
30+ Unit 2 Solved MCQs

in Business Statistics

These multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are designed to enhance your knowledge and understanding in the following areas: Bachelor of Commerce (B Com) .


Chapter: Unit 2

The measurements of spread or scatter of the individual values around the central point is called:

A. Measures of dispersion
B. Measures of central tendency
C. Measures of skewness
D. Measures of kurtosis
Answer» A. Measures of dispersion

The scatter in a series of values about the average is called:

A. Central tendency
B. Dispersion
C. Skewness
D. Symmetry
Answer» B. Dispersion

The measures used to calculate the variation present among the observations in the unit of the variable is called:

A. Relative measures of dispersion
B. Coefficient of skewness
C. Absolute measures of dispersion
D. Coefficient of variation
Answer» C. Absolute measures of dispersion

The measures used to calculate the variation present among the observations relative to their average is called:

A. Coefficient of kurtosis
B. Absolute measures of dispersion
C. Quartile deviation
D. Relative measures of dispersion
Answer» D. Relative measures of dispersion

The degree to which numerical data tend to spread about an average value called:

A. Constant
B. Flatness
C. Variation
D. Skewness
Answer» C. Variation

The measures of dispersion can never be:

A. Positive
B. Zero
C. Negative
D. Equal to 2
Answer» C. Negative

If all the scores on examination cluster around the mean, the dispersion is said to be:

A. Small
B. Large
C. Normal
D. Symmetrical
Answer» A. Small

If there are many extreme scores on all examination, the dispersion is:

A. Large
B. Small
C. Normal
D. Symmetric
Answer» A. Large

Given below the four sets of observations. Which set has the minimum variation?

A. 46, 48, 50, 52, 54
B. 30, 40, 50, 60, 70
C. 40, 50, 60, 70, 80
D. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52
Answer» D. 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

Which of the following is an absolute measure of dispersion?

A. Coefficient of variation
B. Coefficient of dispersion
C. Standard deviation
D. Coefficient of skewness
Answer» C. Standard deviation

The measure of dispersion which uses only two observations is called:

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Range
D. Coefficient of variation
Answer» C. Range

The measure of dispersion which uses only two observations is called:

A. Range
B. Quartile deviation
C. Mean deviation
D. Standard deviation
Answer» A. Range

In quality control of manufactured items, the most common measure of dispersion is:

A. Range
B. Average deviation
C. Standard deviation
D. Quartile deviation
Answer» A. Range

The range of the scores 29, 3, 143, 27, 99 is:

A. 140
B. 143
C. 146
D. 70
Answer» A. 140

If the observations of a variable X are, -4, -20, -30, -44 and -36, then the value of the range will be:

A. -48
B. 40
C. -40
D. 48
Answer» B. 40

The range of the values -5, -8, -10, 0, 6, 10 is:

A. 0
B. 10
C. -10
D. 20
Answer» D. 20

If the maximum value in a series is 25 and its range is 15, the maximum value of the series is:

A. 10
B. 15
C. 25
D. 35
Answer» A. 10

Half of the difference between upper and lower quartiles is called:

A. Interquartile range
B. Quartile deviation
C. Mean deviation
D. Standard deviation
Answer» B. Quartile deviation

If Q3=20 and Q1=10, the coefficient of quartile deviation is:

A. 3
B. 1/3
C. 2/3
D. 1
Answer» B. 1/3

If the quartile range is 24 then the quartile deviation is:

A. 48
B. 12
C. 24
D. 72
Answer» B. 12

The sum of all the squared deviations is divided by the total number of observations to calculate

A. population deviation
B. population variance
C. sample deviation
D. sample variance
Answer» B. population variance

For the recorded observation, the ratios measured by absolute variation are considered as

A. non-relative measures
B. relative measures
C. high uniform measures
D. low uniform measures
Answer» B. relative measures

If the arithmetic mean is multiplied to coefficient of variation then the resulting value is classified as

A. coefficient of deviation
B. coefficient of mean
C. standard deviation
D. variance
Answer» C. standard deviation

If mean absolute deviation of set of observations is 8.5 then value of quartile deviation is

A. 7.08
B. 9.08
C. 10.2
D. 11.2
Answer» A. 7.08

For a positively skewed distribution, mean is always:

A. Less than the median
B. Less than the mode
C. Greater than the mode
D. Difficult to tell
Answer» C. Greater than the mode

If the sum of deviations from median is not zero, then a distribution will be:

A. Symmetrical
B. Skewed
C. Normal
D. All of the above
Answer» B. Skewed

The degree of peaked ness or flatness of a unimodel distribution is called:

A. Skewness
B. Symmetry
C. Dispersion
D. Kurtosis
Answer» D. Kurtosis

In a mesokurtic or normal distribution, µ4 = 243. The standard deviation is:

A. 81
B. 27
C. 9
D. 3
Answer» D. 3

In a symmetrical distribution, Q3 – Q1 = 20, median = 15. Q3 is equal to:

A. 5
B. 15
C. 20
D. 25
Answer» D. 25

The first three moments of a distribution about the mean are 1, 4 and 0. The distribution is:

A. Symmetrical
B. Skewed to the left
C. Skewed to the right
D. Normal
Answer» A. Symmetrical

For a symmetrical distribution:

A. β1 > 0
B. β1 < 0
C. β1 = 0
D. β1 = 3
Answer» C. β1 = 0

The second and fourth moments about mean are 4 and 48 respectively, then the distribution is:

A. Leptokurtic
B. Platykurtic
C. Mesokurtic or normal
D. Positively skewed
Answer» C. Mesokurtic or normal

Bowley's coefficient of skewness lies between:

A. 0 and 1
B. 1 and +1
C. -1 and 0
D. -2 and +2
Answer» B. 1 and +1

The value of β2 can be:

A. Less than 3
B. Greater than 3
C. Equal to 3
D. All of the above
Answer» D. All of the above

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