440+ Discrete Mathematics Solved MCQs


A finite non-empty set of symbols is called _________.

A. alphabet
B. letter
C. string
D. language
Answer» A. alphabet

The specification of proper construction of a sentence is called ______.

A. alphabet
B. letter
C. syntax
D. word
Answer» C. syntax

Context free grammar is also known as _______ grammar.

A. type 0
B. type 1
C. type 2
D. type 3
Answer» C. type 2

A class of machine which accepts a ________ language is called finite state automata.

A. type 0
B. type 1
C. type 2
D. type 3
Answer» D. type 3

Accepting states are denoted by ________.

A. circle
B. an arrow mark
C. double circle
D. straight line
Answer» C. double circle

For converting NDFA to DFA we should __________ all the states which have no incoming.

A. add
B. subtract
C. multiply
D. delete
Answer» D. delete

The set of all finite words over E is denoted by ________.

A. E+
B. E*
C. E
D. E
Answer» A. E+

Surjective function is also called ________.

A. onto
B. into
C. one to one
D. one one onto
Answer» A. onto

One to one onto function is also called __________.

A. bijective
B. injective
C. surjective
D. composite function
Answer» A. bijective

The composition of function is associative but not _______.

A. commutative
B. associative
C. distributive
D. idempotent
Answer» A. commutative

A mapping x into itself is called __________.

A. reflexive
B. symmetric
C. transitive
D. equivalence
Answer» A. reflexive

The duality law of (P^Q)vT is ________.

A. (P^Q)^T
B. (PvQ)^T
C. (PvQ)vF
D. (PvQ)^F
Answer» D. (PvQ)^F

A sum of the variables and their negations in a formula is called _________.

A. elementary sum
B. elementary product
C. cnf
D. dnf
Answer» A. elementary sum

A premise may be introduced at any point in the derivation is called ________.

A. Rule P
B. Rule P and Rule T
C. Rule T
D. Rule CP
Answer» A. Rule P

A product of the variables and their negations in a formula is called _________.

A. elementary product
B. elementary sum
C. cnf
D. dnf
Answer» A. elementary product

Min-terms of two statements are formed by introducing the connective _________.

A. Conjunction
B. disjunction
C. Conditional
D. negation
Answer» A. Conjunction

Any vertex having degree one is called _______.

A. Simple vertex
B. pendent vertex
C. regular vertex
D. complete vertex
Answer» B. pendent vertex

A graph that has neither self loops nor parallel edges is called_____graph.

A. regular
B. simple
C. complete
D. null
Answer» B. simple

A graph in which every vertex has same degree is called _________graph.

A. regular
B. simple
C. complete
D. null
Answer» A. regular

Kn denotes _______graph.

A. regular
B. simple
C. complete
D. null
Answer» C. complete

The number of vertices of odd degree in a graph is always________.

A. odd
B. even
C. zero
D. one
Answer» B. even

A path of a graph is said to be ______ if it contains all the edges of the graph.

A. eulerian
B. hamiltonian
C. tournament
D. planar
Answer» A. eulerian

Traveling salesman problem is example for_______graph.

A. eulerian
B. hamiltonian
C. tournament
D. planar
Answer» B. hamiltonian

If a node v is reachable from node u then the path of minimum length u to v is called _____.

A. reachability
B. node base
C. geodesic
D. accessibility
Answer» C. geodesic

The eccentricity of a center in a tree is defined as ______ of the tree.

A. radius
B. diameter
C. length
D. path
Answer» A. radius

P -> Q , Q ->R then________.

A. P -> R
B. R -> P
C. Q
D. R
Answer» A. P -> R

If a normal form contains all minterms, then it is ________.

A. a tautology
B. a contradiction
C. a contingency
D. both a and b
Answer» A. a tautology

PCNF is also called _______.

A. sum of product canonical form.
B. product of sum canonical form
C. sum canonical form
D. product canonical form
Answer» B. product of sum canonical form

PDNF is also called _____________

A. sum of product canonical form
B. product of sum canonical form
C. sum canonical form
D. product canonical form
Answer» A. sum of product canonical form

Max-terms of two statements are formed by introducing the connective _________.

A. disjunction
B. conjunction
C. negation
D. conditional
Answer» A. disjunction

The Subset relation on a set of sets is ________.

A. partial ordering
B. equivalence relation
C. reflexive and symmetric only
D. symmetric and transitive only
Answer» A. partial ordering

A relation R is defined on the set of integers as xRy if and only if (x+y) is even. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. R is not an equivalence relation.
B. R is an equivalence relation having one equivalence classes
C. R is an equivalence relation having two equivalence classes
D. R is an equivalence relation having three equivalence classes
Answer» C. R is an equivalence relation having two equivalence classes

If R = {(1, y), (1, z), (3, y)} then R power (-1)= ___________.

A. {(1, a), (y, z)}
B. {(y, 1), (z, 1), (y, 3)}
C. {(y, a), (1, z), (3, y)}
D. {(y, a), (z, a), (3, y)}
Answer» B. {(y, 1), (z, 1), (y, 3)}

Let R ={ (a,b),(c,d),(b,b)}, S = {(d,b),(c,b),(a,d)} then R composite S = ___________

A. {(a,e),(c,b),(b,e)}
B. {(d,b),(c,b),(a,d)}
C. {(a,b),(b,b)}
D. {(c,b)}
Answer» D. {(c,b)}

Let R and S be two relations on a set of positive integers I. If R = {(a, 3a+a)},S = {(a,a+a)} then R composition R composition R = __________.

A. {(a,3a+a)}
B. {(a,9a+a)}
C. {(a,27a+a)}
D. {(a,9a+c)}
Answer» C. {(a,27a+a)}

The number of relations from A = {a,b,c} to B = {1,2} are __________.

A. 6
B. 8
C. 32
D. 64
Answer» D. 64

The minimum number of edges in a connected graph with n vertices is ___________.

A. n
B. n-1
C. n+1
D. n+2
Answer» B. n-1

The number of distinct simple graphs with up to three nodes is _________.

A. 7
B. 9
C. 15
D. 25
Answer» A. 7

A graph is planar if and only if it does not contain ________.

A. subgraphs homeomorphic to k3 & k3,3
B. subgraphs isomorphic to k5 or k3,3
C. subgraphs isomorphic to k3 & k3,3
D. sub graphs homeomorphic to k5 or k3,3
Answer» D. sub graphs homeomorphic to k5 or k3,3

Maximum number of edges in an n-node undirected graph without self loops is ____.

A. [n(n-a)]/2
B. n-1
C. n
D. [n(n+a)]/2
Answer» A. [n(n-a)]/2

Number of distinct nodes in any elementary path of length p is ________.

A. p
B. p-1
C. p+1
D. p*1
Answer» C. p+1

The total number of edges in a complete graph of n vertices is _________.

A. n
B. n/2
C. [n(n-a)]/3
D. [n(n-a)]/2
Answer» D. [n(n-a)]/2

A directed complete graph of n vertices contains __________.

A. one arrow between each pair of distinct vertices
B. two arrows between each pair of distinct vertices
C. n-1 arrows between each pair of distinct vertices
D. path between every two distinct vertices
Answer» A. one arrow between each pair of distinct vertices

A directed graph G = (V, E) is said to be finite if its ________.

A. set V of vertices is finite
B. set V of vertices & set E of edges are finite
C. set E of edges are finite
D. no vertices & edges are repeated
Answer» A. set V of vertices is finite

A state from which a deterministic finite state automata can never come out is called a ____________.

A. trape state
B. starting symbol
C. transition table
D. transition diagram
Answer» A. trape state

If a compound statement is made up of three simple statements then the number of rows in the truth table is _______.

A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8
Answer» D. 8

Let R = {(3, 3), (6, 6), (9, 9), (12,12), (3,6), (6,3), (3, 9), (9, 3), (9, 12),(12,9)} be a relation on the set A = {3, 6, 9, 12}. The relation is _________

A. reflexive and transitive
B. reflexive and symmetric
C. symmetric and transitive
D. equivalence relation
Answer» D. equivalence relation

Let R={(1,b),(3,d),(2,b)} and S={(b,4),(2,5),(d,a)} be a relation then R composition S=____.

A. {(1,b),(3,d),(2,b)}
B. {(1,4),(3,a),(2,4)}
C. {(4,b),(2,5),(3,a)}
D. {(1,d),(3,b),(2,c)}
Answer» B. {(1,4),(3,a),(2,4)}

If R= {(x, 2x)} and S= {(x, 4x)} then R composition S=____.

A. {(x, 4x)}
B. {(x, 2x)}
C. {(x, 8x)}
D. {(x, 10x)}
Answer» C. {(x, 8x)}

If R= {(x, 2x)} and S= {(x, 5x)} then R composition S=____.

A. {(x, 4x)}
B. {(x, 2x)}
C. {(x, 8x)}
D. {(x, 10x)}
Answer» D. {(x, 10x)}

A regular grammar contains rules of the form _____.

A. A tends to AB
B. AB tends to a
C. A tends to aB
D. AB tends to CD
Answer» C. A tends to aB

A type-2 grammar contains the rules of the form is____.

A. a tends to AB
B. AaB tends to a
C. A tends to aBC
D. AB tends to CD
Answer» C. A tends to aBC

Let R={(1, 3), (4, 2), (2, 2), (3, 3), (1, 1),(4,4)} be a relation on the set A={1, 2, 3, 4}. The relation R is ____.

A. transitive
B. reflexive
C. not symmetric
D. function
Answer» C. not symmetric

The NAND statement is a combination of ______.

A. NOT and AND
B. NOT and OR
C. AND and OR
D. NOT or OR
Answer» A. NOT and AND

The NOR statement is a combination of ________.

A. NOT and AND
B. NOT and OR
C. AND and OR
D. NOT or OR
Answer» B. NOT and OR

If a relation is reflexive then in the graph of a relation there must be a loop at _____.

A. each node
B. only first node
C. any two nodes
D. only first and last nodes
Answer» A. each node

Which of the following traversal techniques lists the nodes of binary search in ascending order?

A. pre order
B. post order
C. in order
D. root order
Answer» C. in order

The grammar G ={{S},{0,1},P,S}} where P={S tends to 0S1 , S tends to S1} is a ________.

A. recursively enumerable grammar.
B. regular grammar
C. context sensitive grammar
D. context free grammar
Answer» D. context free grammar

Which of the following regular expressions identifiers are true?

A. (r*)* = r
B. (r+s)* = r* . s*
C. r*.s* = r* + s*
D. (r.s)* = r*/s*
Answer» A. (r*)* = r

In a grammar or language LAMDA is used to denote _______.

A. empty word
B. entire set
C. set of words
D. set of letters
Answer» A. empty word

The number of letters in a word is called ________.

A. length
B. string
C. syntax
D. alphabet
Answer» A. length

If r is a regular expression then r* is a _______ expression.

A. regular
B. irregular
C. isomorphic
D. homomorphic
Answer» A. regular

An example for regular grammar is _____.

A. S tends to Ab
B. AB tends to SAB
C. S tends to aB
D. S tends to aBB
Answer» C. S tends to aB

If all the productions have single non-terminal in the left hand side then the grammar defined is ________grammar.

A. context free
B. context sensitive
C. regular
D. phrase structure
Answer» A. context free

In Backus Naur Form the symbol:: = is used instead of _______.

A. { }
B. tends to
C. <>
D. $
Answer» B. tends to

Any subset L of A* is called ________ over A.

A. Language
B. Syntax
C. Alphabet
D. Word
Answer» A. Language

Let S be a start symbol and S -> aA, A -> BA, A -> a, B -> b be the productions in a grammar then one of the string derived form the grammar is _____.

A. baba
B. bbaa
C. abba
D. aabb
Answer» C. abba

If S is a start symbol and S -> AB, A -> aB, B -> b are the productions then a string generated by the grammar is _______.

A. baa
B. aba
C. abb
D. bab
Answer» C. abb

In FSA ,the notation for M being in state S0, reading the input symbol a, moving one cell right and reaching the state S1 is given by ________.

A. f(Si , x) = Sj
B. f(S0 , a) = S1
C. f(Si , a) = Sj
D. f(S0 , x) = S1
Answer» B. f(S0 , a) = S1

If "S -> aS, S -> a" are the productions in a grammar G, then the grammar is called_____.

A. regular grammar
B. phrase structure grammar
C. context free grammar
D. context sensitive grammar
Answer» A. regular grammar

The rank of the incidence matrix of any connected graph G with n vertices is ______.

A. n
B. n+1
C. n-1
D. n-2
Answer» C. n-1

The number of 1's in each row of an incidence matrix of a graph G is equal to _____.

A. the degree of the corresponding vertices
B. the sum of degrees of all vertices
C. the degree of the initial vertex
D. the degree of the terminal vertex
Answer» A. the degree of the corresponding vertices

Each column of an incidence matrix of a graph G has exactly _______.

A. one 1's
B. two 1's
C. one 2's
D. two 2's
Answer» B. two 1's

An undirected graph is tripartite if and only if it has no circuits of _______ lengths

A. odd
B. even
C. distinct
D. equal
Answer» A. odd

A graph is bipartite if and only if its chromatic number is ________.

A. 1
B. 2
C. odd
D. even
Answer» B. 2

G is strongly connected implies _________.

A. G is unilaterally connected.
B. G is bilaterally connected
C. G is unilaterally connected
D. G has more than one component
Answer» A. G is unilaterally connected.

The number of pendant vertices in a full binary tree with n vertices is ________.

A. (n-a)/2
B. (n-1)/2
C. (n+a)/2
D. n/2
Answer» C. (n+a)/2

The number of vertices in a full binary tree is _______.

A. odd
B. even
C. equal
D. 0
Answer» A. odd

A binary tree with 2k vertices of level k has at least _______ vertices.

A. 2 power k
B. 2 power (k-1)
C. 2 power (k-1)-1)
D. 2 power (k+1)-1
Answer» D. 2 power (k+1)-1

For a symmetric digraph, the adjacency matrix is _________.

A. symmetric
B. antisymmetric
C. asymmetric
D. symmetric and asymmetric
Answer» A. symmetric

The diagonal entries of A A^T where A is the adjacency matrix are the _______.

A. outdegrees of the node
B. indegrees of the nodes
C. unit degree of the nodes
D. in & out degrees of the nodes
Answer» A. outdegrees of the node

DFSA and NDFSA represent the ________ language.

A. regular
B. context free
C. context sensitive
D. phrase structure
Answer» A. regular

The chromatic number of the chess board is ______.

A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Answer» B. 2

The total number of degrees of an isolated node is _______.

A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
Answer» A. 0

If G is a connected planar graph then it has a vertex of degree _______.

A. 3 or less
B. 4 or less
C. 5 or less
D. 6 or less
Answer» C. 5 or less

A product of the variable and their negation in a formula is called ________.

A. an elementary sum
B. an elementary product
C. a well-formed formula
D. an equivalence of relation formula
Answer» B. an elementary product

A formula consisting of disjunctions of min-terms is called _________.

Answer» C. PDNF

The less than relation < on real is __________.

A. a partial ordering since it is asymmetric and reflexive
B. a partial ordering since it is anti-symmetric and reflexive
C. not a partial ordering since it is not asymmetric and not reflexive
D. not a partial ordering since it is not anti-symmetric and not reflexive
Answer» D. not a partial ordering since it is not anti-symmetric and not reflexive

A relation R in X is said to be a ________, if it is reflexive and symmetric.

A. void relation
B. circular
C. partial order relation
D. compatibility relation
Answer» D. compatibility relation

The set X*X itself defines a relation in X is called a _____relation.

A. void
B. universal
C. partial
D. equivalence
Answer» B. universal

A self complemented distributive lattice is called _______.

A. boolean algebra
B. modular lattice
C. complete lattice
D. self dual lattice
Answer» A. boolean algebra

Every finite subset of a lattice has ____________.

A. a Least Upper Bound and Greatest Lower Bound
B. many Least Upper Bounds and a Greatest Lower Bound
C. many Least Upper Bounds and many Greatest Lower Bounds
D. either some Least Upper Bounds or some Greatest Lower Bounds
Answer» A. a Least Upper Bound and Greatest Lower Bound

A formula consisting of conjunctions of max-terms is called _________.

Answer» C. PCNF

The set of all divisors of 24 are ___________.

A. {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}
B. {2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12}
C. {1, 3, 6, 12,}
D. {2, 4, 6, 8}
Answer» A. {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24}

Which of the following is Absorption Law?

A. a*a <=>a
B. a+(a*b)<=> a
C. a*b <=>a*a
D. (a*b)*c <=>a*(b*c)
Answer» B. a+(a*b)<=> a

In a bounded lattice, an element b belongs to L is called a complement of an element a belongs to L if ______.

A. a*b=0
B. a+b=1
C. both a and b
D. none
Answer» C. both a and b

If each non-empty subset of a lattice has a least upper bound and greatest lower bound then the lattice is called ________.

A. complete
B. associative
C. absorption
D. commutative
Answer» A. complete

A __________ is a complemented distributive lattice.

A. boolean homomorphism
B. boolean algebra
C. boolean isomorphism
D. boolean function
Answer» D. boolean function

Boolean expression except 0 expressed in an equivalent form is called _____.

A. canonical
B. sum
C. product
D. standard
Answer» A. canonical

_________relations are useful in solving certain minimization problems of switching theory.

A. Void
B. Universal
C. Compatibility
D. Equivalence
Answer» C. Compatibility
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