
130+ Indian Philosophy Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy (BA Philosophy) , Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) , Indian Administrative Service (IAS) .


‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ is considered as the foundation of Indian Philosophy

A. samhitas
B. brahmans
C. aranyakas
D. upanishads
Answer» D. upanishads

Philosophical knowledge does not aim to satisfying our theoretical interest, but also to

A. realizing god
B. realizing perfe
C. goo
D. in life
Answer» C. goo

Indian philosophy is essentially ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐in nature.

A. materialistic
B. spiritualisti
C. optimistic
D. ritualistic
Answer» B. spiritualisti

Indian Philosophy is called Darsana, which means

A. reality
B. truth
C. system
D. vision
Answer» D. vision

The Vedas are

A. apauruṣeya
B. apariya
C. aprameya,
D. none of these
Answer» A. apauruṣeya

Vedas are supposed to have been directly revealed, thus they are called

A. sm_ti
B. krithi
C. śruti
D. rithi
Answer» C. śruti

Sruti means

A. what is remembered
B. what is collected
C. what is informe
D. what is heard
Answer» D. what is heard

The Sanskrit word véda is derived from the root

A. vid
B. veed
C. ve
D. vide
Answer» A. vid

Vid means

A. to clear
B. to know
C. to say
D. to vivid
Answer» B. to know

Each Veda has divided in to

A. six parts
B. five parts
C. three parts
D. four parts
Answer» D. four parts

Which of the following is not a part of Veda?

A. samhita
B. purana
C. brahmans
D. aranyakas
Answer» B. purana

Samhitas contains

A. hymns or prayers
B. directions for rituals
C. gui lines for vanaprastha
D. philosophical thoughts
Answer» A. hymns or prayers

Brahmanas are mostly

A. hymns
B. philosophical thoughts
C. prose treatise
D. none of these
Answer» C. prose treatise

Aranyakas provide ritual guidance to

A. sacrificial duties
B. garhasthya
C. brahmacarya
D. vanaprastha
Answer» D. vanaprastha

The Upanishads are rich with

A. philosophical thoughts
B. hums or prayers
C. scussions on rituals
D. ritual guidenses
Answer» A. philosophical thoughts

The schools of Indian philosophy are divided into two broad classes, which are they?

A. purva mimamsa and utara mimamsa
B. orthodox and heterodox
C. theistic an
D. atheistic d. none of these
Answer» B. orthodox and heterodox

The schools which recognize the authority of the Vedas is called.

A. heterodox
B. nastika
C. ortho
D. x d. none of these
Answer» C. ortho

The schools which do not recognize the authority of the Vedas is called.

A. orthodox
B. heterodox
C. asthika
D. none of these
Answer» B. heterodox

Among the following which one is not a Asthika system?

A. nyaya
B. vaisesika
C. bu
D. ism d. samkhya
Answer» C. bu

Among the following which one is atheistic?

A. nyaya
B. vaisesika
C. yoga
D. samkhya
Answer» D. samkhya

Among the following which one is theistic?

A. samkhya
B. mimamsa
C. yoga
D. carvaka
Answer» C. yoga

is called the theistic Samkhya.

A. samkhya
B. mimamsa
C. yoga
D. carvaka
Answer» C. yoga

According to Vaisesika the world is composed by

A. the eternal atoms
B. padartas
C. avyas
D. none of these
Answer» A. the eternal atoms

The Nyaya and Vaisesika advocate

A. monism
B. dualism
C. atheism
D. pluralism
Answer» D. pluralism

The Vedanta advocates

A. dualism
B. spiritualistic monism
C. pluralism
D. materialism
Answer» B. spiritualistic monism

The Samkhya advocates

A. monism
B. dualism
C. atheism
D. pluralism
Answer» B. dualism

The Vedanta recognizes the reality of

A. isvara
B. purusa
C. prakrti
D. brahman
Answer» D. brahman

The Samkhya advocates dualism of

A. prakrti and purusas
B. brahman and atman
C. min
D. and matter d. none of these
Answer» A. prakrti and purusas

Ishvara in Sanskrit means

A. the god
B. the king
C. the lor
D. d. none of these
Answer» C. the lor

According to Indian Philosophy God is the creator, the preserver and the‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐of the cosmos

A. successor
B. destroyer
C. master
D. none of these
Answer» B. destroyer

All schools of Indian philosophy except the ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐believe in the Lawof Karma.

A. none of the mentioned
B. ddhism b. jainism
C. carvaka
D. samkhya
Answer» C. carvaka

As we sow, so we reap is related with

A. law of reality
B. law of
C. usation c. law of liberation
D. law of karma
Answer» D. law of karma

Punya is a result of

A. performance of a duty
B. violation of duty
C. rejection of
D. ty d. none of these
Answer» A. performance of a duty

Violation of a duty or commission of a forbidden action produces

A. punya
B. merit
C. arma
D. papa
Answer» D. papa

According to Indian Philosophy merit and demerit are considered as

A. spshta
B. adrsta
D. sya d. none of these
Answer» B. adrsta

adrsta means

A. unseen agencies
B. seen agen
C. es c. forbi
D. en agencies d. none of these
Answer» A. unseen agencies

Accumulated karmas of the past births is called

A. anara
B. ha karma b. sanciyamana karma
C. prarab
D. a karma d. agamika karma
Answer» D. a karma d. agamika karma

Karmas which will be acquired in future is called

A. sanciyamana karma
B. anarabdha karma
C. prarab
D. a karma d. agamika karma
Answer» B. anarabdha karma

karmas which are being acquired in this birth is called

A. sanciyamana karma
B. anarabdha karma
C. prarab
D. a karma d. agamika karma
Answer» A. sanciyamana karma

For Jaina liberation means

A. complete destruction of karma‐matter investing the soul
B. complete extinction of suffering
C. complete
D. struction of desires
Answer» A. complete destruction of karma‐matter investing the soul

Complete destruction of merit and demerit and absolute extinction of pain as release, which system holds this view?

A. samkhya
B. mimamsa
C. yoga
D. carvaka
Answer» B. mimamsa

Yoga advocates the notion of liberation, which is called

A. kaivalya
B. nirvana
C. sa
D. na d. moksha
Answer» A. kaivalya

The Advaita Vedanta regards liberation as

A. realization of god
B. realization identity of self with god
C. realization of i
D. ntity of the individual self with brahman
Answer» C. realization of i

The veda is etymologically related to

A. vid c) love of learning
B. s
C. ipture
D. none of these
Answer» A. vid c) love of learning

Each veda consists of ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ parts

A. three
B. four
C. two
D. one
Answer» B. four

Mantras and the Brahmanas constitute

A. jnana kanda
B. karma kanda
C. knowle
D. e
Answer» B. karma kanda

RK, Yajur, Sama and Atharva are

A. different samhitas
B. different parts of the veda
D. fferent brahman
Answer» A. different samhitas

Vid means to

A. truth
B. knowledge
C. false knowle
D. e
Answer» B. knowledge

Aranyakas and the Upanisads constitute

A. jnanakanda
B. rituals
C. karma kan
Answer» A. jnanakanda

The ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ were the last literary products of the vedic period

A. upanisads
B. aranyakas
C. brhmans
D. none of these
Answer» A. upanisads

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