100+ Fundamentals of Economics Solved MCQs


The subject matter of economics is distributed into __________ parts.

A. two
B. three
C. four
D. five
Answer» C. four

The concept of ‘Consumer Surplus’ was introduced in Economics by

A. Prof. Robbins
B. Prof. Samuelson
C. Prof. Smith
D. Prof. Marshall
Answer» D. Prof. Marshall

In the case of rare coins, supply curve will be

A. Horizontal
B. Vertical
C. backward bending
D. positively sloped
Answer» B. Vertical

When the price elasticity of demand is equal to one, the demand curve is

A. rectangular hyperbola
B. parallel to the horizontal axis.
C. parallel to the vertical axis
D. negatively sloped straight line
Answer» A. rectangular hyperbola

Which one of the following is not a factor of production?

A. Land
B. Labour
C. Capital
D. Bank Loan
Answer» D. Bank Loan

The ‘Law of Variable Proportion’ was first developed by

A. Prof. Mill
B. Prof. Marshall
C. Prof. Ricardo
D. Prof. Smith
Answer» B. Prof. Marshall

Which one of the following cost can never become zero?

A. Average cost
B. Fixed cost
C. Marginal cost
D. Variable cost
Answer» B. Fixed cost

All the factors of production become variable in the

A. Short run
B. long run
C. very short run 2
D. very long run
Answer» B. long run

Marginal cost is defined as

A. the change in total cost due to one unit change in output.
B. the change in total cost due to one unit change in input.
C. the ratio of total cost to total output
D. the ratio of total cost to total input
Answer» A. the change in total cost due to one unit change in output.

If a firm produces 200 units of commodity X by employing 10 workers and 240 units of the same commodity by employing 12 workers, then the Average Product of the worker is

A. 20
B. 40
C. 200
D. 240
Answer» A. 20

Which one of the following is a feature of a perfect competition?

A. Selling Cost
B. Group Behaviour
C. Homogenous Product
D. Differentiated Product
Answer» C. Homogenous Product

In the case of a perfectly competitive firm, the demand curve for product is

A. Elastic
B. unit elastic
C. perfectly elastic
D. perfectly inelastic
Answer» C. perfectly elastic

Cartel is one form of

A. Monopoly
B. Duopoly
C. collusive oligopoly
D. non-collusive oligopoly
Answer» C. collusive oligopoly

Dynamic Pricing is mostly followed by

A. Automobile Manufacturing Companies
B. Cooking Gas Supplying Companies
C. On-line Companies
D. Brand Name Food Companies
Answer» C. On-line Companies

PT = MV is the equation suggested by

A. J.M. Keynes
B. A.W. Phillips
C. Irving Fisher
D. A.C.Pigou
Answer» C. Irving Fisher

All the following functions are associated with commercial bank except that

A. Commercial Bank cannot issue Paper Notes
B. Commercial Bank acts as a Banker to the Government
C. Commercial Banks are mostly privately – owned and privately – managed
D. to accept Deposit from the Public is the most important function of a commercial bank
Answer» A. Commercial Bank cannot issue Paper Notes

Gresham’s Law is true where

A. only Barter System operates
B. only Paper Currency operates
C. only Metal Currency operates
D. Both Paper and Metal Currencies operates
Answer» D. Both Paper and Metal Currencies operates

Quantity Theory of Money states that 3

A. Price Level is directly proportional to Money Supply
B. Price Level is inversely proportional to Money Supply
C. Price Level is not related to Money Supply
D. Price Level is inversely related to Money Demand
Answer» A. Price Level is directly proportional to Money Supply

The Growth definition of Economics was introduced by

A. J.M.Keynes and P.A. Samuelson
B. Adam Smith
C. Alfred Marshall
D. Lionel Robbins
Answer» A. J.M.Keynes and P.A. Samuelson

According to the ‘Law of Demand, demand varies ________ with price.

A. Directly
B. Indirectly
C. Proportionately
D. Inversely
Answer» D. Inversely

When excess demand occurs in an unregulated market, there is a tendency for:

A. price to rise
B. quantity supplied to decrease
C. quantity demanded to increase
D. price to fall
Answer» A. price to rise

In the case of inferior goods, the consumer

A. purchases less with increase in income
B. purchases less with decrease in price
C. purchases more with increase in income
D. purchases more with decrease in price
Answer» A. purchases less with increase in income

Let a firm employs 10 labourers to produce 150 units of output. If 11 labourers are employed to produce 166 units of output, then the marginal product is

A. 11
B. 16
C. 150
D. 166
Answer» B. 16

A rational producer produces in that region where

A. marginal physical product of the fixed input becomes negative
B. marginal physical product of the variable input becomes negative
C. marginal physical product of the fixed input becomes increasing
D. marginal physical product of the variable input becomes declining
Answer» D. marginal physical product of the variable input becomes declining

In a firm doubles all inputs, and output doubles as well, the firm is subject to

A. constant returns to scale
B. increasing returns to scale
C. decreasing returns to scale
D. economies of scale
Answer» A. constant returns to scale

As output increases, AFC of a firm

A. Increases
B. remains constant
C. continuously declines
D. initially increases, afterwards declines
Answer» C. continuously declines

Which of the first order condition for the profit of a firm be maximum?

A. AC = MR
B. MC = MR
C. MR = AR
D. AC = AR
Answer» B. MC = MR

Opportunity cost is measured in terms of the

A. optional cost that has been avoided
B. negative cost that has been sacrificed
C. accounting cost that has been paid
D. next best alternative that has been foregone
Answer» D. next best alternative that has been foregone

Due to the operation of ‘Laws of return to Scale’ LAC curve is

A. Rectangular hyperbola
B. U-Shaped
C. Parallel to the horizontal axis
D. Parallel to the vertical axis
Answer» B. U-Shaped

The AR curve and industry demand curve are identical

A. in case of monopoly
B. in case of oligopoly
C. in case of monopolistic competition
D. in case of perfect competition
Answer» D. in case of perfect competition
Explanation: In a perfectly competitive market, firms are price takers and have no control over the market price. As a result, their individual demand curve is also the market demand curve, and their marginal revenue curve is also the market average revenue curve, also known as the industry demand curve.

OPEC is an example of

A. Perfect competition
B. Monopolistic competition
C. Monopoly
D. Cartel
Answer» D. Cartel

The relationship between money supply and price level is

A. Inverse
B. Neutral
C. Proportional
D. non-proportional
Answer» C. Proportional

Cash Balance Approach was given by

A. I. Fisher
B. J. M. Keynes
C. G. Crowther
D. Cambridge University Professors
Answer» D. Cambridge University Professors

Which one of the following functions of commercial banks include collection of cheques, drafts, bill of exchange etc. of their customers from other banks?

A. Agency Function
B. Creation of Credit
C. Payment of Loans and Advances
D. General Utility Function
Answer» A. Agency Function

Which one of the following is the apex bank for agricultural credit in India?

Answer» D. NABARD

Which of these would lead to fall in demand for money?

A. Inflation
B. Increase in Real Income
C. Increase in Real Rate of Interest
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Increase in Real Rate of Interest

The rate at which the commercial banks borrow from the Reserve Bank of India is called as

D. Bank rate
Answer» D. Bank rate

Commercial banks provide collateral loans against

A. Government Security
B. Shares
C. Bills of Exchange
D. Commercial Paper
Answer» A. Government Security

________ defined economics as a science which deals with wealth.

A. J.B. Say
B. A.C.Pigou
C. Alfred Marshall
D. Lionel Robbins
Answer» A. J.B. Say

_________ goods are known as scarce goods.

A. Economic
B. Durable
C. Free
D. Consumer
Answer» A. Economic

_________ is the first Law of Consumption.

A. The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
B. The Law of Demand
C. The Law of Increasing Returns
D. All of the above
Answer» A. The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility

Factors of production may be of _______ types.

A. 4
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5
Answer» A. 4

The Law of Variable Proportions relates to _________ only.

A. long – run
B. short – run
C. very long run
D. very short run
Answer» B. short – run

The total ___________ curve will be a horizontal line.

A. Variable cost
B. Fixed cost
C. Marginal cost
D. Cost
Answer» B. Fixed cost

The supply curve always slopes ___________

A. Upwards
B. Downwards
C. both (A) and (B)
D. neither (A) nor (B)
Answer» A. Upwards

__________ is the centre of all marketing policies.

A. Price
B. Product
C. Profit
D. Publicity
Answer» B. Product

In the long run, a firm in perfect competition earns _____________

A. normal profit only
B. abnormal profit
C. average profit of past 5 years
D. 12.33 per cent profit on capital employed
Answer» A. normal profit only

Oligopoly means _________

A. Single seller
B. few sellers
C. large number of sellers
D. no buyers
Answer» B. few sellers

Penetration Pricing is adopted by following a ___________

A. low price
B. high price
C. dual price
D. support price
Answer» A. low price

When the price of a complementary product falls, the demand for the other product will ___

A. Fall
B. Increase
C. remain stable
D. drop by 25 per cent
Answer» B. Increase

The primary functions of money are of ______ types.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» A. 2

The money supply affects the rate of interest; when the money supply increases, rate of interest will be decreased. It is explained by _____________

A. Keynes
B. Walker
C. Robbins
D. Crowther
Answer» A. Keynes

SDRs are used in place of _________

A. commercial papers
B. gold
C. shares
D. company deposits
Answer» B. gold

__________ is one among the qualitative credit control instruments used by the RBI.

A. Bank Rate Policy
B. Moral Suasion
C. Open Market Operations
D. Cash Reserve Ratio
Answer» B. Moral Suasion

Money market is controlled by the ___________

B. Government
Answer» A. RBI

On the basis of functions, financial markets are classified into _________ types.

A. 5
B. 4
C. 3
D. 2
Answer» D. 2

The ‘Welfare definition’ of Economics was introduced by ______________

A. Adam Smith
B. Alfred Marshall
C. Lionel Robbins
D. J. R. Hicks
Answer» B. Alfred Marshall

Micro-economics deals with the ___________

A. economic behavior of the individual
B. economy as a whole
C. trade relations
D. economic growth of the society
Answer» A. economic behavior of the individual

Point Elasticity was propounded by ________________

A. Alfred Marshall
B. Adam Smith
C. Lionel Robbins
D. Jacob Viner
Answer» A. Alfred Marshall

Production creates __________ utility.

A. Place
B. Time
C. Form
D. possession
Answer» C. Form

A Production Function refers to ________________

A. Scale of production
B. relationship between resources
C. relationship between inputs and output
D. relationship between costs and output
Answer» C. relationship between inputs and output

__________ cost remains constant even if production is stopped.

A. Fixed
B. Variable
C. Semi-Variable
D. Marginal
Answer» A. Fixed

________ refers to the quantity of a commodity which a firm is willing to produce and offer for sale.

A. Individual Supply
B. Market Supply
C. Individual Demand
D. Market Demand
Answer» A. Individual Supply

On the basis of area, markets are classified into _________ types.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

Total input is maximum when _____________

A. MP = 0
B. MP is increasing
C. MP is decreasing
D. MP is constant
Answer» A. MP = 0

Which of the following does not characterize monopolistic competition?

A. product differentiation
B. many producers
C. absence of advertising 8
D. partial control over price
Answer» C. absence of advertising 8

Pricing for selling the same commodity at different selling prices is known as ______

A. Skimming Pricing
B. Differential Pricing
C. Penetration Pricing
D. Cost – Plus Pricing
Answer» B. Differential Pricing

In a perfect competition, a firm earns super normal profit when the AR of the firm _____ the ACT of the firm.

A. equals to
B. exceeds
C. is lower than
D. neither exceeds nor is lower than
Answer» B. exceeds

________ refers to the market situations whether there is one seller and there is not close substitute to the commodity sold by the seller.

A. Perfect Competition
B. Monopoly
C. Oligopoly
D. Monopolistic Competition
Answer» B. Monopoly

Cash Money is created by the _________________

A. Central Bank of a country
B. Commercial Banks
C. State Bank of India
D. Co-operative Banks
Answer» A. Central Bank of a country

“Money is what money does”. This definition was given by __________

A. Adam Smith
B. Walker
C. Robbins
D. Robertson
Answer» B. Walker

Traditional function of a commercial bank is ______________

A. issue of gift cheque
B. credit creation
C. providing locker facilities
D. acceptance of deposits
Answer» D. acceptance of deposits

________ is one among the quantitative methods of credit control.

A. Bank Rate Policy
B. Moral Suasion
C. Direct Action
D. Rationing of Credit
Answer» A. Bank Rate Policy

Securities market in India is regulated by the ___________

A. Government
Answer» C. SEBI

___________ market is the nerve centre of the financial system.

A. Money
B. Capital
C. Local
D. National
Answer» A. Money

_____________ is the father of Economics. 9

A. Adam Smith
B. Alfred Marshall
C. Lionel Robbins
D. J.R. Hicks
Answer» A. Adam Smith

___________ is an act to use the goods or service to satisfy the wants.

A. Production
B. Consumption
C. Savings
D. Distribution
Answer» B. Consumption

The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility was developed by ____________

A. Stanley Jevons
B. Alfred Marshall
C. Adam Smith
D. J.R. Hicks
Answer» B. Alfred Marshall

_________ demand is also known as Direct Demand.

A. Derived
B. Autonomous
C. Individual
D. Consumption
Answer» B. Autonomous

Total Outlay Method of measuring Elasticity of Demand was introduced by _________

A. Stanley Jevons
B. Alfred Marshall
C. Adam Smith
D. J.R. Hicks
Answer» B. Alfred Marshall

When two or more different goods are produced together by a single firm, it is called as _________ supply.

A. joint
B. composite
C. excess
D. short
Answer» A. joint

___________ is a gift of nature.

A. Land
B. Labour
C. Capital
D. Organisation
Answer» A. Land

There are _______ stages of the Law of Variable Proportions

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

Which factor of production is considered as a produced means of production?

A. Land
B. Labour
C. Capital
D. Organisation
Answer» C. Capital

________ means transformation of physical inputs into output.

A. Marketing
B. Production
C. Finance
D. Money
Answer» B. Production

__________ cost is also known as Alternative Cost.

A. Opportunity
B. Actual
C. Real
D. Money
Answer» A. Opportunity

The additional cost incurred to produce an additional unit of output is _______

A. Marginal cost
B. Variable cost
C. Fixed cost
D. Opportunity cost
Answer» A. Marginal cost

On the basis of time element, markets can be classified into __________ types.

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5
Answer» B. 3

________ competition exists when the basic features of Perfect Competition are not present.

A. Pure
B. Perfect
C. Imperfect
D. All of the above
Answer» C. Imperfect

The ____ states that bad money drives good money out of circulation.

A. Law of Demand
B. Law of Supply
C. Gresham’s Law
D. Demand Schedule
Answer» C. Gresham’s Law

Quantity Theory of Money was explained by ___________

A. Fisher
B. Keynes
C. Crowther
D. Samuelson
Answer» A. Fisher

__________ account can be opened by business persons only.

A. Current Deposit
B. Savings Deposit
C. Fixed Deposit
D. Recurring Deposit
Answer» A. Current Deposit

In India, Central Bank was established in _________

A. 1945
B. 1955
C. 1935
D. 1965
Answer» C. 1935

Wealth was defined by

A. Alfred Marshall
B. Adam Smith
C. Robbins
D. Jacob
Answer» B. Adam Smith

Income minus Savings is equal to ___________

A. Consumption
B. Production
C. Investment 11
D. Demand
Answer» A. Consumption

______ means the desire backed by the necessary purchasing power.

A. Consumption
B. Production
C. Investment
D. Demand
Answer» D. Demand

If the proportionate change in the supply is equal to the proportionate change in price, it is said to be _______ supply.

A. Unitary Elastic
B. Perfectly Inelastic
C. Perfectly Elastic
D. Relatively Inelastic
Answer» A. Unitary Elastic

Production creates _________ utility.

A. Place
B. Time
C. Form
D. Possession
Answer» C. Form

Law of Variable Proportions was developed by _____________

A. Alfred Marshall
B. Adam Smith
C. Robbins
D. Jacob
Answer» A. Alfred Marshall

The average _________ and output have inverse functional relationship.

A. fixed cost
B. variable cost
C. marginal cost
D. total cost
Answer» A. fixed cost
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