
Bus Economics Solved MCQs

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


International trade increases the welfare of ________________

A. only developed countries
B. only exporting countries
C. all participating countries
D. only importing countries
Answer» C. all participating countries

Ricardian theory assumes that labour is ________________ within the country.

A. inefficient
B. heterogeneous
C. homogeneous
D. sufficient
Answer» C. homogeneous

Income terms of trade indicate increased capacity to ________________.

A. export
B. import
C. profit
D. investment
Answer» B. import

An offer curve differs from ________________.

A. usual demand curve
B. usual supply curve
C. indifference curve
D. usual demand and supply curve
Answer» D. usual demand and supply curve

Utility terms of trade was introduced by ________________.

A. jacob viner
B. frank taussig
C. j. s. mill
D. adam smith
Answer» A. jacob viner

When supply of exports is elastic, a country will have ________________ terms of trade.

A. unfavorable
B. favorable
C. income
D. different
Answer» B. favorable

Hecksher-Ohlin theory states that the relative factor prices in two countries are determined by ________________.

A. labour efficiency
B. capital efficiency
C. technological developments
D. differences in factor endowments
Answer» D. differences in factor endowments

________________ is not an objective of commercial trade policy.

A. to determine the rate of interest
B. to protect domestic industries from foreign competition
C. to preserve foreign exchange reserves
D. to maintain favorable balance of payments
Answer» A. to determine the rate of interest

Tariff rate quotas are ________________

A. based on the value of the traded commodity only
B. low tariff rate on an initial quantity of import within the quota limit and very high tariff rate on imports above the initial amount
C. based on the quantity or volume of the quantity only
D. combination of tariffs and quotas
Answer» B. low tariff rate on an initial quantity of import within the quota limit and very high tariff rate on imports above the initial amount

Which of the following is not a NTB?

A. voluntary export restrictions
B. administrative barriers
C. tariff rate quotas
D. local content requirement
Answer» C. tariff rate quotas

A free trade area is a trade bloc where ________________

A. countries agree to have a common unified tariff against non-members
B. countries agree to reduce or eliminate tariff barriers on selected goods imported from other member nations
C. countries agree to reduce or eliminate tariff barriers on all goods imported from other member nations
D. all barriers are eliminated to allow free movement of goods, services, capital and labour
Answer» C. countries agree to reduce or eliminate tariff barriers on all goods imported from other member nations

The ________________ was signed to create the EU in 1993.

A. treaty of london
B. treaty of maastricht
C. treaty of lisbon
D. treaty of rome
Answer» B. treaty of maastricht

ASEAN was formed in ________________

A. 1967
B. 1945
C. 1999
D. 2000
Answer» A. 1967

________________ refers to the alliance of multiple countries pursuing common goals.

A. single market
B. multilateralism
C. customs union
D. regionalism
Answer» B. multilateralism

WTO was set up on ________________

A. 31st july, 1995
B. 1st january, 2000
C. 1st june, 1985
D. 1st january, 1995
Answer» D. 1st january, 1995

In the past several years, India's net invisibles were in ________________

A. surplus
B. deficit
C. balance
D. unbalance
Answer» A. surplus

Private transfers on India's current account include ________________.

A. local withdrawal from nri rupee deposits
B. foreign currency deposits
C. foreign exchange reserves
D. portfolio investment
Answer» A. local withdrawal from nri rupee deposits

The highest authority of WTO is ________________.

A. the dispute settlement body
B. the ministerial conference
C. the trade policy review body
D. the general council
Answer» B. the ministerial conference

________________ is not a direct measures to correct BoP disequilibrium.

A. tariffs
B. devaluation of exchange rate
C. import substitution
D. quotas
Answer» B. devaluation of exchange rate

Portfolio foreign investment is included in ________________ account of BoP.

A. capital
B. trade
C. debit
D. current
Answer» A. capital

Forward market in foreign exchange refers to ________________ market.

A. a long run
B. a short run
C. a spot
D. short and long run
Answer» D. short and long run

________________ is not a detect of flexible exchange rate.

A. speculation
B. structural unemployment
C. stability in international monetary system
D. discourages investments
Answer» C. stability in international monetary system

The function of foreign exchange market that helps in clearing international transactions is known as ________________.

A. speculation
B. hedging
C. transfer
D. credit
Answer» C. transfer

When the demand curve for foreign currency, intersects the supply curve, we get ________________ exchange rate.

A. par
B. discount
C. equilibrium
D. premium
Answer» C. equilibrium

________________ of goods results in demand for foreign currency.

A. sale in inter-national market
B. export
C. sale in domestic market
D. import
Answer» D. import

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