
An ideal bolted plate girder section consists of

A. flange angles and cover plates for both compression flange and tension flange
B. flange angles and cover plates for compression flange and only flange angle for tension flange
C. only flange angle for compression flange and flange angles and cover plates for tension flange
D. flange angles for both compression flange and tension flange
Answer» B. flange angles and cover plates for compression flange and only flange angle for tension flange
Explanation: an ideal bolted plate girder section consists of flange angles and cover plates for compression flange and only flange angle for tension flange. the various elements of riveted/bolted/welded plate girder are : web plate, flange angles with or without cover plates for riveted/bolted plate girder and only flange angles for welded plate girder, stiffeners – bearing, transverse and longitudinal, splices for web and flange.
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