
Which part of the Himalayas has the maximum stretch from east to West?

A. Kumaun Himalayas
B. Assam Himalayas
C. Punjab Himalayas
D. Nepal Himalayas
Answer» D. Nepal Himalayas
Explanation: Nepal Himalayas has the maximum stretch from east to west. Along the north of Nepal runs the Great Himalayan Range, the highest mountain range in the Himalayan system. This range has an average altitude of about 4,570 m (about 15,000 ft) and remains perpetually snow-covered. On this range rise some of the loftiest mountain peaks in the world — Mount Everest, Kanchenj unga, Lhotse, Makalu, Cho Oyu, Dhaulagiri, Manaslu, and Annapurna.
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