160+ Structural Mechanics Solved MCQs


What is elasticity?

A. ability to re-gain It's original size and shape
B. ability to produce permanent deformation
C. both
D. none of above
Answer» A. ability to re-gain It's original size and shape

What is modular ratio?

A. ratio of deflection in each material
B. ratio of modulus of elasticity of bot h material
C. ratio of load acting in each section
D. all of above
Answer» C. ratio of load acting in each section

3.5 m long bar is under tensile load and due to that increase in length of bar is 1.75 mm then strain =

A. 0.0035
B. 0.0005
C. 0.002
D. 0.0175
Answer» C. 0.002

The increase in the length of a bar of length 1 m, area 300 mm2, modulus of elasticity 2×10^5 N/mm2 due to a tensile load of 120 KN is .

A. 1 mm
B. 2mm
C. 3mm
D. 4mm
Answer» B. 2mm

Shear stress causes .

A. Deformation
B. Elongation
C. contraction
D. None of above
Answer» D. None of above

which of the following has same unit?

A. modulus of elasticity, pressure, stress
B. elasticity, strain, stress
C. pressure, strain, stress
D. modulus of elasticity, strain, modulus of rigidity
Answer» A. modulus of elasticity, pressure, stress

unit of stress is .

A. Pascal
B. Newton
C. N/m2
D. a and c both
Answer» D. a and c both

In composite section deformation is same in both materials.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

which of the following is type of stress?

A. tensile stress
B. compressive stress
C. shear stress
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Strain is defined as the ratio of

A. change in volume to original volume
B. change in length to original length
C. change in cross-sectional area to original cross-sectional area
D. any one of the above
Answer» B. change in length to original length

Hooke's law holds good up to

A. yield point
B. limit of proportionality
C. breaking point
D. elastic limit
Answer» B. limit of proportionality

Young's modulus is defined as the ratio of

A. volumetric stress and volumetric strain
B. lateral stress and lateral strain
C. longitudinal stress and longitudinal strain
D. shear stress to shear strain
Answer» A. volumetric stress and volumetric strain

The unit of Young's modulus is

A. mm/mm
B. kg/cm
C. kg
D. kg/cm2
Answer» D. kg/cm2

Deformation per unit length in the direction of force is known as

A. Strain
B. lateral strain
C. linear strain
D. linear stress
Answer» D. linear stress

It equal and opposite forces applied to a body tend to elongate it, the stress so produced is called

A. internal resistance
B. tensile stress
C. transverse stress
D. compressive stress
Answer» C. transverse stress

The materials having same elastic properties in all directions are called

A. ideal materials
B. uniform materials
C. isotropic materials
D. elastic materials.
Answer» D. elastic materials.

Modulus of rigidity is defined as the ratio of

A. longitudinal stress and longitudinal strain
B. volumetric stress and volumetric strain
C. lateral stress and lateral strain
D. shear stress and shear strain
Answer» D. shear stress and shear strain

If the radius of wire stretched by a load is doubled, then its Young's modulus will be

A. Doubled
B. Halved
C. become four times
D. remain unaffected
Answer» D. remain unaffected

The intensity of stress which causes unit strain is called

A. unit stress
B. bulk modulus
C. modulus of rigidity
D. modulus of elasticity
Answer» C. modulus of rigidity

Which of the following has no unit

A. kinematic viscosity
B. surface tension
C. bulk modulus
D. strain
Answer» C. bulk modulus

Euler's formula states that the buckling load P for a column of length l, both ends hinged and whose least moment of inertia and modulus of elasticity of the material of the column are I and E respectively, is given by the relation

A. P=π2EIL2
B. P=πL2EI
C. P=πEIL2
D. P=π2EIL3
Answer» C. P=πEIL2

Rankine-Golden formula accounts for direct as well as buckling stress and is applicable to

A. very long columns
B. long columns
C. short columns
D. intermediate columns
Answer» D. intermediate columns

Maximum deflection of a cantilever due to pure bending moment M at its free end, is

A. ML2/3EI
B. ML2/4EI
C. ML2/6EI
D. ML2/2EI
Answer» D. ML2/2EI

The ratio of the effective length of a column and minimum radius of gyration of its cross-sectional area, is known

A. buckling factor
B. slenderness ratio
C. crippling factor
D. none of these
Answer» B. slenderness ratio

A long vertical member, subjected to an axial compressive load, is called

A. a column
B. a strut
C. a tie
D. a stanchion
Answer» A. a column

Columns of given length, cross-section and material have different values of buckling loads for different end conditions. The strongest column is one whose

A. one end is fixed and other end is hinged
B. both ends are hinged or pin jointed
C. one end is fixed and the other end entirely free
D. both the ends are fixed
Answer» D. both the ends are fixed

The slenderness ratio of a vertical column of square cross- section of 10 cm side and 500 cm long, is

A. 117.2
B. 17.3
C. 173.2
D. 137.2
Answer» C. 173.2

The equivalent length of a column fixed at one end and free at the other end, is

A. 0.5L
B. 0.7L
C. L
D. 2L
Answer» D. 2L

The radius of gyration of a squar section is not proportional to

A. square root of the moment of inertia
B. square root of the inverse of the area
C. square root of the moment of inertia divided by area of the section
D. side of squar
Answer» D. side of squar

The length of a column, having a uniform circular cross-section of 7.5 cm diameter and whose ends are hinged, is 5 m. If the value of E for the material is 2100 kN/cm2, the permissible maximum crippling load will be

A. 1.288 kN
B. 12.88 kN
C. 128.8 kN
D. 288.0 kN
Answer» D. 288.0 kN

A sudden increase or decrease in shear force diagram between any two points indicates that there is

A. No loading between the two points
B. Point loads between the two points
C. U.D.L. between the two points
D. None of these
Answer» D. None of these

A beam is a structural member which is subjected to

A. Axial tension or compression
B. Transverse loads and couples
C. Twisting moment
D. No load, but its axis should be horizontal and x-section rectangular or circular
Answer» B. Transverse loads and couples

Which of the following are statically determinate beams?

A. Only simply supported beams
B. Cantilever, overhanging and simply supported
C. Fixed beams
D. Continuous beams
Answer» B. Cantilever, overhanging and simply supported

A cantilever is a beam whose

A. Both ends are supported either on rollers or hinges
B. One end is fixed and other end is free
C. Both ends are fixed
D. Whose both or one of the end has overhang
Answer» B. One end is fixed and other end is free

In a cantilever carrying a uniformly varying load starting from zero at the free end, the shear force diagram is

A. A horizontal line parallel to x-axis
B. A line inclined to x-axis
C. Follows a parabolic law
D. Follows a cubic law
Answer» C. Follows a parabolic law

In a cantilever carrying a uniformly varying load starting from zero at the free end, the Bending moment diagram is

A. A horizontal line parallel to x-axis
B. A line inclined to x-axis
C. Follows a parabolic law
D. Follows a cubic law
Answer» D. Follows a cubic law

In a simply supported beam, bending moment at the end

A. Is always zero if it does not carry couple at the end
B. Is zero, if the beam has uniformly distributed load only
C. Is zero if the beam has concentrated loads only
D. May or may not be zero
Answer» A. Is always zero if it does not carry couple at the end

For any part of the beam, between two concentrated load Shear force diagram is a

A. Horizontal straight line
B. Vertical straight line
C. Line inclined to x-axis
D. Parabola
Answer» A. Horizontal straight line

For any part of a beam between two concentrated load, Bending moment diagram is a

A. Horizontal straight line
B. Vertical straight line
C. Line inclined to x-axis
D. Parabola
Answer» C. Line inclined to x-axis

For any part of a beam subjected to uniformly distributed load, Shear force diagram is

A. Horizontal straight line
B. Vertical straight line
C. Line inclined to x-axis
D. Parabola
Answer» C. Line inclined to x-axis

For any part of a beam subjected to uniformly distributed load, bending moment diagram is

A. Horizontal straight line
B. Vertical straight line
C. Line inclined to x-axis
D. Parabola
Answer» D. Parabola

In a simple supported beam having length = l and subjected to a concentrated load (W) at mid-point.

A. Maximum Bending moment = Wl/4 at the mid-point
B. Maximum Bending moment = Wl/4 at the end
C. Maximum Bending moment = Wl/8 at the mid-point
D. Maximum Bending moment = Wl/8 at the end
Answer» A. Maximum Bending moment = Wl/4 at the mid-point

In a cantilever subjected to a concentrated load (W) at the free end and having length =l, Maximum bending moment is

A. Wl at the free end
B. Wl at the fixed end
C. Wl/2 at the fixed end
D. Wl at the free end
Answer» B. Wl at the fixed end

At a point in a simply supported or overhanging beam where Shear force changes sign and = 0, Bending moment is

A. Maximum
B. Zero
C. Either increasing or decreasing
D. Infinity
Answer» A. Maximum

In a cantilever subjected to a combination of concentrated load, uniformly distributed load and uniformly varying load, Maximum bending moment is

A. Where shear force=0
B. At the free end
C. At the fixed end
D. At the mid-point
Answer» C. At the fixed end

Point of contra-flexure is a

A. Point where Shear force is maximum
B. Point where Bending moment is maximum
C. Point where Bending moment is zero
D. Point where Bending moment=0 but also changes sign from positive to negative
Answer» D. Point where Bending moment=0 but also changes sign from positive to negative

Point of contra-flexure is also called

A. Point of maximum Shear force
B. Point of maximum Bending moment
C. Point of inflexion
D. Fixed end
Answer» C. Point of inflexion

The slope of shear force line at any section of the beam is also called

A. Bending moment at that section
B. Rate of loading at that section
C. Maximum Shear force
D. Maximum bending moment
Answer» B. Rate of loading at that section

The direction of shear stress in a loaded beam is

A. Horizontal
B. Horizontal as well as vertical
C. Vertical
D. None
Answer» B. Horizontal as well as vertical

Shear stress in the beam acting on the cross section is

A. Normal to the cross section
B. Tangential to the cross section
C. Neither normal nor tangential
D. None
Answer» B. Tangential to the cross section

Which type of load is applied in tensile testing?

A. Axial load
B. Shear load
C. Transverse load
D. Longitudinal load
Answer» C. Transverse load

Which law is also called as the elasticity law?

A. Bernoulli’s law
B. Stress law
C. Hooke’s law
D. Poisson’s law
Answer» C. Hooke’s law

The materials which have the same elastic properties in all directions are called __________

A. Isotropic
B. Brittle
C. Homogeneous
D. Hard
Answer» A. Isotropic

The calculation of the moment of the body due to the loadings involve a quantity called ____________

A. Moment
B. Inertia
C. Moment of Inertia
D. Rotation
Answer» C. Moment of Inertia

Moment of Inertia is the integration of the square of the distance of the centroid and the del area along the whole area of the structure.

A. True
B. False
C. none
D. all
Answer» A. True

What is parallel axis theorem and to whom it is applied?

A. Theorem used to add the two mutually perpendicular moment of inertias for areas
B. Theorem used to add the two mutually perpendicular moment of inertias for volumes
C. Theorem used to add the two mutually perpendicular moment of inertias
D. Theorem used to add the two mutually perpendicular moment of inertias for vectors
Answer» A. Theorem used to add the two mutually perpendicular moment of inertias for areas

The parallel axis theorem gives the moment of inertia ______________ to the surface of considerance.

A. Linear
B. Non-Linear
C. Perpendicular
D. Parallel
Answer» C. Perpendicular

In the calculation of the radius of gyration, we use intensity of loadings. So whenever the distributed loading acts perpendicular to an area its intensity varies __________

A. Linearly
B. Non-Linearly
C. Parabolically
D. Cubically
Answer» A. Linearly

Elongation of a bar of uniform cross section of length „L‟, due to its own weight „W‟ is given by

A. 2WL/E
C. WL/2E
D. WL/3E
Answer» C. WL/2E

steel bar 10 mm x 10 mm cross section is subjected to an axial tensile load of 20kN. If the length of bar is 1 m and E = 200 GPa, then elongation of the bar is:

A. 1 mm
B. 0.5 mm
C. 0.75 mm
D. 1.5 mm
Answer» A. 1 mm

The modulus of rigidity and poisson‟s ratio of a material are 80 GPa and 0.3 respectively. Its young‟s modulus will be

A. 160 GPa
B. 208 GPa
C. 120 GPa
D. 104 GPa
Answer» D. 104 GPa

If the value of poisson‟s ratio is zero

A. the lateral strain is high
B. the material is perfectly elastic
C. there is no linear strain in the material
D. none of the above
Answer» C. there is no linear strain in the material

The ratio between direct stress and volumetric strain is:

A. Bulk modulus
B. Poisson’s ratio
C. Factor of safety
D. Modulus of rigidity
Answer» A. Bulk modulus

Young‟s modulus of a material which gives 2 kN/mm2 stress at 0.01 strain is

A. 20kN/mm2
B. 0.02kN/mm2
C. 200 kN/mm2
D. 2000kN/mm2
Answer» C. 200 kN/mm2

The Young‟s modulus of elasticity of a material is 2.5 times its modulus of rigidity. The Poisson‟s ratio for the material will be

A. 0.25
B. 0.33
C. 0.50
D. 0.75
Answer» A. 0.25

Consider a 250mmx15mmx10mm steel bar which is free to expand is heated from 150C to 400C. what will be developed?

A. Compressive stress
B. Tensile stress
C. Shear stress
D. No stress
Answer» D. No stress

The safe stress for a hollow steel column which carries an axial load of 2100 kN is 125 MN/m2. if the external diameter of the column is 30cm, what will be the internal diameter?

A. 25 cm
B. 26.19cm
C. 30.14 cm
D. 27.9 cm
Answer» B. 26.19cm

The percentage reduction in area of a cast iron specimen during tensile test would be of the order of

A. more than 50%
B. 25—50%
C. 10—25%
D. negligible.
Answer» D. negligible.

In a tensile test, near the elastic limit zone, the

A. tensile strain increases more quickly
B. tensile strain decreases more quickly
C. tensile strain increases in proportion to the stress
D. tensile strain decreases in proportion to the stress
Answer» A. tensile strain increases more quickly

The stress necessary to initiate yielding is

A. considerably greater than that necessary to continue it
B. considerably lesser than that necessary to continue it
C. greater than that necessary to stop it
D. lesser than that necessary to stop it
Answer» A. considerably greater than that necessary to continue it

Rupture stress is

A. breaking stress
B. maximum load/original cross-sectional area
C. load at breaking point/A
D. load at breaking point/neck area
Answer» D. load at breaking point/neck area

stress at which extension of material takes place more quickly as compared to increase in load is called

A. elastic point of the material
B. plastic point of the material
C. breaking point of the material
D. yielding point of the material
Answer» D. yielding point of the material

The energy absorbed in a body, when it is strained within the elastic limits, is known as

A. strain energy
B. resilience
C. proof resilience
D. modulus of resilience
Answer» A. strain energy

Resilience of a material is considered when it is subjected to

A. frequent heat treatment
B. fatigue
C. creep
D. shock loading
Answer» D. shock loading

The maximum strain energy that can be stored in a body is known as

A. impact energy
B. resilience
C. proof resilience
D. modulus of resilience
Answer» C. proof resilience

The total strain energy stored in a body is termed as

A. resilience
B. proof resilience
C. modulus of resilience
D. toughness
Answer» A. resilience

Proof resilience per material is known as

A. resilience
B. proof resilience
C. modulus of resilience
D. toughness
Answer» C. modulus of resilience

The stress induced in a body due to suddenly applied load compared to when it is applied gradually is

A. same
B. half
C. two times
D. four times
Answer» C. two times

strain energy stored in a body due to suddenly applied load compared to when it is applied gradually is

A. same
B. twice
C. four times
D. eight times
Answer» C. four times

During a tensile test on a specimen of 1 cm cross-section, maximum load observed was 8 tonnes and area of cross-section at neck was 0.5 cm2. Ultimate tensile strength of specimen is

A. 4 tonnes/cm2
B. 8 tonnes/cm2
C. 16 tonnes/cm2
D. 22 tonnes/cm2
Answer» B. 8 tonnes/cm2

Tensile strength of a material is obtained by dividing the maximum load during the test by the

A. area at the time of fracture
B. original cross-sectional area
C. average of (a) and (b)
D. minimum area after fracture
Answer» B. original cross-sectional area

An axial pull of 50 KN is suddenly applied to a steel bar 2 m long and 1000 mm2 in cross-section. If modulus of elasticity is 200 GPa, find strain energy stored in the bar

A. 10,000 N.mm
B. 20,000 N.mm
C. 25,000 N.mm
D. 50,000 N.mm
Answer» D. 50,000 N.mm

A simply supported beam 6 m long and of effective depth 50 cm, carries a uniformly distributed load 2400 kg/m including its self weight. If the lever arm factor is 0.85 and permissible tensile stress of steel is 1400 kg/cm2, the area of steel required, is

A. 14 cm2
B. 15 cm2
C. 16 cm2
D. 17 cm2
Answer» C. 16 cm2

A 10 m long mild steel rail section is fixed at 300 K temperature. If temperature increases by 60 K, find stress in rail section if ends are not yielded. Coefficient of thermal expansion is 12×10-6/K.

A. 72 N/mm2
B. 144 N/mm2
C. 120 N/mm2
D. 240 N/mm2
Answer» B. 144 N/mm2

The ultimate shear stress of a mild steel plate of 10 mm thickness is 350 N/mm2. Calculate the diameter of the hole that can be punched to it without exceeding a compressive stress of 700 N/mm2.

A. 10 mm
B. 20 mm
C. 7 mm
D. 35 mm
Answer» B. 20 mm

A bar 2 m long and 20 mm diameter is subjected to an axial pull of 125.6 KN. Due to this load, length increases by 4 mm and diameter reduce by 0.012 mm. Find Poison‟s ratio.

A. 0.2
B. 0.25
C. 0.3
D. 0.35
Answer» C. 0.3

A composite section of R.C.C. column 300mm×300mm in section having 20mm diameter 4 bars, one at each corner. Strength of concrete is 5 N/mm2 and modular ratio Es/Ec=9. Calculate load taken by column.

A. 150 KN
B. 200 KN
C. 400 KN
D. 500 KN
Answer» D. 500 KN

The moment of inertia of a triangular section of base 3 unit and height 2 unit, about an axis passing through its base is .

A. 6
B. 9
C. 8
D. 2
Answer» D. 2

Moment of inertia of a square of side 1 unit about an axis through its center of gravity, is .

A. 1
B. 1/12
C. 1/3
D. 1/4
Answer» B. 1/12

The axis about which moment of area is taken is known as .

A. Axis of area
B. Axis of moment
C. Axis of reference
D. Axis of rotation
Answer» C. Axis of reference

What is the formula of theorem of parallel axis?

A. Iab = Ig + ah
B. Iab = ah2 + Ig
C. Iab = Ig – ah2
D. Izz = Iyy + Ixx
Answer» B. Iab = ah2 + Ig

Moment of inertia of a circular section of 2 cm diameter, about an axis through its centre of gravity, is .

A. π/64
B. π/4
C. π/16
D. π/2
Answer» B. π/4

What is the unit of section modulus?

A. mm
B. mm2
C. mm3
D. mm4
Answer» C. mm3

What is the formula of theorem of perpendicular axis?

A. Izz = Ixx – Iyy
B. Izz = Ixx + Ah2
C. Izz – Ixx = Iyy
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Izz – Ixx = Iyy

What is the unit of moment of inertia?

A. mm
B. mm2
C. mm3
D. mm4
Answer» D. mm4

What is the unit of Radius of gyration?

A. mm
B. mm2
C. mm3
D. mm4
Answer» A. mm

What is the formula of radius of gyration?

A. k2 = I/A
B. k2 = I2/A
C. k2 = I2/A2
D. k2 = (I/A)1/2
Answer» A. k2 = I/A

What will be the radius of gyration of a circular plate of diameter 10cm?

A. 1.5cm
B. 2.0cm
C. 2.5cm
D. 3.0cm
Answer» C. 2.5cm

Moment of inertia of any section about an axis passing through its C.G is

A. Maximum
B. Minimum
C. Depends upon the dimensions of the section
D. Depends upon the shape of the section
Answer» B. Minimum

The moment of inertia of a triangular section of base „b‟ and height „h‟ about an axis passing through its base is ……. times the moment of inertia about an axis passing through its C.G. and parallel to the base

A. 9
B. 4
C. 2
D. 3
Answer» D. 3
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