620+ Shalakya Tantra Solved MCQs


In paralytic squint, the difference between primary and secondary deviation in the gaze of direction of the paralytic muscle

A. Increases
B. Remains the same
C. Decreases
D. None of above
Answer» A. Increases

The marma situated deeply above eyebrows is called

A. Avarta
B. Shrungatak
C. Apanga
D. Sthapani
Answer» A. Avarta

In grades of binocular vision; grade 2 is

A. Simultaneous macular vision
B. Fusion
C. Stereopsis
D. None of above
Answer» B. Fusion

The Sankhya of Natrarogas according to Acharya Charaka is

A. 94
B. 96
C. 76
D. 78
Answer» B. 96

Hraswajadya is ..............vyadhi

A. Sarvagata
B. Sandhigata
C. Vartmagata
D. Drushtigata
Answer» D. Drushtigata

Dorzolamide is useful in treatment of……..:

A. Cataract
B. Glaucoma
C. Dacrocystitis
D. None of these
Answer» B. Glaucoma

According to Ashtanga Sangraha updrava of lingnash in which Drushti is Arkshirleshnev

A. Rajimati
B. Chandraki
C. Avartaki
D. Sharakara
Answer» D. Sharakara

Ushnavidagha. is described by Acharya…..

A. Vagbhatta
B. Charaka
C. Sushruta
D. Sharangdhara
Answer» A. Vagbhatta

In Netra Krushnamandala is made by……….mahabhut.

A. Prithvi
B. Vayu
C. Akasha
D. Agni
Answer» B. Vayu

Optic nerve axon emerges from:

A. Ganglion cells
B. Rods and cones
C. Amacrine cells
D. Inner nuclear layer
Answer» A. Ganglion cells

According to Acharya Sushruta Dhumdarshi .. vyadhi

A. Asadhya
B. Sadhya
C. Sukhsadhya
D. Kruchsadhya
Answer» B. Sadhya

.......lens is used in treatment of Astigmatism

A. Convex
B. Cylindrical
C. Concave
D. None of these
Answer» B. Cylindrical

Diabetic retinopathy has all the following characteristics except:

A. Cotton wool spots
B. Venous looping
D. Pappiloedema
Answer» D. Pappiloedema

The number of lekhya vyadhi according to Acharya Sushruta

A. 9
B. 15
C. 12
D. 5
Answer» A. 9

Optic nerve function is best studied by:

A. Direct Ophthalmoscope
B. Gonioscopy
C. Perimetry
D. Retinoscope
Answer» C. Perimetry

Netraakar according to Acharya Sushruta is….

A. Vrutaakar
B. Ardhvruttakar
C. Gostanakaar
D. None of these
Answer» C. Gostanakaar

Optic disc diameter is:

A. 1 mm
B. 2mm
C. 1.5mm
D. 2.5mm
Answer» C. 1.5mm

Drushti is…..

A. Shitsatmya
B. Ushnasatmya
C. Koushnasatmya
D. None of these
Answer» A. Shitsatmya

In Netra Ashrumarga is made up by ……..mahabhuta

A. Agni
B. Akasha
C. Vayu
D. Prithvi
Answer» B. Akasha

Amaurotic cat's eye reflex is seen in:

A. Papilloedema
B. Retinoblastoma
C. Papillitis
D. Retinitis
Answer» B. Retinoblastoma

संकुच्यतेअभ्यन्तरतःक्ष्च is lakshan in …………..Drishtigata Netraroga

A. Gambharika
B. Nakulandhya
C. Dhumdarshi
D. Hraswajadya
Answer» A. Gambharika

.....lens is used in treatment of Myopia

A. Concave
B. Convex
C. Cylindrical
D. None of these
Answer» A. Concave

According to Bhel samhita there are…..types of Alochak pitta

A. 3
B. 4
C. 2
D. T
Answer» C. 2

A young patient with sudden painless loss of vision, with systolic murmur and ocular examination reveals a cherry red spot with clear AC, the likely diagnosis is:

A. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion
B. Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
C. Diabetes Mellitus
D. Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion
Answer» A. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

The nerve supply of lateral rectus muscle in eye is…….nerve

A. 5th
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 6th
Answer» D. 6th

Dhumdarshi vyadhi was explained by Acharya…

A. Charaka
B. Sushruta
C. Vagbhatta
D. Sharangdhara
Answer» C. Vagbhatta

In retinal detachment, fluid accumulates between

A. Outer plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer.
B. Neurosensory retina and layer of retinal pigment epithelium
C. Nerve fiber layer and rest of retina.
D. Retinal pigment epithelium and Bruch’s membrane.
Answer» B. Neurosensory retina and layer of retinal pigment epithelium

Any opacity in lens is called

A. Corneal opacity
B. Cataract
C. Corneal ulcer
D. Ptyregium
Answer» B. Cataract

Commonest lesion which hinders vision in diabetic retinopathy is:

A. Macular oedema
B. Microaneurysm
C. Retinal hemorrhage
D. Retinal detachment
Answer» A. Macular oedema

According to Acharya Dalhana Hraswajadya is …….. vyadhi

A. Sadhya
B. Sukhsadhya
C. Kruchsadhya
D. Asadhya
Answer» D. Asadhya

Steroid drops are contraindicated in

A. Episcleritis
B. Iridocyclitis
C. Corneal ulcer
D. None of these
Answer» C. Corneal ulcer

The number of bhedya vyadhi according to Acharya Sushruta is

A. 12
B. 15
C. 5
D. 9
Answer» C. 5

Proptosis is present in the following condition except:

A. Horner's syndrome
B. Orbital cellulitis
C. Thyroid ophthalmopathy
D. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
Answer» A. Horner's syndrome

Description of Sujatam lingnasha as िश्येच्छलाकागरं……मारूतमby Acharya…. ्

A. Sushruta
B. Charaka
C. Vagbhatta
D. Yogratnakar
Answer» A. Sushruta

Divandh vyadhi was described in

A. Sharangdhar
B. Sushruta samhita
C. Madhukosh
D. Yogratnakar
Answer» C. Madhukosh

Commotio retinae is seen in:

A. Concussion injury
B. Papilloedema
C. Central retinal vein thrombosis
D. Central retinal artery thrombosis
Answer» A. Concussion injury

After 48 hours of a cataract extraction operation, a patient complained of ocular pain and visual loss. On examination, this eye looked red with ciliary injection, corneal oedema and absent red reflex. The first suspicion must be:

A. Secondary glaucoma.
B. Anterior uveitis.
C. Bacterial endophthalmitis
D. Acute conjunctivitis
Answer» C. Bacterial endophthalmitis

According to Acharya Vagbhatta shalaka Brahman doshas is

A. Adhopranayana
B. Urdhvapranayana
C. Kshobhana
D. All of above
Answer» D. All of above

According to Acharya Videha types Naktandhata are

A. 5
B. 6
C. 4
D. 7
Answer» C. 4

Aqueous humour is drained by:

A. Trabecular Meshwork
B. Uveoscleral meshwork
C. Both A & B
D. None of these
Answer» C. Both A & B

According to ....... vedhan shalaka should not be Tanu , visham

A. Sushruta
B. Vagbhatta
C. Charaka
D. Sharangdhara
Answer» B. Vagbhatta

.............vyadhi is a Drishtigata vyadhi.

A. Puyalas
B. Abhishyand
C. Adhimantha
D. Nakulandhya
Answer» D. Nakulandhya

Night blindness is caused by:

A. Central retinal vein occlusion
B. Dystrophies of retinal rods
C. Dystrophies of the retinal cones
D. Retinal detachment
Answer» B. Dystrophies of retinal rods

Doshandh was described by .Acharya..

A. Sushruta
B. Vagbhatta
C. Charaka
D. Yogratnakar
Answer» B. Vagbhatta

In Central retinal artery occlusion, a cherry red spot is due to:

A. The contrast between pale retina and reddish choroids
B. Increased choroidal perfusion
C. Hemorrhage at macula
D. Increase in retinal perfusion at macula
Answer» A. The contrast between pale retina and reddish choroids

The lingnasha caused due to watching Gandharva, Eclipse etc is ......... lingnasha

A. Sanimitta
B. Animitta
C. Vataj
D. Pittaj
Answer» B. Animitta

Which laser is used for Peripheral buttonhole iridectomy?

A. Diode laser
B. ND: YAG laser
C. Excimer laser
D. Carbon dioxide laser
Answer» B. ND: YAG laser

According Ashtanga Hrudya there are …….number of Siras in both eye

A. 56
B. 36
C. 34
D. 58
Answer» A. 56

Which is not found in papilloedema?

A. Blurred vision
B. Blurred margins of disc
C. Cupping of disc
D. Retinal edema
Answer» C. Cupping of disc

According to Acharya Sushruta the number of Raktaj Netrarogas is…

A. 10
B. 13
C. 16
D. 25
Answer» C. 16

Unilateral aphakia is likely to be corrected by any of the following except:

A. Anterior chamber intraocular lens
B. Posterior chamber intraocular lens
C. Contact tens
D. Glasses
Answer» D. Glasses

According to Acharya Vagbhatta types of Kach are

A. 5
B. 6
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 6

………….is not a Drishtigata vyadhi.

A. Upnah
B. Gambharika
C. Dhumdarshi
D. Lingnasha
Answer» A. Upnah

Nakulandhya is ..............vyadhi

A. Sarvagata
B. Sandhigata
C. Vartmagata
D. Drushtigata
Answer» D. Drushtigata

Earliest visual rehabilitation occurs with:

A. Phacoemulsification plus intraocular lens implantation
B. Intracapsular cataract extraction plus intraocular lens implantation
C. Extracapsular cataract extraction plus intraocular lens implantation
D. Small incision cataract extraction
Answer» A. Phacoemulsification plus intraocular lens implantation

According to Acharya Vagbhatta lingnasha doshas is

A. Sphutana
B. Vistarana
C. Avagalana
D. All of above
Answer» D. All of above

…….is not a error of refraction

A. Myopia
B. Presbyopia
C. Astigmatism
D. Hypermetropia
Answer» B. Presbyopia

According to Acharya Vagbhatta Pradhan dosha in Hraswadrushti is

A. Pitta
B. Vata
C. Kapha
D. Tridosh
Answer» A. Pitta

…….is used for staining of anterior capsule of lens.

A. Trypan blue
B. Methylene blue
C. Gention Violet
D. None of these
Answer» A. Trypan blue

According to Acharya Sushruta the lingnash vyadhan shalaka is of ……..angul

A. 8
B. 5
C. 4
D. 6
Answer» A. 8

There are …… of Timira vyadhi according to Acharya Vagbhatta

A. 5
B. 4
C. 6
D. 7
Answer» C. 6

The most common primary intraocular malignancy in adults is:

A. Retinoblastoma
B. Choroidal melanoma
C. Squamous cell carcinoma of conjunctiva
D. Iris nevus
Answer» B. Choroidal melanoma

The Marma situated below the eyebrow beyond the lateral corner of eye is called….

A. Apang
B. Avarta
C. Sthapani
D. Shrungatak
Answer» A. Apang

A patient of old standing diabetes mellitus noticed sudden muscae volitanes. On examination, the red reflex was dim, with no details of fundus could be seen. He might have:

A. Non proliferative diabetic retinopathy
B. Cystoid macular edema
C. Vitreous hemorrhage
D. Central retinal vein occlusion
Answer» C. Vitreous hemorrhage

When Tejdhatu in Netra becomes ………. baby suffers from Vikrutaksha

A. Pittanugata
B. Vatanugata
C. Kaphanugata
D. Raktanugata
Answer» B. Vatanugata

Gambhirdrushti vyadhi was explained by Acharya…..

A. Charaka
B. Sushruta
C. Vagbhatta
D. Sharangdhara
Answer» C. Vagbhatta

Primary optic atrophy results from:

A. Retinal disease
B. Chronic glaucoma
C. Papilledema
D. Neurological disease
Answer» D. Neurological disease

Bhudhivyesheshik is type …..

A. Bhrajak
B. Alochak
C. Sadhak
D. None of these
Answer» B. Alochak

Retro-bulbar optic neuritis is characterized by:

A. Marked swelling of the optic disc.
B. Impaired consensual light reflex in the affected eye
C. Impaired direct light reflex in the affected eye
D. Normal visual acuity
Answer» C. Impaired direct light reflex in the affected eye

Nakulandhya is ........vyadhi according to Acharya Sushruta

A. Asadhya
B. Sadhya
C. Sukhsadhya
D. Kruchsadhya
Answer» A. Asadhya

A male patient 30 years old with visual acuity of 6/6 in both eyes. Twelve hours ago he presented with drop of vision of the left eye. On examination, visual acuity was 6/6 in the right eye and 6/60 in the left eye. Fundus examination showed blurred edges of the left optic disc. The most probable diagnosis is:

A. Raised intra cranial pressure
B. Raised ocular tension
C. Central retinal artery occlusion
D. Optic neuritis
Answer» D. Optic neuritis

According to Acharya Vagbhatta Pradhan dosha in Gambharika is

A. Rakta
B. Kapha
C. Vata
D. Pitta
Answer» C. Vata

Homonymous hemianopia is due to lesion at:

A. Optic tract
B. Optic nerve
C. Optic chiasma
D. Retina
Answer» A. Optic tract

The vyadhi in which patient perceives object in smaller size is

A. Nakulandhya
B. Dhumdarshi
C. Gambharika
D. Hraswajadya
Answer» D. Hraswajadya

There are ……layers in cornea

A. 5
B. 8
C. 4
D. 9
Answer» A. 5

Nasa anguli praman with swahaste is…….. anguli.

A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
Answer» B. 4

There are 24 ……. in the nose.

A. Sira
B. Asthi
C. Peshi
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Sira

Fana marmais in……..

A. karna
B. mukha
C. nasa
D. none of above
Answer» C. nasa

Shringatak marma is in……..

A. talu
B. mukha
C. karna
D. none of above
Answer» A. talu

……… is important function of nasa

A. rupagrahan
B. gandha grahan
C. rasa grahan
D. none of above
Answer» B. gandha grahan

According to sushruta ………... nasa roga are present

A. 5
B. 7
C. 9
D. 31
Answer» D. 31

according to ………..31 nasaroga are present

A. sushruta
B. charak
C. vagbhat
D. none of above
Answer» A. sushruta

18 nasa roga according to……..

A. vagbhata
B. charak
C. dallhan
D. none of above
Answer» A. vagbhata

Peenasa is upadrava of……..

A. jirna pratishaya
B. jirna kandu
C. jirna amlapitta
D. none of above
Answer» A. jirna pratishaya

Upadrava of jirna pratishaya is……….

A. arunshika
B. manayasthamb
C. peenasa
D. none of above
Answer» C. peenasa

Dipt is ……….gat vyadhi

A. karna
B. gala
C. netra
D. nasa
Answer» D. nasa

………..is nasagat vyadhi.

A. dipta
B. gilayu
C. saushir
D. ardhavbhedak
Answer» A. dipta

In nasapaka there is dushti of ……..

A. vat
B. kapha
C. pitta-rakta
D. none of above
Answer» C. pitta-rakta

In nasapratinaha there is……… dushati

A. kaph-vat
B. vat-pitta
C. pitta-rakta
D. None of above
Answer» A. kaph-vat

According to sushruta ……..types of nasa arbuda are there.

A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 7
Answer» D. 7

There are ……..turbinates in the nose.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» C. 3

The nasal ……..seprects the two nasal cavities

A. septum
B. bone
C. sinus
D. none of above
Answer» A. septum

Most epistaxis originate from ………

A. tip
B. turbinate
C. littles aera
D. none of above
Answer» C. littles aera

A/C polyp mainly arises from the lining of………..

A. maxillary sinus
B. septum
C. throat
D. none of above
Answer» A. maxillary sinus

…………is long standing inflammation of nasal mucosa

A. chr. Rhinitis
B. chr. Tonsillitis
C. chr.phanringitis
D. none of above
Answer» A. chr. Rhinitis

Mukha is having……..anga according to yogaratnakar

A. 2 (dvi
B. 3 (tree
C. 7(sapta
D. 6 (shasthe
Answer» C. 7(sapta

There are ……..no of mukha rogas according to sushruta

A. 65
B. 75
C. 55
D. 05
Answer» A. 65

……..dantamul rogas according to sushruta

A. 12
B. 36
C. 40
D. 15
Answer» D. 15

………...oshatha rogas according to sushruta

A. 8
B. 9
C. 3
D. 6
Answer» A. 8

there is rukshatwain……..oshatha prakop

A. vataj
B. pittaj
C. kaphaj
D. tridoshaj
Answer» A. vataj
Question and answers in Shalakya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra multiple choice questions and answers, Shalakya Tantra Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Shalakya Tantra, Shalakya Tantra MCQs with answers PDF download