150+ Distributed Computing System (DCS) Solved MCQs


A distributed system is defined as a collection of autonomous computers linked by a network with software designed to produce an integrated computing facility.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true

A “glue” between client and server parts of application

A. middleware
B. firmware
C. package
D. system software
Answer» A. middleware

The hardware of DS has two types

A. multiprocessor system,multicomputer system
B. multiprocessor system,unicomputer system
C. uniprocessor system,multicomputer system
D. uniprocessor system,unicomputer system
Answer» A. multiprocessor system,multicomputer system

Process Fail - Stop in process omission faults

A. can be detected in synchronous system.
B. can be detected in asynchronous system.
C. can be detected in synchronous and asynchronous system.
D. can be detected in standalone system.
Answer» A. can be detected in synchronous system.

Distributed pervasive system is also known as

A. ubiquitous computing
B. user interface design
C. graphical user interface
D. peer to peer system
Answer» A. ubiquitous computing

Type of cluster computing is

A. load sharing cluster
B. load holding cluster
C. load replication cluster
D. load balancing cluster
Answer» D. load balancing cluster

Type of grid computing is

A. collaborative grid
B. system grid
C. process grid
D. channel grid
Answer» A. collaborative grid

Scaling transparency hides

A. system expansion
B. system collaboration
C. system failure
D. system security
Answer» A. system expansion

Internet provides                for remote login.

A. telnet
B. http
C. ftp
D. rpc
Answer» A. telnet

The header usually consists of the following elements in IPC I. Sequence number II. Structural information III. Address IV. File mode(Read/ Write)

A. i,iii, iv
B. i,ii, iii
C. i, ii, iv
D. i,iv
Answer» B. i,ii, iii

In RMI, the objects are passed by .

A. value
B. reference
C. value and reference
D. object
Answer» A. value

What are the exceptions which have to be handled in a RMI client program?

A. malformedurlexception
B. notfoundexception
C. arithmeticexception
D. class•not•found•excepti on
Answer» A. malformedurlexception

Transient communication done by layer

A. network
B. transport
C. physical
D. session
Answer» B. transport

The local operating system on the server machine passes the incoming packets to the

A. server stub
B. client stub
C. client operating system
D. binding agent
Answer» A. server stub

Machine that places the request to access the data is generally called as .

A. server machine
B. client machine
C. request machine
D. database server
Answer» B. client machine

                                  provides programmers a familiar programming model by extending the local procedure call to a distributed environment

A. distributed environment
B. permanent procedure call
C. process and file
D. remote procedure call
Answer» D. remote procedure call

An architecture where clients first communicate the server for data then format and display it to the users, is known as

A. client/server architecture
B. three-tier architecture
C. two-tier architecture
D. peer-to-peer architecture
Answer» A. client/server architecture

                   is an object acting as a gateway for the client side.

A. skeleton
B. stub
C. remote
D. server
Answer» B. stub

Message passing provides a mechanism to allow processes to communicate and to synchronize their actions

A. by sharing the same address space
B. without sharing the same address space
C. by sharing the same process number and process identifier
D. by sharing port number
Answer» A. by sharing the same address space

Which of the following allocates/deallocates buffers

A. rrl
B. stub/skeleton layer
C. transport layer
D. networking layer
Answer» A. rrl

OSI stands for

A. open system interconnection
B. operating system interface
C. optical serviceimplementation
D. open service internet
Answer» A. open system interconnection

Which address is used to identify a process on a host by the transport layer?

A. physical address
B. logical address
C. port address
D. specific address
Answer» C. port address

In all reliable multicast group communication              

A. n\ response expected from the receiver
B. response from any of the receiver required
C. response from \m\(1<m<n) of the \n\ receiver required
D. response needed from all the receivers
Answer» D. response needed from all the receivers

If processes p and q both receive messages m and m', then p receives m before m' if and only if q receives m before m'.The order delivery is called

A. absolute ordering
B. consistent ordering
C. causal ordering
D. fifo ordering
Answer» B. consistent ordering

What is close group in group communication?

A. only members can send messages to the group as a whole
B. processes that are not members (clients) can send message to the group.
C. the idea of groups is to support replicated servers
D. processes that are not members (clients) but close to the group can send message to the group.
Answer» A. only members can send messages to the group as a whole

                   all related objects moved and left to a server upon the first RPC

A. call by value
B. call by move
C. call by visit
D. call by reference
Answer» B. call by move

What is the feature of stateful server?

A. longer server recovery time
B. quick recovery after reboot
C. file operations must be idempotent
D. simple server design
Answer» A. longer server recovery time

           is a process that prevents multiple threads or processes from accessing shared resources at the same time.

A. critical section
B. deadlock
C. message passing
D. mutual exclusion
Answer» D. mutual exclusion

Absolute time synchronization can be achieved using

A. vector time stamping method
B. christian’s method
C. lamport’s method
D. ricart-agrawala algorithm
Answer» B. christian’s method

Which mutual exclusion algorithm is useful when the membership of the group is unknown?

A. centralized
B. lamport’s.
C. token ring
D. decentralized algorithm
Answer» A. centralized

Which event is concurrent with the vector clock (2, 8, 4)?

A. (3,9,5)
B. (3,8,4)
C. (1,7,3)
D. (4,8,2)
Answer» D. (4,8,2)

A client gets a timestamp of 4:12:30.500 from a
time server. The elapsed time between the request
and response was 20 msec (0.020 sec).
The current
time on the client is 4:12:30.510. Using Cristian’s
algorithm, what is the time set to on the

A. 1970-01-01 04:12:30
B. 1970-01-01 04:12:30
C. 1970-01-01 04:12:32
D. 1970-01-01 04:12:32
Answer» C. 1970-01-01 04:12:32

NTP is                      layer protocol.

A. application
B. session
C. transport
D. physical
Answer» A. application

Which of the following is an example of election algorithm.

A. berkley algorithm:
B. bully algorithm.
C. cristian’s algorithm
D. lamport’s
Answer» B. bully algorithm.

For each critical section (CS) execution, Ricart-Agrawala algorithm requires
                        messages per CS execution and the Synchronization delay in the
algorithm is                          .

A. 3(n − 1), t
B. 2(n − 1), t
C. (n − 1), 2t
D. (n − 1), t
Answer» B. 2(n − 1), t

For each critical section (CS) execution, maekawa’s algorithm requires
                        messages per CS execution and the Synchronization delay in the
algorithm is                          .

A. √n , t
B. 2√n , t
C. 3√n , t
D. 3√n , 2t
Answer» D. 3√n , 2t


A. non- token based algorithm.
B. token based algorithm.
C. centralized based algorithm
D. physical clock synchronization algorithm.
Answer» B. token based algorithm.

Suzuki-Kasami's Broadcast Algorithm is an

A. non- token based algorithm.
B. token based algorithm.
C. centralized based algorithm
D. physical clock synchronization algorithm.
Answer» B. token based algorithm.

Full form of NTP is:

A. network time protocol
B. new time protocol
C. new timestamp protocol
D. network timestamp protocol
Answer» A. network time protocol

Which algorithm requires "1 to ∞" messages to enter and leave a critical region?

A. token ring algorithm
B. centralized algorithm
C. decentralized algorithm
D. distributed algorithm
Answer» A. token ring algorithm

Pretransfering also known as

A. premigrating
B. precopying
C. prefiltering
D. postcopying
Answer» B. precopying

change the state of thread from suspe

A. run()
B. yield()
C. destroy()
D. start()
Answer» D. start()

Distributed syatem consists of set of resour

A. printer
B. processor
C. cd
D. processes
Answer» B. processor

This is not feature of cooperative algorithm

A. complex
B. larger overhead
C. worst stability
D. better stability
Answer» C. worst stability

How is access to resources of various machines is done?

A. remote logging using ssh or telnet
B. zone are configured for automatic access
C. ftp is not used
D. ftp is used
Answer» A. remote logging using ssh or telnet

What are the characteristics of data migration?

A. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
B. transfer the computation rather than the data
C. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
D. execute an entire process or parts of it at same site
Answer» A. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required

What are the characteristics of computation migration?

A. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
B. transfer the computation rather than the data
C. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
D. execute an entire process or parts of it at same site
Answer» B. transfer the computation rather than the data

What are the characteristics of process migr

A. transfer data by entire file or immediate portion required
B. transfer the computation rather than the data
C. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites
D. execute an entire process or parts of it at same site
Answer» C. execute an entire process or parts of it at different sites

When the process issues an I/O request

A. it is placed in an i/o queue
B. it is placed in a waiting queue
C. it is placed in the ready queue
D. it is placed in the job queue
Answer» A. it is placed in an i/o queue

Absolute time ordering of all shared accesses matters in

A. sequential consistency
B. casual consistency
C. strict consistency
D. weak consistency
Answer» C. strict consistency

In Casual consistency model all processes shared accesses in

A. random order
B. same order
C. sequential order
D. specific order
Answer» B. same order

In which of the following consistency model all writes become perceptible to all processes

A. strict
B. weak
C. casual
D. sequential
Answer» A. strict

                 consistency is that write operations by the same process are performed in the correct order everywhere.

A. weak
B. strict
C. eventual
D. fifo
Answer» D. fifo

Any successive write operation by a process on a data item x will be performed on a copy of x that is up to date with the value most recently read by that process.

A. monotonic-write
B. writes follows reads
C. read your writes
D. monotonic-read
Answer» B. writes follows reads

replicas are used only to improve access time on data

A. client initiated
B. server initiated
C. permanent
D. dynamic
Answer» A. client initiated

In                                  receivers never acknowledge the successful delivery of multicast message but instead report only when missing the message.

A. basic reliable multicasting
B. non-hierarchical feedback control
C. hierarchical feedback control
D. atomic multicast
Answer» B. non-hierarchical feedback control

A problem with the                  protocol is that when the coordinator has crashed, participants may not be able to reach a final decision.

A. one-phase commit
B. three-phase commit
C. two-phase commit
D. virtual synchrony
Answer» C. two-phase commit

Optimistic logging protocols need to keep track of

A. independencies
B. checking points
C. dependencies
D. erroneous state
Answer» C. dependencies

Processor Consistency model guarantees and conforms that

A. all write accomplished on identical memory location in identical sequence.
B. all write accomplished on random memory location in random sequence
C. all write accomplished on random memory location in identical sequence
D. all write accomplished on identical memory location in random order
Answer» A. all write accomplished on identical memory location in identical sequence.

Staleness deviations relate to the a replica was updated.

A. first time
B. most recent time
C. last time
D. previous time
Answer» C. last time

The dynamic replication algorithm takes into account

A. to reduce load on server
B. files on server can be migrated anywhere
C. schedule process migration
D. resource sharing
Answer» A. to reduce load on server

To improve performance, many distributed systems

A. combine check pointing with recovery oriented computing
B. combine check pointing with message logging
C. combine check pointing with distributed commit
D. combine distributed commit with message logging.
Answer» B. combine check pointing with message logging

File Replication is done to

A. increase complexity
B. increase cost
C. increase reliability
D. increase data
Answer» C. increase reliability

in NFS which funtion is used for creating new file?

A. open()
B. create()
C. develope()
D. null()
Answer» B. create()

which command is used to create a directory

A. rmdir
B. symlink
C. mkdir
D. open
Answer» C. mkdir

datanodes and namenode are two elements of which file system?

A. afs
B. hdfs
C. nfs
D. none of the above
Answer» B. hdfs

In which file system mapreduce function is used?

A. afs
B. nfs
C. hdfs
D. none of the above
Answer» C. hdfs

In distributed file system, DNS stands for?

A. domain name system
B. domain name server
C. directory name service
D. disk name system
Answer» A. domain name system

NFS file System uses Mechanism

A. rpc
B. corba
C. rmi
D. none of the above
Answer» A. rpc

map and reduce are

A. libraries
B. functions
C. file system
D. os
Answer» B. functions

In HDFS file System, A                  serves as the master and there is only one NameNode per cluster

A. data node
B. namenode
C. replication
D. data block
Answer» B. namenode

HDFS works in a fashion.

A. master-master
B. master-slave
C. slave-slave
D. none of the above
Answer» B. master-slave

In HDFS file System,                   NameNode is used when the Primary NameNode goes down.

A. rack
B. data
C. secondary
D. primary
Answer» C. secondary

In context of HDFS file system, Point out the wrong statement.

A. replication factor can be configured at a cluster level (default is set to 3) and also at a file level
B. block report from each datanode contains a list of all the blocks that are stored on that datanode
C. user data is stored on the local file system of datanodes
D. datanode is aware of the files to which the blocks stored on it belong to
Answer» D. datanode is aware of the files to which the blocks stored on it belong to

In HDFS, .                  is the slave/worker node and holds the user data in the form of Data Blocks.

A. datanode
B. namenode
C. data block
D. replication
Answer» A. datanode

In distributed file system,XDR stands for?

A. external data request
B. external device request
C. external data recovery
D. external data representation
Answer» D. external data representation

If file system is growing without affecting performance of the system then this feature is called as?

A. union
B. portable
C. robust
D. scalability
Answer» D. scalability

Storing file in                 makes it permanently available

A. secondary memory
B. ram
C. register
D. dram
Answer» A. secondary memory

Session file sharing semantics are suitable for caching

A. complete folder
B. complete file
C. one byte
D. one block
Answer» B. complete file

Network file system(NFS) is developed by?

A. sun microsystem
B. oracle
C. apple
D. honeywell
Answer» A. sun microsystem

The file once created can not be changed is called

A. rigid file
B. rex file
C. immutable file
D. robust file
Answer» C. immutable file

Remote Procedure Calls are used ____________

A. for communication between two processes remotely different from each other on the same system
B. for communication between two processes on the same system
C. for communication between two processes on separate systems
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. for communication between two processes on separate systems

To differentiate the many network services a system supports ______ are used.

A. variables
B. sockets
C. ports
D. service names
Answer» C. ports

RPC provides a(an) _____ on the client side, a separate one for each remote procedure.

A. stub
B. identifier
C. name
D. process identifier
Answer» A. stub

What is stub?

A. transmits the message to the server where the server side stub receives the message and invokes procedure on the server side
B. packs the parameters into a form transmittable over the network
C. locates the port on the server
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

To resolve the problem of data representation on different systems RPCs define _____________

A. machine dependent representation of data
B. machine representation of data
C. machine-independent representation of data
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» C. machine-independent representation of data

What is the full form of RMI?

A. remote memory installation
B. remote memory invocation
C. remote method installation
D. remote method invocation
Answer» D. remote method invocation

The remote method invocation __________

A. allows a process to invoke memory on a remote object
B. allows a thread to invoke a method on a remote object
C. allows a thread to invoke memory on a remote object
D. allows a process to invoke a method on a remote object
Answer» B. allows a thread to invoke a method on a remote object

A process that is based on IPC mechanism which executes on different systems and can communicate with other processes using message based communication, is called ________

A. local procedure call
B. inter process communication
C. remote procedure call
D. remote machine invocation
Answer» C. remote procedure call

What is not true about a distributed system?

A. it is a collection of processor
B. all processors are synchronized
C. they do not share memory
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. all processors are synchronized

What are the characteristics of a distributed file system?

A. its users, servers and storage devices are dispersed
B. service activity is not carried out across the network
C. they have single centralized data repository
D. there are multiple dependent storage devices
Answer» A. its users, servers and storage devices are dispersed

What is not a major reason for building distributed systems?

A. resource sharing
B. computation speedup
C. reliability
D. simplicity
Answer» D. simplicity

What is a stateless file server?

A. it keeps tracks of states of different objects
B. it maintains internally no state information at all
C. it maintains some information in them
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» B. it maintains internally no state information at all

What are the characteristics of the stateless server?

A. easier to implement
B. they are not fault-tolerant upon client or server failures
C. they store all information file server
D. they are redundant to keep data safe
Answer» A. easier to implement

What are the advantages of file replication?

A. improves availability & performance
B. decreases performance
C. they are consistent
D. improves speed
Answer» A. improves availability & performance

What are characteristic of NFS protocol?

A. search for file within directory
B. read a set of directory entries
C. manipulate links and directories
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

What is the coherency of replicated data?

A. all replicas are identical at all times
B. replicas are perceived as identical only at some points in time
C. users always read the most recent data in the replicas
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

The file once created can not be changed is called ___________

A. immutable file
B. mutex file
C. mutable file
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» A. immutable file

______ of the distributed file system are dispersed among various machines of distributed system.

A. clients
B. servers
C. storage devices
D. all of the mentioned
Answer» D. all of the mentioned

_______ is not possible in distributed file system.

A. file replication
B. migration
C. client interface
D. remote access
Answer» B. migration
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