280+ Medieval Indian History Solved MCQs


Where did the traveler 'Ibn Batuta' come from?

A. Morocco
B. Persia
C. Turkey
D. Central Asia
Answer» A. Morocco
Explanation: Ibn Batuta was a Berber Muslim Moroccan explorer, known for his extensive travels, accounts of which were published in the Rihla ("Journey"). Over a period of thirty years, he visited most of the known Is lamic world as well as many non-Muslim lands; his ourneys including trips to North Africa, the Horn of Africa, West Africa, Southern Europe and Easte Europe in the West, and to the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia and China in the East, a distance surpassing threefold his near-con temporary Marco Polo. Ibn Batuta is considered one of the greatest travellers of all time.

Who built the Khajuraho temples?

A. Holkars
B. Scindias
C. Bundela Rajputs
D. Chandela Rajputs
Answer» D. Chandela Rajputs
Explanation: The Khajuraho Group of Monuments are located in Khajuraho, a town in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh, located in Chhatarpur District. Khajuraho has the largest group of medieval Hindu and Jain temples, famous for their erotic sculptures. The city was the cultural capital of Chandela Rajputs, a Hindu dynasty that ruled this part of India from the 10- 12th centuries. The political capital of the Chandelas was Kalinjar. The Khajuraho temples were built over a span of 200 years, from 950 to 1150. The Chandela capital was moved to Mahoba after this time,but Khajuraho continuedto flourish for some time. Khajuraho has no forts because the Chandel Kings never lived in their cultural capital.

Who was the architect who designed 'Taj Mahal'?

A. Mohammad Hussain
B. Ustad-Isa
C. Shah Abbas
D. Ismail
Answer» B. Ustad-Isa
Explanation: Isa Muhammad Effendi or Ustad Isa was a Persian architect from Iran he and his colleague Ismail Effendi entered the service of the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan after the Ottoman Sultan Murad IV and the Mughals exchanged ambassadors. Isa Muhammad Effendi is often described as the chief architect of the Taj Mahal. Recent research suggests the Pern architect, Ustad Ahmad Lahauri was the most likely candidate as the chief architect of the Taj, anassertion based on a claim made in writings by Lahauri's son Lutfullah Muhandis.

The Assam State derives its name from that of a tribe that conquered the region. Where did the tribesmen come from?

A. Tibet
B. Mongolia
C. Burma (now Myanmar)
D. Siam (now Thailand)
Answer» D. Siam (now Thailand)
Explanation: The state of Assam derived its name from the word som' which means unequal or unrivalled. True to the meaning of its name, the state is unrivalled in terms of its natural beauty and the simplicity of the people. In the Mahabharata and the Puranas, Assam has been referred to as 'Kamarupa'. The inhabitants of the state are a mixture of the Mongol-Aryan culture. The Ahoms ventured into Assam somewhere around 1228 A.D. The present name Assam derives from the name of a Sino-Tibetan tribe, the Ahoms who came to Assam from China and Thailand, began their rule from 1228 AD and remained a force to reck on within the political arena till 1828 AD.

Mughal presence in the Red Ford ceased with the fall of -

A. Aurangzeb
B. Muhammad Shah
C. Shah Alam
D. Bahadur Shah 'Zafar
Answer» D. Bahadur Shah 'Zafar
Explanation: The Red Fort is a 17th century fort complex constructed by the Mughal emperor, Shah Jahan in the walled city of Old Delhi (in present day Delhi, India) that served as the residence of the Mughal Empeors. It served as the capital of the Mughals until 1857, when Mughal emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar was exiled by the British Indian government.

'Khalsa' was founded by -

A. Guru Gobind Singh
B. Guru Ramdas
C. Guru Nanak
D. Arjun Dev
Answer» A. Guru Gobind Singh
Explanation: Khalsa is the collective body of Singhs and Kaurs represented by the five beloved-ones and is the final temporal Guru/leader of the Sikhs. The Khalsa was inaugurated on March 30, 1699, by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. The leadership was passed on by Guru Gobind Singh to the Khalsa and bestowed the title "Guru Panth" or Guru". The Khasa is also the nation of the Sikhs. The Khalsa is responsible for all executive, military and civil authority. The meaning of Khalsa translates to "Sovereign/ Free". Another interpretation is that of being 'Pure Guru Gobind Singh has declared the Khalsa as his true Guru and therefore as following described in the Sarbloh Granth the attributes of the Khals.

The rulers of Vijayanagar promoted -

A. Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit
B. Malayalam, Tamil and Sanskrit
C. Tamil, Telugu and Sanskrit
D. Telugu, Urdu and Sanskrit
Answer» C. Tamil, Telugu and Sanskrit
Explanation: Telugu culture reached its zenith during the Vijayanagara rule under Sri Krishnadevaraya. The rulers patronized Kannada, Telugu and Sanskrit and Tamil scholars who wrote in the Jain, Virashaiva and Vaishnava traditions.The Vijayanagar periodwas the golden age of Telugu literature. Sanskrit literature was given patronage by the Vijayanagar kings. The early kings of the Sangama dynasty patronized the Sringeri saints while the Saluva and Tuluva kings patronised the Madhva saints of Udupi. Krishnadevaraya also patronised Tamil poet Harihara who wrote Irusamaya vilakkam (an exposition on saivism and Vaishnavism).

The original name of Tansen, the most famous musician at the court of Akbar was -

A. Lal Kalwant
B. Banda Bahadur
C. Ramatanu Pande
D. Markandey Pande
Answer» C. Ramatanu Pande
Explanation: Mia Tansen (born as Ramtanu Pandey) was a prominent Hindustani classical music composer and musician. He was an extraordinarily gifted vocalist, known for a large number of compositions, and also an instrumentalist who popularized and improved the plucked rabab (of Central Asian origin). He was among the Navaratnas (nine jewels) at the court of the Mughal Emperor Akbar. Akbar gave him the title Miyarn an honorific, meaning learned man).

The Muslim adventurer who destroyed the Nalanda Univers was -

A. Alla-ud-din Khilji
B. Muhammad-bin-Tughlak
C. Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar
D. Muhammad-bin-Quasim
Answer» C. Muhammad-bin-Bhaktiyar
Explanation: Muhammad bin Bakhtiyar Khilji was a Turkic military general of Qutb-ud-din Aybak. It is alleged by some writers that he was responsible for the destruction of Nalanda, which was an ancient Buddhist University in Bihar, India, nearby to the stronghold Bihar. The main Persian source for this explains Khalii attacked the fortress unaware that it was a University.

Painting reached its highest level of development during the reign of -

A. Akbar
B. Aurangzeb
C. Jahangir
D. Shah Jaharn
Answer» C. Jahangir
Explanation: Mughal painting reached its zenith under Jahangir, a great connoisseur and outstanding patron of painting. As a young prince, Jahangir had founded his own atelier, under the supervision of Master Aqa Riza. His artists developed a new, naturalistic style distinctive for ist subdued palette, psychologically expressive portraiture, and outstanding natural history painting.

The Mir Bakshi of the Mughal Emperors was the head of -

A. Intelligence
B. Foreign affairs
C. Army organization
D. Finance
Answer» C. Army organization
Explanation: During the Mughal rule, the Mir Bakshi Headed military department, nobility, information and intelligence agencies. In provincial administration, the Bakshi was the head of military department. Diwan used to be responsible for all income and expenditure and had control over Khalisa and Jagir land.

Which among the following was the capital of Shivaji?

A. Poona
B. Raigarh
C. (4) Panhala
D. (3) Singhgarh
Answer» B. Raigarh
Explanation: Shivaji created an independent Maratha kingdom with Raigarh as its capital, and was crowned chhatrapati ("paramount sovereign") of the Marathas in 1674. Raigarh is a hill fortress situated in the modern day near Mahad, Raigarh district of Maharashtra It is located in the Sahyadri mountain range.

Whoamong the following Sultans of Delhi has been described by the historians as the 'mixture of opposites'?

A. Balbarn
B. Alauddin Khilji
C. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
D. Ibrahim Lodi
Answer» C. Muhammad Bin Tughlaq
Explanation: Probably, the best definition of Muhammed bin Tughlaq was "a mixture of opposites". While he was a very learned man, he was not much of statesmen nor was he in complete touch with reality. A number of his economic and administrative reforms, which though beneficial was perhaps too drastic and too far ahead of the time to ever hope to succeed. During his time, while there was teritorial expansion, the Sultanate was badly damaged.

Who was the last ruler of Lodi Dynasty?

A. Bahlul Lodi
B. Ibrahim Lodi
C. Daulat Khan Lodi
D. Sikandar Lodi
Answer» B. Ibrahim Lodi
Explanation: Ibrahim Lodi was the Sultan of Delhi in 1526 after the death of his father Sikandar. He became the last ruler of the Lodi dynasty, reigning for nine years between 1517 until being defeated and killed by Babur's invading army in the First Battle of Panipat 1526.

The guerilla warfare was pioneered by

A. Aurangzeb
B. Akbar
C. Shivaji
D. Balaji Rao
Answer» C. Shivaji
Explanation: One of the earliest examples of guerrilla warfare is Shivaji, the Maratha king. He fought several battles in which he used guerrilla tactics to overcome superi or forces. He innovated rules of military engagement pioneering the "Shiva sutra" or ganimi kava (guerrilla tactics), which leveraged strategic factors like geography, speed, surprise and focused pinpoint attacks to defeat his larger and more powerful enemies.

"Quwwat-ul-Islam' Mosque was built by -

A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
B. Alauddin Khilji
C. İltutmish
D. Mohammad Adilshah
Answer» A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
Explanation: Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque (Might of Islam) (also known as the Qutub Mosque or the Great Mosque of Delhi) was built by Qutb- ud-din Aibak, founder of the Mamluk or Slave dynasty. It was the first mosque built in Delhi after the Islamic conquest of India and the oldest surviving example of Ghurids architecture in Indian subcontinent.

Razia Sultan, the first woman to sit on the throne of Delhi, was the daughter of Sultan -

A. Mohammed Ghori
B. Mohammed of Ghazni
C. Iltutmish
D. Alauddin Khilji
Answer» C. Iltutmish
Explanation: In 1236 Iltutmish, on his death- bed, nominated his daughter Raziya as his heiress. But the nobles of the court were too proud to bow their heads before a woman, and disregarding the deceased Sultan's wishes, raised to the throne his eldest surviving son, Ruknud- din Firuz.

Name the king who invaded Delhi and plundered the Kohinoor Diamond.

A. Nadir Shah
B. Flruz Shah
C. Mohammed Shah
D. Mohammed Ghori
Answer» A. Nadir Shah
Explanation: Nadir Shah of Iran invaded India in 1739 and sacked Agra and Delhi. Along with the Peacock Throne, he also carried off the Koh- i Noor to Persia in 1739. It was allegedly Nadir Shah who exclaimed Koh-i Noor! when he finally managed to obtain the famous stone, and this is how the stone gained its present name There is no reference to this name before 1739.

Which battle did open the Delhi area to Muhammad Ghori?

A. First Battle of Tarain
B. Second Battle of Tarain
C. Battle of Khanwa
D. First Battle of Panipat
Answer» B. Second Battle of Tarain
Explanation: In 1192, Ghori after returning to his capital Ghazni challenged Prithviraj at the Second Battle of Tarain where the latter was comprehensively beaten. The victory of Mohammad of Ghur was decisive, and laide foundation of the Sultanate of Delhi.

The Sultans of which dynasty ruled for the longest time?

A. Khilji dynasty
B. Tughluq dynasty
C. Slave dynasty
D. Lodi dynasty
Answer» B. Tughluq dynasty
Explanation: The Delhi Sultanate is a term used to cover five short-lived dynasties; Delhi based kingdoms or sultanates, mostly of Turkic and Pashtun (Afghan) originin medieval India. The sultanates ruled from Delhi between 1206 and 1526, when the last was replaced the Mughal dynasty. The five dynasties were the Mamluk dynasty (1206-90); the Khilji dynasty (1290-1320): the Tughlaq dynasty (1320-1414); the Sayyid dynasty (1414-51); and the Afghan Lodi dynasty (1451-1526).

Krishnadevaraya built the Krishnaswami temple in Hampi, which is situated in the present state of

A. Karnataka
B. Calcutta
C. Jammu and Kashmir
D. Kerala
Answer» A. Karnataka
Explanation: Hampi is in Karnataka. Hampi has been declareds World Heritage Site.

Who among the following was the last Delhi Sultan?

A. Sikandar Lodi
B. Daulat Khan Lodi
C. Rana Sanga
D. Ibrahim Lodi
Answer» D. Ibrahim Lodi
Explanation: Babur defeated Ibrahim Lodi (1517-1526) in the first Battle of Panipat and established the rule of Mughals

Who among the following was defeated by Prithvi Raj Chauhan in the first battle of Tarain?

A. Balban
B. Muhammad Ghori
C. Mahmud of Ghazni
D. Iltutmish
Answer» B. Muhammad Ghori
Explanation: Prithvi Raj Chauhan defeated Muhammad Ghori in the first Battle of Tarain in 1191 AD.

Rajatarangini was written by -

A. Kalhana
B. Alberuni
C. Harsha Vardhana
D. Kautilya
Answer» A. Kalhana
Explanation: Kalhan, a Kashmiri, was the author of Rajatarangini (Chronicle of Kings), an account of the history o Kashmir. He wrote the work in Sanskrit between 1148 and 1149.

Who is regarded as the second Alexander?

A. Jalal-ud-din Khilji
B. Mubarak Khilji
C. Khusru Khan
D. Ala-ud-din Khilji
Answer» D. Ala-ud-din Khilji
Explanation: Considered one of the greatest of the Sultans of Delhi, Ala-ud-din Khalji came to power in a bloody coup. He prefixed the title of Sikandar Sani which means the Second Alexander.

Who among the following was nown as the Parrot of India?

A. Hussain Shah
B. Amir Khusrau
C. BarbakShah
D. Nanak
Answer» B. Amir Khusrau
Explanation: Amir Khusrau was a poet, historian, musician, and scholar, who is considered an iconic figure in the cultural history of the Indian subcontinent. It was he who himself called Tuti-e-Hind' (parrot of India). To speak the truth, I am an Indian Parrot. If you want to listen from me some subtle verses, ask me then to recite some of my Hindi poems''.

Who introduced leather token currency in India?

A. Akbar
B. Mohammad-Bin-Tughlaq
C. Babur
D. Humayun
Answer» B. Mohammad-Bin-Tughlaq
Explanation: There is no evidence of any ruler of Indian history issuing leather token currency. Mohammad bin Tughlaq of the Delhi Sultanate intro duced token coins of brass and copper which had the same value as silver coins during 1329-1330. This experiment turned out to be a major failure as the token coins began to be forged, leading to irreparable loss to the exchequer.

When did the reign of Delhi Sultanate came to an end?

A. 1498 A.D.
B. 1526 A.D.
C. 1565 A.D.
D. 1600 A.D.
Answer» B. 1526 A.D.
Explanation: The Delhi Sultanate ruled over large parts of India for 320 years from 1206 to 1526 A.D. The last ruler Ibrahim Lodi, was defeated in the first Battle of Panipat (1526 A.D.) by Babur who laid the foundation of the Mughal Empire in India.

Who of the Delhi sultans pursued the policy of 'blood and iron'?

A. Alauddin Khilji
B. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
C. Balban
D. Iltutmish
Answer» C. Balban
Explanation: Balban, who was the ninth sultan of the Mamluk dynasty of Delhi, adopted the policy of Blood and Iron to tackle the law and order situation in the area around Delhi and in the Ganga-Yamuna doab. The Mewatis had become as bold as to plunder people upto the outskirts of Delhi. As a result of his policy of blood and iron, robbers were mercilessly pursued and putto death.

The greatness of Shershah lies in his:

A. Secular attitude
B. Victories against Humayun
C. Superior generalship
D. Administrative reforms
Answer» D. Administrative reforms
Explanation: Sher Shah Suri is mainly remembered for his adistrative reforms which was modified and expanded by later rulers. He established a sound and strong administrative system by dividing his empire into 42 Sarkars each of which was subdivided into Parganas Besides he introduced proper land revenue system and carried out currency reforms. His was an enlightened despotism.

The token currency using copper and brass coins was modeled after which country's example by Muhammedbin Tuglaq?

A. Japan
B. Greece
C. China
D. Russia
Answer» C. China
Explanation: While introducing token currency, Muhammad bin Tughluq was encouraged by Qublai Khan, the ruler of China and Ghazan Khan, the ruler of Persia who had successfully experimented with a token currency in their kingdoms. He introduced the Copper/ brass coins which were to pass at the value of the contem porary Silver Tanka.

Who founded the City of Delhi?

A. Khilji
B. Lodhi
C. Tamara
D. Tughlaq
Answer» C. Tamara
Explanation: The present-day Delhi was founded by Anang Pal of the Rajput Tomar dynasty in 736 A.D. It was then known as Lal Kot. As per the Prithviraj Raso of Chandabardai, Anangpal established the "Killi" (nail) in Dhil li. From here, the name Dhillika came up which later developed in Dilli or Delhi.

Who among the following Sikh Gurus had laid the foundation of Amritsar?

A. Guru Amar Das
B. Guru Ram Das
C. Guru Arjan Dev
D. Guru Har Govind
Answer» B. Guru Ram Das
Explanation: The foundation of Amritsar was laid in 1577 by Guru Ram Das (1534-81). He inaugurated the digging of the holy tank Amritsar (pool of nectar) on a piece of land which was gifted by the Mughal Emper or Akbar to Guru Ram Das' wife Bibi Bhani. Amritsar originally called Ramdaspur -Guru Ramdas's City (literally the City of God's Servant).

Which of the following writers has called Akbar's Din-i-Ilahi as a monument of his folly, not of wisdom?

A. Badayuni
B. Vincent Smith
C. Barni
D. W. Haig
Answer» B. Vincent Smith
Explanation: Vincent Arthur Smith, a British Indologist and art historian, in his book titled The Early History of India,' described whole scheme of Din-i-Ilahi as the outcome of ridiculous vanity, monstrous growth of unre strained autocracy-a monument of Akbar's folly, not of his wisdom." He further called it "a silly invention.

The first woman ruler in Indian history was:

A. Razia Sultan
B. Hamida Begum
C. Mehrunissa
D. Hazrat Mahal
Answer» A. Razia Sultan
Explanation: Razia Sultan, daughter of IlItutmish, was the first woman ruler of India. She was the Sultan of Delhi in India fronm 1236 to May 1240. She was the only woman ruler of both the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughal period, although other women ruled from behind the scenes.

Mohammed Bin Tuglaq transferred his capital from -

A. Delhi to Warangal
B. Delhi to Devagiri
C. Delhi to Madurai
D. Delhi to Vijayanagar
Answer» B. Delhi to Devagiri
Explanation: In 1327, Muhammad bin Tughluq passed an orde to shift the capital from Delhi to Daulatabad, also known as Devagiri, in present- day Maharashtra. The transfer of capital was one of his controversial steps since the inhabitants of Delhi were made to leave their homes and were forced to march 700 miles down south with their women, children and all such belongings they could carry. Many were killed on the way in the 40-days journey and few could survive.

Who was appointed by Akbar as his Court Musician?

A. Abul Fazal
B. Mian Tansen
C. Raja Birbal
D. Raja Todar Mal
Answer» B. Mian Tansen
Explanation: Mian Tansen was appointed as a court musician by Akbar in 1562 A.D. He was a disciple of Swami Haridas and later became disciple of Hazrat Muhammad Ghaus (Gwalior). He was earlier a court musician with the prince of Mewar. Tansen was one of the Navaratnas' of Akbar's court.

The city of Vijayanagar is also known as -

A. Halebidu
B. Chandragiri
C. Hampi
D. Kondavidu
Answer» C. Hampi
Explanation: Vijaya Nagara, meaning the city of victory was the capital city of the historic Vijayanagara Empire which extended over South India. The city's ruins, surrounding the modern-day village of Hampi, are in Ballari district, Karnataka.

Which Turkish ruler invaded India 14 times between 1000 and 1026 AD?

A. Mahamud of Ghazni
B. Mauhamed Tughlaq
C. Changez Khan
D. Mahmood Ghalib
Answer» A. Mahamud of Ghazni
Explanation: Mahmud of Ghazni, the most prominent ruler of the Ghaznavid Empire, invaded and plundered India seventeen times between 1000 and 1027 A.D. In 1027 AD, he invaded the famous Somnath temple in Gujarat. The main aim of his frequent invasions was to obtain wealth.

Tulsidas wrote Ram- charitmanas in the reign of -

A. Babur
B. Akbar
C. Aurangzeb
D. Jahangir
Answer» B. Akbar
Explanation: Tulsidas wrote the Ramcharitmanas in Ayodhya in Vikram Samvat during the reign of Akbar (1556-1605 A.D.). Itis an epic poem in Awadhi. Ramcharitmanas literally means "lake of the deeds of Rama.

Pesently Daulatabad where Muhammad-bin Tughlaq had transferred the capital from Delhi is situated near -

A. Mysore
B. Aurangabad
C. Nizamabad
D. Bhopal
Answer» B. Aurangabad
Explanation: Daulatabad is a 14th-century fort city in Maharashtra, India, about 16 kilometers northwest of Aurangabad. Starting 1327, it famously remained the capital of Tughlaq dynasty, under Muhammad bin Tughluq (r. 1325-1351), who also changed its name and forcibly moved the entire population of Delhi there, for two years, before it was abandoned due to lack of water.

Who discovered the sea-route to India?

A. Vasco da Gama
B. Columbus
C. Magellan
D. Henry the Navigator
Answer» A. Vasco da Gama
Explanation: Portuguese sailor Vasco da Gama discovered the sea-route to India.

Babur was succeeded to the Mughal throne by:

A. Sher Shah
B. Akbar
C. Humayun
D. Bahadur Shah
Answer» C. Humayun
Explanation: Babur (1526-30) was succeeded by his son Humayun (1530-40 and 1555-56).

Qutab Minar, as we find at present, was finally re-built by -

A. Balban
B. Ala-ud-din Khilji
C. Sikandar Lodi
D. Firoz Tughluq
Answer» D. Firoz Tughluq
Explanation: During the rule of Firoz Shah, the minar's two top floors were damaged due to lightning but were repaired by Firoz Shah. In the year 1505, an earth quake struck and it was repaired by Sikandar Lodi Later on in the year 1794, the minar faced another earthquake and it was Major Smith, an engineer who repaired the affected parts of the minar. He replaced Firoz Shah's pavilion with his own pavilion at the top. The floors built by Firoz Shah can be distinguished easily as the pavilions was built of white marbles and are quite smooth as compared to other ones.

The Grand Trunk Road was built during the reign of which ruler?

A. Shershah Suri
B. Babar
C. Shah Jahan
D. Akbar
Answer» A. Shershah Suri
Explanation: The Sadak-e-Azam (great road) is universally recognized as having been the precursor of the Grand Trunk Road. The road was initially built by Sher Shah to connect Agra, his capital, with Sasaram, his hometown.

Krishnadevaraya main-tained freindly relations with the -

A. French
B. British
C. Portuguese
D. Dutch
Answer» C. Portuguese
Explanation: Krishna Deva Raya established friendly relations with the Portuguese, who set up the Portuguese Dominion of India in Goa in 1510. The Emperor obtained guns and Arabian horses from the Portuguese merchants. He also utilized Portuguese expertise in improving water supply to Vijayanagara City.

Which of the following Mughal monarchs has vividly described Indian flora & fauna, seasons, fruits etc., in his diary?

A. Akbar
B. Shahjahan
C. Babur
D. Aurangzeb
Answer» C. Babur
Explanation: A very notable feature of Mughal times was the development of interest in natural history. Both Babur account of Indian fauna and flora (Baburnama) and Jahangir's investigations in Natural History (Tuzuk-i Jahangiri) are well known. Babur offers his description of fauna of India in a very systematic style. Jahangir's interest in animals, birds and fauna shoeven a greater scientific bent of mind than his great grandfather. He had perhaps greater leisure than Babur had to satisfy his sense of curiosity, but that he had such a sense surely is much to his credit.

Which Sultan of Delhi established an employment bureau, a charity bureau and a charitable hospital?

A. Firoz Tughlaq
B. Mohammad Tughlaq
C. Alauddin Khilji
D. Balbarn
Answer» A. Firoz Tughlaq
Explanation: Firuz Shah Tughlaq instituted economic policies to increase material welfare of his people. Many rest houses (sarai), gardens and tombs were built. A number of Madrasas were opened to encourage literacy He set up hospitals for the free treatment of the poor and encouraged physicians in the development of Unani medicine. He provided money for the marriage of girls belonging to poor families.

Who translated Ramayana into Persian?

A. Abul Fazl
B. Badauni
C. Abdul Latif
D. Isar Das
Answer» B. Badauni
Explanation: Mullah Abd-ul-gadir Bada'uni was an Indo-Persian historian and translator living during the Mughal period in India. Jalaluddin Muhammad Akbar appointed him to the religious office in the royal courts in 1574 where he spent much of his career he translated the Hindu works, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata. The most notable work of Bada'uni is Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh (Selection of Chronicles) or Tarikh-i-Bada uni (Bada'uni'sHistory) which is a general History of the Muslims of India.

Who got constructed 'Grand Trunk Road?

A. Akbar
B. Ashoka
C. Shershah Suri
D. Samudra Gupta
Answer» C. Shershah Suri
Explanation: The Grand Trunk Road is one of South Asia's oldest and longest major roads. For several centuries, it has linked the eastern and western regions of the Indian subcontinent, running from Chittagong, Bangladesh through to Howrah, West Bengal in India across north India into Peshawar (in present day Pakistan), up to Kabul, Afghanistan. The modern road was built by Sher Shah Suri, who renovated and extended the ancient route in the 16th century.

Who was the greatest Bhakti poet of Maharasthra?

A. Ramdas
B. Tukaram
C. Namdeva
D. Eknath
Answer» B. Tukaram
Explanation: Saint Tukaram (1608-1645) was a prominent Varkari Sant (Saint) and spiritual poet during a Bhakti movement in India. Dilip Purushottam Chitre, a well known Marathi Scholar, identifies Tukaram as the first modern poet of Marathi. Chitre believes that Tukaram was the second saint after Sant Dnyaneshwar who denied caste hierarchy in Hindu religion and attacked rituals present in Hindu Dharma.

The foreign traveller who visited India during the Mughal period and who left us an expert's description of the Peacock Throne, was -

A. Geronimo Verroneo
B. 'Omrah' Danishmand Khan
C. Travernier
D. Austin of Bordeaux
Answer» C. Travernier
Explanation: Tavernier gives a detailed and vivid description of the “Peacock Throne" in his book Le Six Voyages de J. B. Tavernier-The Six Voyages of J. B. Tavernier. Its during Tavernier's sixth voyage to India, which he undertook between 1663 and 1668, he had the privilege of visiting the court of the great Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb, at Jahanabad, at the invitation of the Emperor himself. The main purpose of Tavern ier's invitation to the Emperor's court, was for the Emperor to inspect whatever jewels Tavernier had brought from the west, with a view of purchasing them. The description of the throne appears in Chapter VIII of Volume II of his book, which concerns about preparations for the Emperor's annual birthday val, during which he is solemnly weighed every year, and also about the splendor of his thrones and the magnificence of his court. Tavernier's account of the Peacock Throne is the most comprehensive account of the throne available to modern historians.

Which of the following are incorrectly paired?

A. Krishnadeva Raya- Amukta Malyada
B. HarshavardhanaーNagananda
C. Kalidasa- Ritusamhara
D. Visakhadatta Kiratarjuniyam
Answer» D. Visakhadatta Kiratarjuniyam
Explanation: Visakhadatta is the author of the play (drama) Mudra Rakshasa that narrates the ascent of the king Chandragupta Maurya to power in Northern India. Mudrarakshasa is dated variously from the late 4th century to the 8th century.

Ibn Batuta visited India during the reign of -

A. Iltutmish
B. Ala-ud-din Khalji
C. Muhammad bin Tughluq
D. Balban
Answer» C. Muhammad bin Tughluq
Explanation: Ibn Battuta, the famous Moroccan traveler, visited India during the reign of Muhammad bin Tughluq Muhammad bin Tughluq was renowned as the wealth iest man in the Muslim World at that time. He patronized various scholars, sufis, qadis, viziers and other functionaries in order to consolidate his rule. On the strength of his years of study in Mecca, Ibn Batuta was appointed a qazi, or judge, by the sultan. He found it difficult to enforce Islamic laws beyond the sultan's court in Delhi, due to lack of Islamic appeal in India.

The Battle of Haldighati was fought between -

A. Akbar and Rana Sangram Singh
B. Akbar and Medini Rai
C. Akbar and Rana Pratap Singh
D. Akbar and Uday Singh FCI Assistant Grade- II
Answer» C. Akbar and Rana Pratap Singh
Explanation: The Battle of Haldighati was fought between the Mughal Empire and the forces of Mewar on June 21, 1576 at Haldighati. Remembered as the most important event in Rajput history, the battle of Haldighati was an "Indecisive Battle". It was fought between Akbar (Ruler of Mughals) and Maharana PratapSingl I (Ruler of Rajputs). It was a short-span battle that lasted for only 4 hours. Abdul Qadir Badayuni was present at the Battle of Haldighati.

The famous Peacock Throne of Shah Jahan was taken away in 1739 by -

A. Afghan invader Ahmed Shah Abdali
B. Persian invader Nadir Shah
C. Mongol invader Chengiz Khan
D. British East India Company
Answer» B. Persian invader Nadir Shah
Explanation: The Peacock Throne, called Takht-e Tavus in Persian, is the name originally given to a Mughal throne of India. Nader Shah invaded the Mughal Empire in 1738, and returned to Persia in 1739 with the original Peacock Throne as well as many other treasures, amounting to a very large reduction in Indian wealth taken from the Mughal emperor Muhammad Shah.

The Chalukyas established their empire in -

A. The Far South
B. Malwa
C. The Deccan
D. Gujarat
Answer» C. The Deccan
Explanation: The Chalukya dynasty was an Indian royal dynaty that ruled large parts of southern and central India between the 6th and the 12th centuries. During this period, they ruled as three related yet individual dynasties: "Badami Chalukyas", ruled from Vatapi (modern Badami) from the middle of the 6th century; Eastern Chalukyas, who ruled from Vengi until about the 11th century; and the Western Chalukyas who ruled from Kalyani until the end of the 12th century.

Who made the monumental 'Rayagopurams' in front of the temples at Hampi, Tiruv-annamalai, Chidambaram, Srirangam, Tirupati, etc., constructed?

A. Vidyaranya
B. Krishnadevaraya
C. Harihara
D. Rajaraja
Answer» B. Krishnadevaraya
Explanation: Rajagopuram literally means Royal Tower, a trance that is fit for royalty but especially for the God in the Temples. Krishnadevaraya is credited with the building of thousand pillared mandapas and the raya gopurams which were spread out throughout the country-side in South India.

Which of the following architec tural wonders was not constructed in the 12th A.D.?

A. Sun-temple of Konark
B. Temple of Khajuraho
C. Ankorvat
D. Notre Dam, the Paris
Answer» A. Sun-temple of Konark
Explanation: Konark Sun Temple is a 13th century Sun Temple (also known as the Black Pagoda), at Konark, in Orissa. It was constructed from oxidized and weathered ferruginous sandstone by King Narasimhadeva- I (12381250 CE) of the Eastern Ganga Dynasty. The temple is an example of Orissan architecture of Ganga dynasty. The temple is one of the most renowned temples in India and is a World Heritage Site.

Select the incorrectly matched pair of philosophers and their philosophies.

A. Sankaracharya Advaita
B. Ballabhacharya-Pure-Advaita
C. Chaitanya-Vishistha-Advaita
D. Charvak-Lokayat
Answer» C. Chaitanya-Vishistha-Advaita
Explanation: Vishishtadvaita is a sub-school of the Vedanta (literally, end or the goal of Knowledge, Sanskrit) school of Hindu philosophy, the other major sub-school of Vedanta being Advaita, Dvaita, and Achintya- Bheda Abheda. VishishtAdvaita (literally Advaita with unique ness/qualifications") is a non-dualistic school of Vedanta philosophy. Ramanuja, the main proponent of Visishtadvaita philosophy contends that the Prasthana Traya (The three courses") i.e. Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, and Brahma Sutras are to be interpreted in way that shows this unity in diversity, for any other way would violate their consistency.

During Akbar's reign the Mahabharat was translated into Persian and is known as -

A. Iqbal Namah
B. Razm Namah
C. Akbar Namah
D. Sakinat-ul-Auliya
Answer» B. Razm Namah
Explanation: Razmnama is an abridged translation of the Mahabharata written in Persian at the behest of the Mughal Emperor Akbar and dates to around 1598-99. Razmnama is noted for its elaborate and exquisite illustrations.

The greatness of Sher Shah lies in his -

A. victories against Humayun
B. superior generalship
C. administrative reforms
D. religious tolerance
Answer» C. administrative reforms
Explanation: Sher Shah is regarded as one of the greatest figures in Indian history, chiefly on account of his administrative reforms. He was the first Muslim ruler of India who displayed a real aptitude for civil government. His short rule was marked by many beneficent reforms in every branch of administration. For administrative convenience Sher Shah divided his whole empire into 47 divisions called sarkars.

The temple built in 1 100 A. D and dominating all other temples in Bhubaneshwar is -

A. Raja Rani temple
B. Kandariya Mahadev
C. Tribhuvaneswara Lingaraja
D. Mukhteswara
Answer» C. Tribhuvaneswara Lingaraja
Explanation: Lingaraj Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Harihara, another name for Shiva and is one of the oldest temples of Bhubaneswar. Shiva is here worshipped as Tribhuvaneshwara (Master of three worlds Heaven, Earth and Netherworld). The temple is more than 1100 years old, dating back in its present form to the last decade of the eleventh century, though there is evidence that parts of the temple have been there since sixth century CE asthe temple has been emphasized in some of the seventh century Sanskrit texts.

The second Battle of Panipat was fought between -

A. Akbar and Hemu
B. Rajputs and Mughals
C. Babur and Ibrahim Lodi
D. Sikander and Adilshah
Answer» A. Akbar and Hemu
Explanation: The Second Battle of Panipat was fought between the forces of Samrat Hem Chandra Vikramaditya, popularly called Hemu, the Hindu king who was ruling North India from Delhi, and the army of Akbar, on November 5, 1556. It was a decisive victory for Alkbar's generals Khan Zaman I and Bairam Khan.

The Sufi saint who maintained that devotional music was one way of moving closer to God was - (1)

A. Muin-ud-din-Chisti
B. (2) Baba Farid
C. Saiyid Muhammed
D. Shah Alam Bukhari
Answer» B. (2) Baba Farid
Explanation: Farid-ud'din Mas'ud (1175-1265 AD). better known as Sheikh Farid, or Baba Farid, is one of the most revered and distinguished of medieval Sufi Mystic He found music as a way of reaching God. Baba Farid's mystic songs were intended to break the strain of his emotions, to quicken his emotional response, and to attune his heart to the infinite and the eternal. Sometimes he would himself recite couplets and supply fuel to his burning emotions.

The founder of the Independent Sikh State was:

A. Guru Nanak
B. Guru Govind Singh
C. Dalip Singh
D. Ranjit Singh
Answer» D. Ranjit Singh
Explanation: Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the founder of the Sikh Empire, which came to power in the Indian subconti nent in the early half of the 19th century. The empire, based in thePunjab region, existed from 1799 to 1849. It was forged, on the foundations of the Khalsa, under the leadership of Maharaja Ranjit Singh from a collection of autonomous Sikh Misls.

What was the official language of the Sultanate?

A. Persian
B. Urdu
C. Arabic
D. Hindi
Answer» A. Persian
Explanation: Persian was the official language during the period of the Delhi Sultanate. The rise of Persian spea people to the throne naturally resulted in the spread of the Persian language in India.

What is meant by a 'pir' in the Sufi tradition?

A. The Supreme God
B. The Guru of the Sufis
C. The greatest of all Sufi saints
D. The orthodox teacher who
Answer» B. The Guru of the Sufis
Explanation: Pir is a title for a Sufi master equally used in the nath tradition. They are also referred to as a Hazrat or Shaikh, which is Arabic for Old Man. The title often translated into English as "saint" and could be interpreted as "Elder". In Sufism a Pir's role is to guide and instruct his disciples on the Sufi path. This is ften done by general lessons (called Suhbas) an individual guidance.

Which one of the following monuments in Delhi is not included as a World Heritage Site?

A. Red Fort
B. Humayun's Tomb
C. Qutab Minar
D. Jantar Mantar
Answer» D. Jantar Mantar
Explanation: Red Fort (2007); Humayun's Tomb (1993); Qutab Minar (1993) Jantar Mantar of Jaipur was included as World Heritage Site in 2010.

Who got the Gita translated into Persian?

A. Shah Jahan
B. Akbar
C. Murad
D. Dara Shikoh
Answer» D. Dara Shikoh
Explanation: Dara Shikoh translated the Gita into Persian.

The first Mughal emperor of India was

A. Shahjahan
B. Humayun
C. Babar
D. Akbar
Answer» C. Babar
Explanation: Zahir-ud-din Muhammad Babur was a conqueror from Central Asia who became the first Mughal emperor of India in 1526. The defeat of Ibrahim Lodi at the hands of Babur in the First Battle of Panipat (1526) led to the establishment of Mughal rule in India.

Name the Indian king who warmly received the Portuguese traveller Vasco da Gama when helanded at Calicut.

A. Asaf Jah Ismail Mulk
B. Devaraya
C. Zamorin
D. Krishnadevaraya
Answer» C. Zamorin
Explanation: The Portuguese traveler Vasco da Gama reached the port of Calicut on 17 May 1498 and he was warmly received by Zamorin, the ruler of Calicut. He returned to Portugal in the next year to make a second trip in 1502. This led to the establishment of trading stations at Calicut, Cannanore and Cochin.

Which is the holy book of the Sikh religion?

A. Bhagwad Gita
B. Baani
C. Gurmukhi
D. Guru Granth Sahib
Answer» D. Guru Granth Sahib
Explanation: Guru Granth Sahib is the central religious text of Sikhism, considered by Sikhs to be the final, sovereign guru among the lineage of 11 Sikh Gurus of the religion. It is a voluminous text of 1430 pages, compiled and composed during the period of Sikh gurus from 1469 to 1708.

Which of the following forts was not built by Akbar?

A. Gwalior Fort
B. Agra Fort
C. Lahore Fort
D. Allahabad Fort
Answer» A. Gwalior Fort
Explanation: Gwalior Fort is an 8th-century hill fort near Gwalior Madhya Pradesh. The fort consists of a defensive structure and two main palaces, Gurjari Mahal and Man Mandir, built by Man Singh Tomar in the 8th century A.D.

Who among the following rulers abolished Jaziya?

A. Aurangzeb
B. Balban
C. Akbar
D. Jahangir
Answer» C. Akbar
Explanation: In 1564, Akbar abolished Jizya which was levied from the Hindus. It was a tax on non-Muslims and was seen as a way to encourage poor Hindus to convert to Islam. This was hated by the Hindus because it was a symbol of their inferiority and involved a lot of humiliation.

Which of the following monuments is the oldest?

A. QutabMinar
B. Khajuraho
C. Ajanta Caves
D. Taj Mahal
Answer» C. Ajanta Caves
Explanation: The Ajanta Caves in Aurangabad district of Maharashtra are about 30 rock-cut Buddhist cave monuments which date from the 2nd century BC to abou 480 or 650 A.D. Most Khajuraho temples were buil between 950 and 1050 A.D by the Rajput Chandel dynasty. TheQutb Minar was built in the 13th century A.D, while the Taj Mahal was built in the 17th century.

Who was the elder brother of Shah Shuja and Murad Baksh?

A. Aurangzeb
B. Azam Shah
C. Muhammad Kam Baksh
D. Dara Shikoh
Answer» D. Dara Shikoh
Explanation: Shah Shuja (1616-1661) and Murad Baksh (1624-1661) were the second and sixth sonsrespectively of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan and his Empress consort Mumtaz Mahal. Aurangzeb (1618-1707), the third son, was elder to Murad Baksh, but younger to Shah Shuja. Dara Shikoh (1615-1659) was the eldest among the six sons of Shahjahan.

Which battle led to the downfall of the Vijayanagar empire?

A. Battle of Takkolam
B. Battle of Talikota
C. Battle of Kanwah
D. Battle of Panipat
Answer» B. Battle of Talikota
Explanation: The Battle of Talikota (26 January 1565) was a watershed battle fought between the Vijayanagara Empire and the Deccan sultanatesof Ahmednagar, Bijapur, Golkonda, Berar and Bidar. It ended in the defeat of Vijayanagara, resulting in its subsequent weaking.

Which of the following Sultans of Tughlaq dynasty issued copper coins instead of silver ones?

A. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq
B. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
D. Mahmud Tughlaq
Answer» B. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
Explanation: In 1330 A.D, Delhi Sultan Muhammad bin Tughluq issued token currency; that is coins of brass and copper were minted whose value was equal to that of gold and silver coins. However, these coins totally lacked theartistic design and perfection in finishing and even the administrators of the king took no mea sure to keep the design secured and protected. This resulted in mass forging of the coins, leading to the failure of the scheme.

Akbar's tomb is located at which of the following places?

A. Sikandara
B. Agra
C. Fatehpur Sikri
D. Allahabad
Answer» A. Sikandara
Explanation: Akbar's tombis situated in 119 acres of grounds in Sikandra, a suburb of Agra, Uttar Pradesh. Considered as an important Mughal architectural master piece, it was built in 1605-1613. The other Mughal monuments that are located in the vicinity of Akbar's tomb are: Mariam's Tomb, the tomb of Mariam-uz Zamani, wife of the Akbar and the mother of Jahanir.

Bahadur Shah (First) was born in the year

A. 1543
B. 1643
C. 1843
D. 1743
Answer» B. 1643
Explanation: Bahadur Shah I was born on 14 October 1643 in Burhanpur to the sixth Mughal emperor, Aurangzeb and his secondary wife Nawab Bai. He became the eventh Mughal emperor of India and ruled from 1707 until his death in 1712.

Which of the following Alberuni's account of India?

A. Chachnama
B. Futuh-us-Salatin
C. Tarikh-i-Yamini
D. Kitab-ul-Hind
Answer» D. Kitab-ul-Hind
Explanation: The "Kitab Tarikh Al-Hind" (History of India) of Al Biruni contains description of India when he came to India along with Mahmud of Ghazni in 1017 A.D. In this book, he explored nearly every aspect of Indianlife, including religion, history, geography, geology science, and mathematics. He documented the more civilian and scholarly areas of Hindu life in the book.

Which dynasty was started by Khizr Khan?

A. The Sayyids
B. The Lodhis
C. The Rajputs
D. The Khiljis
Answer» A. The Sayyids
Explanation: Khizr Khan founded the Sayyid dynasty, the fourth dynasty of the Delhi Sultanate, in 1414 A.D. The dynasty was founded soon after the invasion of Timur and the fall of the Tughluq dynasty. Khan was the governor of Multan under theTughluq ruler, Firoz Shalh Tughluq.

Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh of Jaipur had not built the observatory at                 .

A. Varanasi
B. Allahabad
C. Ujain
D. Mathura
Answer» B. Allahabad
Explanation: Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh built five observatoriest Delhi, Mathura, Varanasi, Uijain and Jaipur. Relying primarily on Indian astronomy, these buildings were used to accurately predict eclipses and other astronomical events. Only the one at Jaipur is still operational.

Which of the following was the founder of the house of Peshawar?

A. Ramachandra Pant
B. Balaji Vishwanath
C. Balaji Baji Rao
D. Parsuram Triamsuk
Answer» B. Balaji Vishwanath
Explanation: Balaji Vishwanath was the founder of the house the Peshwas in 1714. He was the first of a series of hereditary Peshwas hailing from the Marathi Chitpavan Brahmin family who gained effective control of the Maratha Empire during the 18th century. He isalso called the second founder of the Maratha Empire.

Which Mughal Emperor transferred the Mughal Capital from Agra to Delhi?

A. Jahangir
B. Aurangzeb
C. Shahjahan
D. Bahadur Shah
Answer» C. Shahjahan
Explanation: The capital of Mughal Empire was changed from Agra to Delhi (traditionally known as Shahjahanabad) by Shah Jahan in the year 1638. The tenure of Shah Jahan was 1628- 1658 A.D.

The saviour of the Delhi Sultan ate was

A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
B. Minas-us-Siraj
C. Iltutmish
D. Ghias-ud-din Balban
Answer» D. Ghias-ud-din Balban
Explanation: Giyasuddin Balban came upon the throne at a time when the Delhi Sultanate had fallen into utter confusion due to the incompetence of the successors of Iltutmish. The country was subjected to foreign attacks. He reorganized the armed forces and thorough reforms were introduced in civil administration. Under his orders new strong fortresses were built in the north-western frontier. He saved the Sultanate fro impending disintegration. So he should be considered as the 'savior of the Delhi Sultanate.

Rana Pratap Singh of Mewar was defeated by the Mughal army in the battle of

A. Mewar
B. Chittor
C. Haldighati
D. Udaipur
Answer» C. Haldighati
Explanation: Rana Pratap Singh of Mewar was defeated by the Mughal Emperor Akbar in the battle of Haldighati in 1576.

Khalsa Panth was created by Guru Gobind Singh in which year?

A. 1599
B. 1707
C. 1699
D. 1657
Answer» C. 1699
Explanation: Khalsa is the collective body of Singhs and Kaurepresented by the five beloved- ones and is the final temporal Guru/leader of the Sikhs. The Khalsa was inaugurated on March 30, 1699, by Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh Guru. The leadership was passed on by Guru Gobind Singh to the Khalsa and bestowed the title "Guru Panth" or "Guru."

The innovator of the Revenue settlement during the rule of Akbar was-

A. Raja Mansingh
B. Raja Bhagwan Das
C. Raja Todarmal
D. Raja Birbal
Answer» C. Raja Todarmal
Explanation: Raja Todar Mal was a warrior, an able administrator and an exemplary finance minister. He was one of the 'Navratnas' of Akbar's courts. He introduced an excellent land revenue system. In 1582, the title Diwan -I - Ashraf was bestowed upon him by the Emperor.

Name the language that was designated as the Camp Language during the Medieval Period

A. Sanskrit
B. Pali
C. Hindi
D. Urdu
Answer» D. Urdu
Explanation: Urdu means "(military) camp" in the Hindustani nguage, from Turkish ordu meaning "army"; and Urdu language was the language of the camp when Nader Shah of Persia (now Iran) invaded India. The language went by several names over the years: Hindawi or Hindi, "language] of India": Dehlavi "of Delhi"; Hindustani, "of Hindustan"; and Zaban-e-Urdu, "the language of the [army] camp", from which came the current name of Urdu around the year 1800.

The Sikh Guru who wrote "Zafar Namah” in Persian was -

A. Guru Har Rai
B. Guru Har Krishan
C. Guru Gobind Singh
D. Guru Tegbahadur
Answer» C. Guru Gobind Singh
Explanation: Known as the Letter of Victory, Zafarnama was written in Persian by Guru Gobind Singh as a letter of defiance and delivered to the Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb in 1707. It was composed by Guru Gobind Singh in one of the darkest times for the Sikhs. Guru Gobind Singh had lost his four sons, while most of the Sikhs had either been scattered or killed on the battlefield. The letter praises God and then outlines the bloody battle of Chamkaur and the treachery of Aurangzeb and the Mughals who broke their oath not to attack the Sikhs.

Who defeated whom in the Seсond Battle of Tarain?

A. Prithviraj defeated Moham mad Ghaurl
B. Mahmud Ghazni defeated Prithviraj
C. Prithviraj defeated Mahmud Ghazní
D. Mohammad Ghauri defeated Prithviraj
Answer» D. Mohammad Ghauri defeated Prithviraj
Explanation: In 1192, Ghori after returning to his capital Ghazni challenged Prithviraj at the Second Battle of Tarain where the latter was comprehensively beaten. The victory of Mohammad of Ghur was decisive, and laid the foundation of the Sultanate of Delhi.

Who among the following Tomar rulers, is credited with founding the city of Delhi?

A. Anangapal
B. Vajrata
C. Rudrane
D. Devraja
Answer» A. Anangapal
Explanation: Anangpal Tomar was a Chandravanshi Rajput, a descendant of Samrat Parikshit of Mahabharat fame He was the first ruler to make ancient Indraprastha modern day Delhi his capital. Anang Pal founded the city of LalKot in AD 736. The Chauhans conquered Lal Kot in 1180 and renamed it Qila Rai Pithora.

The famous Bhakti Saint who belonged to the royal family of Mewar was -

A. Chaitanya
B. Andal
C. Meerabai
D. Ramabai
Answer» C. Meerabai
Explanation: Meerabai was an aristocratic Hindu mystical singer and devotee of Lord Krishna from Rajasthan and one of the most significant figures of the Sant tradition of the Vaishnava bhakti movement. Some 1,2001,300 prayerful songs or bhajans attributed to her are popular throughout India and have been published in several translations worldwide.

The dead body of Babar by his own choice lies buried in -

A. Agra
B. Farghana
C. Samarqand
D. Kabul
Answer» D. Kabul
Explanation: Babur died at the age of 47 in 1531. Though he wished to be buried in his favorite garden in Kabula city he had always loved, he was first buried in a mausoleum in the capital city of Agra. His remains were later moved to Bagh-e Babur (Babur Gardens) in Kabul, Afghanistan.

What do you mean by Mughal Zagir?

A. providing rent free land
B. zamindar's property
C. giving officer a right to reve nue
D. giving cash salary to Mansabdar
Answer» C. giving officer a right to reve nue
Explanation: Zagir was a piece of land held by the mansabdar which was granted by the Sultan. Mansabdars were given control over an area of land, a Zagir' whose revenue was to be used for maintaining troops; if not given a Zagir' they were paid in cash through a complicated accounting system, with deductions for various things including 'the rising of the moon'; it was a normal practice to pay for only eight or ten months in the year. The Mansabdars were allowed to keep five percent of the income of theZagir' or five per cent o the salaries received. In Mughal period, zagir was the practice giving officer a right to revenue.

Where was saint Kabir born?

A. Delhi
B. Varanasi
C. Mathura
D. Hyderabad
Answer» B. Varanasi
Explanation: Not much is known of Kabir's birth parents, but it is known that he was brought up in a family of Muslim weavers. He was found by a Muslim weaver named Niru and his wife, Nima, in Lehartara, situated in Varanasi. Kabir's family is believed to have lived in the locality of Kabir Chaura in Varanasi. Kabir ma?ha located in the back alleys of Kabir Chaura, celebrates his life and times.

The Qutub Minar was completed by the famous ruler -

A. Qutub-ud-din Aibak
B. Iltutmish
C. Firoz Shah Tughlaq
D. Alauddin Khilji
Answer» B. Iltutmish
Explanation: The construction of Qutb Minar was begun by Outub-ud-din Aibak in 1192 and was completed by Iltutmish. The soaring conical tower is an exquisite example of IndoIslamic Afghan architecture. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site in Delhi.

Shah Jahan built the Moti Masjid at -

A. Delhi
B. Agra
C. Jaipur
D. Amarkot
Answer» B. Agra
Explanation: The Moti Masjid in Agra was built by Shah Jahan During the rule of Shah Jahan the Mughal emperor numerous architectural wonders were built. Most famous of them is the Taj Mahal. Moti Masjid earned the epithet Pearl Mosque for it shined like a pearl. It is held that this mosque was constructed by Shah Jahan for his members of royal court. The Moti Masjid boasts of extensive white marble facing, a typical stylistic feature of architecture during the reign of Shah Jahan.
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