------

A. 5 days
B. Around 21 days
C. 2 days
D. None of these
Answer» B. Around 21 days

Mrudbhakshanjanya is type of ------ Vyadhi

A. Hridaroga
B. Alaji
C. Raktapitta
D. Pandu
Answer» D. Pandu

----------- Masurika are considered as Sadhya

A. Twakgata and Raktagata
B. Majjagata
C. Shukragata
D. Medogata
Answer» A. Twakgata and Raktagata

According to ---------- Samhita Romantika is type of Masurika

A. Wagbhat
B. Charak
C. Sushrut
D. Madhvanidan
Answer» D. Madhvanidan

Incubation period of Soft Chancre is ---------

A. 1 days
B. Up to 7 days
C. 2 to 4days
D. None of these
Answer» B. Up to 7 days

Causative organism of Soft Chancre is ---------

A. Ducrey’s Bacilli
B. Treponima Palidum
C. HIV virus
D. H1N1 virus
Answer» A. Ducrey’s Bacilli

Phirang Vyadhi is aiso known as

A. Khudvat
B. Kamala
C. Lodhar
D. Gandharoga
Answer» D. Gandharoga

There are ------------- types of Pandu Vyadhi according to Madhav Nidan

A. 5
B. 3
C. 8
D. 9
Answer» A. 5

following ------------ type of Pandu is not Sadhya

A. Chirotpana
B. Nava
C. Sam
D. All of these
Answer» A. Chirotpana

Out of following .------------ is the synonym used for Jwar Vyadh

A. Sthan
B. Papma
C. Linga
D. Grahani
Answer» B. Papma

---------- gives Anupashaya in Shotha Vyadhi

A. Gud (Jaggery
B. Dadhi(Curd
C. Lavan(Salt
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

According to Charakacharya , Nonnamati Prapidito (Pitting Edema) is the symptom found in----------

A. Kaphaj Shotha
B. Jwar
C. Vataj Shotha
D. All of these
Answer» A. Kaphaj Shotha

-------- is sexually transmitted disease

A. Hard Chancre
B. Soft Chancre
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Vector responsible for Dengue fever is --------

A. Ducrey’s Bacilli
B. Treponima Palidum
C. HIV virus
D. Aedes aegypti
Answer» D. Aedes aegypti

---------------- Fever is known as ‘Break bone Fever’

A. Dengue
B. Malaria
C. Chikun Gunya
D. Typhoid
Answer» A. Dengue

34) Decreased value of Serum Sodium is called as ---

A. Hyponatremia
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypokalemia
D. None of these
Answer» A. Hyponatremia

Plasmodium ---------- is most fatal Malarial parasite

A. Ovale
B. Vivax
C. Malaria
D. Falciparum
Answer» D. Falciparum

Transmission of Influenza occurs by ------------ Infection

A. Fecal oral
B. Contagious
C. Droplet
D. None of these
Answer» C. Droplet

----------- test is performed to detect Malaria

A. Widal
D. P.S.for M.P.
Answer» D. P.S.for M.P.

V.D.R.L. test is done to detect ---------disease

A. Syphilis
B. Soft Chancre
D. All of these
Answer» A. Syphilis

In Cholera --------- stools are observed

A. Rice water
B. Pea soup
C. Pichchil
D. None of these
Answer» A. Rice water

Rosela spots (Maculopapular rash) are observed in--------- fever

A. Typhoid
B. Malaria
C. Vataj Jwara
D. None of these
Answer» A. Typhoid

Chikun Gunya is -------- borne infecton

A. Water
B. Food
C. Mosquito
D. None of these
Answer» C. Mosquito

----------- is Arishta Lakshan of Trushna Vyadhi

A. Emaciation
B. Protrusion of tongue
C. Deafness
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

Raktapurnakoshthaj is type of ------- Vyadhi

A. Dah
B. Trushna
C. Jwar
D. Amlaptta
Answer» A. Dah

Awarodha of ---------- Srotas is observed in Jwar Vyadhi

A. Rasawaha
B. Swedawaha
C. Both of these
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both of these

Satatak Jwara Vega rises -------

A. Once in twenty four hours
B. Twice in twenty four hours
C. On third day
D. On fourth day
Answer» B. Twice in twenty four hours

Feeing of sweet taste (Madhur Rasa) in Mouth is Lakshana of --------- Jwara

A. Vataj
B. Pittaj
C. Kaphaj
D. None of these
Answer» C. Kaphaj

Transmission of Typhoid occurs by ------------ Infection

A. Fecal oral
B. Contagious
C. Droplet
D. None of these
Answer» A. Fecal oral

Vector responsible for Malaria is ---------

A. Ducrey’s Bacilli
B. Treponima Palidum
C. Female Anopheles Mosquito
D. H1N1 virus
Answer» C. Female Anopheles Mosquito

----------- Masurika are incurable (Asadhya)

A. Rasagata
B. Raktagata
C. Sannipatik
D. Kaphaj
Answer» C. Sannipatik

In Typhoid Fever --------- stools are observed

A. Rice water
B. Pea soup
C. Pichchil
D. None of these
Answer» B. Pea soup

Dengue Fever is -------- borne infecton

A. Water
B. Food
C. Mosquito
D. None of these
Answer» C. Mosquito

Anyedushka Jwara Vega rises -------

A. Once in twenty four hours
B. Twice in twenty four hours
C. On third day
D. On fourth day
Answer» A. Once in twenty four hours

Increased value of Serum Potasium is called as -----

A. Hyponatremia
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypokalemia
D. None of these
Answer» B. Hyperkalemia

Feeing of Astringent taste (KashayaRasa) in Mouth is Lakshana of ------- -- Jwara

A. Vataj
B. Pittaj
C. Kaphaj
D. None of these
Answer» A. Vataj

Causative organism of Malaria is ---------

A. Plasmodium Vivax
B. Treponima Palidum
C. HIV virus
D. H1N1 virus
Answer» A. Plasmodium Vivax

Charakacharya has described ---------- types of Sannipatik Jwar

A. 8
B. 5
C. 3
D. 13
Answer» D. 13

Jwar is called as Jirna Jwar ,after-------- weeks

A. 3
B. 2
C. 1
D. None of these
Answer» A. 3

Plihavrudhi is found in -------- Jwara

A. Nawa
B. Niram
C. Jirna
D. None of these
Answer» C. Jirna

Aam gets lodged in ---------

A. Aamashaya
B. Pittashaya
C. Pakwashaya
D. Agnyashaya
Answer» A. Aamashaya

----------- is Samanya Lakshan of Aam

A. Srotorodha
B. Balabhramsha
C. Anil Mudhata
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

According to Madhaw Nidan Dwidoshaj Aamwat is

A. Asadhya
B. Sukhasadhya
C. Kashtasadya
D. Yapya
Answer» D. Yapya

--------- type of Vaivarnya is found in Pandu Vyadhi

A. Haridra
B. Harit
C. Pandu
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

In Typhoid Fever ulcers are found in ---------

A. Throat
B. Skin
C. Peyers patches
D. None of these
Answer» C. Peyers patches

----------branch of Pathology deals with study of tissue or organ removed from dead body

A. Forensic Pathology
B. Heamatology
C. Immunology
D. All of these
Answer» A. Forensic Pathology

47) Increase in breast size in pregnancy is example of

A. Physiological Hyperplasia
B. Atropy
C. Pathological Hyperplasia
D. None of these
Answer» A. Physiological Hyperplasia

--------- is type of cellular adaptation

A. Necrosis
B. Atropy
C. Gangrene
D. None of these
Answer» B. Atropy

In cardiac diseases ------ does not give Uapshaya

A. Heart healthy Diet
B. Smoking
C. Control of high blood pressure
D. Regular and moderate exercise
Answer» B. Smoking

Programmed cell death is called as ------

A. Hyperplasia
B. Metaplasia
C. Atropy
D. Apoptosis
Answer» D. Apoptosis

Shabda becomes -------- due to Kapha Dosha dominance

A. Heavy
B. Karkasha
C. Ruksha
D. None of these
Answer» A. Heavy

Extra cellular electrolytes are ----

A. K,Mg Ca
B. Na, cl , Hco3
C. Both of these
D. None of these
Answer» B. Na, cl , Hco3

Whitish discoloration is observed --------- Pandu

A. Vataj
B. Pittaj
C. Kaphaj
D. None of these
Answer» C. Kaphaj

According to Charak Samhita --------- gives Upashaya in Pandu Vyadhi

A. Panchagawya
B. Masha
C. Plnyak (Seasame-cake
D. Diwaswap
Answer» A. Panchagawya

According to Bhawprakash ,there are -------- types of Upadamsha Vyadhi

A. 6
B. 5
C. 3
D. 8
Answer» B. 5

According to Charak Sahita Karnakshwed (Tinitus) is Samanya Lakshan of -------- Vyadhi

A. Amlapitta
B. Raktapitta
C. Pandu
D. Aamvat
Answer» C. Pandu

Varch shosha(dry stools) is observed in ------- Pandu

A. Vataj
B. Pittaj
C. Kaphaj
D. None of these
Answer» A. Vataj

-------- parasite can be observed in Urine microscopic examination

A. Plasmodium vivax
B. Salmonela Typhi
C. Trichomonas vaginalis
D. None of these
Answer» C. Trichomonas vaginalis

In Malaria sprogony takes place in -------

A. Mosquito
B. Human being
C. Both of these
D. None of these
Answer» A. Mosquito

-------- Afflicts all ,at the time of birth and at the time of death (Janmadou Nidhane ch)

A. Agnimandya
B. Aam
C. Jwar
D. None of these
Answer» C. Jwar

If serum potassium is >5 mEq/L then it is-------

A. Hyponatremia
B. Hyperkalemia
C. Hypokalemia
D. None of these
Answer» B. Hyperkalemia

According to Yogaratnakar ,in Tailbindu Mutraparikshan, if drop of oil travels to Ishanya (North east direction) ,then patient will

A. Die immediately
B. Get well soon
C. Live for one month
D. None of these
Answer» C. Live for one month

According to Yogaratnakar Purish become ------- Varni (color) in Vat Kaphaj Vyadhi

A. Shwet
B. Pit
C. Krushna
D. Kapish
Answer» D. Kapish

According to Yogaratnakar In -------- Vyadhi , Purish becomes Mahat Puti Gandhi (very putrid odor)

A. Pandu
B. Amlapitta
C. Jalodar
D. Prawahika
Answer» C. Jalodar

According to Bhawprakash ,there are -------- types of Phirang Vyadhi

A. 6
B. 5
C. 3
D. 8
Answer» C. 3

Clot in Coronary artery can lead to

A. Myocardial Infarction
B. Malaria
C. Dengue
D. All of these
Answer» A. Myocardial Infarction

----------branch of Pathology deals with study of diseases of blood

A. Forensic Pathology
B. Heamatology
C. Immunology
D. All of these
Answer» B. Heamatology

Upasargaj type of Trushna is elaborated by ------ Aacharya

A. Charak
B. Sushrut
C. Bhel
D. None of these
Answer» A. Charak

------------- Fever is Mosquito borne Infection

A. Chikun Gunya
B. Malaria
C. Dengue
D. All of these
Answer» D. All of these

---------- Granthakar has elaborated Phirang Vyadhi in details

A. Charak
B. Sushrut
C. Bhel
D. Bhawaprakash
Answer» D. Bhawaprakash

Types of Shwas Vyadhi according to Madhavnidan are

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» C. 5

“Shuk Purna Galsyata” is Purvaroop of

A. Kasa
B. Shwas
C. Hikka
D. Yakshama
Answer» A. Kasa

Types of Kasa Vyadhi described by Harita are

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 5
Answer» C. 8

Which one of the following is a common symptom of chronic asthma?

A. Cyanosis
B. Wheezing
C. Edema
D. Hypoxemia
Answer» B. Wheezing

In acute inflammation, which is the correct sequence of events with regard to vascular flow and caliber?

A. Vasodilation,margination, stasis, vasoconstriction
B. Vasoconstriction, stasis,margination, vasodilation
C. Vasodilation, stasis,vasoconstriction,marginaiton
D. Vasoconstriction, vasodilation,stasis, margination
Answer» D. Vasoconstriction, vasodilation,stasis, margination

In acute inflammation which event occurs first.

A. Arteriolar dilatation
B. Arteriolar constriction
C. Oedema
D. Leukocyte migration
Answer» B. Arteriolar constriction

A preformed mediator of inflammation is:

A. Prostaglandin
B. Histamine
C. Leukotriene
D. Nitric oxide
Answer» B. Histamine

Leukocyte extravasation occurs in the following order:

A. Activation, Rolling,Transmigration,Adhesion
B. Rolling, Activation, Adhesion,Immigration
C. Adhesion, Rolling,Activation,Transmigration
D. Rolling, Activation, Adhesion,Transmigration
Answer» D. Rolling, Activation, Adhesion,Transmigration

“ भप्तिकाध्मािसम र्ािोर्ध्तगातमिा” Is example of

A. Kasa
B. Shwas
C. Hikka
D. Yakshama
Answer» B. Shwas

“रुक्षायासोद्भर्” : i.e provocation of Vata due to physical exertion and or excessive food intake at one time is cause of

A. Tamak Shwas
B. Kshudra Shwas
C. Urdhwa Shwas
D. Chhinna Shwas
Answer» B. Kshudra Shwas

“ि चातप तिद्रा लभिेर्यि: श्वसपीतडि:” is Lakshan of

A. Tamak Shwas
B. Kshudra Shwas
C. Urdhwa Shwas
D. Chhinna Shwas
Answer» A. Tamak Shwas

“ श्वतसिी स ंरुद्धो मत्तर्तभ इर्ातिर्म” i.e snoring and shaking like over powered bull is Lakshan of

A. Urdhwa Shwas
B. Tamak Shwas
C. Kshudra Shwas
D. Maha Shwas
Answer» D. Maha Shwas

“श्वसि रक्तैकलोचि” : redness of only one eye is Lakshan of

A. Urdhwa Shwas
B. Chhinna Shwas
C. Kshudra Shwas
D. Tamak Shwas
Answer» B. Chhinna Shwas

Types of Hikka are

A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 3
Answer» A. 5

Vyapeta Hikka is named by

A. Sushrut
B. Charak
C. Madhavakar
D. Vaghbhatt
Answer» B. Charak

Yamika is described by

A. Sushrut
B. Chakradatta
C. Charak
D. Dalhan
Answer» B. Chakradatta

Two bouts of Hikka come together with an interval

A. Yamala
B. Gambhira
C. Mahati
D. Kshudra
Answer» A. Yamala

“िाभीप्रर्ृत्ता या तहक्का” is

A. Gambhir
B. Yamala
C. Mahati
D. Kshudra
Answer» A. Gambhir

“क्षीयन्ते धािर्ा:सर्े िि:र् ष्यति मािर्” : is Pathogenesis of

A. Rajyakshama
B. Jwar
C. Vaatvyadhi
D. Grahani
Answer» A. Rajyakshama

Trirupa Rajyakshma lakshan is

A. Pain ,burning in shoulders and back
B. Burning of hands and feet
C. Fever
D. All of above
Answer» D. All of above

Purish Sanrakshan should be done in

A. Grahani
B. Atissar
C. Rajyakshama
D. Udar
Answer» C. Rajyakshama

Excesses walking leads to

A. Vyam Shosh
B. Adhwa Shosh
C. Shoka Shwas
D. Jara Shosh
Answer» B. Adhwa Shosh

Reduced digestive power due to Kaph causes

A. Mandagni
B. Vishamagni
C. Tikshnagni
D. All of above
Answer» A. Mandagni

Reduced digestive power due to Pitta causes

A. Mandagni
B. Vishamagni
C. Tikshnagni
D. All of above
Answer» C. Tikshnagni

Reduced digestive power due to Vata causes

A. Mandagni
B. Vishamagni
C. Tikshnagni
D. All of above
Answer» B. Vishamagni

Agnimandya leads to symptoms of

A. Food poisoning
B. Water poisoning
C. Snake poisoning
D. Scorpion poisoning
Answer» A. Food poisoning
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