Chapter: Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton

Talcott Parsons was born in the year

A. 1902
B. 1904
C. 1906
D. 1908
Answer» A. 1902

A prominent exponent of functionalism in the United States is

A. Karl Marx
B. Durkheim
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Max Weber
Answer» C. Talcott Parsons

Talcott Parsons’ The Structure of Social Action was originally published in

A. 1927
B. 1937
C. 1947
D. 1957
Answer» B. 1937

The Social System (1951) is the famous work of

A. Emile Durkheim
B. Max Weber
C. Talcott Parsons
D. R.K. Merton
Answer» C. Talcott Parsons

Latency paradigm functions as

A. Tension management
B. Integration
C. Attainment of goal
D. Adaptation
Answer» A. Tension management

Parsons takes _____________as the building block of the social system

A. Integration
B. Action
C. Value-orientation
D. Latency
Answer» B. Action

The groups to which people compare their behaviour and try to act like them are known as

A. Membership group
B. Reference group
C. Mutual groups
D. Non-membership group
Answer» B. Reference group

The concept of ‘dysfunction’ is a major contribution of

A. Durkheim
B. R.K Merton
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Max Weber
Answer» B. R.K Merton

What are manifest functions?

A. Unrecognised and intended consequences of a social action
B. Recognised and unintended consequences of a social action
C. Unrecognised and Unintended consequences of a social action
D. Recognised and intended consequences of a social action
Answer» D. Recognised and intended consequences of a social action

Latent Functions are always

A. Unrecognised and intended consequences of a social action
B. Recognised and unintended consequences of a social action
C. Unrecognised and Unintended consequences of a social action
D. Recognised and intended consequences of a social action
Answer» C. Unrecognised and Unintended consequences of a social action

R.K. Merton is a

A. Structuralist
B. Structural- Functionalist
C. Conflict theorist
D. Interactionist
Answer» B. Structural- Functionalist

Samuel Stouffer’s The American Soldier (1949) inspired Merton to propound his

A. Anomie
B. Functional Analysis
C. Middle-Range Theory
D. Reference Group
Answer» D. Reference Group

Social Theory and Social Structure written by R.K. Merton was published in

A. 1946
B. 1947
C. 1948
D. 1949
Answer» D. 1949

A rejection of both socially accepted goals and means and replaced by different means and goals is

A. Retreatism
B. Rebellion
C. Ritualism
D. Conformism
Answer» B. Rebellion

R.K Merton’s Reference Group has

A. Membership only
B. Non-membership only
C. Membership and non-membership
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Membership and non-membership

R.K Merton died in

A. 2003
B. 2013
C. 2005
D. 2015
Answer» A. 2003

In the Mertonian frame work, what does conformity refer to?

A. Both goals and means are accepted
B. Goals are accepted and means are rejected
C. Both goals and means are rejected
D. Means are accepted and goals are rejected
Answer» A. Both goals and means are accepted

In which book does Parsons outlined his AGIL paradigm?

A. The Social System
B. Essays in Sociological Theory
C. Towards a General Theory of Action
D. The Structure of Social Action
Answer» A. The Social System

Which among the followings is not a pattern variable according to Parsons?

A. Ascription and Achievement
B. Affectivity and Effectivity
C. Expressive and Instrumental
D. Diffuseness and Specificity
Answer» C. Expressive and Instrumental

With whose name can you associate ‘cathectic action’?

A. Max Weber
B. R.K. Merton
C. Talcott Parsons
D. Emile Durkheim
Answer» C. Talcott Parsons

Which of the following is not the functional pre-requisites of Talcott Parsons’ social system?

A. Adaptation
B. Goal Attainment
C. Integration
D. Particularism
Answer» D. Particularism

Talcott Parsons died on

A. 8th May, 1979
B. 9th May, 1979
C. 8th May, 1980
D. 9th May, 1980
Answer» A. 8th May, 1979

Talcott Parsons theory is known as

A. Grand theory
B. Conflict theory
C. Middle-Range theory
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Grand theory

Anomie means

A. statelessness
B. dysfunction
C. normlessness
D. regulation
Answer» C. normlessness

Merton speaks of anticipatory socialisation in the context of

A. membership reference group
B. non-membership reference group
C. relative deprived group
D. All of the above
Answer» B. non-membership reference group

By ____________, Parsons means the need to coordinate, adjust, and regulate relationships among various actors or units within the system in order to keep the system functioning.

A. Goal attainment
B. Adaptation
C. Integration
D. Latency
Answer» C. Integration

Talcott Parsons is an ___________ sociologist

A. Australian
B. American
C. African
D. None of the above
Answer» B. American

The concept ‘Anticipatory Socialisation’ has been developed by

A. Karl Marx
B. Max Weber
C. Emile Durkheim
D. R.K. Merton
Answer» D. R.K. Merton

AGIL paradigm is associated with

A. Max Weber
B. Emile Durkheim
C. Talcott Parsons
D. R.K. Merton
Answer» C. Talcott Parsons

Which of the following is not Talcott Parsons’ work?

A. The Social Systems
B. Social Theory and Social Structure
C. The Structure of Social Action
D. Economy and Society
Answer» B. Social Theory and Social Structure

Conformists have accepted the cultural goal of success through legitimate means. Who among the following will be the best example to explain conformist?

A. Student
B. Terrorist
C. Politician
D. Drug addict
Answer» A. Student

A politician who wants to win an election but uses dirty tricks to discredit an opponent would be an example for

A. Conformity
B. Retreatism
C. Innovation
D. Rebellion
Answer» C. Innovation

Talcott Parsons four basic functional requisites are

A. adaptation, goal-orientation, integration and latency
B. education, socialization, social control and religion
C. economic institutions, political institutions ideology and kinship
D. family, social institution, cultural value and religion
Answer» A. adaptation, goal-orientation, integration and latency

Which of the following characteristic is not Talcott Parsons’ ‘unit act’ to understand action theory?

A. Actor
B. End
C. Means
D. Institution
Answer» D. Institution

Cathectic action is

A. goal-oriented action
B. dominated by rational considerations
C. action which is dominated by emotion
D. cognitive action
Answer» C. action which is dominated by emotion

Homeless and drug addict are best example of which types of R.K. Merton’s adaptation or deviance

A. Rebellion
B. Retreatism
C. Ritualism
D. Conformity
Answer» B. Retreatism

Merton’s adaptation which involves rejecting goals while accepting the means is

A. Innovation
B. Ritualism
C. Retreatism
D. Rebellion
Answer» B. Ritualism

Talcott Parsons went to Germany to study at

A. Humboldt University of Berlin
B. University of Heidelberg
C. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
D. None of the above
Answer» B. University of Heidelberg

R.K Merton’s typology of deviance or typology of individual adaptation has

A. Two types
B. Three types
C. Four types
D. Five types
Answer» D. Five types

The most common adaptation in Merton’s typology is

A. Conformity
B. Innovation
C. Retreatism
D. Ritualism
Answer» A. Conformity
  • Question and answers in Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton,
  • Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton multiple choice questions and answers,
  • Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton Important MCQs,
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