190+ Essentials of Ecommerce Solved MCQs


A computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard electronic format between business partners

A. Email
Answer» C. EDI

Which among the following product is suitable for E-Commerce ?

A. Books
B. Vegetables
C. None of the above
D. a) and b)
Answer» D. a) and b)

The supply chain management philosophy emerged in which decade?

A. 1960s
B. 1970s
C. 1980s
D. 1990s
Answer» C. 1980s

By Electronic Commerce we mean:

A. Commerce of electronic goods
B. Commerce which depends on electronics
C. Electronic market
D. Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by telecommunication network.
Answer» D. Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by telecommunication network.

Compared to B2C e-commerce, B2B e-commerce is ______.

A. of equal size
B. slightly smaller
C. slightly larger
D. much larger.
Answer» D. much larger.

The idealistic market envisioned at the outset of the development of e-commerce is called a.

A. Bailey market.
B. Baxter market.
C. Bertrand market.
D. Bergman market
Answer» C. Bertrand market.

The first ecommerce website deals with

A. Grocery
B. Books.
C. Clothes
D. Essential commodities
Answer» B. Books.

The purpose of supply chain management is

A. provide customer satisfaction
B. improve quality of a product
C. integrating supply and demand management .
D. increase production
Answer» C. integrating supply and demand management .

……………….is the exchange of goods or items or commodities and services or applications used for money and deals the money matters

A. E-commerce
B. Commerce
C. Both of these
D. none
Answer» B. Commerce

…………….is an approach to deliver information differentiated business values called services by combining the system and process generally called resources

A. E-business
B. E-commerce
C. any of these
D. none
Answer» A. E-business

Which among the following is not an example for E-commerce

A. Amazon.com
B. Baazar.com
C. E-trade.com
D. None of these
Answer» C. E-trade.com

………………were the first to establish prominent E-commerce Brands

A. Baazar.com
B. E-bay and Amazon
C. E-trade.com
D. none of these
Answer» B. E-bay and Amazon

By Electronic Commerce we mean:

A. Commerce of electronic goods
B. Commerce which depends on electronics
C. Commerce which is based on the use of internet
D. Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by telecommunication
Answer» D. Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by telecommunication

Which among the following product is suitable for E-Commerce ?

A. Books
B. Vegetables
C. All of these
D. None of these
Answer» A. Books

Which of the following is not a party of SCM ?

A. Suppliers
B. Manufacturers
C. Distributors
D. Customers.
Answer» C. Distributors

………………is a commercial process that includes production, distribution, sales or delivery of goods and services through electronic means

A. E-commerce
D. None of these
Answer» A. E-commerce

E-commerce transactions involve the sale or purchase of goods or services between

A. Businesses
B. Households
C. Governments
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Customization is to _____________ as standardization is to___________.

A. e-commerce; traditional commerce
B. traditional commerce; e-commerce
C. websites; email
D. None of the above
Answer» A. e-commerce; traditional commerce

_________ is not confined to buying and selling of goods but includes other activities like providing customer service and communicating with employees, client or business partners.

A. E-commerce
C. E-business
D. B2B
Answer» C. E-business

Online shopping was pioneered in the United Kingdom in 1979 by.

A. Michael Aldrich
B. Jeff Bezos
C. Tim Berners-Lee
D. Steve Jobs
Answer» A. Michael Aldrich

EDIFACT stands for

A. Electronic Data Interface For Administration, Commerce and Transport
B. E-commerce Data Interface For Administration, Commerce and Transport
C. Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transit
D. Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport
Answer» D. Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport

E-commerce systems perform the following business functions between producers, suppliers and customers

A. providing information
B. distribution and delivery logistics
C. payment processing
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

The impacts of e-commerce do not include

A. Disintermediation
B. Responsible Consumption
C. Re-internediation
D. Cannibalization
Answer» B. Responsible Consumption

The basic purpose of supply chain management is to

A. reduce customer satisfaction
B. improve quality of a product
C. make inventory readily available
D. increase production
Answer» C. make inventory readily available

World Wide Web (WWW) was introduced in which of the following year?

A. 1994
B. 1996
C. 1992
D. 1990
Answer» A. 1994

Which of the following describes e-commerce?

A. Doing business electronically
B. Doing Business
C. Sale of Goods
D. All of the above
Answer» A. Doing business electronically

Which among the following product is suitable for E-Commerce?

A. Books
B. Furnitures
C. All of these
D. None of these
Answer» C. All of these

Electronic Exchange of business documents in a standard format is known as

A. E-Commerce
B. E-Business
D. None of these
Answer» C. EDI

Which of the following is essentially a business process that connects manufacturers, retailers, customers and suppliers in the form of a chain to develop and deliver products?

A. E-Commerce
C. Networking
Answer» D. SCM

Which of the following is not a party of SCM?

A. Suppliers
B. Manufacturers
C. Distributors
D. Customers
Answer» C. Distributors

Among the following, which one is not the limitation of e-commerce?

A. Security
B. High Labour Cost
C. Lack of Privacy
D. Legal issue
Answer» B. High Labour Cost

Which of the following is not true about e-commerce?

A. 24*7 availability
B. Government interference
C. Cheerful Lifestyle
D. Easy Transaction
Answer» C. Cheerful Lifestyle

Which of the following best describe ecommerce?

A. Doing business electronically
B. Doing business
C. Sale of go
Answer» A. Doing business electronically

Electronic Exchange of business documents in a standard format is known as ………………

A. E-commerce
B. E-Business
D. None of these
Answer» C. EDI

………………..is concerned with the buying and selling information, products and services over computer communication networks

A. Commerce
B. E-Commerce
C. E-Business
D. None of these
Answer» A. Commerce

…………allows a business application on the computer of one organization to communicate directly with the business application on the computer of another company.

B. Protocols
C. Standards
D. Business applications
Answer» A. EDI

The purpose of supply chain management is

A. provide customer satisfaction
B. improve quality of a product
C. integrating supply and demand management
D. increase production
Answer» C. integrating supply and demand management

Which of the following creates an online supply chain community that enables partners to collaborate on design, procurement, demand and supply management, and other supply chain activities?

A. collaborative design
B. collaborativefulfillment
C. supply chain exchange
D. supply chain event management
Answer» D. supply chain event management

Electronic Data Interchange(EDI) standards are:

A. Not universally available
B. Essential for B2B ecommerce
C. Not Essential for B2B ecommerce
D. Still being evolved.
Answer» B. Essential for B2B ecommerce

Which products are people most likely to be more uncomfortable buying on the internet?

A. Books
B. Furniture
C. Movies
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Furniture

Which type of e-commerce focuses on customers dealing with each other?

A. B2B
B. B2C
C. C2B
D. C2C.
Answer» D. C2C.

Which segment do Myntra.com and Amazon.com belongs?

A. B2B
B. B2C.
C. C2B
D. C2C
Answer» B. B2C.

Web site that displays electronic catalogs from several suppliers, and charges commission from them for the sales revenue generated at that site

A. Emalls.
B. Eshops
C. Etailers
D. Ebooks
Answer» A. Emalls.

Public Sector Marketing is also called

A. B2C
B. B2B
C. B2G.
D. B2E
Answer» C. B2G.

An intrabusiness network which allows companies to provide products and/ or services to their employees

A. B2C
B. B2B
C. B2G
D. B2E.
Answer» D. B2E.

A businesstransaction between businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer.

A. B2C
B. B2B.
C. B2G
D. B2E
Answer» B. B2B.

This model of e-commerce consists of the sale of products or services from a business to the general public

A. B2C.
B. B2B
C. B2G
D. B2E
Answer» A. B2C.

Which of the following is not suitable for a B2C transaction ?

A. Clothes
B. Flower
C. Airline Reservation
D. None of the Above
Answer» D. None of the Above

…………………is basically a concept of online marketing and distributing of products and services over the internet

A. B2G
B. B2E
C. B2C
D. B2B
Answer» C. B2C

Which of the following is not suitable for a B2C transaction ?

A. clothes
B. flowers
C. airline reservation
D. none
Answer» D. none

………………….e-commerce involves the electronic facilitation of transaction between customers through some third party.

A. C2C
B. B2E
C. B2B
D. B2G
Answer» A. C2C

Which among the following is an example of C2C ?

A. e-Bay
B. Amazon.com
C. Rentalic.com
D. all of these
Answer» D. all of these

Companies use………………………networks to automate employee related corporate processes.

A. B2G
B. B2E
C. B2B
D. P2P
Answer» B. B2E

………refers to a kind of e-commerce which refers to a company selling or buying from other company

A. B2G
B. B2E
C. B2B
D. P2P
Answer» C. B2B

Peer to Peer *P2P+ is also used to describe ………………………

A. C2C
B. B2E
C. B2B
D. B2C
Answer» A. C2C

For carrying out B2C e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential
(i) World Wide Web
(ii) Corporate network
(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards
(iv) Secure Payment Services
(v) Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses

A. i, iv
B. i, iii, iv
C. ii, iii
D. i, ii, iii, iv
Answer» A. i, iv

Business to Business (B2B) e-commerce takes place between sellers and buyers that are

A. both individual customers
B. business and customers respectively
C. both business entities
D. customers and business respectively
Answer» C. both business entities

When the exchange of goods and service takes place between a business entity and customers, over the internet, then it is known as

A. Business to Customers model
B. Business to Business model
C. Customers to Business model
D. Customer to Customer model
Answer» A. Business to Customers model

___________ companies are a new type of e-commerce model whereby customers can trade with each other on an online platform.

A. Business to Employee
B. Customer to Customer
C. Business to Customer
D. Business to Business
Answer» B. Customer to Customer

_____________ e-commerce model provides a platform for businesses to bid on government projects or contracts.

A. Supply Chain Management
B. Business to Government
C. Government to Business
D. Solicitation
Answer» B. Business to Government

The intention of developing a _____________ portal is to increase not only efficiency, but also employee satisfaction and a sense of community within the organization.

A. Business to Employer
B. Business to Customer
C. Business to Employee
D. Business to Organization
Answer» C. Business to Employee

Which of the following is NOT part of the four main types of e-commerce?

A. B2B
B. B2C
C. B2G
D. B2O
Answer» D. B2O

An e-commerce ________ is a summary of how a business entity plans to achieve its goals and advance its position in the market using the internet.

A. strategy
B. plan
C. platform
D. website
Answer» A. strategy

The long term success of an online business depends on

A. Product differentiation
B. Cost effectiveness
C. Supply Chain Managemen
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

Which of the following is not the major type of e-commerce?

A. C2B
B. B2C
C. B2B
D. C2C
Answer» A. C2B

Which of the following is basically a concept that consists of the sale of products or services from a business to the general public?

A. B2G
B. B2E
C. B2B
D. B2C
Answer» D. B2C

Which of the following is not suitable for a B2C transaction?

A. Clothes
B. Flowers
C. Airline Reservation
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which of the following e-commerce transaction has the advantage of eliminating middlemen?

A. B2G
B. B2B
C. B2E
D. B2C
Answer» C. B2E

Which e-commerce transaction involves the electronic facilitation of transaction between customers through some third party.

A. C2C
B. B2E
C. B2B
D. B2G
Answer» A. C2C

Which of the following sites act as an intermediary between someone wanting a product or service and potential providers?

A. Brokering Sites
B. Information Sites
C. Industry Portals
D. None of these
Answer» A. Brokering Sites

Which of the following is not an example for B2B e-commerce?

A. Sending and receiving orders
B. Invoice and shopping
C. All of these
D. None of the above
Answer» D. None of the above

Which of the following facilitates transactions between buyer and sellers by providing comprehensive information and ancillary services, without being involved in the actual exchange of goods and services between the parties?

A. Metamediary
B. Intermediary
C. Middlemen
D. All of these
Answer» A. Metamediary

Which among the following is an example of C2C ?

A. e-Bay
B. Amazon.com
C. Rentalic.com
D. all of these
Answer» A. e-Bay

Which one of the following is not one of the major types of e-commerce?

A. C2B
B. B2C
C. B2B
D. C2C
Answer» C. B2B

Which segment do eBay, Amazon.com belong?

A. B2Bs
B. B2Cs
C. C2Bs
D. C2Cs
Answer» A. B2Bs

Which type of ecommerce focuses on consumer dealing with each other.

A. B2B
B. B2C
C. C2B
D. C2C
Answer» A. B2B

The best products to sell in B2C e-commerce are:

A. Small Products
B. Digital Products
C. Specialty Products
D. Fresh Products
Answer» C. Specialty Products

All of the following are major B2C business model except __________.

A. Content provider
B. Industry consortium
C. Transaction broker
D. Service provider
Answer» D. Service provider

Which of the following is not suitable for a B2C transaction ?

A. clothes
B. flowers
C. airline reservation
D. none
Answer» B. flowers

………………….e-commerce involves customers gathering information, purchasing and receiving products over an electronic network

A. B2G
B. B2E
C. B2B
D. B2C
Answer» B. B2E

An informational websitethatprovides information to the public about the company rather than transacting business or providing other services

A. Portal
B. Blog
C. Ereader
D. Corporate Website.
Answer» D. Corporate Website.

A web site that provides a gateway, or linkl, to other resources on the Internet

A. Blog
B. Portal.
C. Ereader
D. None of the above
Answer» B. Portal.

Web portals which focus only on one specific industry or domain.

A. Blog
B. Corporate Portal
C. Vertical Portal.
D. Vlog
Answer» C. Vertical Portal.

The first search engine in the world is

A. Yahoo
B. Google
C. Archie.
D. Mozart
Answer» C. Archie.

A magazine published in electronic form on a computer network.

A. Tablet
B. E-zines.
C. E-mag
D. E-Scroll.
Answer» B. E-zines.

A TV commercial internet ads that runs in the browser window

A. Contextual Ads
B. Unicast Ads.
C. Takeover Ads
D. Rich Media Ads
Answer» B. Unicast Ads.

This the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as smartphones and tablets

A. Online marketing
B. Remote Commerce
C. Wireless Marketing
D. M-commerce.
Answer» D. M-commerce.

Web pages starts with which ofthe following tag?

A. <Body>
B. <Head>
C. <HTML>.
D. <Title>
Answer» C. <HTML>.

……………….is the most common way for purchasing an online advertising

C. Any of these
D. none of these
Answer» C. Any of these

………………is any transaction, involving the transfer or rights to use goods and services, which is initiated and or completed by using mobile access to computer mediated networks with the help of an electronic device.

A. Mobile Commerce
B. e-commerce
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. Mobile Commerce

…………………is an application layer protocol for distributed, collaborative, hypermedia information systems.

A. html
C. Bothe of these
D. None of these
Answer» A. html

A……………portal is a specialized entry point to a specific market place or industry niche.

A. Vertical portal
B. horizontal portal
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. Vertical portal

………………..are general interest portals covering a wide range of topics and features

A. Vertical portal
B. horizontal portal
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» B. horizontal portal

A portal that helps to establish relations and to conduct transactions between various organizations is termed as………………

A. B2B portals
B. C2C portals
C. both of these
D. none of these
Answer» A. B2B portals

A …………………….is a software that scours the internet collecting data about every website and every webpage within it

A. spiders
B. Search Engines
C. robots
D. none of these
Answer» B. Search Engines

Which among the following is not an example for Search engine ?

A. Google
C. Alta vista
D. none of these
Answer» D. none of these

HTML stands for

A. Hypertext Multi Language
B. Hidden Text Mark-up Language
C. Hypertext Mark-up Language
D. Hypertext Multi Load
Answer» C. Hypertext Mark-up Language

Which one of this is not a search engine?

A. Google
B. Netscape
C. Duck-Duck-Go
D. Bing
Answer» B. Netscape

When designing a website for E – Commerce, the main purpose should be

A. Promote sales
B. Customer Service
C. Customer Communication
D. Idea generation
Answer» A. Promote sales

In HTML the <BR> tag is used for making

A. Paragraph
B. Italics
C. Bar
D. Line break
Answer» D. Line break
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