140+ Building Services Solved MCQs


Water proofing treatment is one type of

A. Mechanical system
B. Electrical system
C. Building operation system
D. Multiple services
Answer» D. Multiple services

Aims of good lighting

A. To promote work and other activities carried out within the building.
B. To promote the safety of the people using the building.
C. To create a pleasing environment and a sense of well-being for the occupants
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

Principles of lighting

A. Planning the brightness pattern.
B. Recommended values of illumination.
C. Lighting for movement about a building
D. all of above
Answer» D. all of above

The value of Illumination in lux of Residential building

A. 100-150-200
B. 200-300
C. 300
D. 100-450
Answer» A. 100-150-200

The value of Illumination in lux of Schools

A. 100-150-200
B. 200-300
C. 300
D. 100-450
Answer» B. 200-300

The value of Illumination in lux of stairs

A. 100-150-200
B. 200-300
C. 300
D. 100-450
Answer» A. 100-150-200

The value of Illumination in lux of Reading room

A. 100-150-200
B. 200-300
C. 300
D. 100-450
Answer» C. 300

The value of Illumination in lux of Industrial building

A. 100-150-200
B. 200-300
C. 300
D. 100-450
Answer» D. 100-450

The value of Illumination in lux of Airport building

A. 100-150-200
B. 200-300
C. 300
D. 100-450
Answer» C. 300

Due to light sources within the field of vision is called_________

A. Direct glare
B. Reflected glare
C. Veiling Glare
D. Glare
Answer» A. Direct glare

Due to reflection from light sources or surfaces of excessive brightness is called_________

A. Direct glare
B. Reflected glare
C. Veiling Glare
D. Glare
Answer» B. Reflected glare

where the peripheral field is comparatively very bright is called_________

A. Direct glare
B. Reflected glare
C. Veiling Glare
D. Glare
Answer» C. Veiling Glare

Excessive contrast or abrupt and large changes in brightness produces the effect of ______

A. Direct glare
B. Reflected glare
C. Veiling Glare
D. Glare
Answer» D. Glare

Total quantity of light emitted from a point source of light per second is called____________

A. luminous flux
B. luminous intensity
C. Illuminance
D. Lumen
Answer» A. luminous flux

It is the SI unit of luminous is called____________

A. luminous flux
B. luminous intensity
C. Illuminance
D. Lumen
Answer» D. Lumen

Amount of luminous flux emitted from a source in any one direction per unit solid angle is called____________

A. luminous flux
B. luminous intensity
C. Illuminance
D. Lumen
Answer» B. luminous intensity

the SI unit of luminous intensity is called____________

A. glare
B. visual task
C. candela
D. Lumen
Answer» C. candela

The ease and certainty with which an eye can seen an object is called____________

A. glare
B. visual task
C. candela
D. Lumen
Answer» B. visual task

The light received by the earth from the sun consists how many parts?

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

The relative amount of sky illuminance depends on

A. altitude of the locality
B. The day of the year
C. The time of the day
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

For Indian conditions, how much solar altitude is assumed as the standard for design purposes.

A. 10
B. 12
C. 15
D. 17
Answer» B. 12

The recommended design sky illuminance values for cold climate is

A. 6800
B. 8000
C. 9000
D. 10500
Answer» A. 6800

The recommended design sky illuminance values for warm humid climate is

A. 6800
B. 8000
C. 9000
D. 10500
Answer» C. 9000

The recommended design sky illuminance values for hot dry climate is

A. 6800
B. 8000
C. 9000
D. 10500
Answer» D. 10500

The recommended design sky illuminance values for composite climate is

A. 6800
B. 8000
C. 9000
D. 10500
Answer» B. 8000

The recommended design sky illuminance values for temperature climate is

A. 6800
B. 8000
C. 9000
D. 10500
Answer» C. 9000

The percentage of that part of daylight illumination at a point in the interior on a given plane which is received directly from the sky s called____________

A. internal reflected component
B. sky component
C. external reflected component
D. glare
Answer» B. sky component

The ratio (or percentage) of that part of the day light illuminance at a point on a given plane which is received by direct reflection from external surfaces is called____________

A. internal reflected component
B. sky component
C. external reflected component
D. glare
Answer» C. external reflected component

The ratio (or percentage) of that part of the daylight illuminance at a point in a given plane which is received by direct reflection or inter-reflection from the internal surfaces is called____________

A. internal reflected component
B. sky component
C. external reflected component
D. glare
Answer» A. internal reflected component

In which case artificial lighting is necessary?

A. Where the recommended illumination levels have to be obtained by artificial lighting only.
B. To supplement day lighting when the level of illumination falls below the recommended value.
C. Where visual task may demand a higher level of illumination.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Which one is not a type of metal filament lamp?

A. Vacuum type
B. Low pressure type
C. High pressure type
D. b & c
Answer» D. b & c

Which is the type of incandescent lamp?

A. Carbon filament lam
B. arch lamp
C. mercury discharge lamp
D. sodium discharge lamp
Answer» A. Carbon filament lam

Necessity of ventilation is ____________

A. Removal of carbon dioxide
B. To supply fresh air rich in oxygen
C. To control dust
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Necessity of ventilation is ____________

A. To suppress odors & smoke
B. To reduce humidity
C. For removal of body heat
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Requirement of ventilation is ____________

A. Air change
B. humidity
C. quality of air
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The minimum & maximum rate of air change is 60 per hour.

A. 1, 30
B. 30, 60
C. 1, 60
D. none of these
Answer» C. 1, 60

As per IS : 3362-1965 recommends the following air changes in residential buildings for living room is

A. minimum 3
B. maximum 3
C. minimum 6
D. no need
Answer» A. minimum 3

As per IS : 3362-1965 recommends the following air changes in residential buildings for bathroom is

A. minimum 3
B. maximum 3
C. minimum 6
D. no need
Answer» C. minimum 6

As per IS : 3362-1965 recommends the following air changes in residential buildings for passage is

A. minimum 3
B. maximum 3
C. minimum 6
D. no need
Answer» D. no need

As per IS : 3362-1965 recommends the following air changes in residential buildings for kitchen is

A. minimum 3
B. maximum 3
C. minimum 6
D. no need
Answer» A. minimum 3

Requirement of air changes per hour in an enclosed area as per NBC 2005 for assembly hall

A. 2-4
B. 4-8
C. 8-12
D. 10-15
Answer» B. 4-8

Requirement of air changes per hour in an enclosed area as per NBC 2005 for bed rooms

A. 2-4
B. 4-8
C. 8-12
D. 10-15
Answer» A. 2-4

Requirement of air changes per hour in an enclosed area as per NBC 2005 for conference room

A. 2-4
B. 4-8
C. 8-12
D. 10-15
Answer» C. 8-12

Requirement of air changes per hour in an enclosed area as per NBC 2005 for cinema

A. 2-4
B. 4-8
C. 8-12
D. 10-15
Answer» D. 10-15

Requirement of air changes per hour in an enclosed area as per NBC 2005 for hospital

A. 3-5
B. 6-8
C. 6-10
D. 8-10
Answer» B. 6-8

Requirement of air changes per hour in an enclosed area as per NBC 2005 for libraries

A. 3-5
B. 6-8
C. 6-10
D. 8-10
Answer» A. 3-5

Requirement of air changes per hour in an enclosed area as per NBC 2005 for factories

A. 3-5
B. 6-8
C. 6-10
D. 8-10
Answer» D. 8-10
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