620+ Shalya Tantra Solved MCQs


Kocher’s manoeuvre is used in _______ dislocation

A. Elbow
B. Knee
C. Hip
D. Shoulder
Answer» D. Shoulder

Recurrent dislocation of shoulder is treated by _________ operation.

A. Putti Platt
B. Adams
C. Colles’
D. Smith’s
Answer» A. Putti Platt

Grey Turner’s sign is seen in _________

A. Acute appendicitis
B. Acute pancreatitis
C. Acute salpingitis
D. Acute cholecystitis
Answer» B. Acute pancreatitis

Cullen’s sign sign is seen in _________

A. Acute appendicitis
B. Acute pancreatitis
C. Acute salpingitis
D. Acute cholecystitis
Answer» B. Acute pancreatitis

Fracture of radius shaft & inferior radio ulnar joint dislocation is called as ___________ fracture dislocation.

A. Colles’
B. Galeazzi
C. Smith’s
D. Montaeggia
Answer» B. Galeazzi

Fracture of lower end of radius is called as _______

A. Adam’s
B. Moore’s
C. Colles’
D. Austin’s
Answer» C. Colles’

Dinner fork deformity is seen in ________ fracture

A. Adam’s
B. Moore’s
C. Colles’
D. Austin’s
Answer» C. Colles’

Reversed Colles’ fracture is ________ fracture.

A. Montaeggia
B. Smith’s
C. Barton’s
D. Moore’s
Answer» B. Smith’s

Injury at the insertion of extensor tendon at base of distal phalanx is referred to as __________

A. Mallet finger
B. Trigger finger
C. Ring finger
D. Lock finger
Answer» A. Mallet finger

Gallow’s traction is used for ___________

A. Colles’ fracture
B. Femur shaft fracture
C. Cervical spine fracture
D. Thorasic spine fracture
Answer» B. Femur shaft fracture

‘Bucket handle tear’ is seen in ___________ injuries.

A. Sartorius muscle
B. Collateral ligament
C. Meniscal
D. Cruciate ligament
Answer» C. Meniscal

‘March’ fracture deals with stress fractures of _____

A. Malleolus
B. Metatarsal
C. Tibia
D. Fibula
Answer» B. Metatarsal

An accessory ossicle near the base of the fifth metatarsal is called as ___________

A. Os panum
B. Os vesalianum
C. Os cavum
D. Pes planum
Answer» D. Pes planum

Thomas’ splint is mainly used for fractures of _____

A. Clavicle
B. Ribs
C. Femur
D. Tibia
Answer» C. Femur

“SarIr vaRiQdxayavaRiQdhaina” is a feature of _______ granthi

A. Siraj
B. Kaphaj
C. Vataj
D. Medoj
Answer» B. Kaphaj

Apachi occurs due to Dushti of __________

A. Vata Kapha
B. Vata Meda
C. Kapha Meda
D. Vata Mansa
Answer» A. Vata Kapha

“vaR%tM isqarM mand$jaM mahantmanalpmaUlaM icarvaRQdI ApakM” are features suggestive of _______

A. Granthi
B. Arbuda
C. Apachi
D. Vidradhi
Answer» B. Arbuda

________ Arbuda among the following is considered to be Asadhya.

A. Dvirarbuda
B. Mansarbuda
C. Vatarbuda
D. Both A & B
Answer» A. Dvirarbuda

_______ doshas are responsible for formation of Galaganda.

A. Kapha Pitta
B. Vata Kapha
C. Vata Pitta
D. Tridosha
Answer» A. Kapha Pitta

Sushruta mentions ________ types of Kandabhagna.

A. Twelve
B. Fourteen
C. Ten
D. Eight
Answer» A. Twelve

Sushruta mentions ________ types of Sandhimukta.

A. Eight
B. Six
C. Four
D. Ten
Answer» B. Six

“Kapat shayan” is used for fractures of ___________

A. Parshuka
B. Akshakasthi
C. Jangha
D. Pragandasthi
Answer» A. Parshuka

‘Gandha taila’ is used for ___________

A. Vrana
B. Vranashotha
C. Bhagna
D. Arbuda
Answer» A. Vrana

Halothane is used for ___________

A. Wound healing
B. Hypertension
C. General anesthesia
D. Analgesia
Answer» C. General anesthesia

Mepivacaine is a____________ drug.

A. Antibiotic
B. Anti arrhythmic
C. Anesthetic
D. Analgesic
Answer» C. Anesthetic

Bier’s block is an _________ technique.

A. Anesthetic
B. Operative
C. Fracture reduction
D. Dislocation reduction
Answer» A. Anesthetic

Pancuronium is a ________ drug.

A. Proton pump inhibiting
B. H2 blocking
C. Ulcer healing
D. Neuro muscular paralyzing
Answer» D. Neuro muscular paralyzing

Magill’s forceps are used for __________

A. Biopsy
B. Haemostasis
C. Intubating
D. Suturing
Answer» C. Intubating

Spinal anesthesia blocks ___________ system.

A. Sympathetic
B. Parasympathetic
C. Respiratory
D. Circulatory
Answer» A. Sympathetic

Caudal anesthesia is a type of _________ anesthesia.

A. Spinal
B. General
C. Vascular
D. Arterial
Answer» A. Spinal

Bupivacaine is an _________ drug.

A. Anesthetic
B. Anticoagulant
C. Antibiotic
D. Anti arrhythmic
Answer» A. Anesthetic

Atropine is a __________ antagonist.

A. Sympathetic
B. Parasympathetic
C. Sensory
D. Motor
Answer» B. Parasympathetic

Karkataka’ as per Sushruta is a type of ________

A. Sandhimoksha
B. Kandabhagna
C. Arbuda
D. Granthi
Answer» B. Kandabhagna

Downward tilting of the head end of an operation table is called as __________ position.

A. Kocher
B. Magill
C. Hadfield
D. Trendelenburg
Answer» D. Trendelenburg

Whipple’s procedure is done for the carcinoma of _________

A. Pancreas
B. Rectum
C. Breast
D. Brain
Answer» A. Pancreas

Cystogastrostomy is done for ___________ cysts.

A. Splenic
B. Stomach
C. Sebaceous
D. Pancreas
Answer» D. Pancreas

Whipple’s triad is suggestive of _________

A. Seminoma
B. Insulinoma
C. Terratoma
D. Lipoma
Answer» B. Insulinoma

The duct of pancreas is called the duct of ________

A. Meckel
B. M’cBurney
C. Wirsung
D. Bodian
Answer» C. Wirsung

Duct of Santorini deals with __________

A. Salivary glands
B. Ovaries
C. Testicles
D. Pancreas
Answer» D. Pancreas

Marseilles classification is used for _________

A. Pancreatitis
B. Appendicitis
C. Salpingitis
D. Enteritis
Answer» A. Pancreatitis

Callus formation’ is seen in healing of _________

A. Wounds
B. Arteries
C. Fractures
D. Nerves
Answer» C. Fractures

Trividh karma as described in Sushrut Samhita denotes

A. Darshan , sparshan, prashna
B. Purva, pradhan, pashyat
C. Vaman, virechan, basti
D. snehsn , swedan, Mardana
Answer» B. Purva, pradhan, pashyat

Ayata , Vishala, Suvibhakta, Nirashraya are the lakshan of

A. Shalya chikitsak (Surgeon
B. Prashastra Vrana
C. Sivan
D. Bhedan
Answer» D. Bhedan

Visarpa , Vidradhi, Alaji, Granth require ________ karma

A. Chedan
B. Bhedan
C. Eshan
D. Aharan
Answer» B. Bhedan

Kilas, Mamsa kanda, Arsha require ________ karma

A. Lekhan
B. Chedan
C. Eshan
D. Aharan
Answer» A. Lekhan

Arsha require ________ karma

A. Lekhan
B. Chedan
C. Eshan
D. Aharan
Answer» A. Lekhan

Granthi require ________ karma

A. Bhedan
B. Chedan
C. Sravya
D. Aharan
Answer» B. Chedan

Tunnusevini, rujugranthi, gophanika are the type of

A. Bandha
B. Sivan
C. Lekhan
D. Chedan
Answer» B. Sivan

The sivan karma is contraindicated when wound is caused by

A. Kshar
B. Agani
C. Visha
D. All above
Answer» D. All above

The diseased condition suitable for “Aharana” i.e. extraction is

A. Danta Shoola
B. Ashmari
C. Vidhradhi
D. none
Answer» B. Ashmari

which of the following is `non absorbable suture material

A. polypropylene
B. vicryl
C. Catgut
D. polydioxanone
Answer» A. polypropylene

As per Acharya Sushruta Shastra Karma Vyapat is of ________ in Number or Types

A. 4
B. 8
C. 6
D. 10
Answer» A. 4

Is not one of the Ashtavidh shastra Karma according to Sushruta

A. Lekhan
B. Vedhan
C. Eshan
D. Patan
Answer» D. Patan

Truss ts used when hernia is

A. Femoral Hernia
B. Reducible hernia
C. Irreducible hernia
D. Strangulated Hernia
Answer» B. Reducible hernia

Types of Ashmari according to Sushruta

A. 4
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
Answer» A. 4

This is not types of Ashmari according to Sushruta

A. shleshma
B. Shukraj
C. Vataj
D. sanipatik
Answer» D. sanipatik

Which of the following is NOT TRUE regarding uretric calculus?

A. Seviarity of pain increase with size of calculus
B. Hematuria is invariably seen in all cases
C. Pain may radiates to the anterior aspect of thigh
D. Pain may radiates to the tip of pen*s
Answer» A. Seviarity of pain increase with size of calculus

The most common cause of death in carcinoma of pen*s

A. Uremia
B. Urinary sepsis
C. Lung metastases
D. Erosion of femoral vessel
Answer» D. Erosion of femoral vessel

Hydronephrosis due to obstruction of ureter is best diagnosed by

B. Redioisotope scan
C. Retrograde pylography
D. Whitaker test
Answer» B. Redioisotope scan

Commonest manifestation of Grawitz’s tumour in male

A. Secondary deposits
B. Pathological fracture
C. Hematuria
D. Rapidly developing varicocele
Answer» C. Hematuria

What is Marion’s disease

A. Benign prostatic hypertrophy
B. Superficial thrombophlebitis of breast
C. Bladder outlet obstruction
D. Intestinal cystitis
Answer» C. Bladder outlet obstruction

In renal agenesis , the adrenal gland is

A. Absent
B. Present on contra lateral side
C. Ectopic in the iliac fosse
D. Present at usual location
Answer» B. Present on contra lateral side

Commonest cause of ureteric obstruction

A. Stone
B. Clot
C. Cast
D. Carcinoma
Answer» A. Stone

Which of the following is an absolute indication for surgery in case of benign prostetic hyperplasia

A. Bilateral hydroureteronephrosis
B. Nocturnal frequency
C. Recurrent urinary tract infection
D. Voiding bladder pressures ? 50 cm of water
Answer» D. Voiding bladder pressures ? 50 cm of water

The most common congenital anomaly of urethra

A. Hypospadias
B. Epispadias
C. Metal stenosis
D. PU valve
Answer» A. Hypospadias

Renal calculi associated with infection protiase

A. Uric acid
B. Triple phosphate
C. Calcium oxalate
D. Xanthine
Answer» C. Calcium oxalate

Stone which is resistant to lithotripsy

A. Uric acid
B. Triple phosphate
C. Calcium oxalate
D. Cystine
Answer» C. Calcium oxalate

Ashmari ________ Pradhana Vyadhi

A. Shleshma
B. Vata
C. Pitta
D. All above
Answer» A. Shleshma

“Ai `kyaama Q`auvaao maR%yaU i `kyaama saMSayaat Bavaot.” This sentence is related with__________ vyadhi

A. Arsha
B. Antravrudhi
C. Ashmari
D. All
Answer» C. Ashmari

According to Sushruta Mutraghat is of ___ type

A. 12
B. 13
C. 14
D. 15
Answer» A. 12

According to Sushruta MutraKrucha is of ___ type

A. 10
B. 11
C. 8
D. 15
Answer» C. 8

Which is the type of Mutra Krucha

A. Shakrut janya
B. Ashmarijanya
C. Abhighatajanya
D. all above
Answer» D. all above

Which is the not a type of Mutraghat

A. Shakrut janya
B. mutrashukra
C. Vatashtila
D. Mutrajathara
Answer» B. mutrashukra

Mutra sanga, Mutrakshya is type of

A. Mutraghat
B. MutraKrucha
C. a & b
D. None of the above
Answer» C. a & b

After varicocele surgery, venous drainage occurs by

A. Cremastic vains
B. Penile veins
C. Pempiniform plexus of vains
D. Dorsal vain of pen*s
Answer» A. Cremastic vains

This is the operative procedure for hydrocele

A. basinis’s procedure
B. Lord’s procedure
C. Dorsal slit procedure
D. none
Answer» B. Lord’s procedure

Teratoma is the disease of

A. pen*s
B. Testis
C. a & b
D. Bladder
Answer» B. Testis

Which is the true about the site of Ectopic testis

A. In the Perinium
B. In the femoral triangle
C. At the root of the pen*s
D. All above
Answer» B. In the femoral triangle

Jaboulay’s procedure performe in the disease

A. Hydrocele
B. Vericocele
C. Sermatocele
D. All above
Answer» A. Hydrocele

In testis is the common tumour

A. Seminoma
B. Teratoma
C. Hygroma
D. a & b
Answer» D. a & b

Get above the swelling is found in

A. Complete hernia
B. Hydrocele
C. appendix
D. None
Answer» C. appendix

Trans illumination test is possitive in

A. Complete hernia
B. Hydrocele
C. a & b
D. None
Answer» B. Hydrocele

Impuls on coughing is present in

A. Complete hernia
B. Hydrocele
C. a & b
D. None
Answer» A. Complete hernia

Appearance of “Bag of worms” is in

A. Spermatocele
B. Hydrocele
C. Hernia
D. Vericocele
Answer» D. Vericocele

General symptoms of Marma Vidha Lakshana is

A. Pralap
B. Bhrama
C. a & b
D. None
Answer» C. a & b

General symptoms of Asthi Marma Vidha Lakshana is

A. Sever pain
B. Coughing
C. Hunger
D. All
Answer» A. Sever pain

This is not a type of Marma

A. Sira
B. Rakta
C. Snayu
D. Sandhi
Answer» B. Rakta

General symptoms of sandhi Marma Vidha Lakshana is

A. Shopha
B. Vedana
C. Balakshaya
D. All
Answer» D. All

This is a type of shock

A. Vasovagal
B. nurogenic
C. endotoxic
D. all above
Answer» D. all above

Types of Vrudhi according to Sushruta

A. 7
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
Answer» A. 7

Most common viscera to herniated through in Morgagni hernia is

A. none
B. Assending colon
C. Meckel’s diverticulm
D. Transverse colon
Answer» D. Transverse colon

Strangulation is most commonly occurs in__________ hernia

A. Ritcher’s
B. Femoral
C. Spigelian
D. None
Answer» A. Ritcher’s

This is a type of hernia

A. Bubonocele
B. hematocele
C. Sprmatocele
D. None above
Answer» A. Bubonocele

Most common viscera to herniated through in Littre’s hernia is

A. Transvers colon
B. Assending colon
C. Meckel’s diverticulm
D. Appendix
Answer» C. Meckel’s diverticulm

Most common viscera to herniated through in Richter’s hernia is

A. Transverse colon
B. Ascending colon
C. Portion of circumference of intestine
D. Appendix
Answer» C. Portion of circumference of intestine

Get above the swelling is not found in

A. Complete hernia
B. Hematocele
C. Hydrocele
D. None
Answer» A. Complete hernia

Trans illumination test is negative in

A. Complete hernia
B. Hematocele
C. Hydrocele
D. A &B
Answer» B. Hematocele

………. is a type of karnavedha

A. asangima
B. atikshipta
C. utpishta
D. ruju
Answer» A. asangima

Shouldice method of operative is done in

A. Umbilical hernia
B. Hydrocele
C. Indirect inguinal hernia
D. Vericocele
Answer» C. Indirect inguinal hernia

___________ is a Sthana of Abhyantar Vidhradhi

A. Kukshi
B. Hasta
C. Paada
D. Manya
Answer» A. Kukshi
Question and answers in Shalya Tantra, Shalya Tantra multiple choice questions and answers, Shalya Tantra Important MCQs, Solved MCQs for Shalya Tantra, Shalya Tantra MCQs with answers PDF download