
190+ Professional Ethics in Engineering Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Civil Engineering .


It is important to have a good                          to be successful in your career.

A. appearance
B. attendance
C. attitude
D. respect
Answer» D. respect

It is important to be at work………………………………. every day and on time unless you are sick or have a family emergency.

A. appearance
B. attendance
C. attitude
D. respect
Answer» B. attendance

Strong …………………………………….. means you have a high sense of moral and ethical behavior that earns respect of others.

A. cooperation
B. confidence
C. attitude
D. character
Answer» C. attitude

……………………………………….. is essential at work because you must be able to work with others, especially if you don’t always agree with them.

A. communication
B. cooperation
C. honesty
D. integrity
Answer» A. communication

………………………………………….skills such as writing, speaking and body language are important work ethics so that you can be clear in your messages to others.

A. communication
B. cooperation
C. honesty
D. integrity
Answer» A. communication

You are a person with a high level of…………………………………..if you stand by your values even if others put pressure on you to do something that is wrong or if they make fun of you.

A. communication
B. cooperation
C. honesty
D. integrity
Answer» D. integrity

If you don’t have …………………………………., you can really get in trouble for lying, cheating or deceiving others.

A. communication
B. cooperation
C. honesty
D. integrity
Answer» C. honesty

If you can keep things at work in order and have a neat workplace, then you have great ……… ….

A. loyalty
B. organizational skills
C. productivity
D. respect
Answer» A. loyalty

It is always important to……………………. yourself, others and the place where you work.

A. appearance
B. cooperate
C. communicate
D. respect
Answer» C. communicate

If you have ……………………………., you will be a trusted person because they will see that you are committed to your company.

A. loyalty
B. organizational skills
C. productivity
D. respect
Answer» A. loyalty

. …………… work ethic is important because when you are at work, you are expected to perform your duties without wasting time or getting paid for doing very little.

A. loyalty
B. organizational skills
C. productivity
D. respect
Answer» C. productivity

Some jobs cannot be done alone and some can be done much better and faster if you possess the quality of …………………………………………...

A. responsibility
B. respect
C. teamwork
D. cooperation
Answer» A. responsibility

Having ………………………………..means you can be trusted to do what you are expected to do at work

A. responsibility
B. respect
C. teamwork
D. cooperation
Answer» B. respect

It is important to dress appropriately for work and have good personal hygiene including brushing teeth, wearing deodorant (but not strong perfume or cologne) and having neat hair.

A. appearance
B. attendance
C. attitude
D. respect
Answer» C. attitude

What is business ethics?

A. the study of business situations, activities, and decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed
B. defined as decisions organisations make on issues that could be considered right or wrong
C. ethics that can be applied to an organisation’s practises
D. ethical processes businesses use in order to achieve a good ethical standard
Answer» D. ethical processes businesses use in order to achieve a good ethical standard

Ethics & Law overlap. This is called…

A. yellow area
B. white area
C. black area
D. grey area
Answer» A. yellow area

A written statement of policies and principles that guides the behaviour of all employees is called

A. code of ethics
B. word of ethics
C. ethical dilemma
D. none of the above
Answer» C. ethical dilemma

What is the classical view of management's social responsibility?

A. to create specific environment in work place
B. to maximise profits
C. to protect and improve society\s welfare
D. all of the above
Answer» A. to create specific environment in work place

Which of these is a purpose of shared organisational values?

A. build team support
B. influence marketing efforts
C. guide managers\ decisions and actions
D. all of the above
Answer» B. influence marketing efforts

Which of these is a factor that affects ethical and unethical behaviour?

A. ethical dilemma
B. diversity
C. teamwork
D. open communication
Answer» A. ethical dilemma

The term ……………………… refers to principles, values and beliefs that define right and wrong behaviour.

A. customer satisfaction
B. empowerment
C. innovation
D. ethics
Answer» D. ethics

Which of this is a second stage of moral development?

A. principled
B. conventional
C. pre conventional
D. none of the above
Answer» A. principled

A personality measure of the strength of a person's convictions is called                   .

A. locus of control
B. ego
C. ego strength
D. none of the above
Answer» C. ego strength

                   is a personality attribute that measures the degree to which people believe they control their own fate.

A. locus of control
B. culture
C. values
D. none of the above
Answer» C. values

The three major types of ethical issues include except?

A. communication issues
B. systematic issues
C. corporate issues
D. individual issues
Answer» A. communication issues

Truthfulness in marketing communications is an example of:

A. ethics
B. business ethics
C. marketing ethics
D. corporate social responsibility
Answer» C. marketing ethics

Document that consists of all ethical standards that employer expects from employees is classified as

A. ethics code
B. descriptive code
C. procedural code
D. distributive code
Answer» D. distributive code

Fairness of process is classified as

A. descriptive justice
B. procedural justice
C. distributive justice
D. severance justice
Answer» C. distributive justice

Justice and fairness of a result of a decision is often classified as

A. descriptive justice
B. procedural justice
C. distributive justice
D. severance justice
Answer» C. distributive justice

Standards that decided, what kind of conduct employees of organization should possess

A. descriptive justice
B. procedural justice
C. distributive justice
D. ethics
Answer» C. distributive justice

The word “Ethics” comes from

A. ethos
B. eternity
C. elementary
D. essentiality
Answer» A. ethos

A …….……is a set of principles that people hold themselves to or that are held by organizations or groups.

A. code of ethics
B. code of honor
C. ethical perspective
D. persuasive tactic
Answer» C. ethical perspective

             is the ability to commit to doing what is right no matter the situation.

A. dedication
B. drive
C. devotion
D. morale
Answer» A. dedication

……………………. and the second ability is …………………………..

A. ability to discern; concentration
B. ability to visualize; devotion
C. ability to distinguish; dedication
D. ability to judge; dedication
Answer» A. ability to discern; concentration

“We advocate truthfulness, accuracy, honesty, and reason as essential to the integrity of communication.” This is a commitment that would most likely be found in a……………………………….

A. mission statement
B. code of ethics
C. code of conduct
D. employee handbook
Answer» C. code of conduct

                 are beliefs and attitudes we have that can actually conflict with our ethical decisions.

A. morals
B. principles
C. virtues
D. values
Answer» A. morals

According to the text, what undermines persuasion and communication?

A. facts
B. lying
C. storytelling
D. emotion
Answer» B. lying

                 is the degree to which others can depend on us. Like reputation, it can take a lifetime to build and only seconds to destroy.

A. likability
B. persuasiveness
C. reliability
D. eloquence
Answer» B. persuasiveness

                 are the true reasons for our actions when we have something to lose or gain as a result.

A. motives
B. schemes
C. plans
D. ruses
Answer» A. motives

                 are the welfare principles enunciated by the wise people, based on their experience and wisdom

A. morals
B. ethics
C. values
D. morality
Answer» A. morals

                       is concerned with principles and practices of morals

A. ethics
B. values
C. morality
D. norms
Answer» A. ethics

Breaking the norms is called               , and invite specific punishment

A. action
B. crime
C. laws
D. abuse
Answer» C. laws

A              is defined as a principle that promotes well-being or prevents harm

A. ethics
B. morals
C. morality
D. values
Answer» A. ethics

Human values are                

A. right conduct
B. peace
C. truth
D. all the above mentioned
Answer» D. all the above mentioned

Values related to RIGHT CONDUCT is                

A. social skills
B. attention
C. accuracy
D. empathy
Answer» A. social skills

Values related to right conduct is                

A. attention
B. accuracy
C. empathy
D. ethical skills
Answer» A. attention

Values related to right conduct is                

A. curiosity
B. self-help skills
C. friendship
D. loyalty
Answer» B. self-help skills

Values related to peace is                

A. social skills
B. attention
C. accuracy
D. empathy
Answer» A. social skills

Values related to peace is                

A. reverence
B. perseverance
C. self-respect
D. sympathy
Answer» C. self-respect

Values related to truth is                  

A. attention
B. accuracy
C. empathy
D. ethical skills
Answer» C. empathy

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