23800+ Topic-wise solved MCQs for:
Bachelor of Commerce (B Com)

  1. 1. Accountancy 2
  2. 2. Accounting for Management
  3. 3. Accounting for Managerial Decisions
  4. 4. Advance Accounting
  5. 5. Advance Marketing Management 2
  6. 6. Advertising and Brand Management
  7. 7. Agricultural and Rural Marketing
  8. 8. Applied Cost Accounting
  9. 9. Audit Taxation
  10. 10. Auditing
  11. 11. Auditing Corporate Governance
  12. 12. Banking and Finance
  13. 13. Banking and Finance 2
  14. 14. Banking and Finance 3
  15. 15. Banking and Insurance
  16. 16. Banking Services Management (BSM)
  17. 17. Banking, Production, Trading & Service Co-operatives
  18. 18. Basic Numerical Skills
  19. 19. Basics of Banking and Insurance
  20. 20. Basics of Economics
  21. 21. Bus Economics
  22. 22. Business Communication
  23. 23. Business Correspondence
  24. 24. Business Economics Macro
  25. 25. Business Ethics and CSR
  26. 26. Business Information Systems
  27. 27. Business Management
  28. 28. Business Regulatory Framework
  29. 29. Business Research Methods (BRM)
  30. 30. Business Statistics
  31. 31. Co-operative Development
  32. 32. Co-operative Management and Administration
  33. 33. Co-operative Theory and Practice
  34. 34. Co-operative Theory, Principles and Practice
  35. 35. Communication Skills in English
  36. 36. Communicative Skills in French
  37. 37. [ગુજરાતી] Computer Application
  38. 38. Computer Applications
  39. 39. Computerized Accounting Software
  40. 40. Corporate Accounting
  41. 41. Corporate Governance
  42. 42. Corporate Regulations
  43. 43. Cost Accounting
  44. 44. Cost and Works Accounting 1
  45. 45. Cost and Works Accounting 2
  46. 46. Costing
  47. 47. Critical Reasoning, Writing and Presentation
  48. 48. Direct Tax
  49. 49. E-Commerce
  50. 50. E-Commerce Management
  51. 51. Economics
  52. 52. Economics of Development
  53. 53. English Language
  54. 54. Entrepreneurship
  55. 55. Entrepreneurship Development (ED)
  56. 56. Essentials of Ecommerce
  57. 57. Excel
  58. 58. Financial Accounting
  59. 59. Financial Accounts
  60. 60. Functional Areas of Business
  61. 61. [ગુજરાતી] Fundamentals of Business Economics-1
  62. 62. Fundamentals of Business Economics-1
  63. 63. Fundamentals of Computers
  64. 64. [ગુજરાતી] General Insurance
  65. 65. General Insurance
  66. 66. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  67. 67. Human Resource Management (HRM) big collection
  68. 68. Income Tax Law and Practices
  69. 69. Income Tax Laws
  70. 70. Indian and Global Economic Development
  71. 71. Indian Financial System
  72. 72. Indirect Taxes- GST
  73. 73. Industrial and Company Law
  74. 74. Information System Management
  75. 75. International Business Environment
  76. 76. International Co-operative Movement
  77. 77. Islamic Banking Products
  78. 78. Islamic Financial Institutions
  79. 79. Legal Environment for Co-operatives
  80. 80. Legal FrameWork for Co-operatives
  81. 81. Management Accounting
  82. 82. Management Concepts and Business Ethics
  83. 83. Managerial Economics
  84. 84. Marketing
  85. 85. Marketing Management
  86. 86. Marketing Management 3
  87. 87. Media and Public Relation Communication
  88. 88. Modern Management Practices
  89. 89. Office Automation Tools
  90. 90. Practical Auditing
  91. 91. Principles of Insurance
  92. 92. Quantitative Techniques
  93. 93. Quantitative Techniques for Business
  94. 94. Reading Literature in English
  95. 95. Reading on Indian Constitution, Secularism and Sustainable Environment
  96. 96. Regulatory Framework for Companies
  97. 97. Special Accounting
  98. 98. Tourism Poduct and Promotion
  99. 99. Tourism Principles and Practices
  100. 100. Transactions- Essential English Language Skills
  101. 101. Translation and Communication in French
  102. 102. Travel and Tourism
  103. 103. Visual Basic (VB)
  104. 104. Ways with Words
  105. 105. Zeitgeist- Reading on Contemporary Culture

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