
The first shore-based, modern, integrated steel plant in India is in -

A. Salem
B. Haldia
C. Mangalore
D. Vishakhapatnam
Answer» C. Mangalore
Explanation: Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited - Visakhapatnam Steel Plant (RINL-VSP) a Government of Indian Undertaldng "Navratna" company popularly known as "Vizag Steer” a leading Central PSU under the Minis-try of Steel, Govt. of India is the first shore based integrated steel plant in the country with modern technology. RINL-VSP is known for adoption of new technology and was the first plant in the country to have 100° Continuous Casting technology. Biggest Blast Furnaces of 3200 cu.m, Tall Coke Ovens with Coke Dry Quenching facility. Rolling Mills equipped with world best "Stelmor & Tempcore" Processes, highest captive power generation from Waste heat 40 MW for current 3 Mt and would go up to 90 MW after expansion.
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