210+ Building Construction Solved MCQs


The asphalt type of flooring is recommended for swimming pools because it is non-slippery.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

A couple-close roof is used for spans upto

A. 3.5 m
B. 5 m
C. 9 m
D. 14 m
Answer» B. 5 m

When the foundation is placed immediately beneath the lowest part of the super-structure, it is called

A. deep
B. shallow
Answer» B. shallow

The minimum thickness of a wall in stone masonry should not be less than

A. 100 mm
B. 200 mm
C. 350 mm
D. 450 mm
Answer» C. 350 mm

In masonry construction, excessive tension is not permissible and hence in order that the supporting area is fully in compression, the width of footing is so adopted that the centre of gravity of the load falls.

A. at the centre of base
B. within the middle third of base
C. within the middle fifth of base
D. any one of these
Answer» B. within the middle third of base

High early strength of cement is obtained as a result of

A. fine grinding
B. burning at high temperatures
C. decreasing the lime content
D. increasing the quantity of gypsum
Answer» A. fine grinding

Cast-in-situ piles

A. are cast in position inside the ground
B. beed not be reinforced in ordinary cases
C. are not subjected to handling or driving stresses
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

King closers are related to

A. king post truss
B. queen post truss
C. brick masonry
D. doors and windows
Answer» C. brick masonry

A bat is the portion of a

A. wall not exposed to weather
B. brick cut across the width
C. wall between facing and backing
D. brick cut in such a manner that its one long face remains uncut
Answer» B. brick cut across the width

Herring-bone bond is commonly used for

A. brick paving
B. very thick walls
C. partition walls
D. footings in foundations
Answer» A. brick paving

The bearing capacity of soils can be improved by

A. increasing the depth of footing
B. draining the sub-soil water
C. ramming the granular material like crushed stone in the soil
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The most important purpose of frog in a brick is to

A. emboss manufacture's name
B. reduce the weight of brick
C. form keyed joint between brick and mortar
D. improve insulation by providing 'hollows'
Answer» C. form keyed joint between brick and mortar

The raft foundations are generally used when the required area of footing is

A. more than one-fourth
B. less than one-fourth
C. more than one-helf
D. less than one-half
Answer» C. more than one-helf

The construction of a temporary structure required to support an unsafe structure, is called

A. underpinning
B. scaffolding
C. shoring
D. jacking
Answer» C. shoring

In the first class coursed rubble masonry

A. all the coruses are of the same height
B. minimum height of the course is limited to 150 mm
C. the length of the quoin is generally kept 450 mm
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

For providing safe and economical foundation in black cotton soil, the under-reamed piles are commonly recommended.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

In pitched roofs, the term gable is defined as the

A. apex line of the sloping roof
B. inclination of the sides of a roof to the hoizontal plane
C. horizontal distance between the internal faces of the walls
D. triangular upper part of a wall formed at the end of a pitched roof
Answer» D. triangular upper part of a wall formed at the end of a pitched roof

In order that the wall may be stable, the lowermost course of the wall footing is made

A. half
B. equal to
C. twice
D. four times
Answer» C. twice

The projecting part of the tread beyond the face of riser is called

A. pitch
B. nosing
C. baluster
D. stringer
Answer» B. nosing

The piles which are driven in the type of soil whose strength does not increase with depth or where the rate of increase in strength with depth is very slow, are known as

A. friction piles
B. bearing piles
C. batter piles
D. compaction piles
Answer» A. friction piles

Plain brick type of partition wall is constructed by

A. laying bricks as stretchers in cement mortar
B. laying bricks as headers in cement mortar
C. reinforcing the brick wall with iron straps
D. brick work built within a frame-work of wooden members
Answer» A. laying bricks as stretchers in cement mortar

In made-up ground having a low value of its bearing power, heavy concentrated structural loads are generally supported by providing

A. combined footing
B. strap footing
C. raft footing
D. all of these
Answer» C. raft footing

The minimum load which will cause failure of a foundation is called

A. ultimate tensile strength
B. nominal strength
C. ultimate bearing power
D. ultimate compressive strength
Answer» C. ultimate bearing power

In stairs, the flier is

A. a vertical portion of a step providing a support to the tread
B. a straight step having a parallel width of tread
C. the under surface of a stair
D. the angle which the line of nosing of the stair makes with the horizontal
Answer» B. a straight step having a parallel width of tread

The highest point on the extrados is called

A. skew back
B. crown
C. voussoir
D. keystone
Answer» B. crown

The bottom or lowermost horizontal part of a window frame is known as

A. sill
B. mullion
C. transom
D. horn
Answer» A. sill

In a Mac Arthur pile, the core and the casting are together driven into the ground to the required depth.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

A combined footing is commonly used

A. when two columns are spaced close to each other
B. when two columns are spaced far apart
C. under a set of columns
D. under a set of walls
Answer» A. when two columns are spaced close to each other

The minimum covering of the reinforcement for the pre-cast reinforced piles used in sea water, is

A. 40 mm
B. 55 mm
C. 75 mm
D. 100 mm
Answer» B. 55 mm

When the walls are subjected to heavy loading and the bearing capacity of the soil is very low, then the wall is constructed on

A. reinforced concrete footing
B. column footing
C. lean concrete footing
D. none of these
Answer» A. reinforced concrete footing

Frog is defined as a

A. depression on the top face of a brick
B. topmost course of plinth
C. brick whose one end is cut splayed or mitred for the full width
D. brick used for the corner of a wall
Answer» A. depression on the top face of a brick

The external jamb of a door or window opening at right angles to the wall face, is called

A. reveals
B. styles
C. posts
D. jambs
Answer» A. reveals

The nogging, in a brick nogged partition wall, is a intermediate horizontal wooden member.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

An open-newel stair consists of two or more straight flights arranged in such a manner that a clear space occurs between the backward and forward flights.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

In air conditioned building, a door has to serve both purposes of opening and closing. The most suitable type of door for this purpose is

A. sliding door
B. swinging door
C. revolving door
D. none of these
Answer» B. swinging door

A horizontal member of stone, concrete or wood provided to give support for the vertical members of a wooden window, is called

A. jamb
B. reveal
C. sill
D. quoin
Answer» C. sill

The coupled roof is suitable for spans upto

A. 3.5 m
B. 5 m
C. 6.5 m
D. 8 m
Answer» A. 3.5 m

A course of stone provided immediately below a cornice, is called

A. blocking course
B. coping
C. frieze
D. parapet
Answer» C. frieze

A partition wall is designed as a no load bearing wall.

A. Right
B. Wrong
Answer» A. Right

In a Raymond pile

A. the length varies from 6 to 12 m
B. the diameter at the top varies from 400 to 600 mm and the diameter at the base varies from 200 to 280 mm
C. the thickness of the outer shell depends upon the pile diameter and site conditions
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

In case of buildings without basement, the best position for damp-proof course (D.P.C.) lies at

A. plinth level
B. ground level
C. 150 mm above plinth level
D. 150 mm above ground level
Answer» A. plinth level

The lower portion of an arch between the skew back and crown is called

A. depth
B. rise
C. haunch
D. intrados
Answer» C. haunch

The ability of sub-soil to support the load of the structure without yielding is known as

A. bearing value of soil
B. bearing power of soil
C. bearing capacity of soil
D. any one of these
Answer» D. any one of these

Sheet piles are made of

A. wood
B. steel
C. concrete
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The type of pointing in which the mortar is first pressed into the raked joints and then finished off flush with the edges of the bricks or stones, is called

A. flust pointing
B. struck pointing
C. V-grooved pointing
D. tuck pointing
Answer» A. flust pointing

Which of the following statement is correct?

A. The flat members connecting the jambs at the top is called head.
B. The head is of the same size as the jamb
C. The jamb are tennoned into the head and wedged.
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The depth of the concrete bed placed at the bottom of a wall footing should never be less than its projection beyond the wall base.

A. Agree
B. Disagree
Answer» A. Agree

The centre to centre spacing of lateral reinforcement in pre-cast reinforced concrete piles should not exceed

A. half
B. equal to
C. double
D. three times
Answer» A. half

A semi-rigid material which forms an excellent impervious layer for damp-proofing, is called

A. bitumen
B. mastic asphalt
C. aluminal
D. bituminous felt
Answer» B. mastic asphalt

A queen post truss is commonly used for spans

A. upto 3.5 m
B. from 3.5 to 5 m
C. from 5 to 8 m
D. from 8 to 12 m
Answer» D. from 8 to 12 m

A partition wall may be

A. folding
B. collapsible
C. fixed
D. any one of these
Answer» D. any one of these

A stone wall provided to protect the slopes of cutting in natural ground from the action of weather, is known as

A. retaining wall
B. breast wall
C. parapet wall
D. buttress
Answer» B. breast wall

The term pitch in connection with pitched roofs is defined as the

A. apex line of the sloping roof
B. inclination of the sides of a roof to the horizontal plane
C. horizontal distance between the internal faces of the walls
D. triangular upper part of a wall formed at the end of a pitch roof
Answer» B. inclination of the sides of a roof to the horizontal plane

A system of providing temporary support to the party walls of two buildings where the intermediate building is to be pulled down and built, is called

A. ranking shore
B. dead or vertical shore
C. flying or horizontal shore
D. none of these
Answer» C. flying or horizontal shore

The most commonly used material for damp proofing is

A. bitumen
B. paraffin wax
C. cement solution
D. cement concrete
Answer» A. bitumen

In brick masonry, for good bonding

A. all bricks need not be uniform in size
B. bats must be used in alternate courses only
C. vertical joints in alternate courses should fall in plumb
D. cement mortar used must have surkhi as additive
Answer» C. vertical joints in alternate courses should fall in plumb


A. require large storage space
B. are difficult to handle
C. cannot withstand large impact stress developed during hadn driving
D. none of the above
Answer» D. none of the above

Corince is defined as a

A. horizontal course of masonry projecting from the face of the wall
B. horizontal moulded projection provided ner the top of a building
C. covering placed on the exposed top of an external wall
D. triangular shaped portion of masonry at the end of a sloped roof
Answer» B. horizontal moulded projection provided ner the top of a building

The span of an arch is

A. vertical distance between the springing line and the highest point on the intrados
B. vertical distance between the springing line and the highest point on the extrados
C. perpendicular distance between the intrados and extrados
D. horizontal distance between the supports
Answer» D. horizontal distance between the supports

The pre-stressed concrete piles as compared to pre-cast and reinforced concrete piles

A. are lesser in weight
B. have high load carrying capacity
C. are extremely durable
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The type of stone masonry commonly adopted in the construction of residential building is

A. uncoused rubble masonry
B. coursed rubble masonry
C. random rubble masonry
D. dry rubble masonry
Answer» B. coursed rubble masonry

Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. In English bond, vertical joints in the header courses come over each other and vertical joints in the stretcher courses are also in the same line.
B. In English bond, the heading course should start with a queen closer.
C. In Flemish bond, the alternate headeers of each course are centrally supported over the strechers in the course below.
D. In Flemish bond, every alternate course starts with a header at the corner.
Answer» B. In English bond, the heading course should start with a queen closer.

A raking shore is a system of

A. giving temporary lateral support to an unsafe wall
B. providing temporary support to the party walls of two buildings where the intermediate building is to be pulled down and rebuilt
C. providing vertical support to walls and roofs, floors etc. when the lower part of a wall has to be removed for the purpose of providing an opening in the wall
D. all of the above
Answer» A. giving temporary lateral support to an unsafe wall

The window which projects outward from the walls of a room to provide an increased area of opening for admitting greater light and ventilation, is called

A. dormer window
B. corner window
C. bay window
D. clerestorey window
Answer» C. bay window

The wedge shaped unit (voussoir) placed at the crown of an arch, is called

A. skew back
B. intrados
C. extrados
D. keystone
Answer» D. keystone

The surface of the abutment on which the arch rests, is known as

A. span
B. keystone
C. skew back
D. crown
Answer» C. skew back

The nogging pieces are housed in the studs at a vertical distance of about

A. 100 to 200 mm
B. 200 to 400 mm
C. 400 to 600 mm
D. 600 to 900 mm
Answer» D. 600 to 900 mm

When the depth of water is from 4.5 to 6 m, the type of coefferdam used is

A. earthen cofferdam
B. rockfill cofferdam
C. single-walled cofferdam
D. double walled cofferdam
Answer» C. single-walled cofferdam

A block of stone or concrete provided under the end of tie beam to spread the load from the roof over a large area of bearing, is called

A. gable
B. hip
C. verge
D. template
Answer» D. template

A ridge formed by the intersection of two sloped surfaces having an exterior angle greater than 180?, is called

A. gable
B. hip
C. verge
D. template
Answer» B. hip

The arrangement of supports provided underneath the existing structure without disturbing its stability, is known as

A. underpinning
B. scaffolding
C. shoring
D. jacking
Answer» A. underpinning

In combined footing

A. depth of footing varies
B. width of footing is uniform
C. centre of gravity of the column loads must coincide with the centre of gravity of the footing
D. all of the above
Answer» C. centre of gravity of the column loads must coincide with the centre of gravity of the footing

The vertical distance between the wall plate and top of the ridge is called

A. rise
B. pitch
C. template
D. gable
Answer» A. rise

The dampness in a building is due to

A. ground moisture
B. rain water
C. defective construction
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

When the pile is driven by means of water jets, water is forced through the jet pipe under a pressure of

A. 0.2 to 0.5 N/mm2
B. 0.5 to 0.7 N/mm2
C. 0.7 to 1.75 N/mm2
D. 1.75 to 2.5 N/mm2
Answer» C. 0.7 to 1.75 N/mm2

The foundation in a building is provided to

A. distribute the load over a large area
B. increase overall stability of the structure
C. transmit load to the bearing surface (sub soil) at a uniform rate
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

For a rectangular foundation of width b, the eccentricity of the load should not be greater than

A. b/3
B. b/4
C. b/5
D. b/6
Answer» D. b/6

A coarse aggregate is one whose particles are of size

A. 4.75 mm
B. below 4.75 mm
C. 6.75 mm
D. above 6.75 mm
Answer» A. 4.75 mm

A temporary rigid structure having platforms raised up as the building increases in height, is called

A. underpinning
B. scaffolding
C. shoring
D. jacking
Answer» B. scaffolding

The horizontal upper part of a step on which foot is placed in ascending or descending a stairway, is called

A. riser
B. tread
C. flight
D. nosing
Answer» B. tread

The intrados of the flat arch is horizontal but the extrados has a straight camber or upward curvature.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» B. No

In stairs, the vertical portion of a step providing a support to the tread, is known as

A. riser
B. flier
C. soffit
D. pitch or slope
Answer» A. riser

In a public building, the stairs should be located near the

A. entrance
B. centre
C. end
D. toilet
Answer» A. entrance

In designing a stair, the sum of going (in cm) and twice the rise (in cm) should be equal to

A. 40
B. 50
C. 60
D. 70
Answer» A. 40

The process of placing a stone in its position in masonry construction is termed as setting.

A. Yes
B. No
Answer» A. Yes

Batter piles are

A. used to function as retaining walls
B. used to protect concrete deck or other water front structures from the abrasion or impact
C. driven at an inclination to resist large horizontal inclined forces
D. driven in granular soil with the aim of increasing the bearing capacity of the soil
Answer» C. driven at an inclination to resist large horizontal inclined forces

A brick which is cut in such a way that the width of its one end is half that of a full brick, is called

A. king closer
B. mitred closer
C. bevelled closer
D. queen closer
Answer» A. king closer

A type of bond in which all the bricks are laid as headeers on the faces of walls, is known as

A. raking bond
B. dutch bond
C. facing bond
D. heading bond
Answer» D. heading bond

A type of cast-in-situ pile best suited for places where the ground is soft and offers little resistance to the flow of concrete, is

A. simplex pile
B. Franki pile
C. vibro-pile
D. Raymond pile
Answer» C. vibro-pile

The ultimate strength of rapid hardening cement is just the same as that of normal setting cement.

A. True
B. False
Answer» A. True

In a king post truss, one vertical post is used.

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

The brick laid with its length perpendicular to the face of the wall is called a

A. course
B. stretcher
C. header
D. closer
Answer» C. header

A foundation consisting of thick reinforced concrete slab covering the entire area of the bottom of the structure, is known as

A. pile foundation
B. pier foundation
C. raft foundation
D. machine foundation
Answer» C. raft foundation

A raft foundation is also known as mat foundation

A. Correct
B. Incorrect
Answer» A. Correct

The exposed vertical surface left on the sides of an opening after the door or window frame has been fitted in position, is called

A. jamb
B. reveal
C. sill
D. quoin
Answer» B. reveal

The combination of a king-post truss and queen post truss is known as

A. couple roof
B. collar beam roof
C. mansard roof
D. purlin roof
Answer» C. mansard roof

The most commonly used bond for all wall thicknesses is

A. English bond
B. Flemish bond
C. stretching bond
D. heading bond
Answer» A. English bond

Pile foundation is generally used when the soil is

A. compressible
B. water-logged
C. made-up type
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

The frog of the brick must be kept

A. down
B. upward
Answer» B. upward

The lowest part of a structure which transmits the load to the soil is known as

A. Super-structure
B. Plinth
C. Foundation
D. Basement
Answer» C. Foundation
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