
A 50-year-old menstruating woman has a 1 .5-cm moderately differentiated breast cancer. The lesion is completely excised, and the margins of the excision are negative. Axillary node sampling shows that she has three positive nodes. The tumor is negative for estrogen and progesterone receptors and is highly positive for HER2. She is otherwise healthy. Her mother had breast cancer at 62 years and was treated by mastectomy; she is alive and healthy at the age of 80 years. The patients sister had breast cancer at 54 years and was treated by breast conservation therapy; 4 years later she died of a recurrence of breast cancer. The patient has seen two different surgeons with opposing viewpoints regarding the best treatment, and she has been reading extensively on the Internet and has become confused about her options. Which of the following represents the best treatment for this patient?

A. Modified radical mastectomy, followed by tamoxifen and chemotherapy
B. Chemotherapy with no further treatment to the breast
C. Chemotherapy and tamoxifen, with no further treatment to the breast
D. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the breast and axillary regions
E. Chemotherapy, tamoxifen, and radiation therapy to the breast and axillary regions
Answer» D. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy to the breast and axillary regions
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