190+ Agricultural and Rural Marketing Solved MCQs


Chapter: Unit 1

Which organisation deals with training, research, consultancy and education in Agricultural Marketing under the Department of Agriculture, Co-operation and Farmers Welfare (DAC&FW):

A. Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE)
B. National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM)
C. Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHD&F)
D. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)
Answer» B. National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM)

Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) is an attached Office of which among the following ministries?

A. Ministry of Commerce
B. Ministry of Finance
C. Ministry of Agriculture
D. Ministry of Food Processing
Answer» C. Ministry of Agriculture

PradhanMantriGraminAwaasYojana is a programme under the Government of India to provide:

A. internet connectivity to rural areas
B. electricity in all the villages
C. housing for the rural poor
D. tap water to every household
Answer» C. housing for the rural poor

Which of the following is the quality certification mark for agricultural produce?

C. ISO 2000
Answer» B. AGMARK

This department was set up to implement the agricultural marketing policies and programmes:

A. Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE)
B. The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI),
C. CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM)
D. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)
Answer» B. The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI),

As per the Essential Commodities Act, fertilizers should be made available to the farmers within a range of:

A. 1-2 kms
B. 2-3 kms
C. 4-5 kms
D. 8-10 kms
Answer» C. 4-5 kms

Agricultural produce marketing is a link between:

A. farmers
B. the farm and the non-farm sectors
C. farmers and intermediaries
D. intermediaries and consumers
Answer» B. the farm and the non-farm sectors

__________________ helps in establishing forward and backward linkages in supply chain management for farmers.

A. CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM)
B. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)
C. Department of Agriculture Research and Education (DARE)
D. Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI)
Answer» B. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)

The transportation function adds____________ utility to products..

A. form
B. place
C. time
D. possession
Answer» B. place

Processing wheat into flour and bread adds ____________ utility to the product.

A. form
B. place
C. time
D. possession
Answer» A. form

Storing milk creates?

A. form
B. place
C. time
D. possession
Answer» C. time

Pepsi Co. buying potatoes from farmers results in:

A. form
B. place
C. time
D. possession
Answer» D. possession

A peanut butter processing plant is adding __________ utility when producing peanut butter.

A. form
B. place
C. time
D. possession
Answer» A. form

Which marketing function adds possession utility to a product

A. premium pricing
B. buying and selling
C. distribution
D. product development
Answer» B. buying and selling

India has ________ agro climatic zones.

A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
Answer» C. 15

Small farmers typically own land measuring

A. below one hectare
B. between one and two hectares
C. between two and four hectares
D. between four and ten hectare
Answer» B. between one and two hectares

Crop insurance is a means of protecting the agriculturist against financial losses due to uncertainties that may arise from:

A. failure of agro-based industries
B. crop loss due to transport negligence
C. poor farming techniques
D. crop loss arisingfrom perils beyond their control
Answer» D. crop loss arisingfrom perils beyond their control

Wholesalers perform several functions except:

A. assembling
B. sorting
C. giving credit
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

Food Cooperation of India was established in the year:

A. 1945
B. 1955
C. 1965
D. 1975
Answer» C. 1965

Which agency is responsible for procurement, distribution and storage of food grain production in India?

A. Ministry of Agriculture
B. Food Cooperation of India
Answer» B. Food Cooperation of India

The federal government subsidizes the cost of insurance that covers the loss of revenue to a farmer as a result of:

A. damage to a crop due to a severe drought.
B. higher costs for distributing and marketing a product.
C. a drop in prices due to oversupply of a commodity.
D. lower prices due to competition with foreign producers.
Answer» A. damage to a crop due to a severe drought.

The characteristic features of Indian Agriculture are:
i. Labour surplus economy
ii. Structural unemployment
iii. Large size of land holding
iv. Traditional technology of production
Which statements are correct?

A. i& ii
B. ii & iii
C. i& iv
D. iii & iv
Answer» C. i& iv

Which of the following pairs is not matched correctly:

A. Evergreen revolution - Overall Production of Agriculture
B. Blue Revolution – Fish
C. Yellow revolution – Oilseeds
D. Round revolution - Tomato
Answer» D. Round revolution - Tomato

Consider the following statements regarding efficient Agricultural marketing:
i. It leads to optimization of resource use
ii. It leads to growth of agro-based industries
iii. It leads to increase in urban migration
iv. It leads to widening of markets
Which statement is incorrect?

A. i
B. ii
C. iii
D. iv
Answer» C. iii

Which of the following is not matched correctly:

A. Form utility –turning wheat into flour
B. Place utility – oranges at local retail shop
C. Time utility – availing public transport
D. Possession utility –purchasing potatoes
Answer» C. Time utility – availing public transport

Commercialization of agriculture implies:

A. Cultivation of timbers
B. Plantation
C. Production of crops for sale
D. Production of foodgrains
Answer» C. Production of crops for sale

Agricultural technology is hard to adopt because:

A. It has to be adopted to local conditions
B. Rural people are hesitant to adopt it
C. Farmers are afraid of failure
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Consider the following statements about the characteristics of agricultural products:
i. Products are perishable in nature
ii. Products are seasonal
iii. Small size land holdings
iv. Regular supply of agricultural products
Which statement is incorrect?

A. i
B. ii
C. iii
D. iv
Answer» D. iv

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare provides improved access to irrigation and enhanced water efficiency through:

A. Pradhanmantri Gram SinchaiYojana
B. ParamparagatKrishiVikasYojana
C. PradhanMantriFasalBimaYojana
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Pradhanmantri Gram SinchaiYojana

Which of the following is not an agricultural input:

A. Seed
B. Tractor
C. Pesticides
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which of the following factors influence the prices of agricultural commodities:

A. Inadequate storage facility
B. Uncertainty of supply
C. Superfluous middlemen
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Agriculture sector contributes about _____________ in the total GDP.

A. 10
B. 17
C. 25
D. 40
Answer» B. 17

The pricing of agriculturalproduce depends on factors like:

A. seasonality
B. perishability
C. demand and supply
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Under the agricultural marketing system, the input sub-system includes:

A. Input manufacturers and distributors, related
B. Importers
C. Exporters
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which entity does not belong in the product marketing sub-system?

A. Farmers
B. Village/primary traders
C. Input manufacturers
D. Retailers.
Answer» C. Input manufacturers

An autonomous society promoted by the Central Government and registered as a Non-Banking Financial Institution, which helps farmers in establishing forward and backward linkages in supply chain management:

A. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)
B. CCS National Institute of Agricultural Marketing (NIAM)
C. TATA Kisan Kendra
D. E-Choupal
Answer» A. Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC)

Anon-government initiative that provides different services like agro input service, farm equipment leasing, agronomy services and a few other allied services:

A. TATA Kisan Kendra
B. E-Choupal
C. HariyaliKisaanBaazaar (HKB)
D. Contract farming
Answer» A. TATA Kisan Kendra

Contract farming entails

A. planting contractor‟s crop on farmer‟s land
B. contractor providing superior seeds
C. credit for farmer at lower interest rates
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

The 3 broad areas of scope for the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare are

A. agriculture, food processing and transportation
B. agriculture, food processing and inspection
C. agriculture, food processing and co-operation
D. none of the above
Answer» C. agriculture, food processing and co-operation
Chapter: Unit 2

The Census of India defines rural as any habitation

A. where at least 55% of the male working population is engaged in agriculture
B. where at least 65% of the male working population is engaged in agriculture
C. where at least 75% of the male working population is engaged in agriculture
D. none of the above
Answer» C. where at least 75% of the male working population is engaged in agriculture

The identification of rural areas as defined by the Census is:

A. a minimum population of 2,000
B. at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in agricultural activities
C. a population density of over 400 per sq. km.
D. where a municipality exists
Answer» B. at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in agricultural activities

Overall efficiency in rural marketing is required to pass on benefits to:

A. retailers
B. wholesalers
C. consumers
D. marketers
Answer» C. consumers

NABARD was set up by an act of Parliament in 1982

A. to facilitate credit for agriculture only
B. to promote rural development and infrastructure
C. both a&b
D. None of the above
Answer» C. both a&b

Value for money products means:

A. low-priced products with low unit packaging
B. no-frills functional products at a low cost
C. large volume products
D. high-priced products
Answer» B. no-frills functional products at a low cost

Rural marketing means:

A. Movement of goods from urban to rural
B. Movement of goods from rural to urban
C. Exchange between rural and urban
D. Exchange between rural areas
Answer» C. Exchange between rural and urban

The major factor differentiating the rural and urban markets is:

A. Price sensitiveness
B. Lifestyle
C. Income stream
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The following service area has great potential in rural markets:

A. Agricultural consultancy
B. Event managements
C. Telecom services
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The pattern of income stream in rural areas is seasonal unlike the fixed monthly income in the urban areas which creates a difference in:

A. educational level
B. consumption pattern
C. road connectivity
D. none of the above
Answer» B. consumption pattern

Rural markets are:

A. concentrated
B. homogeneous
C. scattered
D. none of the above
Answer» C. scattered

Promotion in the rural context has to be:

A. recreational
B. educational
C. endorsed by celebrities
D. precise
Answer» B. educational

The unpredictable income makes the rural consumer highly conservative and

A. value-conscious
B. open-minded
C. adaptable
D. inexperienced
Answer» A. value-conscious

The products which have attained the maturity stage in urban market are in __________ stage in rural market

A. introduction
B. growth
C. maturity
D. decline
Answer» B. growth

Rural market is

A. shandies or haats
B. weekly markets
C. village retail stores
D. set of consumers in rural areas
Answer» D. set of consumers in rural areas

Rural is a distinct type of market and

A. is similar to the urban markets
B. is not just a poor extension of the urban areas
C. requires the same marketing strategies as urban markets
D. none of the above
Answer» B. is not just a poor extension of the urban areas

The cost and __________ of accessing consumers in a highly widespread rural market are very different from those involved in reaching urban consumers.

A. logistics
B. understanding
C. labour
D. acceptability
Answer» A. logistics

For fast moving consumer goods, rural consumption accounts for __________ share than urban.

A. smaller
B. larger
C. same
D. none of the above
Answer» B. larger

While the urban economy thrives mainly on secondary and tertiary activities, the rural economy is driven mainly by primary activities, such as:

A. manufacturing
B. service
C. agriculture
D. agriculture, fishing and forestry
Answer» D. agriculture, fishing and forestry

The following factors provide opportunities for marketers and favour the growth of rural marketing:
i. Improved Rural Infrastructure
ii. Improved Literacy Rate
iii. Agriculture Prosperity
iv. High cost per contact
Which statement is incorrect?

A. i
B. ii
C. iii
D. iv
Answer» D. iv

Consider the following statements:
i. A rural customer does not care about brands
ii. Rural literacy has now improved
iii. Many lifestyle changes have been witnessed in rural areas
iv. Decision is no longer centralized in the male head of a rural family
Which state is incorrect?

A. i
B. ii
C. iii
D. iv
Answer» A. i

Marketing to urban and rural markets may differ in all of the following ways except which?

A. Accessibility
B. Content of message
C. Media reach and habits
D. Price combined with utility
Answer» D. Price combined with utility

Rural consumers may respond better to promotion that is

A. Flashy
B. Aggressive
C. Personal
D. Repetitive
Answer» C. Personal

Rural consumers tend to favour no-frills functional products over

A. brand loyalty
B. small unit packaging
C. value for money
D. aggressive sales
Answer» D. aggressive sales

Agro-products includes all of the following except

A. Milk powder
B. Fruits
C. Vegetables
D. Corn flakes
Answer» A. Milk powder

Educating farmers about the best methods, timings and seasons, technology, tools, prices and best markets for selling their farming products is known as:

A. Public relations
B. Management consultancy
C. Agricultural consultancy
D. Operations consultancy
Answer» C. Agricultural consultancy

In line with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, the Government of India aims to provide tap water regularly to every household by:

A. 2022
B. 2030
C. 2035
D. 2040
Answer» B. 2030

Rural literacy level that was 25% before independence has now improved to:

A. 55%
B. 60%
C. 64%
D. 70%
Answer» C. 64%

In many products, rural consumption now accounts for a larger share then urban, especially for:

A. Washing soaps
B. Washing machines
C. Microwave
D. Refrigerator
Answer» A. Washing soaps

To increase awareness of products and services among rural consumers, there needs to be an increase in

A. rural infrastructure
B. penetration of mass media
C. agricultural research
D. population mobility
Answer» B. penetration of mass media

Mobility of rural population to urban areas, metro cities and foreign countries intensifies incomes and, hence,

A. purchasing power of rural people
B. education of rural people
C. connectivity of rural people
D. decision making of rural people
Answer» A. purchasing power of rural people

In India, most of the population resides in

A. Cities
B. Towns
C. Urban areas
D. Villages
Answer» D. Villages

______________ developments in agriculture results in overall rural development

A. Cultural
B. Social
C. Technological
D. Political
Answer» C. Technological

The unpredictable income makes the rural consumer

A. decisive
B. highly conservative
C. open to change
D. impulsive
Answer» B. highly conservative

Which product feature can be used to attract rural consumers?

A. functionality
B. high-tech
C. appearance
D. size
Answer» A. functionality

In India, which institution takes care of the agriculture and rural development credit needs?

Answer» B. NABARD

What is the role Haats in villages?

A. Contact point for durable goods only
B. A political platform for politicians
C. A place for cultural programmes
D. An opportunity for buying daily necessities
Answer» D. An opportunity for buying daily necessities

One of the various transformations the rural markets are witnessing in the changingmarketing scenario:

A. Rising mass media
B. Improved literacy
C. Improved marketing efforts
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The Government of Indiaunder its ambitious project called Digital Village aims to

A. enable healthcare service in every village
B. provide internet connectivity for mass use
C. provide telecommunication services in every village
D. provide fertilizers to all farmers
Answer» B. provide internet connectivity for mass use

The pattern of income generation in rural areas based on agriculture is

A. seasonal
B. reliable
C. fixed
D. regular
Answer» A. seasonal

One of the 4 As of rural marketing is:

A. Accommodate
B. Accelerate
C. Availability
D. Accountability
Answer» C. Availability
Chapter: Unit 3

Joint distribution by non-competing companies to rural areas is practices to:

A. save time in reaching the villages
B. share cost of distribution
C. establish direct contact with customers
D. none of the above
Answer» B. share cost of distribution

Which of the following is not included under Bharat Nirman?

A. Irrigation
B. Rural roads
C. Rural telecommunication
D. Education
Answer» D. Education

Rural markets remain untapped because of three Ds – Distance, Diversity and ___________________.

A. Density
B. Dispersion
C. Dissemination
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Dispersion

Self Help Groups bank linkage programme was first launched by

Answer» C. NABARD

Emerging trend in rural marketing include

A. Internet marketing
B. Retailing
C. Wholesaling
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Internet marketing

Haats and melas form an integral part of the rural consumer's ...................... patterns.

A. working
B. shopping
C. daily
D. none of the above
Answer» B. shopping

______________are the weekly markets from where rural people buy the items of daily necessities, garments, farm inputs etc

A. Melas
B. Haats
C. Dashavtars
D. none of the above
Answer» A. Melas

The manufacturer has to ensure price compliance in rural markets either

A. through promotional campaigns
B. by ensuring the availability of products
C. by timely distribution
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Making small unit packages of products is only one of the options for the rural market and it should be

A. generalised across all product categories
B. generalised across product categories with caution
C. generalised only for fast moving consumer goods
D. none of the above
Answer» B. generalised across product categories with caution

For the rural market, the _______________ of the product should be enhanced instead of appearance.

A. description
B. promotion
C. functional utility
D. none of the above
Answer» C. functional utility

Instead of high-priced value-added products, the rural consumers prefer

A. functional products
B. low cost products
C. small unit packaging
D. all of the above
Answer» D. all of the above

Rural markets imply complex logistical challenges that show up as

A. opportunity for retailing
B. good prospect for wholesalers
C. high distribution costs
D. none of the above
Answer» C. high distribution costs

An outlet that can be used to market products to the rural consumers include

A. Agricultural Input Dealers
B. Cooperative Societies
C. Public Distribution System
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

An important promotional strategy when marketing to rural consumers include:

A. Thinking in local idiom
B. Apply same standards as urban markets
C. Apply global promotional strategies
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Thinking in local idiom

One of the main objective of the Make in India scheme is:

A. Enhance skill development
B. Provide broadband highways
C. Provide housing facilities
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Enhance skill development

One of the main objective of the Digital India programme is

A. Foster Innovation
B. Universal access to mobile connectivity
C. Provide access to public health services
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Universal access to mobile connectivity

One of the main objective of Bharat Nirman is

A. Provide housing facilities to the rural areas
B. Improving the nutritional status of children
C. e-governance
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Provide housing facilities to the rural areas

One of the main objective of Start Up India is

A. Provide financial support to the farmers
B. Enhance livelihood security in rural areas
C. Build a strong ecosystem for promoting innovation
D. None of the above
Answer» C. Build a strong ecosystem for promoting innovation

One of the main objective ofthe National Rural Health Mission is

A. Provide nutritional support to children
B. Decrease the infant mortality rate
C. To make healthy relationships with worldwide nations
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Decrease the infant mortality rate

The objective of National Food Security Mission is:

A. Increase production through area expansion and productivity
B. Improve the nutritional status of school-age children nationwide
C. Prevent and control communicable and non-communicable diseases
D. None of the above
Answer» A. Increase production through area expansion and productivity

The objective of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan is

A. Encourage poor children, belonging to disadvantaged sections, to attend school
B. Provide quality elementary education with community involvement
C. Provide nutritional support to children
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Provide quality elementary education with community involvement
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