
190+ Water Supply Engineering Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Civil Engineering .


The size of suspended solids lies in the range of                  

A. 10-3 – 10-6 mm
B. 103 – 106 mm
C. 10-1 – 10-3 mm
D. 101 – 103 mm
Answer» C. 10-1 – 10-3 mm
Explanation: size of suspended solids – 10-1

Suspended solids are measured by which of the following?

A. turbidity rod
B. gravimetric test
C. chromatography
D. jackson’s turbidity meter
Answer» B. gravimetric test
Explanation: turbidity rod and jackson’s turbidity meter is used to find turbidity whereas chromatography is used to detect odour. hence b is the correct answer.

The maximum permissible limit for suspended solids is                          

A. 10 mg/l
B. 20 mg/l
C. 30 mg/l
D. 40 mg/l
Answer» C. 30 mg/l
Explanation: the maximum permissible limit for suspended solids is 30mg/l for

Identify the correct relation between the following?

A. dissolved solid = total solid + suspended solid
B. dissolved solid = total solid – suspended solid
C. total solid = dissolved solid / suspended solid
D. dissolved solid = suspended solid – total solid
Answer» B. dissolved solid = total solid – suspended solid
Explanation: dissolved solid is the difference between total solid and suspended solid. suspended solid is non-filterable solid whereas dissolved solid is filterable solid.

Which method is used to measure the color of water?

A. gravimetric analysis
B. chromatography
C. tintometer method
D. hydrometer analysis
Answer» C. tintometer method
Explanation: the colors in water are measured by tintometer method. it is measured on burgess scale or cobalt scale by nessler’s tube.

1 TCU (True Color Unit) is equivalent to

A. the color produced by 1 g of platinum cobalt
B. the color produced by 1 mg of platinum cobalt
C. the color produced by 1 mg of platinum cobalt in 1l of distilled water
D. the color produced by 1 mg of platinum cobalt in 1ml of distilled water
Answer» C. the color produced by 1 mg of platinum cobalt in 1l of distilled water
Explanation: 1 tcu (true color unit) is equivalent to color produced by 1 mg of platinum cobalt in 1l of distilled water. the true color unit is also called a hazen unit.

Threshold odour number testing is preferred in hot water.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: ton testing is preferred in cold water as in hot water due to increase in temperature, taste and odour can change.

One JTU is equivalent to turbidity produced by                      

A. 1mg of fine silica dissolved in 1l of distilled water
B. 1g of fine silica dissolved in 1l of distilled water
C. 1g of fine silica dissolved in 1ml of distilled water
D. 1mg of fine silica dissolved in 1ml of distilled water
Answer» A. 1mg of fine silica dissolved in 1l of distilled water
Explanation: 1 jtu is equivalent to turbidity produced by 1mg of fine silica dissolved in 1l of distilled water. it is called as jackson’s turbidity unit and is based on the absorption principle.

If the PO value is 6, what does it imply?

A. no perceptible odour
B. very faint odour
C. very distinct odour
D. extremely strong odour
Answer» D. extremely strong odour
Explanation: the po value indicates the odour intensity. 6 is the maximum po value and it indicates extremely strong odour.

The permissible limit of turbidity of domestic water is          ppm.

A. 5-10
B. 1-5
C. 10-50
D. 10-30
Answer» A. 5-10
Explanation: according to who, the permissible limit for drinking water is 5ntu.

What is the full form of NTU in context with turbidity?

A. number of transfer unit
B. neurological turbidity unit
C. nephelometric turbidity unit
D. network terminal unit
Answer» C. nephelometric turbidity unit
Explanation: the value of turbidity measured by nephelometer is expressed in terms of ntu. sometimes, it is referred as ftu or formazin turbidity unit.

When depth of insertion of turbidity rod increases, the reading in the turbidity rod        

A. decreases
B. increases
C. first decrease, then increase
D. remains constant
Answer» A. decreases
Explanation: turbidity rod is inserted inside the water and the reading at which needle becomes invisible gives the turbidity.

The average quantity of water (in lpcd) required for domestic purposes according to IS code is                  

A. 100
B. 120
C. 70
D. 135
Answer» D. 135
Explanation: the average domestic water demand in india is 135 litres per capita per day. for developed countries, average domestic water demand is around 340 lpcd because they live a luxurious life.

The average consumption of water required in factories in lpcd is                        

A. 10-15
B. 20-30
C. 30-45
D. 70-80
Answer» C. 30-45
Explanation: the average water consumption in factories is 30lpcd when no bathrooms are required and 45lpcd when bathrooms are required.

In which type of water demand, minimum average consumption of water takes place?

A. domestic water demand
B. industrial water demand
C. institutional and commercial water demand
D. fire demand
Answer» D. fire demand
Explanation: the minimum average water consumption takes place in fire demand. it accounts to 1lpcd which is very less but this water is required in very less duration.

Water lost in theft and waste contributes to how much % of total consumption?

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
Answer» C. 15
Explanation: water loss in thefts and wastes contributes to 15% of total consumption, which includes the water loss due to leakage or stolen due to illegal connection.

What is the fire demand of the city of 1lakh population by Buston’s formula?

A. 5663
B. 56630
C. 566300
D. 5663000
Answer» B. 56630
Explanation: by buston’s formula, q = 5663√p where p in thousands. here, p =100, q = 5663√100 => q = 56630.

What are the factors affecting per capita demand?

A. size of city
B. size of city, habit of people
C. cost of water, quality of water, size of city
D. cost of water, quality of water, size of city, habit of people
Answer» D. cost of water, quality of water, size of city, habit of people
Explanation: increase in cost of water, quality of water and size of the city will result in more consumption of water. poor habits of people in the utilization of water will also cause greater consumption.

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. rich class consumes less water
B. intermittent water supplies leads to less water consumption
C. loss of water is more if the pressure in the distribution system is less
D. water consumption is less in flush system
Answer» B. intermittent water supplies leads to less water consumption
Explanation: rich class consumes more water, loss of water is more if the pressure in distribution system is more, water consumption is more in flush system and b option is the only correct statement.

If the annual average hourly demand of the city is 10000m3, what is the maximum hourly consumption?

A. 2700 m3
B. 27000 m3
C. 270000 m3
D. 2700000 m3
Answer» A. 2700 m3
Explanation: maximum hourly demand = 2.7

If in a city, the maximum daily draft is 25MLD, fire draft is 35MLD and maximum hourly draft is 40MLD, what is the coincident draft?

A. 60mld
B. 40mld
C. 25mld
D. 35mld
Answer» A. 60mld
Explanation: maximum daily draft +fire draft = 25 + 35 = 60mld

What is the design period for the water treatment unit?

A. 10 years
B. 15 years
C. 20 years
D. 30 years
Answer» B. 15 years
Explanation: water treatment unit is designed for 15 years and its design discharge is maximum daily demand.

What is the design discharge for intake structures?

A. maximum daily demand
B. maximum hourly demand
C. maximum weekly demand
D. average daily demand
Answer» A. maximum daily demand
Explanation: intake structures and the pipe mains that carry water from intake structures to treatment plant are designed for maximum daily demand.

In which of the following units, design period is maximized?

A. distribution system
B. demand reservoir
C. water treatment unit
D. pipe mains
Answer» B. demand reservoir
Explanation: distribution system is designed for 30 years, the demand reservoir for 50 years, the water treatment unit for 15 years and the pipe mains for 30 years.

A hydel power project has been envisaged to serve the water supply and irrigation needs of the area at its inception stage. The dam reservoir so constructed is known as

A. multipurpose reservoir
B. single-purpose reservoir
C. distribution reservoir
D. retarding reservoir
Answer» A. multipurpose reservoir
Explanation: a reservoir planned and constructed to serve various purposes together is a multipurpose reservoir. it is designed to protect the downstream areas from floods, to conserve water, irrigation, industrial needs, hydroelectric purposes, etc. bhakra dam and nagarjuna sagar dam are important multipurpose dams.

Which reservoir is also known as Mitigation reservoir?

A. conservation reservoir
B. flood control reservoir
C. multipurpose dam
D. storage reservoir
Answer» B. flood control reservoir
Explanation: a flood control reservoir protects the downstream areas by storing a portion of the flood flows to minimize the flood peaks. the entire inflow entering the reservoir is discharged or gradually released to recover the capacity for the next flood. it is also called as a mitigation reservoir.

A reservoir having gates and valves installation at its spillway and at its sluice outlets                        

A. storage reservoir
B. retarding basin
C. both storage and retarding reservoir
D. distribution reservoir
Answer» A. storage reservoir
Explanation: storage reservoir is the one having gates and valves installed at its spillway and at its sluice outlets whereas retarding basin is the one with uncontrolled and ungated outlets. it provides more flexibility in operation and better control.

Which reservoir is helpful in permitting the pumps or the water treatment plants to work at a uniform rate?

A. storage reservoir
B. detention reservoir
C. multipurpose reservoir
D. distribution reservoir
Answer» D. distribution reservoir
Explanation: a small storage reservoir constructed within a city water supply system

In which of the following reservoir the flood crest downstream can be better controlled and regulated properly?

A. distribution reservoir
B. multipurpose reservoir
C. storage reservoir
D. retarding reservoir
Answer» C. storage reservoir
Explanation: storage reservoirs are preferred on large rivers and require better control. it is provided with gated spillway and sluiceways for more flexibility of operation, better control and to increase the usefulness of the reservoir.

What are the types of flood control reservoirs?

A. multipurpose reservoir and single purpose reservoir
B. storage reservoir and retarding reservoirs
C. distribution reservoir and storage reservoir
D. distribution reservoir and multipurpose reservoir
Answer» B. storage reservoir and retarding reservoirs
Explanation: there are two basic types of flood-mitigation reservoirs i.e. storage reservoir and retarding reservoirs. storage reservoir is the one having gates and valves installed at its spillway and at its sluice outlets whereas the retarding basin is the one with uncontrolled and ungated outlets.

As the reservoir elevation increases, the outflow discharge increases.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: when floods occur the reservoir gets filled and discharges through sluiceways and the water level goes on rising

The maximum discharging capacity of a retarding reservoir should not be equal to the maximum safe carrying capacity of the channel downstream.

A. true
B. false
Answer» B. false
Explanation: since the retarding reservoir is not always filled much of the land below the maximum reservoir level will be submerged only temporarily and occasionally. the automatic regulation of outflow depends upon the availability of water. the maximum discharging capacity should be equal to the maximum safe capacity of the channel d/s.

Which of the following can be identified as the objective of water supply scheme?

A. chlorination of water
B. treat water
C. safe water supply
D. ionization of water
Answer» C. safe water supply
Explanation: in general, the objective of water supply scheme includes safe water supply, sufficient quantity of water, supply of water to a convenient point with reasonable cost and encouraging personal and house hold cleanliness of the users.

Surface water can act as a source of water in water supply scheme.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: the source of water is classified as surface water and sub surface water. generally in the water supply scheme surface water is having more priority than the sub surface water. the different sources of surface water include river, streams, lakes, canals etc.

While considering the design period, which must be given more priority?

A. area of land
B. population
C. usage of water
D. arrangement of pipes
Answer» B. population
Explanation: design period is considered based on the population present in a particular area. while considering design period, population forecast methods has to be used for the determination of the upcoming population in that area. by doing this the design period can be estimated for a particular water tank construction.

Which of the following can be designated as an intake structure?

A. culvert
B. river
C. dam
D. reservoir
Answer» D. reservoir
Explanation: intakes are the structures which can collect water from the surface sources and are used for the treatment plant.

Which type of water is generally used in the treatment of water?

A. chlorinated water
B. treated water
C. raw water
D. sulphated water
Answer» C. raw water
Explanation: water treatment plant generally uses raw water which is obtained from different sources containing various impurities. it is not recommended to be used directly without treatment and hence it is supplied to the treatment plant for treatment.

Which of the following does not act as a major factor that effects per capita demand?

A. human activity
B. industrial activities
C. usage of water
D. placement of pipe
Answer» B. industrial activities
Explanation: the factors effecting per capita demand include cost of water, climatic condition, pressure in the distributed system, industrial activities, commercial activities and economical status of the consumers.

The amount of water required for 1 percent per day is determined as                        

A. daily demand
B. monthly demand
C. annual demand
D. per capita demand
Answer» D. per capita demand
Explanation: per capita demand can be defined as the amount of water required for 1 percent per day. it includes commercial, industrial, domestic, public uses and also in case of fire demand.

Which of the following can act as a type of variation in water demand?

A. monthly variation
B. annual variation
C. crop variation
D. 10 year variation
Answer» A. monthly variation
Explanation: variation in water demand is generally due to seasonal variation, monthly variation, daily and hourly variations. the demand for water in these variations is generally high and consumes more amount of water than daily consumption.

The Clean Water Act (CWA) regulates

A. discharge of pollutants into the waters of the united states
B. discharge of pollutants into the waters of the united kingdom
C. discharge of pollutants into the air of the united states
D. discharge of pollutants into the waters of india
Answer» A. discharge of pollutants into the waters of the united states
Explanation: under the cwa, epa has implemented pollution control programs, such as setting wastewater standards for industry and water quality standards for all contaminants in surface waters.

Section                      of CWA regulates discharges of hazardous substances.

A. 311(b)(2)(b)
B. 311(b)(2)(a)
C. 312(b)(2)(a)
D. 311(b)(1)(a)
Answer» B. 311(b)(2)(a)
Explanation: section 311(b)(2)(a) of cwa regulates discharges of hazardous substances, which also includes formaldehyde. the list of designated hazardous substances is found at 40 cfr 116.4.

The CWA made it unlawful to discharge any pollutant from a point source into navigable waters, unless a permit was obtained.

A. true
B. false
Answer» A. true
Explanation: epa’s national pollutant discharge elimination system (npdes) permit program controls discharges.

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 was the first major U.S. law to address water pollution.

A. 1945
B. 1946
C. 1947
D. 1948
Answer» D. 1948
Explanation: the federal water pollution control act of 1948 grew public awareness

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1948 became CWA.

A. false
B. true
Answer» B. true
Explanation: the federal water pollution control act of 1948 was the first key u.s. law to address water pollution, it was amended in 1972 and the law clean water act (cwa).

The CWA reduced the amount of pollution from                    

A. point sources
B. non-point sources
C. chemicals
D. mining
Answer» A. point sources
Explanation: the clean water act has been accredited with pointedly reducing the amount of pollution that enters the u.s. waterways from point sources, municipal and industrial discharges.

The discharge of regulated chemicals into surface waters is controlled by                      

A. sara
B. cercla
C. npdes
D. pdac
Answer» C. npdes
Explanation: the discharge of regulated chemicals into surface waters is controlled by the national pollutant discharge elimination system (npdes) which entails contaminators to obtain federal permits for each chemical they discharge.

The maximum amount of pollution that each waterway could absorb is known as

A. tmdl
B. tsml
C. tdsml
D. tds
Answer» A. tmdl
Explanation: the tmdl establishes a target for total load of pollutant the water body can assimilate and allocates the load to point sources which are known as the waste load allocation and nonpoint sources known as the load allocation.

                     requires EPA to establish regulations to protect human health from contaminants present in drinking water.

A. sawd
B. sdwa
C. asaw
D. swsa
Answer» B. sdwa
Explanation: the safe drinking water act (sdwa) permits epa to develop national drinking water standards and safeguard agreement with these standards, and guides epa to protect underground sources of drinking water through the regulation of underground injection of fluids to prevent pollution.

Who is responsible for the clean-up of oil spill?

A. hws
B. aps
C. oil pollution act
D. sara
Answer» C. oil pollution act
Explanation: the cwa and the oil pollution act provide federal authority to prevent, respond to and clean up an oil spill or the threat of an oil spill.

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